Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

High Magic Spells
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High Magic is the true, pure knowledge of magic held only by the Elves. Its spells are awesomely potent and include many magics exclusive to certain of the eight Colleges of Colour. However, in essence High Magic is defensive in its nature and works by undoing or blocking out a foe's spells or troops. Sometimes it may be wise to select some or even all of a High mage's spells from amongst the Colleges of Colour magic if you are not fighting Chaos or Undead.

Glamour Of Teclis

Note that the Glamour of Teclis does not cover the target with mist like the Jade Magic spell Mist of Duthandor, rather the Glamour works entirely on the perceptions of its victims. It is entirely possible for the wizard to force his victims to blunder over the edge of a cliff or into a deep river. If this happens to a unit it suffers 2D6 wounds with no armour save possible and halts at the edge of the terrain. An individual character model or monster suffers D3 wounds.

A unit that is moved off the table can return on its next move just like a unit which has pursued the enemy off the edge of the table, though it will still be affected by the Glamour. The Glamour of Teclis does not affect its victims in hand to hand combat or shooting and there is no chance of affected models fighting friends by accident as there is with the Mist of Duthandor.


If Deadlock is used against a spell which has an ongoing effect such as Conflagration of Doom or Malediction of Nagash the effects of the spell will be suspended only for as long as the Deadlock is in play. If the Deadlock is dispelled a spell or magic item affected by it will start working again immediately.

Deadlock can be used against an enemy wizard in range to nullify one of his spell cards even if he has not cast it.
This the only way that a spell with an instantaneous effect such as Fire Ball or Lightning can be Deadlocked.

Assault of Stone

This is an extremely potent spell that is capable of destroying an entire army under the right conditions. The hill being moved goes D6" in a direction nominated by the casting player before the dice is rolled. It should be noted that Assault of Stone does not discriminate between friends and foes so any models or units touched by the moving hill are damaged. Units or models on top of a hill which is moved are also damaged.

The damage indicated is not cumulative - a model either counts as an individual or as part of a unit. Don't apply D3 wounds to each model in a unit and then inflict another 2D6 wounds on the unit! For example, if a hill was moved so that it touched a unit of Orcs, a unit of Goblins and an Orc Shaman mounted on a Wyvern both of the units would suffer 2D6 wounds and the Shaman and Wyvern would get a chance to avoid taking D3 wounds each by rolling a D6 and scoring under their Initiative characteristic. Models are not moved around at all by the Assault of Stone, so any survivors may well have to be placed on the hill at the conclusion of the spell. Though it is possible to move a hill again in subsequent magic phases by recasting the spell, Dispels and the Drain Magic card will not move the hill back to its previous position.

Hand Of Glory

The rallying of fleeing units takes place in the magic phase. Note that a unit may still be broken in combat even though it is protected by a Hand of Glory spell, although its leadership is enhanced to 10 by the spell. Any fleeing units within 12" of the wizard during the magic phase are rallied immediately, however it is still possible that units may break and be destroyed by pursuers before they have a chance to rally. Fleeing units which are rallied by the Hand of Glory in the magic phase can act normally in their next turn.

Coruscation of Finreir

This spell raises the wizard above the ground and allows him to cast certain missile spells over the heads of intervening troops and scenery. In this respect the Coruscation of Finreir is similar to the Jade Magic spell the Spiral Stair, and the same comments apply.