Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Wounds (Shooting)
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Not all hits will wound their target - some may glance off armour or clothing, while others may just graze their target causing no real harm. Some creatures are so tough that arrows do not easily pierce their flesh, or they are so resilient that they are able to ignore missiles sticking in their bodies. Once you have hit your foe, you must roll again to see if you wound him. To do this you must compare the weapon's strength value with the target's toughness value. The strength values of common missile weapons are given on the next page; the target's toughness 'T', is included on his profile.

Roll a D6 for each hit you have scored and consult the table below. Find the weapon's strength and look down that row. Then scan along to the column for your target's toughness. The number indicated is the minimum score on a Do required to score a wound.


To use the chart first find your weapon's strength down the left band side. Now cross reference this against your target's toughness along the top. Where the two lines meet is a number, which is the minimum score required on a D6 to score a wound. Roll a D6, if you score equal to or more than the score required you have wounded your target. If you score less then the bit has either rebounded from the creature's hide. entangled itself in clothing, or merely nicked his flesh causing no appreciable damage.

If you have scored several hits on an enemy unit then roll all the wound dice together to save time - so if you have 4 hits then roll 4 dice to wound. It is fastest to simply pick out the hit dice which have scored hits and roll them again to see if they cause wounds.

N. Where the table shows an 'N' this indicates that the target is simply too tough for you to burt. N stands for no effect - or no chance!