Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Great Dragon670778788
Emperor Dragon680889699


Dragons have wings and can fly as described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Scaly Skin

Dragons have extremely hard scales which act like armour, protecting them from attack. A Dragon therefore has an armour saving throw of a 5 or 6 on a D6.


Dragons are huge and frightening monsters which cause terror as described in the Psychology section of the Warhammer rulebook. Remember that creatures that cause terror also cause fear.

Dragon's Breath

Dragons breathe a deadly flame, gas, or lightning discharge. The type of breath depends on the colour of the Dragon, although there are other colours, and even those described here can vary tremendously. For example, Fire Dragons can be red, orangey, or brazen.
A Dragon has one of the following breath attacks. Except where noted otherwise, breath attacks are all worked out the same way. Take the teardrop-shaped flame template and place it with the broad end over your target and the narrow end at the Dragon's mouth. Any model lying under the template area is hit on a D6 score of a 4 or more.

Black Dragons breathe thick oily smoke which can overwhelm and choke an enemy. Each model hit by the oily smoke suffers a number of wounds equivalent to D6 minus the target's toughness. No armour save is allowed for armour. Against a Man or Elf with a toughness of 3, for example, dice rolls of 1, 2 or 3 cause no damage, a roll of 4 will inflict 1 wound, 5 inflicts 2 wounds and 6 causes 3 wounds. Foes with a toughness of 3 who can sustain only 1 wound are therefore slain automatically on the roll of 4 or more.

Red or Fire Dragons breathe flames. Each enemy hit by dragon fire suffers a strength 3 hit. Damage and saving throws are worked out normally. In addition the Dragon can set buildings on fire as described in the game rules, and causes extra damage on targets which burn easily such as Treemen and Mummies.

Green Dragons belch corrosive green fumes. These acrid clouds dissolve skin and irritate eyes. Any model hit suffers a strength 3 hit with no saving throw for armour. In addition a unit attacked by corrosive fumes may be forced to give ground before the choking clouds. The unit takes a leadership test in the same way as for a fear or other psychology test (2D6 against its leadership characteristic - see the Psychology section of the main rulebook for details).

If this test is passed the unit holds its ground. If the unit fails it is moved directly away from the attack by D6". This does not affect the unit's move next turn.

Blue Dragons generate an electric charge which they spit out in the form of arcing forks of lightning. This is not worked out using the flame template but as follows. The lightning has an initial range of 12" - nominate an enemy model within range as the target. The target is hit on the D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6. If the target is hit then the lightning bolt will leap to a model touching the original target on the roll of a 4, 5 or 6. If this target is hit the lightning bolt leaps to the next model on the roll of 4, 5 or 6 and so on.

The lightning bolts keeps leaping and striking a new target so long as you continue to roll 4 or more. A lightning bolt may leap more than 12" range in total as a result. As soon as you roll 3 or less the lightning bolt earths to the ground and there is no further effect. The Dragon can direct the bolt to some extent by choosing where the bolt leaps to in cases where there is a choice. Any model struck by lightning suffers a strength 6 hit with damage and armour saving throws as normal.

White Dragons breathe a freezing chill mist so cold that enemy are numbed and frozen. Any frozen model suffers 1 wound on the D6 roll of a 6, with no saving throws for armour. Any unit hit by a freezing chill is frozen to the spot. A frozen unit may fight normally if attacked, but may not do anything else until it thaws out. It takes a unit an entire turn to thaw out.