Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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The Hydra causes terror as described in the Psychology section of the Warhammer rulebook. Remember that creatures which cause terror automatically cause fear as well.

Breathe Fire

The Hydra's heads can breathe fire in the shooting phase.
Although there are many heads they all breathe together, producing a single sheet of flame. Use the teardrop-shaped flame template to work out hits. Place the template as you wish, with the end lying over the target and the narrow part coming from the front of the Hydra.
Any model lying under the template area is hit on a D6 score of a 4 or more. Fire hits have a strength of 4.

Scaly Skin

Hydra have an exceptionally tough scaly skin. This acts like armour and gives the Hydra an armour saving throw of 5 or 6 on a D6.