Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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During any hand-to-hand combat phase a character model can issue a challenge to single combat if the player wishes. In any one combat only a single character from each side may issue a challenge. Remember a combat can involve several units and characters. If several characters are involved from each side then the player must choose which one will issue the challenge.

If both players wish to make a challenge then each player selects one of his characters to take part. The challengers are moved together and fight as described below.

If only one side wishes to issue a challenge then his enemy has the option of accepting or declining the challenge. If he decides to accept then he must meet the challenger with one of his characters. If the challenge is declined then the declining player must retire his best character model from the combat. This will be the highest ranking character, but the challenging player may choose the character who is retired. The retiring character is removed to the rear ranks and may not fight that turn. The character may be returned to a fighting rank at the end of that hand-to-hand combat phase ready to fight in the following turn.

A character cannot issue a challenge unless there is an enemy character to fight - ordinary troopers or monsters cannot be challenged.

Once a challenge is accepted the two characters are moved so that they are opposite each other. When combat is worked out these two will fight together, no other models may attack them even if their bases are touching. If challengers are riding monsters or steeds which have their own attacks then these fight as well.