Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Grey Magic
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Grey Magic is shadowy and unpredictable. Like Celestial Magic it is more closely related to the realm of air than anything else, making it easy to manipulate and therefore cheap to cast. However, despite this some Grey spells are hard to cast because of their extreme potency - spells like Bridge of Shadows and Traitor of Tarn, which are potential battle-winners.

Grey wizards lack the long range attack spells of Celestial wizards but they have an even better selection of movement and defensive magic. This makes Grey wizards particularly useful for actually getting your troops into a fight and helping you in combat but less useful if you want to use magic to attack your enemy directly.

Traitor of Tarn

Models or units taken over by the Traitor of Tarn can be freed by a successful Dispel or as a result of the Drain Magic card. Models which have changed sides move, shoot and so on in the controlling player's turn. It is important to note that although models may have changed allegiance they do not become complete puppets of the controlling player and they will not do anything self-destructive or obviously stupid.

The simplest way to judge whether an action is acceptable is to consider whether you would do it with your own troops or characters. Troops will not, for example, commit suicide, hurl themselves off cliffs, drop or give away equipment, weapons or magic items, voluntarily flee or leave the table.

In hand to hand combat they will fight back against whoever is attacking them, regardless of whose side they are on. The controlling player can cast a traitor wizard's spells, but must use his own magic cards to do so.

It is perfectly acceptable for the controlling player to move models he has taken over into dangerous positions, exposing them to missile fire, enemy charges etc.

The Dance of Despair

This spell can be used to force troops to march over a cliff or into a deep river or lake. Models in such straits are automatically killed as they are dragged helplessly to their doom. If the affected unit is engaged in hand to hand combat the enemy rolls to hit as normal but the affected unit may not attack at all. Whilst held back in combat the affected troops are effectively pinned and will not move forward, their efforts to move through their enemy merely bring them onto the swords of their foes.

A unit which moves off the table under the influence of a Dance of Despair may not return but the spell is returned to the caster's hand and may be cast again in the following magic phase.

Bridge of Shadows

This spell allows the wizard to reposition a unit anywhere on the battlefield by up to 18". It can be used aggressively to launch an unexpected attack, or it can be used as a defensive measure to move threatening enemy units away.

Note that the Bridge cannot be used to pull a unit out of an entrapping spell like the Bright Magic Crimson Bands, the Gold Magic Gilded Cage, or Light Magic Hands of Karkora or Abulla's Snare, or any other spell which prevents the unit from moving normally.

If used to propel a unit into hand to hand combat then the unit is moved in a straight line towards its target and will charge into front, side, or rear, depending on which aspect the charging unit is facing. If there is any doubt as to the direction of the charge it is preferable to assume the front rather than sides, and sides rather than rear, but you will find that almost all cases are self evident. See page 19 of the Warhammer rulebook for a description of how this works.

The Bridge of Shadows cannot be used to move a unit or model off the tabletop or into impassable terrain nor can it be used to pick up and drop a unit.

The Horn of Andar

The panic test caused by the Horn of Andar is subject to all the normal rules. So, for example, the general's leadership may be used for the test if he is within 12" and models or units which are immune to psychology or panic tests for any reason don't have to test at all.

The Pit of Tarnus

The Pit of Tarnus is represented by the special Pit template. Chariots and war machines which are at least half covered by the Pit of Tarnus template are destroyed automatically; crew members roll to escape from the pit as normal. If you use the Pit against a building it will shake and crumble the foundations and knock out part of the stonework. This can be resolved as D6 strength 10 hits on the building.