Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Certain warriors can go into a fighting frenzy, a whirlwind of destruction or raging fury in which all concern for their personal safety is ignored in favour of a blood-letting, flesh-tearing attack. Many of these frenzied warriors are drugged or tranced, and have worked themselves up into a frenzy with loud chanting and screaming.

Frenzied troops will automatically go into a furious berserk state if there are enemy within charge reach at the start of their turn, and will remain frenzied until they are broken in hand-to-hand combat, or until there are no enemy within charge reach. If you wish you can try and restrain troops by making a restraining test to bring them under control at the start of your turn, but you don't have to do this unless you want to. If you want to restrain frenzied troops roll 2D6 against their leadership just like any other psychology test. If you roll equal to or less than the unit's leadership you are successful and the unit is not frenzied for that turn and not affected by the following rules.

  • Frenzied troops must charge the enemy if they are within charge distance.

  • Frenzied troops fight with double their normal number of attacks in hand-to-hand combat. Troops with 1 attack therefore have 2, troops with 2 attacks double up to 4 and so on.

  • Frenzied troops always pursue fleeing enemy whether the player wants to or not. Unlike other troops they may not attempt to hold back as they are far too crazed with blood lust.

While frenzied, troops are not affected by other psychology. They are immune to panic, fear, terror etc, and do not have to make these tests.

If frenzied troops are broken in hand-to-hand combat their frenzy is automatically ended. They flee exactly like other troops. Should they subsequently rally they may continue to fight but are not affected by frenzy for the remainder of the battle. Their exuberant, crazed frenzy has been beaten out of them and they continue to fight just like other troops.