Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Charge Reactions
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If your opponents stand and shoot it is possible that they may cause sufficient casualties to force a panic test. Panic tests and other special psychological tests are explained later in the Psychology section. This may result in your charge being brought to a halt before contact is made with the enemy. This is why it is important to work out standing and shooting before moving the chargers. If the chargers are out of missile range at the beginning of their charge, then work out missile casualties at the maximum range of the weapon.

If your opponents flee as you charge then they will move directly away from you either 2D6" or 3D6" depending on whether their movement rate is up to 6" or more than 6". It may be that fleeing troops have moved too far for the chargers to catch them, in which case the chargers move a normal move exactly as for any other failed charge.

If the fleeing troops have not moved far enough away to avoid their attackers then they are in deep trouble! Should chargers move into contact with fleeing troops then the entire fleeing unit is destroyed, run into the ground by its enemy. See the rules for fleeing troops in the Hand-to-Hand Combat section for more details.

If your opponent flees it can happen that a new enemy unit is revealed. For example, if two enemy units are placed so that one is directly behind another, then if the front unit flees the chargers will be faced by the second. If this fresh enemy unit is within the chargers' charge move then treat the situation exactly like a newly declared charge. However, the enemy unit may not stand and shoot because his frontage is covered by his own troops as they flee, therefore it is only possibly to either flee or hold.

A charge can sometimes trigger extra movement from the enemy. For example, Goblin Fanatics will leap out of their units and attack as soon as enemy approach within 8". This happens out of the normal sequence: the charge is halted as soon as the chargers move within 8" and the Goblin Fanatics are moved and any damage they cause worked out straight away. It is up to the player to say that he has out of sequence movements or actions to perform at the appropriate moment.