Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Orcs & Goblins - Frequently Asked Questions
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Can Orcs & Goblins take the Chaos Dwarves as allies and get a second unit of Black Orcs?


House Rule: It is suggested that an Orcs & Goblins army with a unit of Black Orcs not be allowed to get a unit of Black Orcs in a Chaos Dwarf allied contingent.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dark Elves, p. 47 & Warhammer Design Team

Can I take the Chaos Dwarves as allies and only get a unit of hobgoblins?


House Rule: The Warhammer Design Team suggest that due to the Orcs & Goblins mistrust of Hobgoblins that when the Orcs & Goblins take Chaos Dwarf allies that no Hobgoblins be allowed in the ally contingent.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a Heart of Woe activate if a Giant picks up the character and stuff them into a bag?

No, The character is not technically dead.

Source: Battle Beastiary, p. 61

For vampires, does the Carstein Ring activate if a Giant picks up the character and stuff them into a bag?

No, The character is not technically dead.

Source: Battle Beastiary, p. 61

Does a Giant's Yell and Bawl attack affect units Immune to Psychology?


House Rule: The Warhammer Design Team suggests that units that are Immune to Psychology are immune to the Giant's Yell and Bawl attack.

Source: Battle Beastiary, p. 61

Can Hand of Gork be used to move Goblin fanatics?

No, individual fanatics cannot be moved with the Hand of Gork.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 56

When a fanatic ends its movement inside a unit, what is done?

Place the fanatic right next to one of the sides of the unit (on the outside of the unit). Choose the side that is closest to the fanatics end position in the unit.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When fanatics are launched, do they have to be all launched at the unit that is within 8"?

The player can choose what direction they go on the turn they come out.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

What happens if a magically movement causes a night Goblin unit with hidden fanatics to be within 8" of an enemy unit?

The fanatics are released in a random direction.

Source: White Dwarf #191

What happens if a creature flying high lands within 8" of a night Goblin unit with hidden fanatics?

The fanatics are released in a random direction.

Source: White Dwarf #191

Can a Orcs & Goblins Army field Ogre characters?


House Rule: It is suggested that the Orcs & Goblins player be allowed to field Ogre characters as they are described in the Battle Beastiary. The Orcs & Goblins Army would only be allowed to field Ogre characters if it had a unit of ogres. The point cost for these characters is:

  • Ogre: 40 Points

  • Ogre Champion: 110 Points

  • Ogre Chieftain: 240 Points

  • Ogre War Chief: 380 Points

The point costs for the ogre characters is the same as a Minotaur character, and is the same as the value published in the Citadel Journal.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Empire, Warhammer Armies - Chaos & Citadel Journal

Protective Tattoos alone provides an un-modifiable 6+ armour save, but if the armour save is improved by other means (such as shields) is that part of the armour save modified by the attacker's strength?

The only parts of the armour save not modified by the attackers strength are the parts provided by the Protective Tatoos (+1) and the Savage Orc Shaman in Unit (+1). The rest of the Savage Orc armour save (Riding board for +2, shield for +1, Standard of Shielding for +1) are modified by the attackers strength.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do squig hunters have two attacks, or does the prodder obstruct them from having those two attacks?

Each herder gets 1 attack, so a 25mm x 50mm base w/2 herders gets 2 attacks.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can my squig hunter teams in the second rank be hit back?

Hunter teams in fighting ranks can be attacked, hunter teams in the second rank cannot be attacked in place of squigs in the front rank. However, once wounds are applied to the unit, if all the squigs in the front rank are killed, then wounds are applied to the hunter teams.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

How and when does regeneration take effect?

The following explains the particulars of regeneration:

  • Regeneration occurs right after hand to hand combat occurs and before combat resolution.

  • Wounds that are regenerated do not count towards combat resolution.

  • If a wound is not regenerated the turn that it is inflicted, it may not be regenerated in later turns.

  • If the regenerating creatures strike last, a creature that suffers enough wounds to die, but returns to life due to wounds returned by regeneration does not get to fight in that round of hand to hand combat.

  • If a regenerating creature suffers any wounds from fire, it looses its ability to regenerate wounds.

Source: Battle Beastiary p.15

Can a model with regeneration that is caught fleeing regenerate its wounds?

A regenerating creature that is caught fleeing is considered dead, and cannot regenerate wounds to return.

Source: Warhammer Design Team