Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Shooting - Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the proper order for the Shooting Phase?

All firing that requires range guessing by the player must be declared before the resolution of any missile fire. This is done so that the player does not gain any benefit from measurements made to resolve other missile fire hits.

  1. Designate targets, one at a time, and determine range.

  2. Determine damage and remove casualties.

  3. Test for panic any unit taking 25%+ casualties.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If an enemy unit is hiding in a wood can I set the wood on fire with a warpfire thrower or flame cannon?

You cannot shoot at the wood because you do not know that there are enemy within, and if you could see the enemy the weapons would not set the woods on fire.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Must missile fire units must shoot the first target in their path, even if they have elevation (hill or tower) to see over intervening troops? For example: a bolt thrower on a tower must shoot at the beastmen 12" away instead of the Chaos Knights 18" away?

Warhammer Fantasy Battle (unlike 40K) has no targeting restrictions based upon how close the enemy is. If a unit has unrestricted view of the enemy, the enemy is within the 90 degree fire arc and it is within range, they can shoot it.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a breath attack be made while engaged in hand to hand?

No, except for the war hydra.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dark Elves, p. 42

Are template hits and cannonball damage to a unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat shared between the units engaged in hand-to-hand combat?


House Rule: It is suggested that hits on figures in the first 2 ranks of hand-to-hand combat be randomized between the units engaged in hand-to-hand combat. This would prevent surgical placement of breath templates to wipe out units engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Source: Rulebook, p. 25 & 75-81

Does a character with get to fire as many missiles as its number of attacks?

No, all models get 1 missile attack. The number of attacks listed as a characteristic is the number of attacks in hand-to-hand combat.

Source: Rulebook, p. 14

According to the rules all creatures with 2 or more wounds are large. Do this really means that missiles get +1 then shooting at harpies? Beastmen? Unicorns?

The rules about having more than 1 wound are used to determine if a mount is considered a monster mount or a steed. Therefore, there is no +1 missile fire bonus for shooting at harpies, beastmen and unicorns.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When firing at a war machine crew, the crew is considered as skirmishing (-1 to hit) but is the crew also protected by the war machine (-1 to hit for soft cover)?

Only war machines with walls to protect the crew gain the additional -1 to hit modifier (such as the Dwarf Organ Gun).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are to hit modifiers such as (character, skirmish formation, soft cover, hard cover) cumulative?

Yes. The only combination that is not cumulative is (character & skirmish formation) and (soft cover & hard cover). Combinations of (character & soft cover), (character & hard cover), (skirmish & soft cover), (skirmish & hard cover) are valid cumulative to hit modifiers.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When shooting at a lone character riding a monster, what are the 'to hit' modifiers?

+1 to hit due to large sized model.

Note that the -1 to hit modifier only applies when shooting at single man-sized character model. Therefore the to hit modifier is +1. This means that shooting at a character on a horse would count a 0 to hit modifier (larger than man-sized, but not a large target).

Source: Rulebook, p. 26 & Warhammer Design Team