Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Light Magic Spells
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Light Magic is earth bound in its nature and hence stubborn and hard to manipulate. This is reflected in the high power cost of the Light spells. However, the spells are powerful and highly destructive - Crevasse and The Dwellers Below are very deadly spells indeed. Light Magic spells also include two binding-type spells (Abulla's Snare and The Net of Amyntok) which are useful for neutralising individual models and The Hands of Karkora, which can be combined with a well-placed charge to annihilate a trapped unit.

Light wizards are mainly offensive spell users, most useful for attacking or trapping enemy models. They will benefit from a magic item such as the Chalice of Sorcery or the Rod of Power to supply them with the extra magic cards they will need to cast their spells.

The Hands of Karkora

Trapped victims trying to shoot missile weapons will need G's to hit assuming that they would otherwise be able to hit. If unable to hit anyway the Hands of Karkora does not enable them to hit on a 6.

The Dwellers Below

Once victims have been dragged below ground they are effectively casualties and are removed from the game.
Victims cannot subsequently be freed by playing a Dispel or Drain Magic.

Mace of Years

As with Abulla's Snare, the Mace of Years is unusual in that victims remain affected, so it has a continuous effect, but the spell is returned to the caster's hand and can be cast again in the following magic phase. Affected models may be left in situ and indicated with a small marker, or alternatively they can be removed. Note that casualties caused by the spell do not affect normal hand to hand combat results.

Abulla's Snare

Roll for the range of this spell before you choose your target. Models held prisoner by Abulla's Snare can be placed together somewhere off table if this is convenient. While ensnared they cannot be harmed but cannot do anything. A snared wizard may not cast spells and does not draw power cards - once ensnared he cannot therefore dispel the spell which is binding him.

This spell is unusual in that its victims remain bound - so it has a continuous effect - but the spell card is returned to the caster's hand and can be cast again in the following magic phase. Obviously if a model is released it will drop down right next to the wizard who cast the spell, but remember that freed models can do nothing until the end of their following turn. If engaged in hand to hand combat they will be unable to fight back. A Drain Magic card will release all bound models at once.

Light of Battle

Light of Battle is a potent but unpredictable spell. If the affected model is protected by a magic item which gives a saving throw against wounds or death from magic (for example the Glittering Cloak) then this will prevent it from being consumed by the Light of Magic on the appropriate dice roll. If this happens then the model continues to be affected by the Light of Magic. The affected model moves as described on the spell card and will move straight through targets in its path.

If the target is protected by a magic item which allows it to dispel magic, then the Dispel is worked out before damage is suffered. This means a Light of Battle may be dispelled if the affected model moves into a Spelleater Shield, or Banner of Arcane Protection, for example. A Spellshield may bounce the model off in a random direction, in which case the model completes its move in the new direction.

If a model affected by the Light of Battle leaves the table it is considered lost for the rest of the game, and the spell is returned to the wizard's hand as if it had been dispelled.