Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Ending the Game
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At the start of the game roll a dice to establish how many turns of daylight remain in which to fight the battle. Once both sides have completed the number of turns indicated the battle is over.

D6 Roll

Turns of daylight remaining


4 turns


5 turns


6 turns

An alternative method is to agree an ending time for your battle and stick to it. For example if you have an evening to play your game you might agree to play until 9.30, or whatever time suits you best.

Once the battle is over both sides calculate their victory points to decide who has won. Refer to the chart below and add up the points gained by each side.

As with deployment, victory conditions may be varied to accommodate a specific scenario. For example, if your scenario involves capturing a tower you will receive victory points if you have occupied the tower before the game ends.