Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

The Tempest
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Power: 3Range: 48"

A lurid storm rages across the battlefield, extending 48" from the wizard in all directions. All enemy units must pass a Ld test on 2D6 before they can move or charge. Flying creatures are forced down to the ground and may not fly while the tempest lasts. All missile fire is at
-2 to hit. War engines and buildings suffer D6 S7 hits each subsequent magic phase.

Remains in play.

Flying high creatures are always affected by the Tempest, and don't count as being out of range if the spell is cast by a wizard on the ground. They are treated as if they had been driven off from hand-to-hand combat, so they must miss one turn before moving back onto the table from any point on their own table edge.