Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Chaos Warriors
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Chaos Warrior466441629
Chaos Champion477541739
Chaos Hero4885528410
Chaos Lord4995539510
Chaos Sorcerer466451629
Sorcerer Champion466552729
Master Sorcerer466553839
Sorcerer Lord4665549410

Chaos Champions

We have stuck to the three terms: Champions, Heroes, and Lords to distinguish between three types of Chaos Champion. Bear in mind that any references and rules that refer to Champions will apply to Heroes and Lords too.

There are many Chaos Gods and each rewards his Champions in slightly different ways. It would be impossible to differentiate between each and every minor Chaos Power, but special rules are provided here for the four Great Powers. The Chaos player may choose to field Champions from any of these four Great Powers or he can simply ignore the rules below and assume the Champions are either equally devoted to all the Gods or follow some minor Chaos God whose gifts are less significant.

Whichever Chaos God they follow, Chaos Champions can only lead troops who follow the same God. A Champion of Slaanesh can only lead Slaanesh Chaos Warriors for example. A Champion of one God can never join a unit of Chaos Warriors of another Chaos God.


Champions of Khorne are fierce armoured fighters whose Chaos Armour grows to be part of their bodies so that they can never remove it. If their armour should be damaged it will grow back in time but it can never be taken off. The Chaos Armour of Khorne is always either black, red or brass - the Blood God's three most favoured colours.

Chaos Armour

Chaos Armour gives the Champion an armour saving roll of 4+ and can be combined with a shield and the saving throw bonuses for a mount in the normal manner. For example, chaos armour + shield gives a save of 3+; a mounted champion with chaos armour + shield has a save of 2+. This would be 1+ if the steed had barding.


Chaos Champions of Khorne are affected by the rules for frenzy described in the Warhammer rulebook.


Champions of Nurgle are often large and impressively robust, their bodies swollen or bloated with disease, and their skins leathery and resilient. Their skin may be torn and part of their bodies may have rotted away, as a result of which they tend not to feel much pain and can withstand blows that would send another warrior reeling in agony.


A Champion of Nurgle adds +1 to his toughness compared to the values given above. This means a Champion has a toughness of 5 and Heroes and Lords have a toughness of 6.


Tzeentch the Changer of the Ways is the master of arcane magic whose Champions often find themselves gifted with magic powers. Because of their special relationship with magic, Champions of Tzeentch are more difficult to harm with spells.

Magic Dispel

If a Champion of Tzeentch is attacked with a magic spell he may successfully dispel it by rolling a 4+ on a D6. If he is successful the spell is not cast and causes no harm.


Slaanesh is the sensual Lord of Pleasure. His Champions live on the edge of excitement and experience, revelling in the joy of life and battle. The fury of combat drives them wild. Even death holds no fear for them, and the more intense the agony or terror that a normal man would suffer the greater is their exhultation.


Champions of Slaanesh take a strange pleasure in all experiences, no matter how terrifying they might be, and are thus not affected by any of the psychology rules. Even the prospect of pain, wounds, and death hold no fear, only the anticipation of new and sensual experiences.


Champions of Slaanesh are uncaring of personal danger and physical pain. Therefore they will fight on in hand-to-hand combat regardless of casualties or circumstances. Champions of Slaanesh need never take a break test in hand-to-hand combat.

If fighting as part of a unit they do not flee if the unit flees, contrary to the normal rule, but are immediately separated from the unit so they can contine to fight.