Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Skirmishers - Frequently Asked Questions
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What do skirmishing units do?

Units that can skirmish can either be in regular formation (like all other troops) or in skirmish formation.

A unit capable of skirmishing can spend a movement phase to change from regular formation to skirmish, or from skirmish to regular formation. A unit changing formation may still shoot the turn it does so.

Source: Rulebook, p. 91

What unit benefits does a unit in skirmish formation lose/gain?

While in skirmish formation, the unit loses the following benefits:

  • If character in the unit, cannot use his leadership for psychology or break tests.

  • Do not get rank bonus for combat resolution.

  • Do not get to re-roll break tests if within 12" of army standard.

  • If within 12" of the general, cannot use his leadership for break or psychology tests.

While in skirmish formation, the unit still has the following benefits:

  • Unit standard gets combat resolution bonus.

  • Can have characters join or stay in the unit.

Source: Rulebook, p. 90-91

If a character in a unit of skirmishers is wearing the Crown of Command, does the unit get to use the characters unmodified 10 leadership?

No, the unit does not get to use the characters leadership.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a character in a skirmishing unit has the Sword of Fortitude, is the unit Immune to Psychology and break tests?

Yes. Although skirmishers can't benefit from a character's leadership, they can benefit from other magical effects.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

What happens if a skirmishing unit adopts a regular formation?

If a unit that can skirmish goes into a 'regular' troop formation, it regains the ability to:

  • If character in unit, use his leadership for psychology/break tests.

  • Get rank bonus for combat resolution

  • Re-roll break test if within 12" of standard.

  • If within 12" of general, use his leadership.

Source: Rulebook, p. 90-91

What happens when an enemy unit with a 5 man front is charged by unit of skirmishers, where 6 or 7 skirmishers can all reach the enemy unit? Do the extra skirmishers get to line up on the enemy unit's side and fight too?

Move the skirmishers into contact by the most direct route (turn each model to point at the enemy and charge in a straight line). If this gets models into contact on the enemies flank, we allow it. Note that the unit does not get a combat resolution bonus for attacking a unit in the flank.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a unit in skirmish formation suffer the same amount of damage from a chariot that other units suffer? How about the damage caused by a night Goblin fanatic?

The unit in skirmish formation suffers the same amount of damage as regular units.

House Rule: It is suggested that when chariots and Night Goblin Fanatics damage units in skirmish formation that the number of hits be reduced by 1/2, minimum 1 hit.

Source: Warhammer Design Team