Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Orc Waaagh! Magic Spells
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Gaze of Mork

The trail of destruction burned by the Gaze of Mork works just like those created by the Jade Magic spell The Green Eye and the Bright Magic spell The Burning Head. See the descriptions of these spells for details.

The Hand of Gork

This spell allows the shaman to reposition an Orc or Goblin unit anywhere on the battlefield by up to 18". It can be used aggressively to launch an unexpected attack, or it can be used as a defensive measure to move a threatened unit to safety or move a unit out of hand to hand combat.

Note that the Hand of Gork cannot be used to pull a unit out of a spell like Crimson Bands, the Gilded Cage, Hands of Karkora, Abulla's Snare, or any other spell which prevents the unit from moving normally. If used to propel a unit into hand to hand combat then the unit is moved in a straight line towards its target and will charge into front, side, or rear, depending on which aspect is facing the unit. If there is any doubt about where the unit charges it is best to assume the front is charged rather than the side, and the side rather than the rear.

The moved unit counts as charging in the first turn of hand to hand combat, however, as this could be the enemy's turn there may possibly be fresh enemies who have also charged and can therefore claim to strike first. If this happens then the chargers with highest initiative strike first, and if this is equal roll a D6 to decide which side goes first. Note that The Hand of Gork cannot be used to move Night Goblin fanatics.

Ere We Go

This spell remains in play in that it is placed next to the affected unit. However the spell is automatically ended at the start of the following magic phase and it can be cast again that phase.


As with Ere We Go this spell lasts until the start of the next magic phase and the card may be placed next to the shaman to indicate that it is in play. The spell automatically ends at the start of the following magic phase and it can be cast again that phase.

Mork Wants Ya!

Mork Wants Ya is typical of spells that remain in play over several turns. Although it can be taken back by the caster during any subsequent magic phase it cannot be taken back and recast in the same phase. Remember a shaman cannot choose to end a spell in the same magic phase as it is cast, so it is not possible to use this spell to lift and drop in the same magic phase.