Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Dark Elves - Frequently Asked Questions
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Can the Dark Elves have Skaven as allies?


Please note that ally lists are not reciprocal, in other words it is possible for a race to appear as allies of another race, while not having that race in their own ally list. This simply reflects the fact that to get a race as an ally there must be a good chance of a small contingent of their troops serving in a large army of troops drawn from the main list. In the case of Dark Elves and Skaven, for example, it seemed sensible to me (Jervis) that small contingents of Dark Elves could serve in a Skaven army, but not vice-versa.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can characters join the scout units? The Dark Riders Unit?

Characters can join either unit, but note that they do not benefit from either troops types special rules. Thus a character with the Scouts can't infiltrate, and a character with the Dark Riders can't make a free march move at the start of the battle or fire and flee. As a house rule I recommend that you allow Champions belonging to such units to benefit from the troops special abilities (so a Scout Champion could infiltrate, for example).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is Hellebron a witch elf and therefore subject to frenzy?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the witch king cast spells and wear armour?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can an army have Malekith the Witch King on foot instead on the chariot?

The witch king always comes with the chariot, but may leave it voluntarily during the battle.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A Dark Elf unit is close to another fleeing Dark Elf unit, and a high elf unit. What test is taken first, the hatred-must-charge-the-enemy or the panic test?

The panic test is taken first, and if passed, then the 'must charge the enemy test is taken.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do Witch Elves lose Hatred when fighting High Elves, because they go into Frenzy and are immune to all other Psychology?

The witch elves loose hatred when they frenzy.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Dark Elf assassins put poison on magic weapons so that they cause D3 wounds when used by an assassin?

No. Magic weapons never benefit from special rules that apply to a 'mundane' weapon. This is an expansion of the rules for magic weapons found on page 39 of Battle Magic.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is the +1 strength due to poison included in the witch elf statistics?

No, the witch elves strength when attacking is 4.

Source: Warhammer Armies - Dark Elves, p. 36

Do witch elf characters get to put poison on their weapons?

Yes, but not their magic weapons (see Assassins above).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

What's the point cost for a Hag Queen?

There are only hag queens that can be purchased are the special characters listed.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the Corsair champion get a Sea Dragon Cloak?

Yes. It costs 5 points, and should count as a magic item.

Source: Warhammer Design Team