Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Dwarfs - Frequently Asked Questions
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Can any of the Dwarf characters ride monsters?

No. If the a character was allowed to ride a monster it would specifically state that in the Dwarf Army book, since it does not, it is not allowed.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 83-84

When a slayer's strength increases to the toughness of his opponent, is that increased strength used only for rolling to wound or does it affect armour save as well?

The strength increase affects armour save as well. There is a White Dwarf battle report that handles this incorrectly.

Source: Dwarf Army Book, p. 79

Can I place the Slayer King on a Throne of Power? Can I have a Slayer King in my army aside from the special character?

The only slayer king available is the special character. The special character is not a high king and therefore cannot be put on the Throne of Power. A Generic Dwarf General may be considered a High King and put on the Throne of Power.

Source: Dwarf Army Book & Warhammer Design Team

Does the Master Rune of Death effect everything (characters, Daemons, Dragons, etc.)? If so, what is the good of the Master Rune of Dragon/Daemons Slaying?

The master rune of death effects everything, as to the points value, we're happy with them!

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Rune of Forging be put on a flame cannon?

Yes. The flame cannon is a 'cannon' and the rune is allowed.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 29, 63 & Warhammer Design Team

Can a Rune of Forging be put on a organ gun?

Yes. One Rune of Forging would protect the organ gun because it is considered a cannon. Only 1 rune is required because there is no '1 rune per barrel' statement in the Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 29, 62 & Warhammer Design Team

Can a rune of disguise be put on the gyrocopter?

Yes, but once the gyrocopter shoots, it is visible for the rest of the game.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 29

If a character has a runic device (weapon, armour, item) with multiple runes on it, how many magic items does it count as?

A runic item counts as a single magic item no matter how many runes are on it. Therefore, a Dwarf General can have 3 runic items with 3 runes apiece for a total of 9 runes held by 1 figure.

This also means that items that destroy/disable magic items will disable/destroy all runes on a given item.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 24

Can a Dwarf army have 2 cannons with the Rune of Forging?

The Rune of Forging can be on more than 1 cannon as long as the set of runes on each cannon is unique.

The uniqueness rule for runes applies to all runes other than the armour rune of stone; this means that it includes the war machine runes.

Therefore, 2 organ guns that just have the Rune of Forging is illegal. On the other hand, 1 organ gun with (Rune of Forging) and another organ gun with (Rune of Forging, rune of disguise) is legal.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 24

When do is the Rune of Spite rebound roll made against weapons that cause multiple wounds?

If 1 wound will be turned into many wounds by the weapon, make the roll to rebound the wound before the 1 wound is turned into many wounds.

When the Rune of Spite rebounds these wounds, the attacker only receives 1 wound (not D3, or D6 or whatever). The special power of the weapon does not kick in when the wound is rebounded onto the attacker. Therefore, if a wound from a Frost Blade is rebounded onto an attacker; he suffers a wound, he is not killed.

A weapon with the Dwarf Rune of Smiting generates its multiple wounds before the Rune of Spite save. This rune is an exception to the way all other magic weapons are treated against the Rune of Spite.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 26 & Warhammer Design Team

If the Rune of Spite rebounds a wound from a Frostblade, is the attacker killed?

No. The Rune of Spite reflects the wound, not the special effects of the weapon that caused the wound.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a character use both the Rune of Spite and a Device of Protection?

No. A Dwarf Character cannot have 2 magic items of the same type.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 24

Does a character get the Rune of Spite rebound roll against weapons that say the defender gets no armour save, not even a magic armour save?

Yes. The special effect of the Rune of Spite is not considered an armour save.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs, p. 30

Can the Rune of Luck be used to re-roll and die roll in the game, or only die rolls that directly affect the character? What if the die roll that directly affects the character is made by the opposing player?

The rune of luck can only modify die rolls that directly involve the character, and it cannot be a die roll that the opponent makes.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a Ring of Corin targets a war machine with runes inscribed upon it, does the Ring of Corin have to exceed the point cost of the war machine plus the runes, or just the point cost of the runes?

The Ring of Corin would have to exceed the point cost of the runes. The war machine would still operate after its runes have been removed.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can I put engineering runes on the anvil of doom?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

The Dwarf book lists the flame cannon as having both a 12" and a 24" inch range. Which is correct?

Maximum guess range is 12".

Source: Warhammer Design Team