Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Gold Magic Spells
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Gold Magic seeps into the earth where the wizard can draw it forth with relative ease. This means that most Gold Magic spells are fairly cheap to cast. Gold spells revolve around transmutation in the main so they are less inclined towards direct destructiveness but instead erode the enemy and help your army more indirectly.

Fools Gold, Fear of Aramar and The Gilded Cage are all useful spells for temporarily disrupting enemy units. The Transmutation spell can be handy for denying the enemy cover and clearing the way in front of your own troops for a surprise attack. Most of the Gold attack spells are useful against tough individuals so they are good for destroying leaders and wizards.

Glittering Robe

The Glittering Robe is particularly useful because it can protect the wearer against magical damage as well as normal physical damage. The Glittering Robe functions like armour, except that there is no modifier for the strength of the attack.

Although the Glittering Robe can protect its wearer against the effects of a spell, it doesn't dispel the spell. If the wizard is part of a unit which is attacked by a spell which affects several models, such as a Flamestorm or The Burning Head, then the wizard will be protected by the Glittering Robe on a roll of 4,5 or 6 as normal. Other targets are not protected and are affected whether the wizard saves or not.

If the wizard is attacked by a spell which kills him outright rather than causing wounds, for example the Choking Foe, then Glittering Robe will also save him on the single dice roll of a 4, 5 or 6. Note that when used to save against damage inflicted by a spell the Glittering Cloak is dispelled immediately, regardless of whether the damage is saved or not.

Fear of Aramar

The Fear of Aramar is handy for taking out an enemy's best units at critical moments. A unit fleeing as a result of this spell may attempt to rally in its next rally phase. The Fear of Aramar will affect any living creatures, even ones which are normally unaffected by psychology, like Dwarf Slayers for example.

The -3 leadership modifier on rallying applies to the unit and any heroes or wizards in the unit, but it does not apply when testing on the leadership of a nearby General. This is because the unit is affected by the spell, not the general, and the unit can still draw inspiration from their heroic leader.

The Gilded Cage

It is useful to have a piece of string ready to use in conjunction with this spell as this is by far the best way of representing it on the tabletop. Use the string to make a loop around the affected models.


Transmutation can he a particularly useful spell for clearing terrain ahead of your troops or denying cover to your enemies. It's worth noting that it doesn't work on hills, rivers and lakes. The area of terrain transmuted is around 12" square: a length of wall around 12" long and 1" wide or a wood 3" by 4", for example.

If terrain is returned by a Dispel or a Drain Magic, models occupying its position will not be harmed and are placed within the newly returned terrain. Models may have to be moved out of the way to replace the terrain if the models can't fit in it - keep any repositioning to a minimum and make sure the models end up facing in the same direction.