Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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After the compulsory moves have been made the rest of your forces can be moved, starting with charging units. As the rules governing the movement of charging troops and other troops are essentially the same, we will return to the specific rules for chargers later. The following rules affect all movement.

During their move phase units can move up to their movement rate in inches. For example, Men have a movement characteristic (M) of 4 and so may move up to 4". Elves, naturally faster and nimbler of foot move up to 5". You do not have to move the full movement allowed or even at all if you prefer. Units which are charging or marching may move further (see below).

Because the weight of their gear impedes movement troops wearing armour will move more slowly. The table below indicates the reduction in move distance incurred through wearing armour.


Reduction in Movement

Shield, Light Armour or Heavy Armour alone, or Shield and Light Armour


Shield and Heavy Armour


Cavalry mount with Barding Armour


For example, a Man with no armour can move 4"; with a shield and wearing heavy armour he suffers a penalty of - 1"' and so can move 3".

A horse rider can normally move 8". If carrying a knight with heavy armour and shield, and the horse is wearing barding, then the knight moves 8" -1" for the rider's armour and shield, and -1" for the horse's barding, which equals a move of 6". A horse without barding carrying a warrior wearing heavy armour and shield would move 7".