Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

The Turn - Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the sequence of actions that should take place before the Movement Phase?

The following sequence is suggested for tests taken before a players turn:

  1. Return driven off flying creatures to board edge (after having missed one turn).

  2. Check units for frenzy (enemy within charge range) or roll to restrain from Frenzy (Leadership test).

  3. Check Dark Elf regiments for disobedience (High Elf. unit within 24" and line of sight)--but roll for it during compulsory movement.

  4. Test for terror if within 8" of Terror-causing foe.

  5. Test for panic if friendly unit (equal or greater in number) is fleeing within 4".

  6. Test for stupidity (Leadership test).

  7. Test for Orc/Goblin animosity (1 on D6).

  8. Test for Daemon animosity and Beastman infighting.

  9. Rotate war machines recovering from misfire or suffering crew loss.

Source: Warhammer Design Team