Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Monster Reaction Table
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Monster Reaction


The monster takes to the air if it has wings. If not, it makes for the nearest table edge as fast as it can and tries to leave the battlefield. The monster will avoid any troops or scenery blocking its way and will attempt to go round them to find an escape route. If attacked the monster will fight back, but it will not charge of its own volition unless it is forced to do so by a psychology rule. It will not use any breath or other range weapon unless it is shot at, in which case it may return fire. Once it has left the table the monster does not return.


The monster attacks the nearest troops, favouring enemy if there is a choice of two equally distant groups. It must charge if able to do so, and must move towards the nearest target as fast as possible if unable to charge. Once in hand-to-hand combat it will fight normally. It will use any breath or other range weapon to attack the nearest troops if able to do so.


The monster attacks the nearest enemy. It must charge if able to do so, and must move towards the nearest enemy as fast as possible if unable to charge. Once in hand-to-hand combat it will fight normally. The monster will use any breath or other range weapon to attack the nearest enemy troops if able to do so.


The monster moves randomly in its fury and confusion, angrily attacking anything in its path. Move the monster along with other compulsory movement in the move phase. Roll a scatter dice to determine the direction moved. If there are any troops, enemy or friends, within charge reach in the direction shown then the monster charges them. If no targets are within charge reach the monster moves as fast as it can towards them. It will use any breath or other range weapon to attack the nearest troops if able to do so.Once in hand-to-hand combat it will fight normally.


The monster remains where it is. If any enemy approach within charge range it will charge them. If in hand-to-hand combat the monster will fight normally. If the opportunity arises it will use any breath weapon to attack the nearest enemy.


The monster remains steadfastly where it is, guarding the fallen body of its beloved master. The monster will not move but it will use any breath or similar ranged weapon to attack enemy who approach within range. If the monster is in hand-to-hand combat it will fight, but it will not pursue fleeing enemy. The monster will remain by its master to the end, faithfully protecting his body against harm or capture.