Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Units - Frequently Asked Questions
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Do the statistics for a rank and file unit member printed in an army list include the modifications due to his equipment?

No. The base statics for the rank and file members of the unit are printed.

This means that units armed with halberds or double-handed weapons need to add the appropriate strength modifier before determining the strength of the attack. Mounted chargers also need to add the appropriate strength bonus for spears and lances, and troops with flails need to add the strength bonus for the first round of hand to hand combat.

This also applies to the strength bonus witch elves receive for their poisoned weapons.

Units that have heavy armour and shield, or barding need to modify their movement appropriately.

Source: Rulebook, p. 15 & 95

When choosing an army, what is the minimum initial size of a unit?

Unless stated otherwise, a unit must consist of at least 5 figures. This can include champion and standard bearer.

Source: Warhammer Armies, p. 2

What happens when a has less than 5 figures in it?

When a unit has less than 5 figures in it, missile fire damage is randomly determined. This does not matter if all the figures in the unit are rank and file, but it does matter when there are characters in the unit.

If a unit consists of 4 figures (3 rank and file, 1 magician) every missile hit has a 1/4 chance of hitting the magician.

Source: Rulebook, p. 65

Does a unit ever get so small that its just taken off the board?

If a fleeing unit is less than 25% of its original size, it cannot rally. A unit can be smaller than 25% of its original size and stay on the battlefield, however, once it flees, it will not rally.

Source: Rulebook, p. 35

What is line of sight?

Line of sight to an item means that a unit or character has a unobstructed view of the item and can react to it. Line of sight determines a unit's or a character's ability to:

  • Shoot at something

  • Charge something

For a character/unit to have line of sight to something, it must be in that character/unit's field of vision, and there must be no obstructions.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

What is the field of vision for rank and file members of a unit? What is the field of vision for a character in a unit?

The field of vision for a unit is a 90 degree arc that is centered directly in front of the unit. The field of vision for a character in a foot unit is the same as the rank and file members of the unit: a 90 degree arc that is centered directly in front of the unit.

Source: Rulebook, p. 16

What is the field of vision for a lone character or monster?

The field of vision for a lone character or monster is the same as that of a unit. That field of vision is a 90 degree arc that is centered directly in front of the character/monster.

Source: Rulebook, p. 16

What is the field of vision for war machine crews?

The war machine crew are also restricted to the 90 degree arc centered in front of them.

During the Missile Fire phase a player must aim his war machines at their targets.

Source: Rulebook, p. 16

Can units/characters see things that are in the forest?

Characters/units can see 2" through forests. Therefore, if a unit/character is in the forest, and is more than 2" from the edge of the forest, it cannot be seen by anything outside the forest, nor can it see anything outside the forest. A unit hidden in this fashion cannot be the target for missile fire, war machine fire, nor can it be charged.

Source: Rulebook, p. 25 & Warhammer Design Team

Does a friendly unit obstruct the view of what is beyond it?

Yes. Therefore war machines and missile units may not fire through friendly troops at the enemy. Units may not charge through friendly troops at the enemy.

Source: Rulebook, p. 25

Is it possible to shoot over a friendly units?

Yes. If a missile unit or war machine is located on a hill, then troops that are on the ground in front of the hill do not obstruct their view.

Source: Rulebook, p. 25

Does the front rank of a missile unit prevent the 2nd and subsequent ranks of that unit from firing?

Yes, but if the 2nd rank of the unit is on a higher elevation (hill) than the front rank, then the 2nd rank may fire.

Source: Rulebook, p. 25

Do hills/buildings obstruct the view of what is beyond them?

Yes. Therefore these units cannot be the subject of missile fire, war machine fire, nor can they be charged.

Source: Rulebook, p. 25

Does an enemy unit obstruct the view of units behind it?

The enemy units obstruct the view of things beyond them. Enemy units whose view is obstructed by other enemy units may not be charged nor fired upon by normal missile fire.

War Machines may fire at enemy units whose view is obstructed by other enemy units. The justification is that "You know the enemy is over there somewhere, so let them have it."

Source: Rulebook, p. 25, Chronicles of War, p. 5 & Warhammer Design Team

Does a large monster or a character mounted on a large monster gain line of sight over regular (man-sized) creatures (like troopslevated on a hill)? Does a large monster or character mounted on a monster gain line of sight over cavalry sized creatures?

No and no.

House Rule: The Warhammer Design Team suggest the following house rule. Large monsters (and characters riding them) can see over other models apart from other large monsters. This also means that large monsters and characters riding large monsters can be seen if they are behind foot-sized or mounted-knight size units (and potentially missile fire aimed there way).

Source: Rulebook, p. 25