Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Changing Formation (Skirmishers)
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A unit may be deployed on the battlefield ready to skirmish if the player wishes. Alternatively units may adopt a loose skirmish formation during the battle, or they can adopt a proper base-to-base formation from skirmish order. Changing from a loose skirmish order to a proper base-to-base formation, and visa versa, takes an entire turn. This does not prevent the unit shooting, but it does prevent it moving other than to change its formation.

To change from a normal formation to skirmish order simply move the models apart up to their maximum move distance. Each model must be within 2" of the next.

To change from skirmishing order to a normal formation first estimate the middle of the group. Then place the unit's leader (or another distinctive model if the leader is slain) in the middle of the group facing any direction you wish. Lastly form up the unit about the leader so that he is in the middle of the front rank. You can form up into as many ranks as you wish, although your new formation must be more compact than before. For example, you cannot form up from a roughly circular band into a single long line stretching from one end of the table to the other.