Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Celestial Magic Spells
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Celestial Magic is drawn from the heavens and the elemental realms of air. This means that Celestial spells are mostly easy to cast. requiring few power cards with a few notable exceptions. The Celestial spells are a good mix, being a split between offensive, defensive, movement and enhancement types. Several of the spells have dual uses so they can he used to help your own forces or hinder the enemy. The Crystal Charioteer, for example, can be used to tie up enemy heroes or wizards or to save your own models by pulling them out of combat. Likewise the Wind Blast spell can be used to halt enemy units or to actually turn certain spells back against the enemy.

Celestial Wizards are good if you want to have a wizard who can do a bit of everything, and their broad range of spells also means that even a low level Celestial wizard can have a useful spell with several different uses.

Crystal Charioteer

A model which is carried off the table by the Crystal Charioteer makes an additional attempt to escape by rolling under his strength on a D6. If unsuccessful the model is carried from the battlefield, the spell card is returned to the wizard and may be cast again from the following magic phase.

A model carried off the battlefield may not return if it is an ordinary trooper, but a character model or large monster may return if it can escape by rolling under its strength at the start of each following movement phase. A returned model is placed at the table edge in the same way as a returning unit of pursuers.

Although a model carried from the table must continue to roll to escape, the card is returned to the wizard's hand and may be cast against another target. A character riding a monster may be enveloped by a Crystal Charioteer, and the Crystal Charioteer carries both rider and monster away. In this case both trapped victims may attempt to escape by rolling a dice each, and both will escape if either succeeds. If a victim breaks free while the Crystal Charioteer is on the tabletop the spell is dispelled and returned to the caster, who may cast it again in the following magic phase.

A Crystal Charioteer may also be used to pick off a rider from his monstrous mount, carrying him away but not the monster. This is up to the player who casts the spell.

Wind Blast

The Wind Blast is used primarily to pin down an enemy unit, but it is also useful because it can affect other spells such as the Purple Sun of Xereus (see the Amethyst card the Purple Sun of Xereus for details). A Wind Blast remains in play so long as its caster does not move. It is dispelled if the wizard moves, but there is nothing to stop a wizard moving in his own turn and recasting the Wind Blast in his following magic phase.

The Sapphire Arch

The Sapphire Arch enables units to be moved into vulnerable positions behind the enemy lines. The Arch is cast, troops move in and the Arch disappears. The Arch is cast again in a following magic phase and the troops it contains move out again. The Sapphire Arch can also be used as a simple obstacle to block an enemy's advance or to hide a vulnerable unit from missile fire. Note that troops must move into the Arch to be affected - casting it on top of them will not simply make them disappear. It is possible for troops to enter or leave through either of the long sides of the Sapphire Arch template.

Troops that enter the Sapphire Arch are removed from time and space into a small bubble of reality in the Realm of Chaos. They are unable to take any actions while they are within the arch, so for example a unit which fled into the arch could not rally and then emerge after it was cast again, nor could a unit change its formation. It is entirely legal to keep the troops within the Arch for as many turns as you like before casting it again, but troops cannot begin the game inside the Arch. Troops within the Sapphire Arch can declare a charge against an enemy unit or model as they emerge.