Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

War Machines - Frequently Asked Questions
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Does a cannon or stone thrower need line of sight to shoot at the enemy?

Yes and no. Friendly troops and terrain features (forests, hills, buildings) block the line of sight for the cannon/stone thrower crew. Enemy troops do not block the line of sight for the crew. If the crew has line of sight at a enemy target, they may shoot at it.

Additionally, an elevated war machine gains line of sight over friendly troops. War machines that fit this description include: Organ Gun, Great Cannon, Catapults, and Mortars, and Doom Divers.

Due to the nature of the weapon, it does not make sense to allow the Flame Cannon and Hellblaster volley gun to fire over friendly troops.

Source: Chronicles of War, p. 13-17 & Warhammer Design Team

Does a Bolt Thrower need line of sight to shoot at an enemy unit.

Yes. Additionally, an elevated bolt thrower gains line of sight over troops between it and its target.

Source: Rulebook, p. 25

Can the war machine crew leave the machine to pursue enemy?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

How many members of a war machine crew fight if engaged in hand to hand combat?

All of the crew are moved into base to base contact with the enemy and must fight.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is there any penalty for shooting at war machine crews?

War machine crews are considered skirmish formation, and therefore are -1 to be hit.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are hits on war machines randomized?


Source: Rulebook, p. 75-81