Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Magic - Frequently Asked Questions
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How does the Book of Ashur work?

The Book of Ashur allows the spellcaster to swap his/her spells for others in a single redraw. Swap means that you've already got your normal spells in hand! Thus, the Book of Ashur does not allow you to draw from any and all colleges from the start. First you draw and redraw as normal, with your normal limitations (except you count as one level higher); after everybody else has their cards, then you get the redraw for the Book.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a character ever be a level 5 spellcaster?

There can only be a level 5 spellcaster if a character has a magic item that boosts the level of the spellcaster (such as the Book of Nagash, the Book of Ashur, or the War Crown of Saphery).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

How do special rules or items affect dispels interact with spells already in play?

While spells already in play (from a previous Magic Phase), such as Fiery Convocation, Arnzipal's Black Horror, etc., are worked out before any spell casting/dispels, if the affected unit possesses an anti-magic capability (e.g. Amulet of Fire, Stone Troll resistance, etc.), that dispel power is rolled for before the spell's damage/effect takes place.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

How many times per Magic Phase can spell already in play attempt to be dispelled?

A dispel for a spell already in play may only be attempted once per Magic Phase.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 26

What is the proper order for obtaining spells?

The order for obtaining spells is determined by the level of the spellcaster (except for access to Dark Magic Spells) and is the following sequence:

  1. Dark Elf Sorcerers get to draw Dark Magic Spells.

  2. Level 5 Spellcasters draw

  3. Level 4 Spellcasters draw

  4. Level 3 Spellcasters draw

  5. Level 2 Spellcasters draw

  6. Level 1 Spellcasters draw

The Dark Elf Sorcerers get to draw from the Dark Magic deck before all other types of spellcasters, no matter what the level of the Dark Elf Sorcerer and the level of the other spellcaster. This means that they get access to the Dark Magic Spell Deck before the various chaos spellcasters, and the various undead spellcasters.

To determine the drawing order between Dark Elf Sorcerers, the level of the spellcaster is used (higher levels drawing first).

If some spellcasters are of the same level, the order is determined by what type of spellcaster they are. That order is:

  1. High Elf and Wood Elf Mages go first (tie).

  2. Dark Elf Sorcerers

  3. Chaos Sorcerers, Beastmen Shamans, Greater Daemons, and Necromancers go second (tie).

  4. Lessor Daemons go third.

  5. Human Mages, Orc Shamans, Skaven Warlocks, and Grey Seers go fourth (tie).

  6. Goblin Shamans go last.

If 2 spellcasters draw are tied, and draw from the same deck, use a die roll to determine which spellcaster draws first (highest roll draws spells first). Breaking ties is not necessary if the 2 spellcasters draw from entirely different decks.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 21-23 & Warhammer Armies - Dark Elves, p. 34

When are spells turned in and replaced with others?

Immediately after a spellcaster has drawn his spells he turns in the ones he does not want and draws new ones. This occurs before the next mage draws any spells.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 21

When a mage exchanges spells, is he capable of drawing a spell he already discarded?

No. When a mage exchanges spells, he places the spells he discards into a separate pile, then goes back to the spell deck and draws his replacement spells.

Source: Battle Magic, p.21

When a spell deck has already been drawn from, and exchanges made, what spells are available for the next mage?

All spells from a college that are not currently used by another mage comprise the pool that a mage draws from.

Therefore, if a mage has already drawn from the Jade College and performed exchanges, all of the discarded spells and the non-drawn spells are shuffled together before the next mage draws any Jade spells.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 21 & 23

How many dice are rolled for the winds of magic?

Two dice are generally rolled for winds of magic.

If less than 2 spellcasters (0 or 1) are in the game, 1 die is rolled for winds of magic.

An optional rule is to roll one die for every spellcaster on the board.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 24 & Warhammer Design Team

If I have no spellcasters, do I still get winds of magic cards?


Source: Battle Magic, p. 27

If I have no spellcasters, can I still use Dispel cards from Winds of Magic?

Yes. For non-Dwarf armies, the Dispel will work on a die roll of 5-6.

For Dwarf armies, the dispel will work on a die roll of 4-6.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 26-27 & Warhammer Armies - Dwarf, p. 77

If I have no spellcasters, can I use total power, mental duel, or drain magic from Winds of Magic?

No. The exception to this is that Dwarf armies can use the drain magic card.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 27 & Warhammer Armies - Dwarf, p. 77

If a spellcaster loses a spell due to Mental Duel, is that spellcaster considered 1 level lower than he was before?

No. If a 4th level spellcaster loses a spell due to mental duel, he is still a 4th level spellcaster that just happens to only have 3 spells.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 27

A mage mounted on a monster has a spell rebounded onto him (winds of magic rebound) does the spell affect the mage or the monster?

In general if the spell states 'first model in path takes x hits' randomize the hit between the mage and the monster, otherwise the spell affects the mage.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When is the Magic Deck reshuffled (with the power cards, etc.)?

The Magic Deck is reshuffled at the end of every magic phase.

Arcane Magic also discusses other optional methods for dealing with the Magic Deck. One is that the Magic Deck is reshuffled only when there are not enough cards in the deck for the current Winds of Magic.

Source: Arcane Magic, p. 5

If an army has character with a High Magic spell or a Dark Magic Spell does that army gain the ability to exchange Winds of Magic cards?

Yes. If a army contains 1 spellcaster with a High Magic spell, then the player controlling the army may turn in power cards after Winds of Magic are dealt, and get to draw new cards.

If a army contains 1 spellcaster with a Dark Magic spell, then the player controlling the army may turn in special cards after Winds of Magic are dealt, and get to draw new cards.

If an army has mages with Dark Magic Spells, and Mages with High Magic Spells, then only 1 type of Winds of Magic card exchange may be performed each magic phase (either power cards, or special cards).

Source: Battle Magic, p. 25

If I have a High Magic or Dark Magic spellcaster, and I have another mage with a special ability to draw extra Winds of Magic cards, can that mage exchange his Winds of Magic cards?

No. The mage that gets to draw bonus cards can only exchange them if that mage has Dark Magic or High Magic, and then can only exchange in the appropriate manner.

For example, an Empire and High Elf army, and with a High Elf Mage (with High Magic), and the Grand Theogonist with Grey Magic spells. The Grand Theogonist gets his own D3+1 Winds of Magic cards, but could not use the High Elf Mage's ability to exchange them. What the Grand Theogonist gets in his draw he is stuck with.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When in a Magic Turn can you dispel active spells?

When it is your phase.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 25-26

When in a Magic Turn do spells that are still active effect units on the board?

Right after winds of magic, and card dealing, but before players begin their active phases. This means that the purple sun of Xerxes moves and potentially kills more figures before a player has a chance to use a Winds of Magic dispel card upon it.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 41

If a unit has an anti-magic item, when does this item effect still active spells?

Before that spell has any further effect. That item may attempt/automatically dispel the still active spell immediately after cards are dealt, but before any still active spell has its effect.

Therefore a unit with the Standard of Valaya can attempt a dispel on the Fiery Convocation before it kills more figures.

To summarize, the magic phase sequence would look something like:

  1. Determine Winds of Magic

  2. Deal Cards

  3. Anti-magic Items can attempt dispel on still active spells

  4. Still Active Spells have their effects

  5. Cast New Spells

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If it is my turn during the magic phase, do I have to cast spells first?

No, but you risk loosing the opportunity to cast spells.

As mentioned previously, the player's whose turn it is has an active phase first. A player may do one of three things during their active phase:

  • Cast a spell with magic item or spellcaster (which the opponent may try to dispel).

  • Dispel a currently active spell.

  • Pass. Which means the player does nothing and lets the opponent now have an active phase.

If the two players pass in consecutive active phases, then the magic phase is over.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 25-26

When a Spell is cast during the Magic Phase, at what point does the opposing player attempt to dispel it?

The following order is suggested for Dispelling a spell that is cast:

  • The casting player nominates a target.

  • If that target has any magic protection (devices that may dispel the spell) determine if the device succeeds in dispelling the spell.

  • The player who controls the unit being attacked must determine if he is going to winds of magic dispel cards or dispel scrolls, etc. to dispel the spell.

  • Die rolls for spell effects are made.

The Warhammer Design Team suggest that all winds of magic and dispel scrolls be used before determining if magic protection devices from the target work (swap the order of 2 and 3).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A 'remains in play' spell is in play at the beginning of the magic phase. It moves randomly and moves off the board. Can the spell be recast during the current magic phase? What if the spell was cast in the magic phase and moved off the board in magic phase, can it be cast again in the magic phase?

No and no. If a spell is in play at the beginning of the magic phase (unless necromantic spell) it may not be recast again during that magic phase. If a spell was cast once during a magic phase (even if dispelled, moved off the board, etc.). it cannot be cast again that magic phase.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do magic items that have dispel affects work against spells cast with Total Power?

No. The Total Power overrides the magic item for the current magic phase.

A spell cast with Total Power is unstoppable. A spell cast with Total Power cannot be dispelled the turn that it is cast.

This means that the following items cannot affect spells cast with total power: Spelleater Shield, The Silver Seal, Talisman of Obsidian, Amulet of Fire, Destroy Magic Spell Scroll, Dispel Magic Spell Scroll, Mork's War Banner, Banner of Arcane Protection, Hypnotic Eye Scroll (two possible outcomes, one is to dispel), Collar of Khorne, The Gem of Taranto, The Hungry Maw, Bufo's Hex Scroll, the Rebound Winds of Magic Card, the Dispel Magic Winds of Magic Card, the Destroy Spell Winds of Magic Card.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do items that redirect spells but do not dispel them work against spells cast with total power work?

Yes, but note that this only includes items that do not rebound the spell onto the caster. This includes Spellshield, Banner of Arcane Warding, and Mystic Maze. Note that Magic Mirror rebounds the spell onto the caster and therefore cannot affect spells cast with total power.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do items that protect their wearers from magic, but don't dispel the magic, protect the wearer from a spell cast with total power.

Yes. This means that items such as the Black Armour of Nagash and the Heart of Avelorn that protect the were from a spell, but do not dispel it, would work.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does Drain Magic remove spells cast with total power that turn?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Total power be stopped by The Mystic shield of Brag?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a spell cast with Total Power the previous turn be dispelled in subsequent turns?

Yes. In subsequent turns, anti-magic items, dispel scrolls, or winds of magic cards may be used to dispel a spell cast in a previous turn with Total Power.

Source: Warhammer Design Team