Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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When Minotaurs taste blood they get wildly excited and lose control of themselves as they tear their enemy apart and feed. If Minotaurs break their hand-to-hand combat opponents then they never pursue, instead they stop and begin to feed upon the remains. The Minotaurs will continue to feed until they make a successful leadership test at the start of one of their following turns. As Minotaurs have a high leadership value it is very rare for them to spend long in a bloodgreed, but while they are feeding they can do nothing else.

However, should the enemy be foolish enough to charge Minotaurs while they are feeding the Minotaurs stop feeding and become frenzied. The rules for frenzy as described in the Warhammer rulebook will then apply. So long as they remain frenzied the Minotaurs are not affected by bloodgreed.


Minotaurs are huge brutish monsters that cause fear in other creatures. The psychological rules for fear therefore apply.