Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Orcs and Goblins are extremely quarrelsome creatures. They argue and fight amongst themselves all the time, and it is quite common for rivalries between individuals or even whole groups of these creatures to erupt into a full scale ruck. Even at the best of time fighting in the ranks can cause disarray and confusion in the army, with individual units suddenly stopping their advance to settle some difference between two warriors. This is a great drawback to the Orc commander, who will inevitably hear the cries of squabbling from his army and realise that his best laid plans have once more been laid low by his warriors' usual lack of discipline.

At the start of his turn the Orc player must test to determine if fighting has broken out amongst his own troops. Starting on one side of the table and working through his army, the Orc player rolls 1D6 for each Orc and Goblin unit. The dice roll determines whether the troops fight normally or start fighting amongst themselves.
If the dice roll is between 2 and o then all is well, and the green skinned warriors do what is expected of them without too much arguing.

On a roll of a 1, however, something is amiss. Maybe an especially truculent Orc has decided that he wants to march in front, possibly one of the Goblins has taken the chance to avenge some petty slight by clubbing the Goblin in front of him over the head. It's impossible to tell how these little arguments start - with Orcs and Goblins it could be almost anything.

To determine what the unit does roll another D6 and consult the table below.

Animosity Table

D6 Roll



Get 'em! The closest Orc or Goblin unit to the affected unit is asking for trouble, pulling faces, shouting rude insults, and hurling dung. They deserve a bashing!

If the affected unit is armed with bows or other missile weapons it won't move this turn, but will shoot at its offending rivals instead - models may be turned in place to face their target. Work out casualties from shooting now before any troops are moved. The affected unit may do nothing else this turn.

If the affected unit is not armed with missile weapons then it will charge its aggressors if it is able to do so. If unable to *charge* for some reason (if it is too far away, for example) then the unit does nothing as described below. Assuming it is able to charge, the enraged unit is immediately moved against its rivals and a huge brawl breaks out. Work out hand-to-hand combat with all the models in base contact fighting. This should be worked out immediately before any further movement. Once both sides have fought, casualties are removed and the two units spend the rest of the turn unable to do anything while they dust themselves down.


Squabble. Some internal squabble throws the ranks into disorder preventing all movement and fighting this turn. The unit may do nothing this turn while the Bosses shout at them.


We'll Show 'em! The closest rival unit is a right bunch of show offs who think they are going to win this battle on their own. The Orcs in the affected unit decide to show them who's best. Determined to get stuck in, the unit starts to move forward in a gung-ho way, cheering and waving weapons, bounding forward towards the disconcerted enemy.

The affected unit bounds forward towards the enemy a full normal move deducting distance for terrain or obstacles. It must move the full distance, and it cannot move less unless there is something in the way, such as an uncrossable river or another unit. Move this distance now, before the movement phase. The unit may move again in the movement phase exactly as normal, and the player may declare a Charge! if the unit has moved to within charge range.