Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Fear is a natural reaction to huge monsters or unnerving situations. Creatures that cause fear are indicated in the Bestiary section and include such large and disturbing monsters as Trolls as well as supernatural horrors such as Skeletons. A unit must take a fear test in the following situations:

  1. If a unit is charged by an enemy that it fears then it must take make a test to overcome its fear. If successful then the unit can fight as normal. If the unit fails to overcome its fear then the unit will automatically flee if outnumbered by the charging enemy. If the enemy does not outnumber the unit it will fight as normal, but must roll 6's to score hits in the first turn of combat. Note that this test is taken once the enemy declares his charge and is found to be within his charge distance.

  2. If a unit wishes to charge an enemy that it fears then it must take a test to overcome its fear. If the test is failed the unit may not charge and must remain stationary for the turn.

A unit defeated in hand-to-hand combat is automatically broken without a break test if it is outnumbered by enemy that it fears. If the fear-causing enemy does not outnumber the unit then a break test is taken as normal. See the Hand-to-Hand Combat section for details of break tests and fleeing troops. Note that it makes no difference whether a fear test is passed or not, a unit defeated in hand-to-hand combat is automatically broken if it is defeated by an enemy that causes fear.