Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Giants are large, verbose, rude and extremely threatening individuals and tend to be rather smelly into the bargain. They cause fear as described in the Psychology section of the Warhammer rulebook.


Giants have long limbs which enable them to cross over normal sized obstacles such as walls and hedges without penalty.

Fall Over

Giant are tall, ungainly and poorly balanced creatures with a tendency to topple over if something disturbs them. They are especially prone to fall over if they have been raiding the local brewery and imbibing the contents. When a Giant falls over this is bad news for anyone nearby, as a tumbling Giant can easily squash anything it falls on.

A Giant must test to see whether it falls over if any of the following situations apply:

  1. When it is beaten in hand-to-hand fighting.

  2. At the start of its movement if it is fleeing.

  3. When it crosses an obstacle.

  4. If the Giant wishes to Jump Up and Down (see below)

To see whether the Giant falls over, roll a D6. If you score between 1 and 5 then the Giant sways slightly, but regains its balance. If you roll a 6 then the Giant falls over. Giants are often drunk and hence prone to stumbling and falling over.

To determine which direction the Giant falls in roll a scatter dice - the arrow indicates which way the Giant falls. Place the Falling Giant template with its feet at the model's base and its head in the direction of fall. Any models lying under the template are automatically hit in the same way as models hit by a stone from a stone thrower. Any model caught by a falling Giant must roll equal to or less than its toughness on a D6 otherwise it is squashed and slain regardless of its armour or wounds total. Heroic characters may avoid being squashed if they roll equal to or less than their initiative level on a D6, so in effect they get two chances to save because they are heroes.


Once on the ground a Giant may get up in his following movement phase but may not otherwise move that turn. While on the ground a Giant may not attack, although he may defend himself after a fashion so the enemy must still roll to hit him. If forced to flee while on the ground the Giant is slain, the enemy swarm all over him and cut him to pieces.


Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. Instead they have a choice of different attack modes such as 'pick up and stuff into bag' or 'swing with club'. The player may choose any one of these special attacks when it his his turn to fight in hand-to-hand combat.

Thump With Club

Most giants carry a big axe or a club, often a bit of tree trunk or even a big bone. If they have no weapon, they simply use their enormous fists. The Giant brings down his club with a single mighty stroke. The target may be any model in base contact with the Giant, or any model adjacent to such a model - Giants have quite a long reach so they can choose their target.

The target may attempt to avoid the blow by rolling equal to or less than its initiative value on a D6. If avoided there is no effect, otherwise the club causes Do wounds with no armour saving throw allowed. On the roll of 6 the Giant inflicts 6 wounds and his blow is so powerful the club sticks in the ground and he must spend his following hand-to-hand combat phase pulling it free.

Swing With Club

The Giant swings his club across the enemy's ranks, knocking many targets to the floor. The Giant inflicts D6 $ 7 hits on the target unit, distributed among the models in the normal way. Work out damage and saves as normal.


The Giant raises his huge boot and stamps on a single small enemy. Stamping only works on man-sized creatures, and certainly not on large creatures such as Ogres or Trolls. The enemy model must be touching the Giant's base and may attempt to avoid the descending boot by rolling equal to or less than its initiative on a D6. If this roll is successful the target is unharmed, but otherwise the victim takes D3 wounds (ie, half the score of a Do) with no armour saving throw. Although less effective than thumping the enemy with a club, stamping is less risky as there is no chance of the Giant getting carried away and losing his club.

Pick Up

The Giant stoops down and selects a model from the enemy unit. As with stamping the target must be approximately man sized, so the Giant can pick it up with one hand. When the Giant picks up his victim the enemy model may make one attack. This is an extra attack and takes place out of the normal sequence to represent the victim trying to struggle free of the Giant's grasp. Work out the victim's attack as normal. If the victim successfully wounds the Giant it lets go, and the victim tumbles back into his unit. The Giant withdraws his hand and cries out with anger, but causes no damage this turn. Assuming the victim fails to inflict a wound on the Giant, roll a D6 to determine what the Giant does next.

  1. Squash. This doesn't really bear thinking about too closely. Suffice to say the model becomes a casualty and is removed from the game.

  2. Throw Back into Unit. The victim is thrown back into his unit like a living missile. This causes a strength 5 hit on the thrown model and D6 strength 3 hits on the remainder of the unit.

  3. Hurl. The Giant chooses any enemy unit within 12" and hurls the unfortunate victim into it. This causes a strength 5 hit on the thrown model and D6 strength 3 hits on the remainder of the unit.

  4. Eat. Giants are always hungry and will eat anything, including people. The Giant gobbles up the poor victim in the following hand-to-hand combat phase. The Giant does not attack in the next hand-to-hand phase as he is too busy eating. If the enemy is beaten this turn the Giant will not pursue as he is too preoccupied.

  5. Stuff into Bag. The Giant stuffs the victim into his bag along with the assorted sheep, cows, and other plunder he's already collected. The model is effectively a casualty, but should the Giant be slain any captives are automatically freed.

  6. Pick Another. The Giant stuffs the victim hurriedly into his bag or under his shirt (or down his trousers if you are really unlucky) and picks up another victim. Choose another victim and make another Pick Up attack. If the Giant rolls a succession of 6's it is possible to make several pick up type attacks in the same turn, amassing a collection of trapped models in his pockets and bags. Trapped models are casualties, but should the Giant be slain any captives are released.

Jump Up and Down

This is another attack which only works against victims which are more or less man sized. The Giant jumps up and down vigorously on top of the enemy unit. Before he starts to bounce the Giant must test to see if he falls over. If he falls over work out where he falls and calculate casualties as described already. Assuming he remains on his none too nimble feet the Giant bounds up and down over the unit cackling madly.

The unit sustains 2D6 strength 7 hits. Work out damage and saves as normal. Giants enjoy jumping up and down so much that a Giant who starts to jumping on his enemy may be so carried away by excitement that he won't stop. If a Giant jumps up and down then at the start of his next hand-to-hand phase he must test against his leadership to stop. If he rolls equal to or less than his leadership (ie, 6 or less) then the Giant may stop jumping and can attack as the player wishes. Otherwise the Giant must jump up and down again, and must test to fall over beforehand.

Yell and Bawl

The Giant yells and bellows at his enemy. This is not a pleasant experience, especially as Giants are rather smelly and deafeningly loud. The terrible noise inflicts no casualties but the Giant automatically wins the combat regardless of casualties and the enemy must take a break test with an additional -2 modifier (ie, if leadership is 7 you must test on 5).

Head Butt

This attack only works against large sized targets and not on creatures which are merely man sized. The Giant head butts his enemy. This causes a single strength 7 hit which is worked out as normal. If the victim is wounded but not slain, he is knocked out immediately and spends his entire next turn unconscious. While unconscious the target may do nothing and any hand-to-hand combat hits struck against it will automatically hit.