Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Fiends of Slaanesh
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Fiend of Slaanesh630331338


All the special rules for daemons apply as described in the Warhammer rulebook. In particular note that the Fiend has a saving throw of 4+ due to its daemonic intangibility or daemonic aura.

Scorpion Tail

The Fiend has 3 attacks, one of which is from its long barbed tail. Work out the tail attack separately. If the tail hits then take any armour saving throw for the victim immediately. If the save fails, the target takes 1 wound automatically - the Fiend's poison is so strong that no further roll is necessary.


As monstrous and horrifying creatures the Fiends cause fear, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Soporific Musk

The Fiend exudes a strong sweet odour which makes mortal creatures swoon and lose consciousness. To represent this enemy models in base-to-base contact with a Fiend deduct -1 from all their dice rolls to hit.