Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Dark Magic Spells
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The power of Dark Magic is dangerous and most easily twisted to do harm. The Dark Magic spells reflect this by being almost entirely given over to inflicting damage upon the foe. Most of the Dark spells require a lot of power but are very potent. Dark wizards can potentially draw more power because of the special rule that allows them to trade in special cards for more draws from the magic deck. Dark wizards of all levels are effective because they can be assured of getting some good spells from this very potent spell deck.

Raise the Dead

The Skeleton Warriors or Zombies raised by this spell must be represented by appropriate models, which means the player will need a reserve of models. Models previously removed as casualties may, of course, be re-used, but casualties are unlikely to provide all the extra models you will need. If the player hasn't got enough models available to represent all of the Skeletons or Zombies raised then any excess are simply not raised.

If a new unit is formed from the freshly raised dead it will be armed with hand weapons and shields. Extra models added to an existing unit are equipped in the same way as the unit. It will help if the models are armed with the correct equipment, but some variation is acceptable as it is in any unit. Skeleton Warriors mounted on skeletal steeds can be raised but each mounted warrior counts as two ordinary Skeleton models.

Undead chariots and war machines can be repaired or created by casting this spell. Each of their wounds counts as two models and each steed or crew member counts as one model. The models gained from this spell must all be added to an existing unit or all formed into a single new unit; it is not possible to split them up among several units or form several new units.

It is possible to raise a new unit right in front of enemies so that they are in hand to hand combat. If this is done the enemy unit will have to take a fear test immediately as if they were charged by the unit (providing they are not exempt from fear of course) but no blows are struck until the next hand to hand combat phase. Neither side counts as charging in the first turn.

Hand of Dust

This spell will work on any living creature but it does not affect undead or daemons. Only man-sized, man-shaped creatures will be turned into Wights, so monsters, dragons, giants, ogres, etc may be killed by the spell but they will not be turned into Wights.

A Wight created by this spell must be represented by a Wight model - this can either be a model previously removed as a casualty or a spare model not yet in use. If no model is available a Wight is not created. If this spell is used to kill a character riding a monster roll on the Monster Reaction table to find out what the monster does as normal but reroll 6' results.

The newly created Wight is armed with a Wight Blade as normal. In addition, any magic items the slain model was carrying still belong to the Wight and can be used by it. This may mean the Wight is carrying more magic items than it would normally be allowed. If the Wight has two magic swords as a result, then he may use either but not both in any hand to hand combat phase.

The Transformation of Kadon

The transformed wizard must be replaced with the appropriate monster model or the spell doesn't work. Any magic items that are being carried by the wizard are retained (though some, like swords, may be unusable). The wizard's characteristics all change to those of the monster - including Leadership.

Note that the wizard is unable to use his spells but is still dealt magic cards as normal. He may continue to use Dispels normally. Power cards cannot be used to cast spells, but are kept in his hand so as to prevent his opponent knowing how many Dispels he has been dealt.

Vanhels Danse Macabre

The Danse Macabre is a vital spell for Undead armies. It overcomes their inability to make march moves and allows them to seize the initiative at vital points in the game. The extra actions work as follows.

  1. Charge. Charge works as normal, all the standard rules apply so foes can hold, flee or stand and shoot and they must take appropriate fear tests as necessary. Note that hand to hand combat is not worked out at this stage, but is resolved in the following hand to hand combat phase. The Undead unit counts as charging in the first round of combat following its charge. Note that this could well be during the enemy's turn, and that the enemy might also have the opportunity to charge with fresh units, resulting in a situation where both sides have charged. When you get a situation like this the charger with highest initiative goes first, or if this is equal roll a dice and the highest score goes first.

  2. Hand to hand. Hand to hand combat is fought immediately and only the Undead unit fights, their opponents do not fight and strike no blows. Hand to hand combat results are not worked out, instead the casualties inflicted are carried over and added to the following hand to hand phase combat results.

  3. March Move. Undead cannot normally make march moves, but this spell allows them to do so, making up for their usual lack of vitality with supernatural vigour. All the usual restrictions regarding march moves apply, ie the unit may not approach within 8" of the enemy and may make no manoeuvres other than wheeling. If unable to march move because of the proximity of enemy, or the need to manoeuvre, the unit may still complete a normal move by means of this spell.

  4. Shoot. If the unit shoots missile weapons it does not count as moving regardless of whether it moved in its last movement phase. All other modifiers apply. Work out casualties and apply any panic tests due to 25% casualties as normal.

As a Necromancy spell it is possible for a Necromancer, Vampire or Liche to cast Vanhels Danse Macabre several times during the same magic phase. However, remember that a unit can only be affected by Vanhels Danse Macabre once per magic phase. This means the spell can be cast on several different units, but never on the same unit over and over again.

The Staff of Damnation can also be used to animate Undead units in the same way as a Vanhels Danse Macabre. Note that a unit cannot be animated by a Vanhels Danse Macabre Spell and the Staff of Damnation during the same magic phase. The comments above apply to the Staff of Damnation too.