Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Monsters - Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the proper base size for the different monsters?

There is no definitive base sizes for the different monsters, use what fits.

House Rule: It is suggested to mount monsters as follows:

  • On 40mm square bases: Pegasus, Griffon, Manticore, Wyvern, Dragon, Dark Pegasus, Hippogriff.

  • On 25mm x 50mm bases: Cockatrice, Unicorn, Gorgon

Source: Warhammer Design Team

What monsters are considered large and what monsters are not?

This is up to the players discretion.

House Rule: It is suggested that large creatures be mounted as described above, and that large creatures on 40mm square bases be considered large. It is further suggested that collections of small creatures on 40mm square bases (snotlings, Nurglings, swarms) do not be considered large creatures. Monsters mounted on 25mm x 50mm bases should not be considered large

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can only creatures in contact with the monster's 40mm x 40mm base be able to attack the monster?

Allow figures to fight the monster if it seems reasonable, the figures do not have to be in contact with the base.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are giant eagles considered large monsters and thus +1 to be hit?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can you dispel the gaze of a cockatrice?

Yes, And the Gorgon too.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the chimera fly? Can the Cockatrice Fly?

Yes and Yes.

Source: Chronicles of War, p. 10

Does a bat swarm (flies 8") get to 'march-fly' 16"?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is the Dragon's armour save modified by the attacker's strength?


House Rule: It is suggested that the dragon have an unmodified 5+ armour save.

Source: Battle Beastiary, p. 54-55

Is the Wyvern's armour save modified by the attacker's strength?


House Rule: It is suggested house rule to allow the wyvern's armour save to be unmodified.

Source: Battle Beastiary, p. 85

If characters riding monsters are slain during hand to hand combat whilst flying high then how is the monster reaction table interpreted?

Not covered in the rules, the following is a good house rule: If the monster does anything other than flee, then place the monster in the controlling players deployment area during the controlling players next turn. The controlling player determines location. Follow the monster reaction table as normal from there.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

As quoted from the Battle Beastiary p. 55, a frozen unit may fight normally if attacked, but may not do anything else until it thaws out. It takes a unit an entire turn to thaw out. What does an entire turn means?

It will miss the rest of the opponent's turn (hand-to-hand combat, magic), as well as the entire controlling players turn (movement, missile fire, hand-to-hand combat, magic).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a unit is frozen, can a wizard cast spells? use dispels?

Cannot cast spells, cannot dispel spells.

Source: Warhammer Design Team