Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Hate is a powerful emotion and the history of the Warhammer World is full of hatred and rivalry, grudges borne over centuries, of racial animosity bordering on madness, and of irreconcilable feuds leaving generations of dead in their wake. Some races hate other races with such bitter conviction that they will fight almost to the death rather than flee from them. The following rules apply.

  • Troops who hate their hand-to-hand adversaries take any break tests with a leadership value of 10. They do not reduce this value regardless of the combat results and how many casualties they have suffered. This means they will never break unless they roll 11 or more on 2D6.

  • Troops fighting hand-to-hand combat with a hated foe may re-roll any misses when they first attack. This bonus only applies in the first turn of combat and represents the unit venting its hatred on the foe. After the first round of blood-mad hacking they lose some impetus and so fight as normal.

  • Troops who hate their enemy must always pursue them if they flee. They cannot attempt to avoid pursuit by testing their leadership as other troops can.