Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Amethyst Magic Spells
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Amethyst Magic is linked to the element of fire and therefore easy to harness for destructive purposes. This means that the Amethyst spells are predominantly potent attack spells with a number of deadly hand to hand combat spells. Amethyst wizards will quite often need to get in to hand to hand combat to use their spells effectively so they are best taken as higher level wizards and/or equipped with some defensive magic items to ensure their survival.

Once in combat they can use their spells to eliminate powerful enemy characters. The Purple Sun of Xereus is worthy of a special mention: it is a very powerful spell which can eliminate several enemy units at once if it is cast so that it runs along the enemy battle line. When it is cast you can guarantee your opponent will try to stop it and use up several Dispels, possibly freeing you to use other spells against him unhindered.

The Manacle of Caloe

Models affected by this spell may be indicated by markers or they can be placed on their side to show that they cannot move. The 3D6 roll indicates the maximum total of Strength points the Manacle can hold. For example, an average roll on 3D6 is 10. Against a unit of High Elves with Strength 3 this would allow you to hold 3 Elves - the remaining point is lost. Models mounted on steeds add the steed's Strength characteristic to their own, so a roll of 10 against a unit of men (S3) mounted on horses (S3) would Manacle only one of them (3+3 = 6, the 4 remaining is not enough to manacle another model so it is lost).

Manacled models do not present an obstacle to movement by either side, other models may simply avoid the manacled individuals and do not have to engage them in hand to hand combat even if they end the turn in physical contact. Manacled models that try to flee are destroyed.

Caress of Laniph

This spell can be used against any model within its range (rather than striking the first model in its path, like Fire Balls or Lightning, for example) so it is an especially useful ranged attack. It is a little reliant on a decent dice roll, and the Strength modifier means it is relatively ineffective against creatures with a very high Strength. For example, an average 2D6 roll of 7 would have no effect at all against a creature with a Strength of 7 or more, while a creature with a Strength of 4 would take 3 S6 hits.

The Purple Sun of Xereus

This is one of the most devastating spells of all. It remains in play once cast and cannot be cast again until it has been dispelled or leaves the table, in which case it can be cast from the following magic phase as normal. Note that the Purple Sun cannot be voluntarily ended by its caster, and is not ended if its caster is slain.

If the wizard who cast the spell wishes to dispel it he can do so using a Dispel card - this will work automatically and no dice roll is necessary. This means that it might potentially remain in play for longer than the casting wizard might wish, depriving him of the use of it. Note that a Wind Blast can be used to alter the direction of the Purple Sun, possibly to the advantage of an enemy!

The Fate of Bjuna

This spell effects undead and daemonic creatures, although it cannot affect engines of war or constructions.
It can be used against any model within its range and causes substantial damage, making it useful for eliminating high toughness, high wounds enemy character models and monsters because it uses their own Strength value for inflicting wounds.

The Choking Foe

This spell has a relatively long range considering it is potentially quite deadly. Because the Leadership test is a normal test on 2D6 it is likely that most heroes and wizards will survive but it is ideal for eliminating powerful but dim creatures like Giants and Trolls.

The Ld test is always taken on the model's own Ld characteristic, not on that of a hero leading the unit or the army general's Ld if he is within 12". Rerolls normally given by the army's battle standard or magic standards do not apply.