Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Chariots - Frequently Asked Questions
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There is a regimental unit of 5 chariots, and it has a magical standard. Do all the chariots benefit from the magical standard, or just the chariot carrying the standard?

Only the chariot carrying the magical standard gains from its benefits. The chariot with the standard is the only chariot that gets to include its bonus in its combat resolution. If a single chariot in the unit is involved in combat, the other chariots in the unit can still move freely. If a champion/leader is in the unit, all chariots may use his leadership value.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a chariot model march move?

No, this excludes the following from march moves:

  • From Orc/Goblin Book: Goblin War Chariot, Orc War Chariot, Snotling Pump Wagon

  • From High Elf Book: Tiranoc War Chariot

  • From Dwarf Book: The Throne of Power

  • From Empire Book: Imperial War Wagon, The Grand Theologist War Altar

  • From Skaven Book: The Screaming Bell, The Wheel of Doom

  • From Undead Book: The Liche King War Chariot, the Undead War Chariot

  • From Chaos Book: Chaos War Chariot

  • From Basic Army List: The Wood Elf War Chariot

Note that the Dwarf Anvil of Doom is specifically excluded from this list.

Source: Rulebook, p. 22 & respective Army Books

If a chariot runs over a war machine and crew, is it considered to have gone over rough terrain and sustain damage?


House Rule: The Warhammer Design Team suggest that when a chariot runs over a war machine and crew that it sustains damage as if it ran over rough terrain.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can you summarize chariots attacking units?

The following sequence is to be followed:

  1. Black Gem Takes effect.

  2. Challenges declared.

  3. Chariot hits.

  4. Impact damage on unit rank and file. If all die overflow randomly onto characters.

  5. Challenge combat resolved between chariot riding character and his chariot steeds/monsters vs. defending character + mount.

  6. Chariot crew attacks unit, not defending challenger. If no challenge, character attacks unit as well.

  7. Unit strikes back if able.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are hits on chariots randomized?


The following are considered chariots for the randomization of hits:

  • From Orc/Goblin Book: Goblin War Chariot, Orc War Chariot, Snotling Pump Wagon

  • From High Elf Book: High Elf War Chariot

  • From Dwarf Book: Dwarf Throne of Power, Dwarf Anvil of Doom

  • From Empire Book: Imperial War Wagon, The Grand Theologist War Altar

  • From Skaven Book: The Screaming Bell, The Wheel of Doom

  • From Undead Book: The Liche King War Chariot, the Undead War Chariot

  • From Chaos Book: Chaos War Chariot

  • From Basic Army List: The Wood Elf War Chariot

Source: Rulebook, p. 72 & respective Army Books

Are template hits on chariots randomized?


House Rule: For stone throwers/Doom Divers/mortars only a single figure can be hit by the center of the template. Therefore, if the center of the template lies on top of 2 figures (such as a rider for a chariot and the chariot) the topmost of the 2 figures receives the automatic hit (at the higher strength) and the bottom figure has the potential to be hit (just as other figures under the template, but not under the center of the template).

Therefore, if the center of the template is on the rider and the vehicle from the list above, the rider would get the automatic hit, and the chariot gets a potential hit. The only exception to this is the Skaven Doomwheel in which case the wheel would get the automatic hit and the engineer the potential hit.

Source: Rulebook, p. 73

Does a chariot champion get a 'Look Out Sir!' roll?

Yes, but note that there must be another model in the same chariot as the character (i.e. High Elf champions won't benefit, as they ride alone).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can characters join chariot crews?

A character may join a unit of chariots, but does not get into the chariot itself (he stays on foot, or horse, etc.).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the crew of the chariot fight any models in base to base contact with the chariot?

Allow a number of models that seems reasonable to attack the chariot (use your discretion). Any model that can attack the chariot can be attacked by the crew of the chariot.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When in hand to hand combat with a fear causing enemy, how many figures does a chariot count as?

A chariot counts as a single figure no matter how many crew or pulling beasts.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When a character rides in a chariot, is he "in base contact" for the purposes of magic items and spells as soon as the chariot's front touches the model in question?

Everything in contact with the chariot is considered to be in base to base contact with the wizard.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When a chariot charges, are the casualties inflicted taken from the front rank as usual? If so, how are casualties worked out if, say, there are two regular troopers and two characters in the front line? Must the charioteer nominate ahead of time how many attacks are going against which models?

Casualties are taken out of rank and file troopers unless there are not rank and file troopers left. All casualties are taken out of the front rank first, then latter ranks. Remaining troops fill ranks.

Source: Warhammer Design Team