Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Digital Rulebook
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Warhammer Fantasy:
4th Edition
Compiled by

The digital rulebook contains the compiled main rulebook in one location in a printable format with hardcopy page references.

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Table of Contents

Starting the Game(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 10)

The Warhammer game is very detailed and it would be a mammoth task to learn every rule before you begin to play. Fortunately this isn't really necessary. We suggest that you read through the rulebook to familiarise yourself with the basic game mechanisms and then get stuck into your first battle, because the best way to learn is by playing. The contents of this box provide an excellent start, and once you have mastered the command of the forces supplied you'll be ready to tackle larger and different forces.

The Battle(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 10)

Battles are fought between two sides and each side is normally represented by a single player. You can involve several players on a side if you want, one player acting as overall commander while the rest help him to move troops and roll dice. In the game rules and descriptions that follow we assume that each side is represented by one player.

Before you are ready to fight a battle both sides must choose their forces. If the game is part of a pre-planned scenario (like the Battle for Maugthrond Pass) the forces are pre-determined by the scenario itself. Scenarios for Warhammer are published occasionally in White Dwarf and we have several new ones in preparation. However, if you want to fight a straightforward battle between two players you will need two armies.

The contents of the Warhammer box provide you with two reasonably sized armies, but the chances are you will want to start a model collection of your own which you can field in battle. You may wish to use the models you already have to form the basis of a larger army of High Elves or Goblins.

To keep things fair every type of warrior and monster has its own points value. The better fighter a model is the higher its points value. If a model carries extra weapons, or wears armour, its points value is increased. If it rides a horse, giant wolf or war boar its points value is increased further. When fighting a battle both sides choose armies to the same total points value.

A reasonably sized battle is provided by 1000 points on each side, and such a game can be resolved within an evening. A larger 2000 point a side battle will take a little longer, but can still be fought in half a day or a long evening. 3000 points will give you a fairly big battle that will probably take a full day to fight. You can fight any size battle you like, from a few hundred points a side to many thousands if you have space and time!

While discussing armies and points values we ought to mention the Warhammer Armies series of books. Each book describes a particular army such as High Elves, Dwarfs, The Empire, and so on. Each book provides you with a description of the army, detailed special rules for using it, a painting guide with shield and banner designs, and an army list. The army list defines which troops the army may have and what weapons they can carry.

Setting Up(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 11)

Before the opposing armies clash you need to prepare the floor or tabletop area for battle. Initially at least, a small playing area will suffice, say about 6 feet by 4 feet. This gives the troops room to manoeuvre and bring their weapons to bear.

The tabletop or floor is a flat and featureless plain, devoid of trees, buildings, slopes and other terrain. Part of the challenge and enjoyment of Warhammer is that you can create your own battlefield layouts. You can make trees and woods, hills, rivers and other features, but to begin with the buildings supplied in this boxed game will be enough. Once you have played a few games you will be ready to introduce new terrain. You can either buy terrain or make it yourself. As a temporary measure you can improvise using twigs and roots for trees, books laid flat to represent hills, and small packing cartons become towers and houses. Model trees are available from hobby stores including Games Workshop and are a good investment.

You'll find articles about terrain making in White Dwarf magazine and if you live near a Games Workshop store you'll be able to look at the shop scenery and ask the staff for advice on making your own.

The battlefield may be laid out in any way you and your opponent like. One popular method is for one player to lay the scenery out while the other player chooses which side he will fight from. This ensures that the scenery is laid out in a fairly even-handed manner, without conferring advantage to either side.

To help you set up your battlefield we have devised a terrain generator system which allows you to determine what types of scenery are present. Don't worry if you generate items of terrain you don't have, just re-roll until you get a result you can use. Many players like to draw up their own terrain generator charts based upon their collection of model scenic items. This is certainly a good idea as it saves endless re-rolling of unwanted results. Rules for various types of terrain are given in full in the section on Movement.

Begin with both players sitting on opposite sides of the table. Each player rolls a D6 to determine who starts to place scenery - the highest scoring player goes first. To generate a piece of scenery roll 2D6 and consult the Terrain Generator Chart on the next page. The player places the piece of scenery indicated somewhere on his own side of the table. If you place a river it must flow entirely through your table half. You may not place scenery on your opponent's side of the table unless it is a plain hill, in which case you can place it straddling the dividing line if you wish.

A further variation, and one which many players favour, is to set up the scenery and then roll randomly to determine who deploys on which table edge. This means you never know which edge you are going to start from when you are setting up the scenery, so both players are encouraged to set up a balanced battlefield.

Each player continues to lay down scenery by turns. When you have one river or stream on the tabletop any further river/stream results must be re-rolled. It would obviously be silly to have a battlefield criss-crossed with rivers! A player may place one type of scenery on top of another to produce, say wooded hills or hillsides with walls.

When it is his turn to place a piece of scenery a player may choose to stop, and declare he is satisfied with the scenery as it is. The other player then has the option of generating and placing one more piece if he wishes. The battlefield is now complete!

If both players are in agreement scenery can now be moved around or removed if it is felt a better battle will result. For example, you might allow your opponent to remove a wood from his side of the table if he lets you reposition a hill.

Remember the objective of setting up terrain is to provide an interesting and entertaining battle, not to impede movement to the extent where armies are unable to get to grips. If neither player is satisfied with the terrain once it has been generated then start again! We have not defined the size of hills or woods, as we assume players are going to use scenery they have made themselves. Obviously it would be silly for a wood to extend over the whole table! As a general rule no terrain feature may be bigger than 12" across, and even this would be large for a feature which is difficult or impossible to move over.

Rivers can be particularly problematic if one side is determined to play a wholly static, defensive game. Dwarfs often favour this kind of approach because they are rather slow and tend to favour long range shooting weapons like crossbows. This makes for a rather dull game, so a river is never placed over more than half the length of the table unless both players agree. Should the river extend over more than half the table length then the opposing player may place a bridge or ford as described on the chart. Even with this restriction in mind, deep rivers do not make for entertaining fast moving games and players may prefer to avoid using them altogether in favour of either shallow rivers or a lake.

Terrain Generator Chart(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 12)

2D6 Dice Score



A Deep River or Lake.
Choose either a deep river or a lake. A river must be placed so that it flows onto the battlefield from one side and out from either the same or another side. It cannot spring from nowhere and it cannot simply end. A river may not extend over more than half the length of the table unless your opponent agrees that it may do so.

A deep river cannot be crossed anywhere along its length except at a ford or bridge. A river must always include at least one bridge or ford somewhere along its length. If it extends over more than half the length of the table it must include two crossing places one of which is chosen and positioned by the opposing player.

A lake is impossible to cross.


A Shallow River or Stream.
Choose either a shallow river (which can be crossed at a quarter normal speed) or a stream (which may be crossed at half rate). The river or stream must enter and leave at a table edge.

Rivers cannot extend over more than half of the table length without your opponent's consent, but this does not apply to streams.
If you place a river it must have at least once bridge or ford. If the river extends over more than half the table length it must include two crossing places one of which is chosen and positioned by the opposing player.

A stream may have a single crossing place along its length if you wish.


Difficult Ground.
Choose an area of difficult terrain such as a marsh, area of scrub, soft sand, boulder strewn ground, debris, shallow pit or area of loose rocks. Troops move across difficult ground at half their normal rate as described later.


A Steep Hill.
A steep hill is difficult to move over (troops move at half rate as described later), and may have cliffs on one or more sides. Cliffs are impossible to move over and act as a barrier to movement.


A Wood.
Woods slow troops down (by half their normal speed as described later) and they also act as a barrier to sight, preventing shooting.


Hill or Wood.
Choose either a hill or a wood.


A Hill.
Hills do not slow down troops but they provide excellent vantage points where you can position archers and stone throwers. Hills are also useful defence points in hand-to-hand combat as it is easier to win a combat if you are uphill of your opponent.


Walls/Hedges or Fencing.
Up to 12" of continuous walls, hedges, fences, ditches or other linear obstacles. Obstacles can be crossed but troops are slowed down when they do so (losing half of their movement). Walls and hedges are useful defensive positions as troops may be placed behind them where they will be protected from enemy attack.


A House or Tower.
A single house or tower which may have up to 6" of adjoining walls or hedges.


A Village.
A village is represented by several buildings (3 or 4 is enough). The village may have up to 12" of adjoining walls or hedges.


Very Difficult Ground.
Choose a feature that is very difficult to cross such as a steep sided quarry, swamp or sheer cliffs, a thick wood or patch of dense briars. Very difficult terrain may be crossed at a quarter of normal move rate as described later.

Deploying for Battle(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 13)

Once the battlefield is complete the armies can deploy. Each player may set his army up within 12" of his table edge and no closer than 12" to either side edge. If your table is not very wide you may wish to deploy closer to the side edges, say 6". This is up to you and your opponent to decide between you.

There are two equally good methods of deploying your troops. One is for both sides to make a map of the battlefield and indicate where each unit is to be placed. Units include not only units of troops, but also individual heroic characters, chariots, and monsters. Once both sides have completed their maps they are both revealed and the units are positioned as indicated.

This method allows you to try and out-think your opponent by making a good battle plan. It encourages you to consider what each unit is supposed to do during the game, where you are going to advance, where you will hold your ground, and so forth. The second method is for each side to place its units one at a time, until both armies have been deployed.

The advantage of this method is that is saves you the trouble of drawing a map! The drawback is that an army with more units will have an advantage as it will be able to save units to lay down once the opposing army is fully deployed.

If your game forms part of a published scenario such the the Battle for Maugthrond Pass, or a scenario you have invented yourself, then the terrain and deployment of troops are described in the scenario. This may allow troops to deploy at the sides, in prepared positions on the battlefield, or even behind the enemy lines if they discover a pass that brings them behind their foes.

Ending the Game(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 13)

At the start of the game roll a dice to establish how many turns of daylight remain in which to fight the battle. Once both sides have completed the number of turns indicated the battle is over.

D6 Roll

Turns of daylight remaining


4 turns


5 turns


6 turns

An alternative method is to agree an ending time for your battle and stick to it. For example if you have an evening to play your game you might agree to play until 9.30, or whatever time suits you best.

Once the battle is over both sides calculate their victory points to decide who has won. Refer to the chart below and add up the points gained by each side.

As with deployment, victory conditions may be varied to accommodate a specific scenario. For example, if your scenario involves capturing a tower you will receive victory points if you have occupied the tower before the game ends.

Who Has Won(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 13)

The side which has the most victory points has won. The difference in victory points is a good indicator of how decisive the victory has been. A difference of just 1 or 2 points is a marginal win, a victory of 5 or 6 points is a resounding thrashing for your enemy! If both sides score the same points the result is a draw.

Victory Chart(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 13)



Each enemy unit either destroyed, fleeing or having fled from the table.

1 victory point for each 100 points (or part), the unit cost. Eg, if the unit originally cost 325 points it is worth 4 victory points, if it costs 95 points it is worth 1 victory point.

Each full table quarter wholly occupied by your troops.

1 victory point. Divide the table into four equal quarters through its middle. If a quarter is occupied by at least one of your units and no enemy then you can claim 1 extra victory point per quarter.

Enemy General slain, fleeing, or having fled the table.

1 victory point in addition for any points for destroyed/fleeing unit.

Army Battle Standard captured.

1 victory point.

Characteristics(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

In the Warhammer World there are many different types of warriors, from noble Knights to mighty Elven Lords armed with magical weapons. There are monsters too, some quite small like the green-skinned Goblins and others as huge as fire-breathing Dragons. To represent these creatures in the game we have nine categories which describe the various aspects of their physical or mental make up. These are called characteristics.

All characteristics are measured on a scale of 1 to 10. The higher a characteristic the better it is. The characteristics are:

  • Movement Allowance (M)

  • Weapon Skill (WS)

  • Ballistic Skill (BS)

  • Strength (S)

  • Toughness (T)

  • Wounds (W)

  • Initiative (I)

  • Attacks (A)

  • Leadership (Ld)

Movement Allowance(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Often simply called move, this shows the number of inches a creature can move on the tabletop under normal circumstances. For example, a Goblin with a move of 4 can move 4 inches.

Weapon Skill(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Defines how accomplished or skilled a warrior is with his weapons, or how determined and vicious a monster is.

Ballistic Skill(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Shows how good a warrior is with ranged weapons such as bows, crossbows or even thrown rocks. The higher this score is the easier a creature finds it to hit with missile attacks. Some monsters have natural weapons that can be used at range (they might be able to spit venom, for example) and their BS is used to determine whether they hit or not.

Strength(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Shows how strong a creature is. An exceptionally puny creature might have a strength of 1; a mighty giant might have a strength of 6 or even higher. Most men have a strength of 3. Strength tells us how hard a creature can hit and thus how easily it can hurt an opponent it has struck.

Toughness(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Toughness is a measure of a creature's ability to resist damage, or withstand physical damage and pain, and reflects such factors as the toughness of a creature's flesh, hide or skin, or the depth of its fur. The tougher a creature is the better it can withstand an enemy's blows.

Wounds(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Shows how much damage a creature can take before it either dies or is so badly hurt it can't fight any more. Most humans and human-sized creatures have a wound characteristic value of only one. Large monsters are often able to withstand several wounds that would slay a smaller creature and so have a wound value of 2, 3, 4 or more.

Initiative(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Indicates how fast a creature can react. Creatures with a low initiative score are slow and cumbersome; creatures with a high initiative score are much more quick and agile. In close combat initiative tells us the order in which creatures strike, since faster creatures will be able to attack before slower ones.

Attacks(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Indicates the number of times a creature attacks during close combat. Most creatures attack only once, although some warriors of exceptional skill or monsters may be able to strike several times.

Leadership(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

A creature with a high leadership value is courageous, steadfast, and self-controlled. A creature with a low value is the opposite! Creatures with high leadership can lead others, inspiring them to greater feats of valour.

0 Level Characteristics(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 14)

Some creatures have been given a '0' for certain characteristics which means they have no ability what-so-ever in that field! This usually applies to creatures unable to use missile weapons, and so they have a BS of 0, but it might equally well apply to other characteristics too. For example, an ordinary horse has no Attacks (A).

Characteristic Profiles(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 15)

Every creature in the Warhammer World has a characteristic profile which lists the value of its characteristics. In the Bestiary you will find profiles for many of the races and monsters of the Warhammer World. The examples below show the profiles for an Orc and Man.


As you can see, an Orc and a Man are very similar in many respects. They both move at the same speed - 4", and they both have the same weapon skill and bow skill which means they are very evenly matched in combat. Both have the same strength value, so they can deliver blows with equal potency. When it comes to toughness the Orc wins over the Man - the Orc's value is 4 compared to 3. This is not a huge difference, but it makes the Orc better able to withstand blows and gives it the edge in hand-to-hand fighting.

Both creatures have 1 wound which is the normal value for man-sized creatures. The Orc loses out when it comes to initiative. This is not a terrible disadvantage, but it does mean that the Man will tend to strike his blows before the Orc once they get stuck into hand-to-hand fighting. Both races have the same leadership, 7, which is about average.

Weapons and Armour(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 15)

Intelligent creatures such as Men, Orcs, Elves and so forth carry weapons and may wear armour. Some are armed with bows or other missile weapons enabling them to strike at a distance. Others are equipped with spears or swords to fight hand-to-hand. Later we will be describing special rules to reflect the differences between different weapons.

Most troops wear armour and carry shields to protect them from the savage blows of their enemies. Armour greatly affects a warrior's chance of survival and so influences the outcome of combat. The more heavily armoured troops are, the harder they are to kill. There is a disadvantage to wearing a great deal of armour however - because metal armour is so heavy troops wearing a great deal of it move more slowly than unarmoured troops.

Armour(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 15)

To protect themselves, troops may wear armour and carry shields. If they ride horses these may be armoured too.

Shield. A shield is excellent for warding off blows and absorbing the shock of impacting spears. Many troops carry shields into battle.

Light Armour. Troops may wear a metal breastplate or a chainmail or scale armour coat. These are described as light armour because they offer slightly less protection than heavy armour and weigh less.

Heavy Armour. This is a completely enclosing suit of armour as worn by Knights of the Empire. It is made from metal plates and is very heavy and cumbersome. An enclosing suit of chain mail armour can also be classed as heavy armour, so the definition is not completely rigid.

Barding. Barding is armour made for a horse. It can be metal or it can take the form of a thick quilted coat with a linen covering bearing the knight's coat of arms.

Units of Warriors(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 16)

On the battlefield troops don't fight as a disorganised mob of individuals, they fight in properly organised units with officers to lead them. Units march in disciplined ranks, and they are trained to manoeuvre as a solid block.

Generally speaking, a unit is made up of troops of the same type. For example, it may be a unit of Men armed with crossbows and wearing light armour. All the models in a unit will be of the same race, and will have the same weapons and armour. Although it's true that creatures of the same race vary - some are weaker, faster or braver than others, we assume that the differences average out over the unit as a whole.

Units are arranged on the battlefield in a formation which consists of one, two, three, or more ranks as shown below. Units can change their formation during the battle, but this takes up time and may slow the unit down.

Facing(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 16)

Because troops move and fight in formation all the models in a unit are assumed to be facing directly forward. This is important because a model can only see things that are in front of it as shown on the diagram below. Also, troops cannot charge an enemy they cannot see, nor may they shoot weapons at them.

A unit may see forwards only.

Cavalry(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 16)

As well as units of warriors fighting on foot, the armies of the Warhammer World include troops riding horses, giant wolves and other creatures. Some heroic individuals even ride huge monsters such as griffons, wyverns and dragons. Big monsters and their riders are covered by special rules described in the Monsters section of this rulebook.

Horse-sized creatures and their riders are referred to as cavalry. Rules for cavalry are discussed throughout the game where appropriate. The difference between big monsters and cavalry is defined by the number of wounds the creature has on its characteristic profile. If a mount has 1 wound it is a cavalry model; if it has more than 1 wound it is a monster.

Cavalry models include troops riding horses, warhorses, elven steeds, giant wolves, war boars, spiders, Cold Ones, and any other mounts which have i wound on their characteristic profile.

Cavalry models use the rider's leadership characteristics value for all tests that require it. When the model is attacked it is the rider's toughness and wounds which are used. The mount's toughness, wounds, and leadership are never used, but are included on its characteristic profile because such creatures sometimes appear on their own or pulling chariots.

The Turn(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 17)

Battles are fought between two opposing sides - two armies pitting armed might and cunning against each other. The forces represented by the models are commanded by kings and generals, wizards and heroes. Their metal counterparts are commanded by you - the player.

In a real battle lots of things happen at once and it is very difficult to tell exactly how the battle is progressing at any one moment. The fortunes of each side sway throughout the battle as one side charges, then the other, roaring with fury and bloodlust as they throw themselves upon the enemy. Mighty war-engines lob their cargoes of death towards their cowering foes and clouds of arrows darken the turbulent skies.

In Warhammer Fantasy Battle we represent the howling maelstrom of action in turns, in a similar way to chess or draughts. Each player takes one complete turn, then his opponent takes a turn. The first player then takes another turn, followed by the second player again, and so on: each player taking a turn one after the other until the battle is over. To decide which side takes the first turn both players roll a D6. The player who rolls highest goes first.

Within the turn actions are performed in a fixed order - this is called the turn sequence. Each turn is divided up into phases during which the player moves all his units, shoots all his missiles, then resolves all hand-to-hand combat and so on.

The Turn Sequence(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 17)

When it is your turn it is up to you to keep track of where you are in the turn sequence. If you forget, your opponent should be able to remind you. Each turn is divided into the following phases. These phases are always completed in the order given below, and all actions in that phase must be resolved before moving onto the next phase.

  1. Movement
    During the movement phase you may move your troops as defined in the rules for movement.

  2. Shooting
    During the shooting phase you may fire any missile weapons as described in the rules for shooting.

  3. Close Combat
    During the close combat phase all troops in hand-to-hand combat may fight. Note that this is an exception to the normal turn sequence in that both sides fight, not just the side whose turn it is.

  4. Magic
    In the magic phase all wizards may cast spells. Note that as with close combat this is an exception to the normal turn sequence in that both sides may cast spells, not just the player whose turn it is.

Improvisings(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 17)

Warhammer is a challenging and involving game, with many fantasy races, and endless possibilities. In a game of this size and level of complexity there are bound to be some situations where the rules seem unclear, or a particular situation lies outside the rules as they are written. This is inevitable, as we can't possibly give rules to cover every circumstance. Nor would we want to try, as that would restrict what you can and cannot do far too much. Warhammer players should feel free to invent and improvise, exploring the Warhammer World for themselves and taking the game far beyond the published rules if they wish.

When you come across a situation not covered fully by the rulebook, be prepared to interpret a rule or come up with a suitable rule for yourselves.

When a situation of contention arises players should agree on a fair and reasonable solution and get on with the game as quickly as possible. One way of resolving a dispute is to roll a D6 to see whose interpretation applies and get on with the battle. Afterwards sit down and discuss what happened and see if you can reach an agreement in case the situation arises again. Remember, you're playing to enjoy a challenging battle with friends, where the spirit of the game is more important than winning at any cost.

Exceptions(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 17)

There are exceptions to the general turn sequence when things are worked out as they occur rather than in any strict order. Quite often the actions of one player will trigger some special weapon or the sudden appearance of a particular troop type. This is rather like stepping onto a land mine or sinking into quicksand - consequences resulting from movement which may be conveniently resolved there and then. Inevitably there will be the odd occasion when events can be worked out in one phase or another with little real difference.

The Movement Phase(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 18)

During the movement phase, or move phase, you may move your forces on the battlefield. As with the turn sequence, the things that you can do within the movement phase are performed in a strict sequence. Each part of the sequence is fully explained below.

  1. Declare Charges
    If you want any of your troops to charge you must declare this at the very start of the movement phase.

  2. Rally Fleeing Troops
    If any of your troops are fleeing you may attempt to rally them.

  3. Compulsory Moves
    Move troops that are subject to a compulsory movement rule.

  4. Move Chargers
    Move charging troops and resolve other movement resulting from the charge.

  5. Remaining Moves
    Move the rest of your troops.

Declare Charges(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 18)

At the start of your move phase the first thing you must do is declare which units will charge. Except in a few unusual circumstances explained later, you are never forced to charge. It is always your decision. However, charging is the only way troops are normally allowed to move into hand-to-hand combat. If you want to attack an enemy then you must charge him - you cannot simply move into hand-to-hand combat without declaring a charge. To make this very clear, opposing troops are normally kept at least 1" apart, and troops are not permitted to move closer unless they are charging.

To declare a charge you must indicate which of your units is charging, and which enemy unit it is going to charge. For example, you might wish to declare that your Goblin unit is charging the enemy's Elf archers. When troops charge they move at double their normal speed - this double move is called a charge move.

When you declare a charge you must be reasonably confident that the chargers will reach their target. You may not measure the distance before declaring the charge so you must judge for yourself whether your troops have enough move to reach their enemy. Obviously charging troops must have a clear run at their target. If there are models in the way, you cannot charge through them, and you must take account of any terrain that might slow you down.

Sometimes you may find yourself able to charge an enemy unit in the flank or rear. This is a particularly good tactic as an attack from an unexpected direction could throw the enemy into a panic and may give you an advantage in combat too. A charging unit's position at the start of the movement phase determines whether it can charge into the flank, the rear or the front of the enemy unit.

If the charging unit is in the target's frontal zone it charges in the front. As units generally begin the game facing each other this is the usual situation. If the charging unit is charging from the flank zone it charges into the side; if charging from the rear zone it charges from the rear.

Often the position of a charging unit straddles two areas, in which case you must judge which area the unit is mostly in.

As you declare your charges your opponent declares how the charged unit responds. A charged unit has three response options: stand and shoot, hold, and flee.

Stand and Shoot(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 19)

If the charged unit has missile weapons and the chargers are more than half their charge move away, then troops can shoot at the chargers as they advance. Work this out immediately - refer to the Shooting section for rules governing missile weapons.

Hold(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 19)

A unit can stand fast and receive the charge, individual troopers bracing themselves for the inevitable impact.

Flee(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 19)

Flee means just that - when your unit sees the enemy thundering down upon them they turn tail and run! This is a rather desperate option as once troops begin to run they tend to carry on, and may run away from the battlefield altogether whether you want them to or not.

As soon as a unit declares it is fleeing it is moved directly away from the charging enemy by 2D6" if its movement characteristic is 6" or less, or 3D6" if its move is more than 6". The fleeing unit is repositioned facing directly away from the chargers. Move the fleeing troops immediately the distance indicated by the dice roll. The full rules governing fleeing troops are covered later in the Hand-to-Hand Combat section.

Rallying(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 19)

Having declared charges and charge responses, the player whose turn it is now has the opportunity to rally any of his troops that are currently fleeing. Troops are normally forced to flee when they are defeated in hand-to-hand combat, if they are frightened by large monsters, or if something else equally traumatic has happened to them. Fleeing troops are of no fighting value unless they can be rallied, which means the troops come to their senses and stop fleeing in readiness to fight once more.

Because fleeing usually results from hand-to-hand combat the rules for fleeing troops can be found in the Hand-to-Hand Combat section of this book. In the rally phase of his turn a player makes a test to determine whether his fleeing troops manage to rally. If the troops rally then they remain where they are but may immediately adopt a new fighting formation facing towards the enemy. If the fleeing troops fail their rally test and continue to flee then they are moved next with other compulsory movement.

Compulsory Moves(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 19)

Generally speaking a player can move his troops how he wishes within the confines of the rules governing movement. However, sometimes troops go out of control for some reason, either because they are overcome by sheer terror, because they are compelled by strange magic, or because they are disorientated or confused. The player has no control over the movement of these troops and so these are referred to as compulsory moves.

The most common kind of compulsory move is fleeing. Fleeing troops always flee away from their enemy or towards their own base table edge, and they always move a randomly determined distance.

All compulsory movement is done now before other movement takes place. This gives troops moving in this way the opportunity to get in the way, block lines of advance and do all sorts of other annoying things.

Moving(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 20)

After the compulsory moves have been made the rest of your forces can be moved, starting with charging units. As the rules governing the movement of charging troops and other troops are essentially the same, we will return to the specific rules for chargers later. The following rules affect all movement.

During their move phase units can move up to their movement rate in inches. For example, Men have a movement characteristic (M) of 4 and so may move up to 4". Elves, naturally faster and nimbler of foot move up to 5". You do not have to move the full movement allowed or even at all if you prefer. Units which are charging or marching may move further (see below).

Because the weight of their gear impedes movement troops wearing armour will move more slowly. The table below indicates the reduction in move distance incurred through wearing armour.


Reduction in Movement

Shield, Light Armour or Heavy Armour alone, or Shield and Light Armour


Shield and Heavy Armour


Cavalry mount with Barding Armour


For example, a Man with no armour can move 4"; with a shield and wearing heavy armour he suffers a penalty of - 1"' and so can move 3".

A horse rider can normally move 8". If carrying a knight with heavy armour and shield, and the horse is wearing barding, then the knight moves 8" -1" for the rider's armour and shield, and -1" for the horse's barding, which equals a move of 6". A horse without barding carrying a warrior wearing heavy armour and shield would move 7".

Terrain(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 20)

Troops only move their full movement distance over unobstructed ground. They will slow down if impeded by obstacles such as bush or woods. To simulate this terrain is divided into four types: open, difficult, very difficult and impassable.

Open Terrain(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 20)

Open terrain is clear ground that doesn't impede movement at all.

Difficult Terrain(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 20)

Difficult terrain includes the following:

  • Brush, scrub and other clinging vegetation.

  • Debris, wreckage, loose rocks, boulders.

  • Fords, streams or shallow water.

  • Marshes, bogs or thick mud.

  • Soft sand.

  • Stairs, steps or ladders.

  • Steep or treacherous slopes. This can include hills if both players agree to it before the game, but otherwise hills are considered to be 'open' terrain.

  • Woods or dense foliage.

Troops cross difficult ground at 1/ their normal rate. So if your unit has a normal move of 4" it can only move 2" through a wood.

If troops move over open ground and difficult terrain during the same turn, then their movement over the open ground is at full rate and that over difficult ground is reduced exactly as normal. For example, a Man moves 2" across open ground and then enters a wood. He now has 2" of his move left. This is halved for the difficult terrain so he only move a further 1" through the wood.

Very Difficult Terrain(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 20)

Very difficult terrain includes areas that are even more arduous to move through such as the following:

  • Incredibly thick woods packed with briars and thorns.

  • Almost sheer slopes that need to be climbed on hands and knees.

  • Fast flowing but still fordable rivers.

Very difficult terrain reduces movement to 1/4 of the normal rate. Fractions are rounded up to the nearest 1/2" to prevent unnecessary complication.

Impassable Terrain(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 20)

Impassable terrain is terrain so difficult to move through that it cannot be crossed during the course of a battle. It includes terrain features such as rivers, lakes, impenetrable swamps and sheer cliffs. Troops must go round impassable terrain.

Players may decide before battle is joined whether certain terrain features will be difficult, very difficult or impassable during the course of the battle. The method of generating scenery already described can be used to determine whether scenery is difficult or very difficult, but players can always agree to make terrain feature more or less passable if both sides prefer to.

Obstacles(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 21)

Obstacles are things like hedges, fences, walls and trenches that troops must clamber over to cross.

It takes a model half of its move to cross an obstacle. So if a model has a move of 4" it must surrender 2" to cross a hedge or a wall. If a model has insufficient move left to cross an obstacle it must halt in front of it. The model does not count as half way across if it has 1" remaining, for example. Where an entire unit of troops is attempting to cross an obstacle the penalty continues to apply while any of the models are crossing.

It is perfectly possible for part of a unit to end up on one side of a linear obstacle and another part to be on the far side. This is fine. Place the part of the unit which can cross on the far side of the obstacle and leave the part that could not cross on the other side. As long as the ranks on both sides are in contact with the obstacle this is perfectly acceptable.

1st rank has crossed the hedge. 2nd and 3rd ranks waiting to cross the hedge.

When it moves from this position the ranks must be returned to base to base contact. The unit can still only move at half speed until all the ranks have crossed.

If a wall, hedge or fence has a gate in it then it is assumed to be open unless otherwise agreed, and troops may move through the gate as normal.

The penalties for difficult terrain types and obstacles are cumulative. If troops are moving at half rate of 2" across difficult terrain, then they must surrender half their remaining move, a further 1" in this case, to cross an obstacle.

Manoeuvre(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 21)

Troops move and fight in a tight formation of one or more ranks. While they move they must maintain their formation, which means that individual models are not free to wander off on their own. The formation can move straight forward as a body perfectly easily, but if it wishes to change direction then it must make a manoeuvre.

There are three specific manoeuvres which enable a unit to turn about or rearrange its ranks, these are wheel, turn or change formation.

Wheel(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 21)

To wheel you take the model on the edge of your formation and move it forwards in the direction you want to go. You do not need to move it the full movement distance if you don't want to. Having moved it to the new position you line the rest of the models up with it, leaving the model at the opposite end of the line to act as a pivot.

The entire unit counts as having moved as far as the outside model. Once you have wheeled you may use any movement the unit has left.

Opposite edge stays put. Wheel the unit forward to change the direction it faces.

A unit can wheel several times during its move as long as it has movement left and is not charging.

Turn(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 21)

A unit can only turn once during its move. To turn a unit of troops all the models remain in place, but are turned round through 90 or 180 degrees to face their side or rear. To make a turn a unit must surrender a quarter of its move - a unit with a move of 4" must give up 1" to turn for example.

A unit of 15 models in 3 ranks turns 90° to its right flank. The unit still has 15 models but is now 5 ranks deep.

Change Formation(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 22)

A unit can also change its formation by adding or reducing the number of ranks in which it is deployed. For example, a unit of 2 ranks may increase its depth to 3 ranks by moving models from the front two ranks to form a new third line. A unit must surrender half of its move to either add or deduct one rank. A unit may therefore add or deduct 2 ranks if it does not move at all.

A unit of 12 models in two ranks.
A unit of 12 models in two ranks reforms into three ranks.
A unit of 12 models in three ranks reforms into two ranks.

Marching(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 22)

Marching is a type of extra fast move that allows troops that are slightly removed from the main fighting zones to move more rapidly. This represents the swift movement of reserves by marching, and helps to ensure that units don't get stranded away from the fighting.

Marching troops move at double pace with weapons sheathed or shouldered. A unit on the march is not prepared for combat so marching is not suitable for use close to the enemy. No unit would approach the enemy with weapons unready.

Troops may only march if there are no enemy within 8" of them. If marching troops move to within 8" of enemy troops then they immediately halt and prepare their weapons for combat.

A unit on the march cannot change formation or turn as this would disrupt its movement. It can wheel as normal.

A marching unit cannot move through difficult or other obstructive terrain or cross obstacles. It must stop if it comes to these features.

A unit on the march cannot shoot missile weapons during the shooting phase. It is unprepared for combat and any weapons carried are not ready to be used.

War engines, chariots and other machines cannot march - they are far too cumbersome.

Fast Cavalry(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 22)

Fast, lightly armoured cavalry can manoeuvre much more easily than slow, ponderous foot troops encumbered by weapons and armour. Therefore these riders are allowed more flexibility than other troops.

Mounted models with a saving throw of no greater than 5+ and a move rate of at least 6" over open ground are classed as fast cavalry. Fast cavalry can make any number of turns without penalty and may change formation once during their movement by any number of ranks. Their manoeuverability is so great they can even do this while marching.

Snaking(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 22)

A unit deployed in a long line with models lined up one behind the other can manoeuvre very easily. The lead model is not restricted by troops either side and so can choose a snaking path which twists about. This is called snaking. Trailing models are placed so that they follow the path of the lead model. This a special type of movement unique to long lines of troops. It isn't a very practical formation for fighting, but it is very handy for threading your way through buildings and other obstacles.

A unit deployed in single file can 'snake' forming a long twisting line.

Charging(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 23)

Chargers are moved when compulsory movement is finished, and before you move the rest of your troops. Make sure you have completed all of your charges before moving other troops. Chargers are moved at double their normal speed, but must make deductions for terrain and crossing obstacles the same as other troops. For example, mounted knights with a move of 6", once a deduction has been made for armour, may charge 12". If they are moving over difficult terrain they move at half rate, reducing their charge to 6"

Before you move the charging unit check that the enemy has declared his response and that troops electing to flee have been moved and troops electing to stand and shoot have done so. Measure the distance between the chargers and their target.

If you have estimated your move incorrectly you may find your troops can't move far enough to reach their intended target. If this is the case the charge has failed. The unit is moved its normal move distance rather than its double speed charge, directly towards the intended target then comes to a halt. Your troops have begun to charge, realised that it is impossible to cover the distance and their movement has petered out as they lose impetus and enthusiasm. A unit that fails its charge cannot shoot with missile weapons that turn.

A charging unit may wheel once in order to line itself up with the enemy. Apart from this wheel a charging unit cannot manoeuvre at all. This means that chargers can never turn, change formation or wheel more than once. This is because the chargers are running fast once the charge has begun, and are completely unable to execute delicate manoeuvres.

Charge Reactions(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 23)

If your opponents stand and shoot it is possible that they may cause sufficient casualties to force a panic test. Panic tests and other special psychological tests are explained later in the Psychology section. This may result in your charge being brought to a halt before contact is made with the enemy. This is why it is important to work out standing and shooting before moving the chargers. If the chargers are out of missile range at the beginning of their charge, then work out missile casualties at the maximum range of the weapon.

If your opponents flee as you charge then they will move directly away from you either 2D6" or 3D6" depending on whether their movement rate is up to 6" or more than 6". It may be that fleeing troops have moved too far for the chargers to catch them, in which case the chargers move a normal move exactly as for any other failed charge.

If the fleeing troops have not moved far enough away to avoid their attackers then they are in deep trouble! Should chargers move into contact with fleeing troops then the entire fleeing unit is destroyed, run into the ground by its enemy. See the rules for fleeing troops in the Hand-to-Hand Combat section for more details.

If your opponent flees it can happen that a new enemy unit is revealed. For example, if two enemy units are placed so that one is directly behind another, then if the front unit flees the chargers will be faced by the second. If this fresh enemy unit is within the chargers' charge move then treat the situation exactly like a newly declared charge. However, the enemy unit may not stand and shoot because his frontage is covered by his own troops as they flee, therefore it is only possibly to either flee or hold.

A charge can sometimes trigger extra movement from the enemy. For example, Goblin Fanatics will leap out of their units and attack as soon as enemy approach within 8". This happens out of the normal sequence: the charge is halted as soon as the chargers move within 8" and the Goblin Fanatics are moved and any damage they cause worked out straight away. It is up to the player to say that he has out of sequence movements or actions to perform at the appropriate moment.

Flank and Rear Attacks(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 23)

Being attacked from an area you cannot see and thought was safe is a frightening thing for even the bravest of troops. With his field of vision narrowed by his position in the ranks, the average soldier has only a limited knowledge of what is going on in the battlefield. If the enemy has somehow got round behind him the battle may be lost. Confusion, doubt and terror will be sown in his mind. If he is in hand-to-hand combat already he may panic and flee, thinking all is lost and the enemy is at his unguarded back.

To represent this, troops who are attacked in the flank or rear while already fighting other enemy must take a panic test to see if their nerve breaks. This test is taken as soon as it has been established that the chargers are in range, but before moving any troops. Panic tests and other psychological tests are described fully in the section on Psychology. Even if troops do not break and flee as a result of a panic test, their ability to fight will be impaired if they are fighting enemy to their flanks or rear. This is represented by a special combat bonus which is discussed in the Hand-to-hand Combat section.

Shooting(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 24)

Once movement is complete it is time to work out your shooting. Troops armed with bows, crossbows, or other missile weapons may shoot at any enemy targets they can see. You may also shoot any war machines such as stone throwers, bolt throwers, and cannons, although the rules for these are covered in a separate section of the rulebook.

There is no particular order in which shooting must be resolved. Nominate one of your units you want to shoot with and select the enemy target you wish to shoot at. For example, you might choose to shoot your Elven Archers at the Goblin Chariot or at a unit of Goblin spearmen. Once you have declared your target measure the range and resolve shooting using the rules below. Continue until you have shot with each unit or war machine.

Nominate one enemy target. The unit of Elf archers may choose to shoot at the Goblin Chariot, the unit of Goblin spearmen, or the Wyvern.

Range(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 24)

All missile weapons have a maximum range which is the greatest distance they can shoot. If your declared target lies beyond this maximum range because you have estimated the range wrongly, then your shots automatically miss. This is why you must pick your target before measuring the range.

For example. The goblin player is using short bows which bave a range of 16". He declares he is opening fire on the nearest Elf unit. When he measures the distance he finds the Elves are 17" away. His hail of arrows falls short of the sneering Elves.

It often happens that some models in a firing unit will be in range and others will be out of range. If this is the case then only those who are in range can shoot and the remainder automatically miss.


Maximum Range

Short Bow




Long Bow




Repeating Crossbow






Thrown axe, spear


Thrown knife, dart








These ranges are the maximum distances that the weapons can fire. Missiles lose power and accuracy long before they reach maximum range so ranges are divided into short and long. Short range is up to half the maximum range of a weapon. Long range is between half and maximum distance. As we shall see later, there are modifiers that make it more difficult for a weapon to hit at long range.

For example: Short range for a short bow is up to 8". A target at more than 8" counts as being at long range.

Who Can Shoot(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 25)

The direction a model faces in is assumed to be the actual direction faced by the creature it represents. Common sense will tell you a model cannot fire in one direction while looking in another. To represent this a target must lie within a 90 degree arc projected from the front of a shooter. Where models are on square bases this can be imagined easily by projecting a line through the corners.

Firing Arc - A model may shoot at a target within this Arc.

Models can only shoot at targets that they can see. Their sight, and therefore their shot, is blocked if there is anything in between them and their intended target. This includes interposing models as well as scenery. Because of this, only the models in the front rank of a unit can shoot, because the models behind them will not be able to see past their friends to the target.

Imagine a real battlefield with its contours, morning mists and haze of dust. Picture the woods and hedges that obscure vision, that sudden fall of ground that hides your enemy and the distances that blur friend with foe. Towering over our miniature battlefield we are unaware of all this but the troops represented by our models are not so lucky. Just as their real life counterparts cannot see through hills or hedges we must assume that our models cannot see behind corresponding scenic features.

As it is impossible for us to say exactly what your model scenery looks like, it is not practical to be definitive about which kinds of building or terrain block sight. You must be prepared to use your own judgement within the following guidelines. Perhaps the easiest way of checking whether a model can see another is to get down over the table and take a model's eye view, but remember you must be reasonable about this as in reality it would be much more difficult to see enemy troops than over a perfectly flat, mist free gaming table.

Hills, large boulders and buildings block sight over level ground. An interposing hill or house will block your sight and prevent models shooting through it.

Hedges and walls block sight over level ground. However, a model placed directly behind an obstacle (ie touching it) is assumed to have taken up a position where it can see and shoot over the obstacle, with head and shoulders clearly visible. Such a model can shoot but it can also be seen and shot at.

Woods block line of sight if the shooter and the target lie on either side of the wood. It is only possible to see through 2" of woodland, so if a model is within 2" of the edge he can see out and shoot and he can also be seen at shot at. If further inside the wood a model can neither be seen by models outside nor can he see them. If both target and shooter are inside the wood then missile range is reduced to the farthest you can see - which is 2".

Troops, friendly or unfriendly, block sight beyond them. It is not possible to shoot directly through one model to hit another.

Troops occupying elevated positions such as hills and the tops of buildings, can see over the heads of models, over the tops of lower hills, lower buildings, trees, and obstacles. Not only can such troops see and shoot, but they can also be seen and shot at because they are standing high up, exposing themselves to view. One of the most useful aspects of this is apparent when you have a unit deployed on a hillside: models in a rear rank higher up the slope can see over the heads of ranks in front of them and so can shoot. This can enable many more models to shoot than is possible over level ground where only the front rank is able to bring its weapons to bear.

Cover(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 25)

Troops take advantage of cover to hide from enemy missile fire. This makes them harder to hit because they can duck back out of the way leaving arrows to splinter against a wall or tree. There are two sorts of cover: hard cover and soft cover.

Hard cover offers real physical protection as well as partially concealing the target from view. The corner of a building, a large rock, walls and wooden pallisades are all hard cover. Troops positioned at windows and doors also count as being in hard cover. A model positioned at the corner of a building so that he is peeking round is behind hard cover. Models in trenches or pits are also counted as behind hard cover.

Soft cover partially shields a target from view but provides little actual protection against incoming missiles. You can hide behind a hedge but a crossbow bolt or an arrow will go straight through it. Hedges, wagons, carts and woodland all provide soft cover. Troops within woods automatically count as being in soft cover.

Shooting and Hand-to-Hand Combat(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 25)

Troops engaged in hand-to-hand fighting are far too busy to use missile weapons and therefore may not shoot.

Other troops may wish to shoot at targets engaged in hand-to-hand combat. This is possible but not necessarily a good idea as you are likely to hit the wrong target and kill a friend rather than an enemy. Troops in hand-to-hand combat are taking part in a vast swirling melee, and under the circumstances it is virtually impossible to tell friend from foe or get a clear view of your target. You can shoot into combat if you wish but if you do so then hits must be divided equally between both sides. Odd hits can be allotted to either side in some random fashion such as by rolling a D6: a score of 1-3 = a hit on your side, while 4-6 = a hit on your enemy. On the whole, it is not a good idea to shoot into hand-to-hand combat.

Dividing Shots(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 26)

A unit of troops always takes aim and shoots at a single target where possible, obeying the commands of their leader who is directing their fire. Therefore, where possible, all the unit must fire at a single target, such as a unit of enemy troops or a huge monster or chariot. This may occasionally mean you are obliged to fire at one target rather than another, because one target can be shot at by all your troops while another may be in sight of only a few. However, it is sometimes impossible for all your models to shoot at a single target because no one target is visible to all shooters. In this case you may divide your shooting between two enemy targets if you want to.

Hitting the Target(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 26)

The chance of a shooter scoring a hit on his target depends on his ballistic skill, or BS. the higher the individual's BS, the greater his chance of hitting. To determine whether you hit you must roll a D6 for each model shooting. Count how many models in your unit are shooting, and roll that number of dice. It is easiest to roll all the dice at once, although you don't have to do so. If you have a lot of models shooting you may have to roll several batches of dice. The following table shows the minimum D6 score you will need to hit.












D6 Score











If you score at least the number required you have hit, if you score less you have missed.

For example: You fire with 5 Goblin archers. Goblins have BS 3, so you need a score of at least 4 to hit. You roll 5 dice and score 1, 2, 2, 4, and 6 - 2 hits and 3 misses.

Of course, you cannot roll less than 1 on a D6, so troops with a BS of 6 or more will invariably hit. However, circumstances can make it harder to hit as described below, and this may increase the dice score required so that even troops with very high BS values can find it difficult to hit their target.

To Hit Modifiers(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 26)

Shooting isn't simply a matter of pointing your weapon at the target and letting fly. Factors other than your ballistic skill affect your chance of hitting. Ones mentioned earlier include range and cover. There are other factors too, some of which make it easier to hit, and others that make it harder.

Factors that make it easier are added to your die roll. Factors that make it harder are subtracted from your die roll.



Shooting at a Large Target


Shooting While Moving


Shooting at a Charging Enemy


Shooting at Long Range


Shooting at a Character Model


Target is Behind Soft Cover


Target is Behind Hard Cover


+1 Shooting at a Large Target

A large target is anything which in real life would stand over approximately 10 feet tall or which is especially bulky. Ogres and Trolls are large targets for example, while Men, Orcs, Elves and the vast majority of troops are not. Cavalry models are not considered to be large targets if they are just riding horses, wolves, boars or comparable beasts. Most war machines are large targets, and so are chariots.

-1 Shooting while Moving

If the shooter moved during the movement phase then his chance of hitting is reduced. Even a simple turn or change of formation is enough to reduce his concentration and so counts as movement.

-1 Shooting at a Charging Enemy

If you are charged and elect to stand and shoot at your attacker then your chance of hitting is reduced. While the enemy thunder towards you your aim will be distracted and your shot hurried as you abandon your weapon to take up a sword.

-1 Shooting at Long Range

If your target lies at over half your maximum range you are less likely to hit. Sometimes you will find some of the shooters are within short range and some are at long range. If this is the case you must roll 2 batches of dice, one for each range band.

-1 Shooting at a Character Model

If your target is a single man-sized character model then this penalty applies. See the section on Heroes and Wizards for a complete explanation of rules for shooting at character models.

-1 Target is Behind Soft Cover

If your target is behind soft cover then your chance of hitting is reduced.

-2 Target is Behind Hard Cover

If your target is behind hard cover your chance of hitting is drastically reduced.

All modifiers are cumulative. So, for example, if you are shooting at long range at a target behind soft cover your chance of hitting is reduced by -2. This means that with a BS of 5 you would need to roll a 4 to hit instead of the 2 normally required.

For example: 10 Goblin archers open fire at a unit of Elves. The Goblins have a BS of 3 and their targets are 10" away. To make matters worse, the Elves are standing behind a hedge - soft cover! The bold Gobbo ladz are armed with short bows which means their targets are at long range (short range being 8" or less for these weapons). Because their BS is 3 the Gobbos need a 4 to bit but since their targets are in cover and at long range this means that they suffer a penalty of -2. So each archer needs to roll a 6 to bit as 6-2 - the 4 required. The player rolls 10 dice and manages to get two 6's - two hits!

Wounds(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 27)

Not all hits will wound their target - some may glance off armour or clothing, while others may just graze their target causing no real harm. Some creatures are so tough that arrows do not easily pierce their flesh, or they are so resilient that they are able to ignore missiles sticking in their bodies. Once you have hit your foe, you must roll again to see if you wound him. To do this you must compare the weapon's strength value with the target's toughness value. The strength values of common missile weapons are given on the next page; the target's toughness 'T', is included on his profile.

Roll a D6 for each hit you have scored and consult the table below. Find the weapon's strength and look down that row. Then scan along to the column for your target's toughness. The number indicated is the minimum score on a Do required to score a wound.


To use the chart first find your weapon's strength down the left band side. Now cross reference this against your target's toughness along the top. Where the two lines meet is a number, which is the minimum score required on a D6 to score a wound. Roll a D6, if you score equal to or more than the score required you have wounded your target. If you score less then the bit has either rebounded from the creature's hide. entangled itself in clothing, or merely nicked his flesh causing no appreciable damage.

If you have scored several hits on an enemy unit then roll all the wound dice together to save time - so if you have 4 hits then roll 4 dice to wound. It is fastest to simply pick out the hit dice which have scored hits and roll them again to see if they cause wounds.

N. Where the table shows an 'N' this indicates that the target is simply too tough for you to burt. N stands for no effect - or no chance!

Weapon Strength(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 28)

The following examples show the strength of various missile weapons. They are included here as examples: the section on Weapons describes all missile and hand-to-hand fighting weapons in more detail.









Repeating Crossbow






Hand Gun


Continuing our example from above: The Goblin player, having scored 2 hits against the Elves consults the table. His ladz' short bows are S3. The Elves are toughness 3. He sees that he needs to roll 4 or better to wound an Elf. He rolls a 4 and a 2, wounding one Elf.

Armour(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 28)

Models that are wounded still have a chance to avoid damage if they are wearing armour or carrying shields, or riding a horse or similar creature. These models have an armour saving roll. Roll a D6 for each wound your troops have suffered. If you roll greater than or equal to the armour saving throw of the model the wound has been absorbed or deflected by its armour.

Armour Worn

Armour Save

Armour Save if Cavalry




Shield or light armour



Shield and light armour or heavy armour only



Shield and heavy armour



Riders with shield and heavy armour, riding armored mounts


Cavalry models automatically have a saving throw of 6 even if the rider is wearing no armour. This represents the extra protection afforded by the horse or other mount. If the rider is wearing armour then his saving throw will be 1 better than it would be if he were on foot. For example, a Man wearing light armour and carrying a shield has a saving throw of 5+ on foot and 4+ when mounted.

Note that this bonus only applies to cavalry and not to big monsters with riders. Rules for big monsters and riders are discussed in the section on Monsters.

For example: A trooper carrying a shield and wearing light armour has a saving throw of a 5+. This means he must roll a 5 or 6 to be saved by his armour. To continue our example from above, the Goblin archers have scored 1 wound on the Elf troops. Since the Elves are wearing light armour and have a shield their saving throw is 5+. The Elf player rolls a 2. Not surprisingly be has failed. If he bad scored a 5 or 6 the arrow would have bounced off and the Elf would have been unharmed.

Armour Save Modifiers(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 8)

Some weapons are so powerful that they can punch right through armour, so armour provides less protection against them. Such weapons confer saving throw modifiers that are subtracted from the foe's armour saving throw. This is shown by the table below.

Strength of Hit

Reduces Armour Save By

3 or less
















For example: A crossbow has a strength of 4. A crossbowman hits a warrior in light armour with shield. Normally the warrior would need to roll 5 or 6 to make his save and avoid taking the wound but because of the crossbow's enormous hitting power 1 is subtracted from his dice roll. This means he must now roll 6 to save.

Removing Casualties(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 29)

Most human-sized troops can only sustain 1 wound before they fall casualty. Some models can take several wounds before they become casualties, but these are the exceptions rather than the rule. The number of wounds a model can sustain before it falls casualty is indicated by its wounds value or 'W' on its profile.

Where troops have only a single wound casualties are removed as follows. If a unit of troops is hit and suffers wounds which it does not save then for each wound suffered one model is removed as a casualty. Casualties are not necessarily dead, they may be temporarily knocked-out, or simply too badly wounded to carry on fighting. For our purposes the result is the same so we can consider casualties as slain.

The player who has suffered the casualties must remove slain models from the unit. Although casualties would really fall amongst the front rank it is convenient to remove casualties from the rear of the unit. This keeps the formation neat and represents rear rankers stepping forwards to cover gaps in the line as they appear.

If models have more than one wound then casualties are removed as follows. Imagine that a unit of Minotaurs suffers 5 wounds from arrow fire. Minotaurs are big monsters and each model has 3 wounds. The arrows would fall randomly among the unit, possibly wounding several creatures, but for our purposes we shall remove whole models where possible. So, 5 wounds equals 1 model dead (3 wounds) with 2 wounds left over. The wounds left over are not enough to remove another model, so the player must make a note that 2 wounds have been suffered. If the unit takes another wound from some other attack, then another Minotaur model is removed. It is important to keep a record of wounds taken by units such as this.

In the case of cavalry models all shots are worked out against the rider. If the rider is slain the mount is removed as well. This is a convenient and practical way of representing cavalry, as it dispenses with the need for individual dismounted riders and loose mounts. Obviously some riders are slain, horses bolt and run away, and some mounts are killed throwing their riders to the ground. However, these things can be safely imagined while models are removed as a single piece. Note that this only applies to ordinary cavalry (mounts which have 1 wound on their profile) and not to large monsters which have riders. Large monsters have more than 1 wound on their profile and are covered by the rules for Monsters.

Panic Tests(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 29)

It is extremely difficult for troops to keep their nerve while people all round them are falling to arrow fire. To simulate this any unit taking substantial casualties may be called upon to take a panic test. A panic test is a psychological test and it is described in the section on Psychology tests along with other effects such as fear, and so on.

Fast Dice Rolling(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 29)

You will have gathered by now that it is necessary to roll quite a few dice to resolve shooting - whole handfuls at once in fact! This doesn't take as long as you might imagine because all the dice are rolled together. The most practical way of going about this is to take as many dice as you have troops shooting and roll them all at once. So, if you're shooting with 10 Goblin Archers roll 10 dice. Then pick out any dice which score a hit and re-roll them to wound. So, from our 10 dice to hit 4 might typically score hits, these are re-rolled and may score 2 wounds for example. Dice which score wounds are picked out and handed over to the opponent to take his saving throws. This same system applies when you work out hand-to-hand combat damage too, as described in the next section.

Hand-to-Hand Combat Phase(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 30)

Once all the shooting has been resolved it is time to deal with the brutal cut and thrust of hand-to-hand combat or melee, as it's sometimes called. All units that are in contact with the enemy must fight. The hand-to-hand combat phase is an exception to the normal turn sequence in that both sides fight, regardless of which player's turn it is.

Work out combats one at a time - resolve the fighting for all the troops involved in one combat before moving on to the next. A combat is usually a fight between one unit from each side, but it is possible that several units, monsters, and heroes may become involved.

In the illustration at the bottom of the page, for example, there are three separate combats: one between two units and an Elf griffon rider on the left; a huge fight between two units of Elves, two units of Goblins and a Goblin chariot in the centre; and a combat between two opposing units, an Orc Wyvern rider and an Elf bolt thrower on the right.

This diagram shows three separate combats - work out each combat before progressing to the next.

Who Strikes First(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 30)

In the desperate hack and slay of close combat the advantage goes to the best and fastest warriors, or those who have gained the extra impetus of charging into combat that turn. To represent this, models strike blows in a strict order. Troops who have charged that turn automatically strike first. Otherwise, all blows are struck in strict order of initiative (I). Models with a higher initiative strike first followed by models with a lower initiative. This is important because if a model is slain before it has a chance to strike it obviously cannot fight back. Striking first is a big advantage, which is why it is better to charge your enemy rather than allow him to charge you.

If opposing troops have the same initiative then the side which won the combat in the previous turn may strike first, or if this doesn't apply you can roll a D6, and the player who scores highest goes first.

For example: A bunch of Orc boar riders charges a group of Elf spearmen. The Elves have an initiative of 6, while the Orcs only have initiative 2. The Orcs strike first because they charged. Next turn the Elves will go first because of their higher initiative.

Which Models Fight(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 31)

A model can fight if its base is touching the base of an enemy model. Even models attacked in the side or rear may fight, and may be turned in the ranks to indicate they are doing so. If a model is touching more than one enemy it can choose which to attack. For example, if faced with an enemy hero and an ordinary enemy trooper you may decide to attack the trooper because you stand more chance of harming him, or could take the outside chance of fighting the hero.

You may decide which model to attack.

In the case of cavalry mounts which have their own attacks, these are worked out in exactly the same way as normal. This means that some cavalry have two lots of attacks, the rider attacks and his mount attacks as well. For example, Warhorses and Giant Wolves have their own attack which they strike in the normal way.

Hitting the Enemy(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 31)

The chance of hitting your enemy depends upon the attacker's weapon skill (WS) and the defender's weapon skill. To determine whether you score a hit roll a D6 for each model fighting. If you have more than one attack (A) with your troops then roll a D6 for each. For example, 10 Elves have 1 attack each so roll 10 dice, but 10 Minotaurs have 2 attacks each so roll 20 dice.

The score needed to score a hit on your enemy depends upon the relative weapon skills of the attacker and his foe. Compare the weapon skill of the attacker with the weapon skill of his opponent and consult the chart below to find the minimum D6 score needed to hit.

If you look at the chart you will see that if your model's weapon skill is greater than your foe's you hit him on 3+. Otherwise you hit on a 4+, unless his weapon skill is more than double yours in which case you require a 5+.


Cavalry(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 31)

When you are fighting cavalry all blows are struck against the rider using the rider's WS. The mount may fight using its own WS if it has its own attack.

Defended Obstacle(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 31)

If you are attacking an enemy behind a wall or a heage, inside a building, or behind some other defended obstacle you will require a 6 on a D6 to hit. Ít is very difficult indeed to hit enemy in these circumstances.

Fighting with Two Weapons(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 31)

Some warriors carry a weapon in both hands so they may rain down even more attacks on their enemy. If a warrior carries a weapon in both hands he receives one extra attack from his left hand. It doesn't matter if his attack (A) value is 2 or more, a warrior receives only +1 attack from his extra weapon.

Wounds(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 32)

Not all successful hits are going to harm your enemy - some may rebound from armour or bounce off tough hide, while others may cause only superficial damage that does not prevent the creature fighting. Once you have hit your foe you must roll again to see if your hits inflict wounds.

This procedure is exactly the same as described for shooting. Consult the table below, cross referencing the attacker's strength (S) with the defender's toughness (T). Both values appear on the profiles of the creatures fighting. The chart indicates the minimum score on a D6 required to cause a wound.

N. Where the table shows an 'N' this indicates that the target is simply too tough for you to hurt. N stands for no effect - or no chance!


Weapons Modifiers(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 32)

Unlike shooting it is the strength value (S) of the attacker which is used rather than the strength of the weapon itself. However, some weapons confer a bonus on the attacker's strength. For example, charging knights with lances receive a +2 bonus on their strength. These bonuses are discussed together with other special rules in the section on Weapons.

Armour(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 33)

Models that are wounded still have a chance to avoid damage if they are wearing armour or carrying shields. This is exactly the same as described for shooting, and the same rules apply. For each wound suffered the player rolls a D6. If he rolls greater than or equal to the armour saving throw of his troops then that wound has been absorbed or deflected by the model's armour.

For example, an Elf wearing light armour has a saving throw of 6 so you will need to roll a 6 to save him. If he had a shield as well he would save on a 5 or 6, and so on. Re-read the section on armour and the description in the Shooting section if this is not completely clear.

Saving Throw Modifiers(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 33)

Some creatures are so powerful that armour provides less protection against them. They can beat their way right through armour when they hit, either with a weapon or with their claws and teeth.

The higher a creature's strength the more easily it can pierce armour. If weapons give a strength bonus then this increases the strength of a hit and makes it easier to pierce armour. The chart below shows the reduction in the enemy's saving throw compared to the attacker's strength. This is exactly the same as for damage from shooting.

Strength of Hit

Reduces Armour Save By

3 or less
















Remove Casualties(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 33)

Casualties are removed in exactly the same way as missile casualties. You may wish to re-read the Shooting section at this point. Remember that both sides fight in hand-to-hand combat, so models removed before they have a chance to strike cannot fight back. You will find it easiest and most practical to remove casualties from the rear ranks of units rather than from the front. Although it is the front rankers who are actually fighting, rear rankers would quickly step in to fill any gaps in the line, so it is preferable to remove these straight away. However, the rear rankers who step in to the front line cannot fight that turn - all they can do is step into the gap.

To remind you how many casualties have been suffered do not take the casualties off the table immediately, but place them behind the unit. There are two reasons for this which will become very clear as you play. Firstly, if you remove models from the back rank rather than the front you will have to bear in mind that some of the front rankers are actually rear ranker who cannot fight. Leaving casualties on the table will remind you how many casualties have been suffered and so how many models are left to fight.

Secondly, you need to know how many casualties have been suffered when it comes to working out which side has won the combat, and having all the casualties in place behind their units helps to make this clear.

Some models have several attacks, not just one. It is possible that a big creature, such as an Ogre or Minotaur, or a huge monster, like a Dragon, succeeds in inflicting, say, 3 or 4 wounds even though the model is only touching 1 or at most 2 enemy models. When this happens the number of casualties is still the full number of wounds caused, not just those models directly touching the attacker.

This is because combat is not the strictly organised linear affair that it appears. When the big creature attacks it slashes in one direction and then the next, stepping forward and aside to strike new victims as its enemies fall beneath its feet. This means that a monster or a powerful hero may be able to destroy many more enemies than he is touching.

Results(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 34)

Once all the participants in a combat have fought you can determine which side has won. Begin by adding up all the wounds caused by each side. It does not matter which particular units suffered the wounds, just add them all up. Do not forget to add the wounds taken by big creatures which have not been removed as casualties.

The side which has caused the most wounds has won the combat. The other side has lost. If both have inflicted the same number of wounds then the result is a draw. However, a side can claim extra bonus points under certain circumstances - for example if it has a battle standard, if it is attacking the enemy in the flank, or if it is fighting from higher ground.

Each bonus point is added to the number of casualties you have inflicted. So for example, if both sides cause 3 wounds the result is a draw, but if one side had a battle standard it adds +1 to its score, beating the enemy by 4 points to 3. These bonus points can make all the difference between winning and losing the combat. The table below summarises the bonus points.

Once both sides have established their total points, including the number of casualties caused and bonus points, compare the values to discover which side has won the combat. The higher the winner's score compared to the loser's the bigger and more decisive the victory. An 8 point against 7 point victory is only a slight win for example, because the difference in scores is only one point. An 8 point against 2 point victory is extremely decisive as the difference in scores is a whopping six. This difference in scores is important because it is used when working out if a defeated enemy stands his ground or turns and flees.




Rank Bonus




Battle Standard


High Ground


Flank Attack


Rear Attack

+1 Rank Bonus

If your formation is at least 4 models wide then you may claim a bonus of +1 for each complete rank of models behind the first. So, a formation 3 ranks deep would give you a +2 bonus, a 4 deep formation gives you a +3 bonus. The greatest bonus you can claim is +3 from 4 ranks - no bonus is given for deeper formations. If your side has several units fighting, then you may add the bonus from the deepest formation. You do not get a bonus from each unit, just the deepest unit in the combat.

+1 Standard

If any of your units has a standard flying in the front rank then you may add a +1 bonus. If you have several standards then you still only add +1, not +1 for each standard. Rules for standards are described later.

+1 Battle Standard

If the army's battle standard is fighting in the combat then you may add a further +1. This is in addition to the bonus from ordinary banners because it represents the great leader himself. Rules for standards are described later.

+1 High Ground

If you are fighting from a higher position than your enemy then you may add a +1 bonus. For example, if you are defending the crest of a hill. If there are several units involved, some higher than others, the bonus goes to the side which has troops on the highest ground. Note that this bonus only applies to troops occupying higher terrain, not to models which are simply bigger than their enemy - they have enough advantages already.

+1 Flank Attack

If you are fighting an enemy unit in the flank you may add a +1 bonus. You must have at least 5 models in the flanking unit to earn this bonus. A smaller unit may strike blows as normal but does not give the bonus. If both sides have troops attacking in the flank then the side with the most flanking units gets the bonus. The bonus is only applied once, regardless of how many flanking units are involved in the combat.

+2 Rear Attack

The same comments apply as for a flank attack but to units attacking in the rear.

Losers Take a Break Test(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 34)

The side that loses a combat must take a test to determine if it stands and fights or turns tail and runs away. This is called a break test. You need to take a separate break test for every unit involved in the combat. Depending on which units pass and which fail their test some may break and flee, while others may stand their ground. Troops which are better led, braver, and more professional are more likely to stand firm, while wild, temperamental troops are far more likely to run for it.

Take the test as follows. Firstly say which unit you are testing for. Roll 2D6 and add the scores together. Now add the difference between the winner's and loser's combat score. If the total is greater than the unit's Leadership (Ld) value then the unit is broken. Broken units will turn tail and flee once all combat on the entire battlefield has been worked out. Until all combat has been worked out simply turn a few of the rear rank models round to remind you that the unit is broken.

For example: A unit of Elf archers is fighting a unit of Goblin spearmen. The Goblins inflict 3 wounds on the Elves, and the Elves inflict 4 wounds on the Goblins. However, the Goblin player has 4 complete ranks in his formation, and as each extra rank adds +1 to his score this gives him 3 + 3 = 6 points against the Elves' 4. The Elves have therefore lost the combat, even though they have caused more casualties - the vast numbers of Goblins pressing from the back have overwhelmed them. The Elves must therefore take a break test adding +2 to their dice score. Elves have a good leadership value (8) but with the extra +2 modifier on the dice the player will have to roll 6 or less to stand and fight. The player rolls 2D6 and scores 7, the +2 modifier brings his total to 9 which is greater than the unit's leadership so the Elves are broken.

Panic Tests For Breaks(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 35)

Once all of the combats have been fought and all units that have been defeated have taken a break test, you must take a panic test for all your units which are within 12" of friendly units which have broken. This represents the spread of panic amongst the army as friendly units collapse and turn tail, leading to crumbling battlelines and possibly causing other units to flee as well. Panic is a special psychological effect, and the full rules for panic and other psychology are covered in the following section of the rules. However, it is worth bearing in mind at this stage that panic tests must be taken once all break tests are complete but before any fleeing troops are moved.

Fleeing Troops(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 35)

Once you have completed all of the break tests resulting from combat that turn, and having taken any necessary panic tests, it is time for broken troops to flee. Fleeing troops turn directly away from their enemy and run as fast as they can. They abandon their formation and run from their enemy in complete rout, blindly scrambling over the ground in their efforts to avoid the enemy.

It is difficult to judge how far fleeing troops will run because they are no longer fighting as a unit but milling around in a frightened mob. To establish how far the fleeing unit moves roll dice. If the unit normally moves 6" or less roll 2D6. If the unit moves more than 6" roll 3D6. The result is the distance covered by the fleeing troops minus any penalty for terrain or obstacles. Move the fleeing unit directly away from its enemy so that it is 2D6" or 3D6" away from them and facing in the opposite direction.

A fleeing unit will be destroyed if it is caught by pursuers as described below. If it is not destroyed then the fleeing unit continues to move 2D6" or 3D6" towards the nearest table edge during its movement phase in an attempt to get away from the battlefield as quickly as possible. While it continues to flee the unit can do nothing else. It cannot fight nor shoot with missiles. Where able to do so, it will move round obstacles that block its path, including units of troops, but it will not move towards enemy troops unless it has no other choice.

If any models leave the table edge the unit is considered to have left the battlefield and is removed from play. The troopers have scattered beyond recovery or have found places to hide themselves until the battle is over.

If enemy troops charge a fleeing unit then the fleeing unit makes its 2/3D6" flee roll as normal. The charging unit moves its standard charge distance. The charging enemy destroys the fleeing troops if it catches them.

A fleeing unit may test to rally at the very start of its movement phase. This represents the efforts of leaders and brave individuals to call a halt to the rout, bring the troops to their senses and restore order. This is called rallying and a unit that rallies successfully may reorder its ranks in preparation to fight once more.

To take a rally test roll 2D6. If the score is equal to or less than the unit's leadership (Ld) then the unit stops fleeing and has rallied. The unit must spend the remainder of the turn stationary and may not shoot or fight, but the player may rearrange its formation and turn it to face whichever direction he chooses.

A fleeing unit that has suffered many casualties will be unable to rally. A unit must still have at least 25% of its original number of models surviving to be able to attempt to rally. If a fleeing unit has less than 25% of its original strength left, the troops are too demoralised to rally. The unit continues to flee until it leaves the table or is destroyed.

Pursuit(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 36)

If a unit wins a combat and all of the enemy it is fighting break and flee, then the victorious unit will normally pursue. The troops triumphantly surge forward, hacking at their retreating foes as their backs are turned, cutting them down as they run. Note that a unit may only pursue if all the troops it is fighting break - if one unit breaks and another stands and fights on then the victorious troops do not pursue. Like fleeing, pursuit is a hectic and uncontrolled affair, so dice are rolled to determine how far the pursuing unit moves.

Once fleeing troops have been moved victorious units may pursue. To find out how far they pursue roll 2D6 or 3D6 in exactly in the same way as for fleeing troops. The pursuers are moved the distance indicated straight towards and through the fleeing troops if they move far enough. If the pursuers move further than the broken troops then the fleeing unit is completely destroyed - all the troops are cut down as they run. If the pursuers do not move far enough to catch the fleeing troops then no further casualties are caused. The pursuers are simply moved the distance indicated towards their broken enemy.

It sometimes happens that pursuers move far enough to hit a fresh enemy unit. The pursuers are carried forward against the enemy unit as they chase their fleeing enemy. This is considered to be a new charge, and the attacked unit must 'hold' as any attempt to flee or shoot amidst the confusion of running bodies is impossible. The resulting combat is worked out in the following turn. The pursuers are considered to be charging and so get all the usual benefits and bonuses as if they had charged that turn.

Assuming the pursuers do not encounter any fresh enemy they move as far as indicated by their dice roll and are ready to fight normally immediately. In their following turn they may charge, march or move normally exactly like any other unit. No penalty is imposed because of their pursuit move. Units do not continue to pursue during the rest of the game. Pursuit is a single extra move made as soon as your enemy break and flee.
A player may decide that he would sooner not pursue.

Normally a unit must pursue if it is able to do so, but the player may attempt to halt the pursuit by making a test against the unit's leadership (L). This represents the unit's leader calling to his troops to hold, while their natural inclination is to run after the enemy and cut them down as they scatter. Roll 2D6, and if the score is equal to or less than the unit's leadership value then the test is passed and the unit may remain stationary instead of pursuing.

A unit does not have to pursue if it is defending a wall, a hedgerow, a house, or a comparable obstacle or fortification. As pursuing would force the unit to abandon its secure position there is a great incentive to stay where they are! In this situation, the player may decide to pursue if he wishes, but does not have to do so.

A unit which pursues its fleeing enemy off the table returns to the same point in its following movement phase. The unit may not move other than to position itself along the table edge.

Lapping Around(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 36)

If a unit wins the combat it can bring models from the rear ranks and place them forward to increase the width of the formation allowing more models to fight. You can increase the width of the formation by up to 2 models on either flank.

If a unit wins the combat and its formation already extends to the enemy's flanks, then you may move models from the rear ranks round the sides of the enemy unit. You may move up to 2 models around each flank, assuming that there is room and that the flank is not blocked by another unit, a building, or other terrain. Once models have covered the enemy's flanks you can move around the rear should you win a further turn, extending your line and surrounding the enemy unit completely. These extra models are described as lapping round.

Models which are lapping round do not count as being within the unit's formation, so lapping round models in this way does not negate your usual rank bonus if this applies. If the unit is defeated in a subsequent turn of hand-to-hand fighting then any models lapping round are immediately returned to the rear rank. It is assumed they have been fought off.

Models which are lapping round do not count as making a flank or rear attack unless there are 5 or more models lapping round onto the sides or rear of a unit. Should this occur then the flank/rear attack combat bonus does apply. This will either be +1 for a flank attack or +2 for a rear attack.

Lapping models from a rear rank move to the enemy's flank.
Lapping models from a rear rank move to the enemy's rear.

Psychology(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 38)

In the heat of battle troops often don't respond as you, their commander, might want them to. Faced with terrifying supernatural foes their courage may fail, or they may simply be too dim to understand the orders they have been given. The hatred engendered by age-long feuds can overwhelm military discipline and leave troops overcome by bloodlust against their ancestral foes. Certain warriors can be so overwhelmed by berserk fury that they will charge into battle regardless of any plan or order.

As commander of your army it is your duty to know about these things and take them into account in your plans. If you do not you may find that you are defeated before you even begin!

The psychology rules represent these factors in the game and call upon the player to make occasional tests to determine whether his troops are affected by adverse psychology. All psychology tests are made in the same way, so we'll describe the procedure first before we look at the individual psychological factors.

When taking psychology tests roll 2D6 and compare the result to your leadership (Ld) value. If the result is less than or equal to the unit's leadership score the test is passed and all is well. If the result is greater than the unit's leadership score then the test is failed.

Note that in the case of cavalry, chariots, and heroic individuals riding monsters it is the rider's leadership that is used and not the mount's or the monster's. If a chariot has several crew, use the highest value.

Panic(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 38)

Panic is the most common psychological effect. When troops see their friends running away this will upset them: some will lose their nerve, a few may bolt for it, causing others to follow and soon the whole unit is fleeing away from the battle in blind panic. Some troops are steadier than others as indicated by their leadership value. Troops with a high leadership are much less likely to panic than troops with a low leadership. A unit must take a panic test in the following circumstances.

  1. Test at the start of your turn if there is a fleeing friendly unit within 4". You do not have to take this test if your unit outnumbers the fleeing unit as the sight of a few rag-tag stragglers is insufficient to cause panic. For example, if you have a unit of 10 models and there is a fleeing unit of 15 models within 4" then you must test. However if there are only 5 fleeing models then no test is required. Note that it is the size of the fleeing unit which is important, not the number of fleeing models within 4".

  2. Test if a friendly unit within 12" is broken as a result of being defeated in hand-to-hand combat. It is best to work out all combats and establish all broken units before making panic tests for units nearby. You must also make this test if a friendly unit is completely eradicated in hand-to-hand fighting.
    Such a unit cannot be broken as it no longer exists, but the sight of its destruction amounts to the same thing. Only one panic test is required regardless of how many broken friendly units are within 12".

  3. Test if you are already fighting in combat and you are charged in the flank or rear by another enemy unit. If the enemy unit is smaller than 5 models then no test is required as there are too few to cause panic and the extra attackers are absorbed into the general carnage. Make this test as soon as chargers have declared their charge and if they are within charge range. If they are unable to reach the unit no test is required.

  4. Test if you sustain 25% of your number as shooting casualties in the shooting phase. For example if a unit of 12 troops takes 3 casualties it must test for panic. This represents the panicking effect of massive casualties from intense missile fire. Make this test as soon as the 25% barrier is crossed. This may result in a charging unit panicking if, for example, it is attacking a unit of bowmen which stands and shoots at it.

A unit which fails a panic test will flee in the same way as a unit broken in hand-to-hand combat or a unit fleeing from a charging enemy. If a unit panics at the start of the turn because of fleeing friends within 4" it may not attempt to rally that turn, but must flee during its movement phase. If engaged in hand-to-hand combat when it panics then the normal flee and pursuit rules apply: the fleeing unit may be pursued and destroyed in the same way as a unit which breaks following defeat in combat.

For example: At the start of their turn a unit of 10 Goblins is confronted by a fleeing unit of Goblin Wolf Riders within 4". There are 12 Wolf Riders so the Goblins must take a panic test. The player rolls 2D6 and scores a 3 and a 5 which adds up to 8. As the poor old Goblins only have a leadership of 5 they fail their test. The Goblin unit panics and must flee in its movement phase. As the Goblins have a normal move rate of 4" they flee 2D6" towards the nearest table edge, moving away from enemy where possible.

Panic test for fleeing friends within 4 inches at the start of your turn.

For example: During the hand-to-hand combat phase a unit of Orcs is defeated and broken. All friendly units within 12" must take a panic test, which in this case includes a unit of Boar Riders and a unit of Goblins nearby. Panic tests are taken before the broken unit flees. The Boar Riders roll a total of 9 which is more than their leadership of 7 so they panic. The Goblins roll a remarkable 4, even less than their miserable leadership of 5 which means they bravely stand fast. Both the Orcs and the Boar riders will flee away from their enemy who may well pursue and attempt to destroy them. Note that a unit that panics and flees from hand-to hand fighting does not lead to further panic tests - only units that are defeated and break in combat cause panic tests.

Panic test for broken units at the end of hand-to-hand combat.

For example: A unit of 10 Elves is charged in the flank by a unit of 5 Wolf Riders while fighting a unit of Goblins to its front. The Elves take a panic test as soon as the Wolf Riders declare their charge and are found to be within range. The Elves roll a total of 10 which is more than their leadership of 8 so they panic and flee. The Elves flee 2D6" away from their enemy (their movement is less than 6" so they always flee 2D6"). The Goblins are already fighting the Elves and so may pursue. The Wolf Riders continue their charge to its maximum distance, in the same way as if their foe had decided to flee voluntarily.

Panic test for flank charge as soon as the charge is declared.

Fear(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 39)

Fear is a natural reaction to huge monsters or unnerving situations. Creatures that cause fear are indicated in the Bestiary section and include such large and disturbing monsters as Trolls as well as supernatural horrors such as Skeletons. A unit must take a fear test in the following situations:

  1. If a unit is charged by an enemy that it fears then it must take make a test to overcome its fear. If successful then the unit can fight as normal. If the unit fails to overcome its fear then the unit will automatically flee if outnumbered by the charging enemy. If the enemy does not outnumber the unit it will fight as normal, but must roll 6's to score hits in the first turn of combat. Note that this test is taken once the enemy declares his charge and is found to be within his charge distance.

  2. If a unit wishes to charge an enemy that it fears then it must take a test to overcome its fear. If the test is failed the unit may not charge and must remain stationary for the turn.

A unit defeated in hand-to-hand combat is automatically broken without a break test if it is outnumbered by enemy that it fears. If the fear-causing enemy does not outnumber the unit then a break test is taken as normal. See the Hand-to-Hand Combat section for details of break tests and fleeing troops. Note that it makes no difference whether a fear test is passed or not, a unit defeated in hand-to-hand combat is automatically broken if it is defeated by an enemy that causes fear.

Terror(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 40)

Some monsters are so huge and threatening that they are even more frightening than those described by the fear rules. These creatures cause terror. Troops confronted by monsters or situations that cause terror must test to see if they overcome their terror. Should they fail they will be completely overwhelmed with horror and reduced to gibbering wrecks. Troops only ever test for terror once in a battle. Once they have overcome their terror they are not affected again.

If a creature causes terror then it automatically causes fear as well, and all the rules described above apply. However, you never have to take a terror and a fear test from the same enemy or situation - just take a terror test: if you pass the terror test then you automatically pass the fear test too. As you only ever take one terror test in a battle. any subsequent encounters with terrifying monsters or situations will simply count as fear.

  1. A unit must test to overcome its terror if charged by or wishing to charge an enemy that causes terror.

  2. A unit must test for terror at the start of its turn if there is an enemy which causes terror within 8"

Remember that only a single test is ever made for terror by any unit during the whole game, whether it is made because of a charge or because the unit finds itself within 8" of a terror-causing monster.

A unit which fails its terror test will flee immediately, exactly as if it had failed its break test in hand-to-hand combat, or decided to flee from a charge.

Fear and Terror Liabilities(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 40)

Obviously a large monster is less likely to suffer from fear or terror. There is no way a huge dragon is going to be scared of a troll, for example. These special liabilities also apply to any rider of a large monster too, so a dragon rider wouldn't be afraid of a creature that would cause fear or terror were he on foot. The following rules apply:

  • A creature that causes fear is not affected by enemy that cause fear. Faced with an enemy that causes terror, a fear-causing monster only suffers fear, not terror. For example, a troll causes fear and a dragon causes terror. The dragon is not at all worried by the troll, but the troll fears the dragon.

  • A creature that causes terror is not affected by fear or terror at all.

It sometimes happens that a unit of perfectly ordinary troops is led by a mighty hero or a monster which causes fear or terror. In this situation you must test for fear/terror if a charge will result in you fighting the hero or monster in question. In the case of terror you must also test if you are within 8" of the creature at the start of your turn, but not necessarily because you are within 8" of the unit. However, if you are charging a unit in the side or rear, so that you won't have to fight a monster in the front rank, then you do not have to test. Basically this is common sense - if you don't have to confront the beast then no test is required.

Stupidity(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 40)

Many large and powerful creatures are unfortunately rather stupid. Even some otherwise quite intelligent creatures act stupidly now and again because they are confused or distracted, or perhaps because they are drugged or have been knocked insensible. The stupidity rules represent the sort of slow wittedness or dumb behaviour that most animals instinctively avoid, but which some especially stolid or stubborn beasts may be prone to.

Creatures which are stupid are indicated in the Bestiary and include such monstrous creatures as trolls. Stupid creatures must make a test at the start of their turn to see if they overcome their stupidity. Make a test for each unit of stupid troops. If you pass the test by rolling less than their leadership on 2D6 then all well and good - the creatures behave reasonably intelligently and the player may move and fight with them as normal. Nothing untoward has occurred beyond a bit of drooling and the odd vacant expression. If the test is failed then all is not well. The following rules apply until the start of the creatures' following turn when they must test once more to see if they are overcome by stupidity.

  1. If already in hand-to-hand combat half of the stupid creatures suddenly stop fighting. They stare around blankly and wonder where they are. If the unit has an odd number of models or if the stupid creature is fighting on its own then roll a D6. If the result is 4 or more the odd model fights; if not it stands around drooling. Note that only stupid creatures are affected. If a unit contains stupid creatures and other creatures (a unit of trolls led by a goblin chieftain for example) then the other creatures are not affected.

  2. If not in hand-to-hand combat the unit momentarily forgets what it is doing. Roll a D6 to determine how the unit moves this turn. This is compulsory movement and so occurs before other movement (see the Movement section). Any non-stupid creatures with the unit must also move as described - they are carried along by the movement of the rest of the unit and risk being trampled and squashed if they attempt to do otherwise.




Move the unit directly forwards at half normal speed. Any enemy troops encountered are automatically charged. If there are friends in the way both units blunder into each other and their ranks become confused, in which case both units are pinned in place for the rest of the turn and neither may move further.


The unit stands around in a confused and ineffective manner. It will do nothing for the remainder of the turn while the stupid creatures stare about them, squabble, or lie down for a bit of a rest.

Creatures affected by stupidity are quite unaware of anything happening around them, such is their state of confusion. While overcome by stupidity they ignore all further psychology tests. This means that stupid creatures cannot be affected by panic, fear, etc, but they can still be broken in hand-to-hand combat by failing a break test exactly as normal. Fleeing troops are not affected by stupidity until they have rallied, after which they must take stupidity tests at the start of each subsequent turn.

It sometimes happens that a cavalry model will be riding a stupid creature. For example a Dark Elf riding a Cold One. If a rider's mount is stupid then he will have to test for stupidity at the start of his turn, but the rider's leadership characteristic is used rather than that of the mount. If the test is failed the rider is obliged to hang on while the creature behaves in whatever bizarre manner the rules dictate, but the rider can fight normally if he gets the opportunity.

Frenzy(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 41)

Certain warriors can go into a fighting frenzy, a whirlwind of destruction or raging fury in which all concern for their personal safety is ignored in favour of a blood-letting, flesh-tearing attack. Many of these frenzied warriors are drugged or tranced, and have worked themselves up into a frenzy with loud chanting and screaming.

Frenzied troops will automatically go into a furious berserk state if there are enemy within charge reach at the start of their turn, and will remain frenzied until they are broken in hand-to-hand combat, or until there are no enemy within charge reach. If you wish you can try and restrain troops by making a restraining test to bring them under control at the start of your turn, but you don't have to do this unless you want to. If you want to restrain frenzied troops roll 2D6 against their leadership just like any other psychology test. If you roll equal to or less than the unit's leadership you are successful and the unit is not frenzied for that turn and not affected by the following rules.

  • Frenzied troops must charge the enemy if they are within charge distance.

  • Frenzied troops fight with double their normal number of attacks in hand-to-hand combat. Troops with 1 attack therefore have 2, troops with 2 attacks double up to 4 and so on.

  • Frenzied troops always pursue fleeing enemy whether the player wants to or not. Unlike other troops they may not attempt to hold back as they are far too crazed with blood lust.

While frenzied, troops are not affected by other psychology. They are immune to panic, fear, terror etc, and do not have to make these tests.

If frenzied troops are broken in hand-to-hand combat their frenzy is automatically ended. They flee exactly like other troops. Should they subsequently rally they may continue to fight but are not affected by frenzy for the remainder of the battle. Their exuberant, crazed frenzy has been beaten out of them and they continue to fight just like other troops.

Hatred(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 41)

Hate is a powerful emotion and the history of the Warhammer World is full of hatred and rivalry, grudges borne over centuries, of racial animosity bordering on madness, and of irreconcilable feuds leaving generations of dead in their wake. Some races hate other races with such bitter conviction that they will fight almost to the death rather than flee from them. The following rules apply.

  • Troops who hate their hand-to-hand adversaries take any break tests with a leadership value of 10. They do not reduce this value regardless of the combat results and how many casualties they have suffered. This means they will never break unless they roll 11 or more on 2D6.

  • Troops fighting hand-to-hand combat with a hated foe may re-roll any misses when they first attack. This bonus only applies in the first turn of combat and represents the unit venting its hatred on the foe. After the first round of blood-mad hacking they lose some impetus and so fight as normal.

  • Troops who hate their enemy must always pursue them if they flee. They cannot attempt to avoid pursuit by testing their leadership as other troops can.

Weapons(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 42)

The game rules as described allow for differences in the strength and toughness of opponents, and for differences in their armour, but not for different kinds of weapons. Once you have mastered the basics of combat you may wish to introduce further detail by using the rules that follow. These describe the different kinds of hand-to-hand combat weapons used in the Warhammer World together with appropriate rules for each. Troops armed with a spear or halberd, for example, receive specific benefits in particular situations.

Some weapons confer both advantages and disadvantages, such as a double-handed axe or sword which give a huge strength bonus but always strikes after the enemy. You will soon realise that different weapons often imply different tactical options, and are suited to certain styles of play. For example, Bretonnian Knights armed with lances need to charge to use their weapons effectively so a player must be careful to manoeuvre them into position so that it is he, rather than his enemy, which charges.

On the other hand, spears are best suited to a defensive strategy where you know your troops are not going to benefit from charging because they are slower than the enemy. These weapons and more besides are described below together with any appropriate rules.

Weapons and Units(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 42)

All the models in a unit of troops carry the same weapons, so it will be a unit of spearmen, or halberdiers, and so forth. It is acceptable to include the odd model which is differently armed for the sake of variety, but it is important that the overall appearance of the unit is not misleading. For example, if it is a unit of spearmen then most of the troops must carry spears. If a minority carry other weapons these are counted as spears regardless.

Many players like to mix models in a unit so that some are armed with swords, others spears, a few have double handed axes, and so on. This is particularly effective with Goblins and Skaven, where you wouldn't really expect much uniformity amongst the masses.

Mixed units may be attractive, but as far as the game is concerned they all count as being armed with swords, axes, clubs and other weapons which fall into the category of hand weapons. No special rules are applied to these units on account of their weaponry.

Hand Weapons(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 42)

Hand weapons is the term used to describe all swords, axes, clubs, hammers and other similar weapons wielded in one hand. The difference between these weapons is slight and so they are all considered together. No special rules apply to hand weapons.

Double-handed Weapons(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 42)

This category includes all axes, swords, hammers and clubs which are so large that they have to be wielded with two hands. These are ferocious weapons! A blow from a double-handed axe can cut a foe clean in half and easily break armour apart. The disadvantage is that they are very heavy to swing, and so the bearer may be slain by a more nimble foe before he has a chance to strike.

  1. Double-handed weapons require both hands to use. If the bearer has a shield he may not use it in hand-to-hand combat. It must be left on the ground or slung on his back during the fighting.

  2. Double-handed weapons are heavy to swing and leave the user vulnerable to a more lightly armed foe. Double-handed weapons always strike last regardless of which side charges or relative initiative levels. If both sides are armed in this way the side with the highest initiative strikes first.

  3. Double-handed weapons confer a +2 strength bonus on all hits. If the wielder's strength is 3 then all hits from a double-handed weapon with be at strength 5 for example. As the enemy's armour save is affected by the strength of the hit, this will be reduced too. In the case of a strength 5 hit the saving throw drops by -2, for example.

Flails(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 43)

Flails are swung with both hands and consist of heavy weights, often spiked, attached to a pole or handle by means of heavy chains. It is extremely tiring swinging these heavy and cumbersome weapons.

  1. Troops using flails require both arms to swing them and cannot therefore use shields in hand-to-hand fighting. If they carry shields they are put aside or slung onto backs before the fighting begins.

  2. In the first turn of any hand-to-hand combat troops equipped with flails add +2 to their strength. So men with a strength of 3 will hit with a strength of 5, and any enemy saves are taken with the modifier for fighting high strength opponents.

  3. In subsequent turns the flail users begin to tire and so they do not receive any bonus.

Halberds(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 43)

The halberd is a heavy bladed weapon mounted on a sturdy shaft. The steel blade has a point like a spear as well as a heavy cutting edge like an axe. It is held in both hands and used to chop as well as thrust, so it is a very adaptable and extremely effective weapon for infantry.

  1. Troops equipped with a halberd require both arms to wield it and cannot use shields in hand-to-hand fighting. If they carry shields it is assumed they are slung onto their backs or placed on the ground before the fighting begins.

  2. Halberds are heavy weapons and a mighty swing can cause considerable damage. Halberds therefore confer a +1 strength bonus on all hits. A man with a strength of 3 therefore hits with a strength of 4 if fighting with a halberd. The strength of a hit affects the armour save of the target, so this may be reduced as well. In the case of a human with a strength of 3 a halberd hit has a strength of 4 and -1 to save for instance.

Spears(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 45)

Spears are useful weapons for both foot and horse, but they are used quite differently for each. A foot unit with spears is able to fend off enemy with a mass of spear points, making it an ideal defensive weapon. A cavalry unit armed with spears can employ them like lances to ride down enemy troops, spitting them as the horsemen ride into their ranks. The following rules reflect the advantages of foot and mounted soldiers equipped with a spear.

  1. Infantry armed with spears may fight with two ranks of troops because warriors in a second rank can thrust their weapons forward past those fighting in front. This enables models directly behind front rank fighters to fight as well. However, this advantage only holds so long as the spearmen do not move. If they charge their careful formation is affected and they may only fight in a single rank that turn. Spearmen fight in two ranks if the enemy charge them while they stand their ground. This means that a block of spearmen makes a very good defensive formation, but is less well suited to attack.

  2. Cavalry armed with a spear receive a +1 strength bonus when they charge. If the wielder's strength is 3, for example, his total strength will be 4 when he charges. Note that this bonus only applies when the cavalryman charges and it only applies for that turn. Any hits at a strength of 4 or more confer the extra modifier on the enemy's saving roll.

Lances(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 45)

Cavalry armed with lances are the ultimate shock troops. When they smash into the enemy ranks their steel tipped lances rip through armour and flesh, smashing bones and flinging foes to the ground. Lances are only effective as they charge, thereafter the warrior either drops his lance and fights on with a sword, or else he continues to use the butt of the lance to punch at his foe. It is very important that lance-armed cavalry successfully charge the enemy rather than allowing themselves to be charged. The charging side always has an advantage, but in the case of lancers this is greater than for any other troops.

  1. Cavalry armed with lances receive a +2 strength bonus when they charge. If the wielder's strength is 3, for example, his total strength will be 5 when he charges. Note that this bonus only applies when the cavalryman charges and only for that turn. Any hits at a strength of 4 or more confer the extra modifier on the enemy's saving roll.

Missile Weapons(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 44)

We have already looked at the rules for bows, crossbows and other missile weapons in the rules for Shooting, but we have gathered them here to be complete. Some of these weapons have special rules.

Bow(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 44)

Bows are probably the most common of all missile weapons in the Warhammer World. They are carried by most races and almost every army. No particular special rules apply to the bow.







Short Bow(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 44)

Some creatures are too small to carry full-sized bows so they carry a short bow, basically a small bow with a reduced range. Some cavalry also carry a shortened bow which they can shoot more easily from horseback than a larger bow. Otherwise it is exactly the same as a bow.




Short Bow



Long Bow(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 44)

The long bow is a powerful bow favoured by experienced archers. It can fire an arrow substantially further than an ordinary bow. Other than its longer range no special rules apply to the long bow.




Long Bow



Crossbow(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 44)

The crossbow is a more complex device than an ordinary bow. It is very difficult to draw back the string of a crossbow once it has been fired: the shooter must either brace the weapon against the ground with his feet while he heaves the string up, or he must employ some kind of mechanical device such as a windlass or lever. This means that a crossbow inhibits the movement of its users compared to a bow, but it is much more powerful and has a longer range.







  1. Troops may not move and fire a crossbow in the same turn. The weapon takes a long time to reload, so if the unit moves it may not shoot.

Repeating Crossbow(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 44)

The repeating crossbow is a much lighter and less powerful type of crossbow that can be easily and quickly redrawn for firing. It has a magazine of bolts which allows a single bolt to drop into place ready for firing as the string is drawn. The repeating crossbow can fire a hail of shots in the time it takes to shoot one ordinary crossbow bolt.




Repeating Crossbow



  1. You have the option of firing a repeating crossbow either one or twice during the shooting phase. If you fire once work out hits and damage exactly as normal. If you fire twice then each shot suffers a -1 to hit penalty due to decreased accuracy. Repeating crossbows may choose to fire either once or twice if they stand and shoot against a charging enemy.

Javelin(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 44)

The javelin is a light spear. It is too flimsy to use in hand-to-hand fighting but is perfectly balanced for throwing at the enemy. It is not a very common weapon in the Warhammer World because it has a very short range. There are a few other weapons which are even less common but which work in a similar way, for example throwing knives, darts, and throwing axes. Note that these last are different weapons to the axes used in hand-to-hand combat, and that ordinary axes cannot be thrown.

All of these weapons are thrown by hand and they all depend upon the skill and strength of the caster for their effect. For the sake of completeness we have included these other weapons on the chart below. All of them use the same rules as javelins although they may have different ranges.






As the thrower

Throwing Axe


As the thrower + 1



As the thrower

Throwing Knift


As the thrower

  1. Javelins and other thrown weapons have such a short range there is no need for the usual -1 penalty for shooting at over half range, so ignore this penalty.

  2. Use the strength of the warrior throwing the javelin to work out damage from hits. The javelin has no strength of its own because its effectiveness depends on how hard it is thrown.
    Note that in the case of throwing axes the strength is +1 on that of the thrower to represent the extra weight of the weapon.

Sling(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 45)

The sling is another uncommon weapon, largely because it is no more powerful than a bow and has a shorter range. It is little more than a looped strip of cloth or leather into which a stone is placed. The sling is whirled about the slinger's head and the sling stone released towards the target. The one advantage of the sling is that you can vary the rate of fire by releasing the sling shot before you have worked up full impetus. This reduces the range but enables the slinger to shoot far faster.

  1. A unit of slingers may fire twice in their shooting phase if they do not move in their movement phase. Their range is reduced to half (9") if they fire twice. Note that slingers cannot fire twice when they stand and shoot against a charging enemy as there is insufficient time.

Hand Guns(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 45)

The hand gun is a simple firearm consisting of a metal barrel mounted onto a wooden stock. The gunpowder charge is ignited by a poking a length of burning cord, or match as it is called, into a small touch hole. Some of the more advanced versions have levers and springs which hold the burning match and triggers which release the firing mechanism and fire the gun.

Gunpowder technology is not especially advanced so hand guns are not very reliable weapons: the gun barrels tend to burst and the powder often fails to fire. The greatest advantage of the hand gun over the bow or other old fashioned weapons is that the lead shot can penetrate the thickest armour.




Hand Gun



  1. A hand gun takes a complete turn to load so you may only fire every other turn. For example, if you fire in your first turn you cannot fire in the second turn, but you can fire again in your third turn.

  2. You cannot move and fire a hand gun in the same turn, so if you move in your movement phase you are unable to fire that turn.

  3. Hand gunners can adopt a formation of two ranks in order to increase their fire rate. The first rank can shoot and then you may either move the front rank to the rear or you can move the rear rank through to the front. This means that the models in the new front rank will not have fired, and they are free to shoot in their next turn. This is the only movement possible when a unit fires.

  4. Hand guns are even better at penetrating armour than their strength value of 4 suggests. Therefore the enemy must deduct a further -1 from his armour save, so the save modifier is -2 rather than -1 as is normal for a strength 4 hit.

Pistol(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 45)

A pistol is simply a small hand gun fired by a spring mechanism. Pistols can be fired in hand-to-hand combat at point blank range as well as at longer ranges. Because pistols take a long time to reload it is usual to carry two, so that one is always ready for firing while the other is being reloaded.







  1. A pistol takes a complete turn to reload, so you may only fire every other turn. If you have two pistols then you can fire one every turn.

  2. A pistol can be used in hand-to-hand fighting as well as for shooting. A model with a sword or other weapon in one hand and a pistol in the other receives an extra attack. In hand-to-hand fighting work out pistol hits exactly like hits from a sword or other hand weapon. Successful hits are resolved with a strength of 4 regardless of the firer's strength. You don't have to reload a pistol in hand-to-hand fighting as it is assumed the pistols are also used as heavy clubs (many have weighted butts for this purpose) but after combat is over you cannot shoot with pistols if they were used in hand-to-hand fighting in the previous turn.

  3. Pistols are even better at penetrating armour than their strength value of 4 suggests. Therefore the enemy must deduct a further -1 from his armour save, so the save modifier is -2 rather than -1 as normal for a strength 4 hit.

Heroes & Wizards(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 46)

The Warhammer World would not be what it is without the presence of potent individuals, great heroes, valiant champions, mighty wizards and rotten-hearted sorcerers. These characters add an entirely different aspect to the game either as valuable leaders of warriors, or powerful individuals able to fight against vast numbers of lesser mortals. These models are known as characters, whether they are warriors or wizards.

Heroes(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 46)

Heroes are individual models that represent heroic leaders, people who are tougher, meaner and more powerful than the average warrior. Perhaps they are faster than a typical member of their race, maybe they are stronger, more skilled with weapons, or they could be natural leaders with the power to inspire others to greater deeds.

In reality an individual could have almost any combination of unique abilities, but on the tabletop we make three broad divisions which are quite sufficient for our purposes: Champions, Heroes, and Lords. In some cases they may be known by different names. Orc characters, for example, are called Bosses, Big Bosses and Warbosses.

Of course, these three types of valiant individual cannot really represent every nuance of distinction between mighty warriors, but it does enable us to fight with comparably powerful characters, whether they are goodly Knights or the most rotten-hearted Champion of evil.

Champions, Heroes and Lords have superior characteristic values as shown on the chart below.


For example, in the case of men the values are as shown below.


In the case of Orcs the values are as follows. Note that Orcs and Goblins have different names for the three types of character, but the values are exactly the same.

Orc Boss444441327
Orc Big Boss455452438
Orc Warboss466453549

As you can see from these examples the three types of character are quite different. Champions are brave fighters, with an extra attack in combat and superior weapon skills, but they are not especially good leaders. Champions are therefore useful individuals when it comes to bolstering the fighting power of a unit of troops, but they are not great war leaders. Heroes are more resilient and even better fighters: they will fight on if they suffer a wound and provide extra leadership. Lords are even better fighters and can take even more damage before they are slain, but their greatest value is their inspirational leadership and the extra confidence they instil in others. Although the leadership bonus may seem quite small in relation to the value of a typical warrior (9 compared to 7 for a human warrior for example) this is a BIG difference in game terms, as you will quickly discover.

Wizards(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 47)

Wizards and magic are an important part of the Warhammer World. Magic is everywhere, and permeates all living beings and inanimate things, and its power is there to use for good or ill. In battle it can make all the difference between victory and defeat. In the lands of Men mighty rulers and noble lords employ and support their own wizards to protect them and fight in battle on their behalf. The Emperor himself encourages the study of magic so that he may have powerful battle wizards to help fight his wars.

In Ulthuan in the far west, the High Mages of the Elves practice the most potent of all sorceries. Even Orcs and Goblins, low minded as they are, have Shamans who can blast the enemy with raw magic. Of all the intelligent races of the Old World only the Dwarfs have no wizards.

Their skills lie in the manufacture of fabulous magical artifacts and enscribing runes of power. Although they fight in battle wizards tend to wear little or no armour, as large amounts of metal upsets their magic harmonics and inhibits the use of their powers. Instead they are likely to be protected by powerful spells and magic items.

There are four levels of wizard: Wizard, Wizard Champion, Master Wizard, and Wizard Lord. As with heroes these four types are not intended to represent every possible variation in an individual's abilities. They are useful categories that enable us to match comparable wizards against each other.

Wizard Champion---+1+1+1+1--
Master Wizard---+1+1+2+2+1-
Wizard Lord---+1+1+3+3+2+1

For example, in the case of men the values are as shown below.

Wizard Champion433442417
Master Wizard433443527
Wizard Lord433444638

Wizards do not normally wear armour as it interferes with their ability to cast spells, disrupting the magic fields they draw upon for power. Many wizards wear decorative vambraces, wrist bands, and smaller pieces of armour, but this is insufficient to warrant a saving throw or to affect their ability to cast spells.

A wizard mounted as a cavalry model may ride a horse with barding armour without affecting his own ability to cast spells. Otherwise a wizard wearing armour may not cast spells, not even spells that are bound within a magic item. This does not stop the wizard using other magic items however. The exception to this rule is Chaos Armour, which is saturated with magic, and does not therefore prevent a Chaos Sorcerer casting spells.

The complete rules for wizards, spell casting, and many magic items are covered by the separate Warhammer Magic game. We have included a selection of magic items in with Warhammer, including four with different spells. Refer to the Magic section of the rulebook for a description of how these work.

Special Characters(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 48)

We have invented three types of hero and four types of wizard for convenience and to provide comparability between adversaries, but this does not mean there are no individuals whose abilities vary wildly from the values we have given for Champions, Heroes, Lords and Wizards. There are of course more than you can imagine!

Although we are not concerned with the rules for special characters here it is worth bearing in mind that they can be incorporated into your battles if you wish. For example there are the mighty leaders of nations such as the King of Bretonnia, the Emperor of the Empire, Orc Warlords, the Witch King of the Dark Elves, and many more. There are also important military leaders and high ranking nobles, such as Bretonnian Dukes and Elector Counts from the Empire. All of these special characters are individual and quite different, and so are represented by their unique characteristics. Some are therefore better fighters than others, but some are better leaders, while many carry specific magical weapons or ride large monsters.

The details and extra rules for special characters are not given here in the Warhammer game - there are simply too many and space does not permit it. Details of heroic individuals will be published in Warhammer supplements and White Dwarf magazine as appropriate.

Characters With Units(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 48)

Champions are members of their unit and always fight as part of it, moving, attacking, fleeing, and pursuing alongside the rest of the unit. Champions are often extremely strong, tough or astute members of their unit, and comrades look up to them and take pride in their prowess. None-the-less, the champion is a member of the unit like any other trooper. He might even be the unit's commander, although this is not necessarily the case as many units have a separate leader and champion. A champion fights with his unit for the entire battle and cannot leave it.

Except for champions, character models can fight on their own as individuals, although they are free to join units of ordinary troops and fight alongside them if you wish.

To join a unit a character has only to move so that he is touching it. Once he has joined the unit the model may be placed in its front rank if you wish. Note that the character will use up a proportion of his move to reach the unit. If the unit has not moved then it cannot now move further than the character, as its remaining movement has been wasted waiting for him.

A character who has joined a unit may leave again during any subsequent movement phase. He may not join and leave the same unit in a single turn, but he may leave one unit and join another if you wish. A character may not leave a unit while it is subject to some compulsory movement rule, so for example he cannot leave a unit which is fleeing, which has declared a charge, which has rallied that turn (because it cannot move) or which is engaged in hand-to-hand combat. If a unit declares a charge any characters which have already joined it must charge too and take part in the resulting combat. This means that once hand-to-hand fighting has begun a character will not be able to leave the unit he has joined until all the fighting is over and any compulsory movement such as fleeing and pursuit has been resolved.

Character and Unit Psychology(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 48)

A unit accompanied by a character may use the character's leadership value for any leadership tests. This is a very important rule, as it provides units of poor troops with the leadership they need. This is especially true of Goblins which are all but useless without a proper character to lead them. Leadership is used for psychology tests, rally tests, and break tests in combat.

If a unit is joined by several characters use the highest leadership amongst them. While the character is with the unit he is considered to be part of the unit in all respects. If the unit is broken in combat and flees then he is broken and must flee with them at the same speed.

If the unit panics, or is forced to flee because of a fear or terror test, then the character is also forced to flee even if he is immune to fear or terror himself. If the unit is affected by frenzy or forced to pursue because of hatred, the character must move with the unit, but he does not benefit from the bonuses for frenzy unless he is affected by frenzy himself. This means a character does not go into a frenzy just because he is with a unit that can do so, although he can accompany them as they charge. If a unit is affected by stupidity the character must move as the unit moves, although he can always fight normally. Remember, a character cannot leave a unit when it turns stupid and stands still or moves stupidly; such a unit is bound by a compulsory movement rule and the character must therefore stay put. In reality he is trying to goad the stupid creatures into activity, or perhaps he is pinned down or hemmed in by the unthinking brutes and unable to move of his own volition.

If a character is liable to a psychological rule which doesn't apply to the unit he is with, he must make any appropriate tests on his own and will react on his own. This may cause the character to separate from the unit. For example if he is obliged to charge because of frenzy, compelled to pursue because of hatred, or forced to move or stand immobile due to stupidity.

Moving Characters(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 65)

If a character is travelling on his own he is free to move as he wishes. He must take into account any penalties for crossing terrain and obstacles as normal, but he does not have to turn or wheel. So if a character wishes to move a fraction of his movement distance, turn, move a little more, turn again, and so on, he can do so without penalty. This doesn't mean the character can charge an enemy in the rear if he starts his move in front of it - he must still obey the normal rules regarding flank and rear charges.

If a character is travelling with a unit then his movement will be dictated by the unit as a whole. He simply moves along like an ordinary member of the unit. If the character moves more slowly than the unit then the whole unit will have to slow down so that he can can keep up!

Shooting at Characters(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 65)

If a character is travelling with a unit of at least five other models of comparable size to himself or larger, then he may not be picked out as a specific target by enemy bowmen or other shooters. In reality it is difficult amidst the confusion of battle to single out a target in this way, so any shots at the unit are worked out against the ordinary troopers and not the character. If the unit drops to less than five models then hits may be randomised in any suitable way. For example, in the case of two ordinary models and a character there is a 1 in 3 chance of hitting the character so roll a D6 for each hit scored. Any roll of 1, 2, 3 or 4 shows an ordinary model has been hit; a roll of 5 or 6 indicates the character is hit.

If a character model is within 5" of a unit of five or more models of comparable size to himself, then he may only be picked out as a target by enemy shooters if he is the closest target. This means that characters can move around behind the battlelines without attracting an unrealistic and unreasonable amount of missile fire.

Character models more than 5" from a friendly unit of five or more models can be shot at without restriction. Characters prone to jumping up and down in front of the enemy are asking for it, so it serves them right!

When you are deliberately shooting at a character model at any time there is always an additional -1 to hit penalty. This is because the normal chance of hitting assumes the target is massed up in ranks, or is pretty large to start with. This is not the case when you are shooting at a single man, especially if there are other potential targets to distract the shooter's attention.

Note that if a character rides a horse, or a large monster, then he is a larger target than he would be on foot and won't be able to hide among a unit of troops on foot. Such characters benefit from additional saving throws in the case of cavalry, or the chance of a monster being hit rather than its rider in the case of large monsters.

Stone Throwers and Cannon(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 65)

Some weapons such as stone throwers have an area template that the firer is allowed to place anywhere he wishes. This allows the player to deliberately aim his shot on a character model. Cannons also allow you to choose exactly where to aim shots, and so can be aimed directly against characters.

In the case of weapons which can be aimed in this way, there is a special rule which allows characters to either jump out of the way, throw themselves to the ground, or somehow avoid destruction by their amazing luck or uncanny reactions. This is intended to prevent characters becoming targets for these weapons in a manner which is unrealistic, unfair and definitely unheroic! This rule applies to all weapons which are not restricted by the normal rules regarding targeting characters as already described.

A character model who has joined a unit may be lucky enough to avoid death from cannon shot, a boulder from a stone thrower, or a comparable missile, thanks to a warning shouted by a comrade. Possibly one of his companions shoves him out of the way, or pushes him to the ground. A trooper spots the fateful missile heading towards his leader, and shouts 'Look Out Sir!' or some such warning, and hopefully alerts the character in time for him to duck or adroitly avoid the hurtling missile. The missile slips past the character and hits the man standing beside or behind him.

If a character is with a unit and is hit by cannon fire, a stone thrower, etc, then roll a D6. On the roll of 6 the character fails to hear the warning and is hit by the missile. Work out damage as normal. On the roll of 1 to 5 the character is alerted to the danger and avoids the missile. The character is not hit and the missile strikes another model instead, so transfer the hit onto an adjacent model in the unit.

Hand-to-Hand Fighting(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 66)

When a unit closes with its enemies in hand-to-hand fighting character models will inevitably find themselves confronted by enemy troops. When a model is fighting it can strike its blows against any enemy model whose base it is touching. In the case of troopers confronted by character models they will usually have the option of striking at a character or an ordinary enemy, as bases will inevitably overlap slightly as you move the models into combat.

Characters may sometimes come into direct combat against enemy characters, but the same choice applies to them - they may attack any enemy whose base they are touching. The exception to this is the Challenge, as described below.

Note that if a character has, say, 4 attacks and is only facing 2 enemy models then his attacks are worked out against the 2 models he is facing. However, if the character scores sufficient wounds to slay 3 or 4 models then the enemy loses 3 or 4 models, not just 2.

Don't be fooled by the fact that models are static and the battle lines rigid and straight, what we are representing is real combat! Heroes strike to their left and right, stepping forward to deliver fresh attacks, cutting down foes who step forwards to block a gap, and driving down those who confront them.

Challenges(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 66)

During any hand-to-hand combat phase a character model can issue a challenge to single combat if the player wishes. In any one combat only a single character from each side may issue a challenge. Remember a combat can involve several units and characters. If several characters are involved from each side then the player must choose which one will issue the challenge.

If both players wish to make a challenge then each player selects one of his characters to take part. The challengers are moved together and fight as described below.

If only one side wishes to issue a challenge then his enemy has the option of accepting or declining the challenge. If he decides to accept then he must meet the challenger with one of his characters. If the challenge is declined then the declining player must retire his best character model from the combat. This will be the highest ranking character, but the challenging player may choose the character who is retired. The retiring character is removed to the rear ranks and may not fight that turn. The character may be returned to a fighting rank at the end of that hand-to-hand combat phase ready to fight in the following turn.

A character cannot issue a challenge unless there is an enemy character to fight - ordinary troopers or monsters cannot be challenged.

Once a challenge is accepted the two characters are moved so that they are opposite each other. When combat is worked out these two will fight together, no other models may attack them even if their bases are touching. If challengers are riding monsters or steeds which have their own attacks then these fight as well.

Characters Riding Monsters(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 66)

Characters riding monsters are not affected by fear and terror in the same way as the creature they are riding. See the Psychology section for a detailed explanation of how this works. For example, a dragon causes terror and so is unaffected by fear or terror - it is a huge monster and is hardly likely to be upset by smaller less frightening creatures. A dragon rider is also immune to fear and terror. Perched on top of a huge dragon his courage is bolstered beyond the point where he has to worry about such things.

If a monster is subject to some inhibiting psychological effect, such as hatred or stupidity, then the appropriate tests must be made. However, all leadership tests can be made using the rider's leadership characteristic. This represents the rider's ability to control the beast and impose his own will over the creature's natural instincts. If the monster is affected by frenzy, stupidity, hatred, or whatever it will carry its rider along with it, but the rider himself is not affected by the psychological reaction. So, if a monster goes stupid and is unable to fight this does not affect the rider, who may fight on as normal.

The same rule applies to monsters pulling chariots: any psychological tests are taken using the best leadership value of the chariot crew.

Monsters(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 68)

The Old World is a vast and untamed placed where wild and monstrous creatures roam the dark forests and tall mountains. There are many monsters who are roughly human in appearance, though a little larger than a man, like orcs, trolls, and minotaurs, but there are also bigger and more bizarre monsters in abundance: griffons, dragons, manticores, and many more besides.

It is with these large monsters that this section of the rules is concerned. Large monsters may be ridden to battle by mighty heroes and wizards. Many of these beasts must be hand reared by their master if they are ever to accept a rider, so the great leaders of the Old World pay vast sums to adventurers who collect eggs or hatchlings from the nests of Griffons and other winged monsters. This is a dangerous profession, and for many a fatal one, but it ensures that the Emperor's Zoo in Altdorf gains fresh creatures to rear on behalf of the nobles and wizard lords of the Empire.

Monsters In Combat(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 68)

Large monsters may fight on their own as independent and powerful elements of the army. Some monsters develop loyalty and devotion to their masters and will fight for them willingly, while others may be placed under enchantments or simply driven forward towards the enemy in the hope that they will attack the right targets.

Large monsters fight as single models in the same way as heroes and wizards. Like heroes they do not have to manoeuvre to turn about, and so suffer no movement penalties for changing direction.

The biggest disadvantage of monsters is that they tend to have very low leadership values. This means they can be driven away or panicked very easily. They can also be picked out as targets because they are so big, and a +1 is added to a shooter's dice roll as they are more easy to hit.

Monster Mounts(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 68)

This section describes rules for characters riding large monsters. Horses, wolves, war boars and other similar sized creatures that only have one wound are covered by the rules already described for cavalry. As you will recall, a mounted knight is a cavalry model. If the knight is slain then the complete model is removed including the horse he is riding. To represent the value of the horse and to make cavalry appropriately resilient an extra +1 is added to the knight's saving throw, but otherwise no account is made of separate casualties for man and rider. This system is fine for these smaller creatures, but obviously wouldn't work for big monsters such as dragons which are far larger and much more difficult to kill than a horse or wolf.

If a creature has two or more wounds then it is classed as a large monster and the following rules are used for riders and mounts. These rules therefore apply to a hero riding a griffon, a wizard mounted on a wyvern, a dragon and its lordly rider, and so on. No additional +1 is added to the rider's saving throw, as the advantages of riding the monster are worked out in other ways.

Shooting at a Monster Mount(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 68)

When you shoot at a character riding a large monster the usual target restrictions for shooting at characters apply. However, monsters are so big that the chances of their being able to shelter in a unit of smaller-sized troops are rather slim. This means that a character riding a big monster is easier to pick out as a target. Because the monster is a large target the enemy adds +1 to his to hit score. The normal -1 to hit that applies to characters on foot or as cavalry does not apply to characters riding monsters. The monster is simply so big that there is no doubt as to where the character is! You may wish to reread the rules for shooting at characters in the Heroes and Wizards section.

When shooting at a large monster and its rider roll to hit as normal, adding +1 because the monster is a large target. Once you have established how many hits have been scored you must apportion them between the rider and the monster. For each hit scored roll a D6:

D6 Score


1, 2, 3, 4

The Monster - roll to wound the monster as normal.

5 or 6

The Rider - roll to wound the rider as normal.

Work out wounds separately on either the rider or his mount. Take any saving throws due to the target as normal. Most monsters do not have a saving throw as they have no armour, but some have scaly hide which confers a separate save. Riders may save for their armour, but remember they do not receive the additional +1 as do cavalry riding smaller creatures.

Hand-to-Hand Combat(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 69)

In hand-to-hand combat the enemy is faced with a deadly monster and a potent hero, and so is subject to two lots of attacks. The monster attacks using its own characteristics, and the rider attacks separately using his characteristics. As the monster and rider are likely to have different initiative values they may strike their blows at different times. These attacks are worked out entirely normally, as if the rider and creature were two different models.

When it comes to attacking back, the enemy will be faced with two potential targets, the rider and the monster. The enemy may choose to fight either the rider or the monster, and can distribute their attacks between them in any way they like. The enemy player must say how many attacks are against the monster and how many are against the rider before he rolls any dice. Attacks are worked out exactly as normal, and the score required to hit will depend upon the relative values of the monster or the rider's weapon skill as with all hand-to-hand fighting.

Wounds for Mounts and Riders(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 69)

Wounds must be recorded separately for the rider and his mount. If the mount is slain then the rider may continue to fight on foot if you have a model to represent him. If the rider is slain the monster will behave in an erratic fashion, possibly going wild and attacking its own side or running rampant among both armies. Remember that these big monsters are often hand-reared by their masters, and so are likely to go uncontrollably wild if their rider is slain.

Roll a D6 and refer to the Monster Reaction Table to determine how the monster reacts for the rest of the game.

Monster Reaction Table(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 69)


Monster Reaction


The monster takes to the air if it has wings. If not, it makes for the nearest table edge as fast as it can and tries to leave the battlefield. The monster will avoid any troops or scenery blocking its way and will attempt to go round them to find an escape route. If attacked the monster will fight back, but it will not charge of its own volition unless it is forced to do so by a psychology rule. It will not use any breath or other range weapon unless it is shot at, in which case it may return fire. Once it has left the table the monster does not return.


The monster attacks the nearest troops, favouring enemy if there is a choice of two equally distant groups. It must charge if able to do so, and must move towards the nearest target as fast as possible if unable to charge. Once in hand-to-hand combat it will fight normally. It will use any breath or other range weapon to attack the nearest troops if able to do so.


The monster attacks the nearest enemy. It must charge if able to do so, and must move towards the nearest enemy as fast as possible if unable to charge. Once in hand-to-hand combat it will fight normally. The monster will use any breath or other range weapon to attack the nearest enemy troops if able to do so.


The monster moves randomly in its fury and confusion, angrily attacking anything in its path. Move the monster along with other compulsory movement in the move phase. Roll a scatter dice to determine the direction moved. If there are any troops, enemy or friends, within charge reach in the direction shown then the monster charges them. If no targets are within charge reach the monster moves as fast as it can towards them. It will use any breath or other range weapon to attack the nearest troops if able to do so.Once in hand-to-hand combat it will fight normally.


The monster remains where it is. If any enemy approach within charge range it will charge them. If in hand-to-hand combat the monster will fight normally. If the opportunity arises it will use any breath weapon to attack the nearest enemy.


The monster remains steadfastly where it is, guarding the fallen body of its beloved master. The monster will not move but it will use any breath or similar ranged weapon to attack enemy who approach within range. If the monster is in hand-to-hand combat it will fight, but it will not pursue fleeing enemy. The monster will remain by its master to the end, faithfully protecting his body against harm or capture.

Flying & Aerial Combat(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 70)

Some creatures in the Warhammer World have wings and can fly high above the battlefield, soaring quickly from one side of the battle to the other. This mobility is extremely useful, as it allows the creature concerned to choose its opponents, or to avoid a fight if it is seriously out-matched.

Representing creatures that can fly poses a few problems on the gaming table, as it is impractical to hold or suspend heavy models above the tabletop: The following rules are intended to capture the feel of fast moving aerial combat in a practical manner.

Fly(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 70)

Models that can fly are moved during the movement phase exactly like other models except they have the option of taking to the air and flying rather than just walking or running. A flying model may take off, fly as far as it is able, and land again all in the same movement phase. Models do not normally end their movement in the air, they simply use their ability to fly to move further and to pass over obstacles or troops that may be in the way. It is possible to remain airborne however, and this is explained later.

Generally speaking, models that can fly can travel up to 24" through the air during their movement phase. If a model flies more slowly or more quickly this is noted in the Battle Bestiary. The model must move wholly in the air or wholly on land, it cannot mix the two in the same turn. A model may use this move to get itself into hand-to-hand combat if the player wishes, effectively charging its opponent from the air. Note that a flying charge is still only 24". The distance is not doubled as it is for a charge over land.

Flying models are moved without penalty for changing direction or any other reason. The model is simply moved as the player wishes up to the maximum distance allowed.

Combat(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 70)

A model which can fly can make a flying charge into combat as explained above. The flying creature charges down onto its foes, slashing, biting or using whatever weapons it has at its disposal. In reality, the attacker would land somewhere in the middle of the troops it is charging, but to keep things orderly it is assumed all aerial attacks come from the front of the unit attacked unless it is already engaged to its front, in which case aerial attacks may be made from any direction. The flying model is positioned either to the unit's front, sides or rear as appropriate.

Hand-to-hand combat is conducted exactly as normal with a few exceptions:

  • A flying creature which is beaten in hand-to-hand combat is driven off. The model is removed from the tabletop and may not return until it has missed a complete turn.

  • If a hand-to-hand combat is either won or drawn a fiying creature may leave at the end of the phase rather than stay and fight. The model is removed from the table and may not return until it has missed a complete turn.

Flying High(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 70)

A model which can fly can take to the air and remain airborne if it wishes. The model is removed from the table during its movement phase and placed aside somewhere where it can be seen. The player points out that the model is flying high above the battlefield.

A model flying high in the air at the start of its turn can dive down anywhere onto the battlefield. It can attack an enemy unit if it wishes.

A model which is flying high above the battlefield cannot be shot at by troops on the ground, nor may it shoot at troops on the ground.

Aerial Combat(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 70)

If both sides have creatures which can fly then it becomes more important to keep track of models which are flying high. All models that are currently flying high above the battlefield are kept aside so that they can be seen.

Any model which is already flying high at the start of its turn can attack any enemy model which is also flying high. The attacker nominates his target when he declares his other charges at the beginning of the movement phase and the two models fight hand-to-hand combat exactly as normal. Once the two creatures have fought they are separated again and are both free to move or attack once more in their following turns. Aerial combat is therefore much more fluid than combat on the ground. There is no winner or loser as such, and unless one combatant is slain both models are free to either move onto the battlefield or continue to fly high above it in their following turn.

Any model flying high at the start of its turn may shoot a bow or other missile weapon at any other model which is also flying high, unless it has already decided to attack in hand-to-hand combat. Shooting is worked out exactly as normal, at maximum range for the weapon used. It is assumed both shooter and target are moving at their maximum movement rate.

Wizards(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 70)

Wizards often ride large ferocious winged monsters such as griffons and hippogriffs. When they are on the tabletop wizards may use their powers as normal, but when they fly high above the battlefield wizards can no longer cast spells on to the ground as they are too far away. By the same token spells cannot be cast against them by wizards on the ground. High flying models can cast spells against each other. All high flying models are considered to be within range of spells as they weave and soar around each other.

Chariots(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 72)

Chariots make ideal transport and fighting machines for characters. They are also sufficiently powerful to stand up to large monsters and even units of troops. Most chariots have at least two crew members, one to control the team pulling the chariot and the other to fight. Chariots can be pulled by horses, but many of the races of the Warhammer World employ far more deadly creatures. Goblins harness wolves to their chariots, while Orcs favour brutal snorting war boars. The chariots of the Undead are pulled by cadaverous skeleton steeds, all bony or hung with tatters of rotting flesh. The rules that follow describe how you can employ chariots on the battlefield.

Moving Chariots(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 72)

Chariots are always moved as individual models in the same way as powerful characters and large monsters. If you have several chariots then you can choose to move them together in a loose formation if you wish, but you do not have to do so. The only advantage of lumping your chariots together is that they will benefit from making all leadership tests on the best leadership value of the group in exactly the same way as any unit of troops led by a heroic character.

To count as grouped together in this way each chariot must be within 5" of another chariot in the same group forming a rough line or clump.

A chariot moves at the same speed as the creature that pulls it. Chariots can never make a march move, although they double their move when charging in the same way as other models. When you move a chariot model simply measure the distance and make your move. There is no need to turn or wheel, as the chariot is able to turn freely to face any direction you wish.

Chariots cannot move over obstacles or difficult terrain, except to cross a river at a bridge or a ford. A chariot compelled for some reason to move over terrain it cannot normally cross is likely to be damaged as its wheels strike rocks, its body becomes entangled in undergrowth, or it careers headlong through a wall. If forced by circumstance into difficult terrain or over an obstacle the chariot sustains D6 strength 6 hits. These are randomly distributed among the chariot, crew, and creatures in the same way as hits from shooting (see below for a description of how to do this). Chariots sometimes have to cross obstacles or difficult terrain for reasons beyond their control, for example if they are forced to flee from close combat.

Fighting Chariots(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 72)

Chariots do not have a weapon skill, so when they fight in hand-to-hand combat the enemy compares his weapon skill against that of the crew. If the chariot has crewmen with different weapon skill levels then he always counts the highest. If the crewmen are slain and you wish to strike blows against the chariot, you may count its WS as 0.

Chariots comprise three distinct parts: the crew, the creatures pulling it, and the chariot itself. When enemy troops are shooting arrows or other missiles at the chariot, or when foes attack the chariot in hand-to-hand combat, any successful hits are randomly allocated between the crew, creatures, and chariot. This is shown on the chart below.

Roll a D6 for each hit scored and consult the chart for shooting or hand-to-hand fighting. The difference between the two charts reflects the difficulty of hitting crew with missiles from a distance, compared with the vulnerability of crew once they get stuck in to hand-to-hand combat and are exposing themselves to attack.

















Once you have allocated each hit, work out further damage exactly as you normally would to determine if wounds are caused. If the crew have identical characteristics then it is not necessary to establish who is hit, the player may remove any crew model as a casualty. Where the crew have different characteristics, if one is a hero for example, then it is necessary to further decide which has been hit. This can be done by rolling randomly using a D6 as appropriate (for example, if there are two crew 1-3 = the hero, 4-6 - the other crew member).

Chariots have their own toughness value, wounds, and other characteristics as indicated on their profile. In most cases this is as follows, although in some instances a chariot may be especially large with more wounds or greater toughness.


If some of the creatures pulling the chariot are slain then it will move proportionately slower. For example, a chariot pulled by two horses normally travels 8" but this is reduced to 4" with only one horse as half the horses have been slain. Obviously the more creatures there are to pull the chariot the smaller the proportional reduction in its movement should they be slain. Should all the creatures be slain then the chariot is brought to a halt.

A chariot can continue to fight so long as it has at least one crewman left. If all its crew are slain, and assuming it can still move, then the chariot will move randomly in its own movement phase. This is worked out along with other compulsory movement before any other moves take place. The chariot rampages 2D6" up to its maximum speed in a completely random direction. This can be established using the Scatter dice. If you roll a double then the creatures collapse with exhaustion before the chariot moves and the model can be removed from the battle. Otherwise the chariot model is moved the distance indicated. If the chariot collides with troops then it comes to a halt and a round of hand-to-hand combat follows just as if the chariot had charged.

If the chariot suffers a wound then this is recorded. Once the chariot has suffered its full complement of wounds it is destroyed and the model is removed from the battle. The creatures pulling the chariot are either killed in the wreckage or run away and take no further part in the conflict. Any surviving crew may continue to fight on foot if the player has models to represent them.

Chariot Attack(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 73)

A chariot has three types of attack: attacks from its crew, attacks from the creatures if they have them, and attacks from the chariot itself. Of these the chariot is usually the most dangerous, causing considerable damage as it thunders into the enemy ranks. Chariots only attack when they charge because they need to move forward, trampling or knocking aside enemy, crushing them under their wheels or slicing them with their scythes.

When a chariot charges it automatically causes D6 hits, plus 1 for each scythe blade fitted to its wheels (this will normally be +2). These attacks are made first, before any attacks from either side. Note that no separate roll is made to score hits, the charging chariot automatically causes hits. The chart below summarizes this.


Hits Inflicted


D6 + 1 per scythe



All hits from the chariot are worked out using the strength value of the chariot itself, ie 7 in most cases. The main danger from a chariot comes during its charge, so it is vitally important for chariots not to allow themselves to be out manoeuvred and charged by the enemy. Chariots caught out in this way get no attacks and are likely to be overwhelmed.

Chariot crew may fight against enemy in contact with the chariot whether to its front, sides or rear. They strike blows in normal initiative order, and attack first during a charge, exactly like other warriors. All crew fight, including the driver.

The creatures pulling a chariot may fight if they have their own attacks. Wolves, for example, have their own attacks. Due to the restrictions of harness and reins, creatures can only attack enemy directly in front of them. Work out attacks in initiative order, and attack first during charges, exactly as normal.

Flee and Pursuit(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 73)

Chariots flee and pursue exactly like ordinary troops. If broken in hand-to-hand combat and forced to flee they move 2D6 or 3D6" depending on their speed. If caught by pursuers they are destroyed. Similarly they pursue fleeing enemies at the same rate, and will destroy them if they are caught.

War Machines and Chariots(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 73)

If firing at a chariot with a stone thrower, or other weapon which has a template, position the template as normal. Each part of the chariot is treated separately, so the horse/crew/chariot are potentially hit if these actual models are within the template area. Treat each crew member, horse, and the chariot body as separate targets, just like single models in an ordinary unit.

Snotling Pump Wagon(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 74)

The Snotling Pump Wagon is very much like a chariot in that it consists of a wooden fighting platform, rather like a ramshackle wooden hut on wheels, and it moves under its own power. In the case of the Pump Wagon this power is provided not by horses, wolves or some other beast, but by the frantic pumping of Snotlings which drives a simple mechanism and keeps the Pump Wagon moving. The Pump Wagon is also equipped with a spiked roller at the front, which crushes and pierces any foes (and Snotling crew) unfortunate enough to fall beneath it.

The rules described for chariots apply to the Pump Wagon as well with a few exceptions which take into account its unusual construction and crew. As the Pump Wagon has no horses pulling it any hits must be distributed amongst the crew or machine only, as shown on the chart below.








Pump Wagon


Pump Wagon



The Pump Wagon is heavily constructed and has the same basic profile as a chariot. This is shown here again for convenience. Like a chariot the Pump Wagon causes a great deal of damage as it charges but the effect is even more extreme due to the destructive power of the crunching roller at the front.

Pump Wagon---7731--


Hits Inflicted





The speed of a Pump Wagon tends to be somewhat unpredictable as its crew are continually squabbling over which of them is going to operate the pump. An enthusiastic Snotling will fight his way forward and pump like crazy for a while until he is completely exhausted when another will shove him aside and take over. This means the machine tends to go forward in fits and starts, sometimes quite quickly but at other times embarrassingly slowly.

Because the machine's speed is reliant upon the whim of its rather dim-witted crew, the player has little choice over its speed at all. To represent this the Pump Wagon has no fixed move rate. It automatically moves 2D6" and is moved along with compulsory movement before other troops can move.

The player can control the direction which the machine moves in, representing the efforts of its crew to steer the thing by leaning precariously to one side or the other, but he has no say over the speed. If the machine's speed is sufficient to bring it into contact with a target then it is considered to have charged. No formal declaration of charge is necessary. The target may make the usual response just as if it had been charged in the normal manner.

It sometimes happens that the Pump Wagon's move means it has to traverse terrain which it cannot cross. For example it might be forced into a river, bog or straight through a wall. In these situations the Pump Wagon sustains D6 strength 6 hits due to damage sustained as it crunches and smashes its way through.

It can also happen that a Pump Wagon is obliged to move into friendly troops, although this is rare as you can move the machine as you wish. A foolish general might surround his Pump Wagon with friendly units only to see the machine crunch through his own lines in the first turn! When this happens work out the effect just as if it were an enemy unit. Even the Snotlings will fight as they are far too excited to care what they are doing. The Pump Wagon does not abandon the fight until the combat is complete and one side broken or destroyed.

A Pump Wagon is dependent on its crew for mobility, so once its crew are all slain it cannot move. It does not rampage around like a chariot for example. The model may be removed once the crew are slain, as it is of no further value.

War Machines(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 75)

War Machines are an important part of many armies in the Warhammer World. Gigantic cannons are amongst the most spectacular of these engines of war, but their manufacture is difficult and the secrets of gun casting and gunpowder manufacture are carefully guarded. Orcs and other less sophisticated races build gigantic stone throwers which lob boulders high into the air to come crashing down upon enemy formations or behind city walls. Bolt throwers are powerful giant crossbows which can send a spear-sized bolt clean through several ranks of enemy skewering each in turn! These are all relatively common war machines which can be found in several armies.

Stone Throwers(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 75)

Stone throwers are powerful and destructive weapons that lob large boulders high into the air, sending them crashing through enemy ranks crushing limbs and armour alike. Many races of the Warhammer World use these devices. Not all are built in the same way by any means: some use a massive counterweight to catapult their missile into the air while others use torsion power like a giant crossbow. The bigger the engine, the larger the rock it can throw and the more damage it can do. The very largest stone throwers can hurl a projectile big enough to knock down buildings and even city walls!

Work out the results of stone throwing in the shooting phase. To work out damage you will need the round missile template with the hole in the centre. The stone is not as big as the template of course (that would require a very large engine indeed) but shatters on impact sending shards of sharp stone over a wide area.

Pivot the stone thrower on the spot so that it is pointing in the direction you wish to shoot. Now declare how far you wish to fire the rock. You must do this without measuring the distance to your target, so you must guess the range as accurately as you can. Once you have made your guess place the missile template directly over the spot where you have guessed.

For example: You are firing a stone thrower at a unit of High Elf Guards in front of you. You make your guess and declare that you are firing 28" directly towards the centre of the High Elf Guards. Having made your guess you take the template and measure 28" towards your target. If you have made a good guess the template will lie over your intended target. If not, don't worry - there's still a chance the stone may veer off course and bit something.

To decide if the missile lands where you have aimed it roll both the Scatter dice and the Artillery dice.

The Scatter dice is the dice marked with arrows on four sides and the word HIT on two sides. If you roll a HIT then the missile lands exactly where you have aimed it. If you roll an arrow then the missile veers in the direction shown by the arrow.

The Artillery dice is marked 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and MISFIRE. If you roll a misfire then something has gone wrong - roll a D6 and consult the Misfire Table below. A misfire roll automatically cancels out the whole shot regardless of the Scatter dice result. If you roll a number on the Artillery dice then this is the distance in inches the missile veers off target as shown by the arrow on the Scatter dice. Move the template the distance indicated in the direction shown by the arrow. If you roll a HIT then the numbers are ignored; a number simply indicates that the shot has not misfired.

For example: You guess bang on and the template lies directly in the middle of your chosen target. You roll both dice. The Scatter dice shows a HIT! You have landed bang on target. The Artillery dice score is 4 - the number indicates that nothing is amiss and the shot lands exactly where you amed it. If the Artillery dice had been a misfire then the whole shot would have been messed up as described on the Misfire Chart.

Misfire Chart for Stone Throwers




DESTROYED! The engine cannot stand the strain placed upon it and breaks under tension as it is fired. Bits of woods and metal fly all around, the stone tumbles to the ground splintering the engine and throwing debris into the air. The engine is destroyed and its crew slain or injured. Remove the engine and its crew.


DISABLED. The normal smooth running of the machine and its crew is disrupted by some accident or freak occurence. A rope snaps and lashes about wildly, a crewman sets the machine up wrongly so that it pulls itself apart, or maybe a careless operator becomes entangled in the mechanism. The engine does not shoot this turn and cannot fire next turn either while the damage is repaired. To help you remember it is a good idea to turn the machine round to face away from the enemy. In addition, one of the crew is slain - caught by a snapping rope, entangled in the machinery, or thrown high into the air in lieu of the stone!


MAY NOT SHOOT. A minor fault prevents the machine shooting this turn. A crewman drops the stone as he lifts it into position, maybe a wratchet jams or a rope loosens. The machine is unharmed and may shoot as normal next turn.

Damage(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 76)

Once you have established where the stone lands damage can be worked out. Any model that lies directly under the hole is hit automatically - note that only one model can lie within the hole and if there is any doubt it is the model which is under the exact centre which is hit. Models whose bases lie under the rest of the template are hit on a D6 roll of 4+. You will have to use your judgement and common sense to decide exactly which models lie under the template - sometimes it is not easy to judge precisely. As a rule of thumb a model can be considered as a potential hit if at least half of its base area lies under the template, while models whose bases are only touched or grazed can be ignored.

SPLAT! The stone has landed in the middle of a unit. The model under the centre of the template is hit and 8 other models may be hit. 8 dice are rolled scoring, for example, 4 hits plus the original 1 making a total of 5 - not a bad shot!

Once you have worked out which models are struck by your missile work out damage in the usual way. Roll for each target to see if you cause damage. Stone throwers have a strength of 7 or more, so they cause damage on the roll of a 2+ against most human or similarly sized targets. Refer to the damage chart for details. A damaging hit from a stone thrower causes either D3 or D6 wounds depending on its size, but as most creatures have only 1 wound it is not necessary to take this dice roll. It is, however, useful when attacking characters and big monsters. No saving throw is permitted for armour. When a big rock lands on you you are squashed regardless of what armour you may be wearing!

Profiles(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 76)

Stone throwers vary in design - some are bigger than others, some are positively monstrous! Basically, however, there are two types: ordinary sized ones and big ones. Details are given below for typical examples.

Maximum Range You May Guess




Stone Thrower





Big Stone Thrower





Being large, solid devices stone throwers are difficult to destroy. However, it's possible for them to become the target of other engines of war or they may be attacked by large monsters. Stone throwers therefore have a profile like a creature with a toughness value and a number of wounds which they can sustain before they are destroyed. As with other details these might vary in specific cases, but a typical engine has the values shown here. The move rate is the speed the stone thrower can move at with its full crew - if any crew are slain its speed is reduced proportionally. An engine cannot move and shoot in the same turn except to turn to face its target. Generally speaking, engines of war have such a long range that it is pointless moving them about.




As crew



Loss of Crew(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 76)

A stone thrower requires a full crew to work it properly - to carry stones, wind ropes, push the machine round to bear on its target, and so on. If one crewman is slain then the rest can just about get by without slowing up the machine noticeably. If two or more crewmen are slain then the remaining crew will be unable to cope, and the stone thrower will have to miss a whole turn before it can shoot again. This is in addition to any penalty imposed by a misfire result. Obviously the engine requires at least one crewman to work, and should they all be slain the machine is useless.

Stone Thrower Summary(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 76)

  1. Declare target and guess range.

  2. Position template and roll Scatter and Artillery dice.

  3. If the Artillery dice is MISFIRE refer to Misfire Chart, otherwise...

  4. If the Scatter dice is a HIT the stone has struck home.

  5. If the Scatter dice is an arrow the stone has landed in the direction shown 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10" away from the aiming point as shown on the Artillery dice.

  6. The single model in the exact centre is hit. Remaining models under the template are hit on the D6 score of a 4+.

  7. Work out hits as normal. Models are allowed no saving throw from a stone thrower.

Cannons(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 77)

Cannons are dangerous if sometimes unpredictable weapons whose manufacture is limited to a few groups of human and Dwarf experts. When they work cannons can shatter the most determined enemy, pouring shot into his massed formations, levelling his cities and toppling huge monsters. But cannons often go wrong. Weaknesses in the casting methods can leave minute cracks or other deficiencies which cause them to explode when fired. Gunpowder can fail to ignite or explode prematurely. Despite the occasional spectacular accident, cannons are extremely deadly weapons that have been instrumental in winning more than one battle on behalf of their users.

Cannons are fired in the shooting phase along with other missile weapons. To shoot your cannon first turn it on the spot so that it points towards your intended target. Now declare how far you wish to shoot - eg 24", 30", 32" etc. The ball travels the distance you have nominated, plus the score of the Artillery ,dice. Roll the Artillery dice, and add the score to the distance you have declared. The ball travels the total distance towards the target, and will land short, pass straight over, or hit depending on how accurately you have guessed the range and what effect the dice has. Remember the dice will always add at least 2" to your estimate, and can add up to 10", so you should aim a few inches short of your target.

Once you have estabished where the cannon ball hits place a small coin or other marker directly over the spot. The cannon ball does not stop where it hits the ground, but bounces straight forward and cuts a line through any targets in the way. To determine how far the ball bounces roll the Artillery dice again and mark the spot where the ball comes to land. Any models between the points where the ball strikes the ground and where it eventually comes to land are hit by the flying cannon ball. The diagram below shows how this works.

Any model struck by a cannon ball takes a strength 10 hit resolved in the normal manner. If the cannon ball wounds its target then it causes not 1 wound but D4 or D6 depending on the size of the cannon. As most models have only one wound anyway it will not be necessary to roll this extra dice, but it is important when it comes to rolling for heroes, big monsters, and engines of war which can take several wounds. Wounds caused by cannon shot cannot be saved by armour. No saving throw is allowed.

For example: You are firing a cannon at a unit of Goblins in front of you. You make your guess and declare that you are "aiming 12" directly towards the middle of that Goblin unit." Having made your guess you roll the Artillery dice and score 4, which equals 4". This makes a total of 16". Measure 16" towards the Gobins and place a marker where the ball hits. If you have guessed well this will be just in front of them. The ball now bounces forward the score of the Artillery dice. This time you roll an 8 and the ball bounces straight through the Goblin unit bitting all the models in the way.

Estimate the distance to the target and add the result of the artillery dice roll. This is where the cannon ball lands. Any model lying under the path of the bouncing ball takes a S10 hit and D4 or D6 wounds.

Misfires(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 77)

You roll the Artillery dice twice when a cannon is fired, so you have two chances of rolling a Misfire result. However, the two results will be different. If you roll a misfire when you roll the first dice the cannon has literally misfired and may explode. If you roll a misfire on your bounce roll then this merely indicates the ball has stuck in the ground and does not bounce.

If you roll a misfire as you shoot the cannon then consult the chart below.

Cannon Misfire Chart




DESTROYED! The cannon explodes with a mighty crack. Shards of metal and wood fly in all directions leaving a hole in the ground and a cloud of black smoke. The cannon is destroyed and its crew slain or injured. Remove the cannon and its crew.


MALFUNCTION. The powder fails to ignite and the cannon does not fire. The crew must remove the ball and powder before the cannon can shoot again - which takes another turn! The cannon therefore cannot fire either this turn or the next turn. It is a good idea to turn the cannon round to indicate this.


MAY NOT SHOOT. A minor fault prevents the cannon firing this turn, perhaps the fuse is not set properly or maybe the crewmen mishandle the loading procedure. The cannon is unharmed and may shoot as normal next turn.

If you roll a misfire on your bounce roll then the cannon is unharmed, the Misfire result merely indicates that the cannon ball sticks in the ground where it hits. If the shot lands on top of a model then that particular model is hit as normal, but there is no further bounce damage.

Profiles(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 78)

Cannons are hand forged by master craftsmen, and every cannon is different with little standardisation in the way of calibres or length. Individual cannon can be extremely large, but most are either large cannons, such as the Empire's Great Cannon, or smaller cannons. Details are given below for typical examples. The difference between the two sorts is range and damage. Bigger cannons carry a larger change and so have a longer range and cause more damage.

Maximum Range You May Guess









Great Cannon





Cannons are cast from iron or bronze and are built into solid carriages. They are very difficult to destroy although the enemy may try to attack them with other engines of war, large monsters or magic for example. They therefore have a profile like a creature with a toughness value and a number of wounds which they can sustain before they are destroyed. As with other details these might vary in specific cases, but a typical cannon has a value as shown here. The move rate is the speed the cannon can be moved by a full human crew assuming it has wheels. A cannon which does not have wheels cannot be moved. If any crew are slain the cannon's speed is reduced proportionally.

A cannon cannot move and shoot in the same turn except to turn to face its target. Generally speaking cannons have such a long range that it is pointless moving them about.




As crew



Loss of Crew(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 78)

A cannon requires a full crew to work properly - to carry cannon balls, load gunpowder, push the machine round to bear on its target, and so on. If one crewman is slain then the rest can just about get by without reducing the rate of fire. If two or more crewmen are slain then the remaining crew will be unable to cope, so when it shoots the cannon must miss a whole turn before it can shoot again. This is in addition to any penalty imposed by a Misfire result. Obviously the cannon requires at least one crewman to work, and should they all be slain the machine becomes useless.

Summary of Cannon Fire(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 78)

  1. Align cannon on target and declare the distance you are aiming.

  2. Roll the Artillery dice and add the score to the distance aimed. The cannon ball travels forward this distance before striking the ground.

  3. If you roll a misfire refer to the Misfire Chart.

  4. Mark the point where the cannon ball strikes the ground and roll the Artillery dice to establish the bounce distance. All models in the path of the bounce are hit.

  5. If you roll a misfire for the bounce the cannon ball has stuck in the ground and does not bounce.

  6. Work out the effect of hits normally. Models have no saving throw for a cannon hit.

Bolt Throwers(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 79)

Bolt or dart throwers are large crossbows which shoot a spear-sized missile. They are so large that they are mounted on their own stand, often with wheels so they can be pivoted easily. A crew of two or more is required to wind back the powerful torsion arms and position the huge bolt ready for firing. On the whole these weapons are nowhere near as large or cumbersome as stone throwers and cannons.

Bolt throwers are fired in the shooting phase along with other missile weapons. To shoot your bolt thrower first turn it on the spot so that it points towards your intended victim. The bolt travels straight forward and (hopefully) hits the first target in its path. To determine if the bolt strikes its target roll a D6 to hit using the crew's BS in the same way as bow shots, crossbows, and other missile weapons. The basic score needed to hit is therefore shown on the standard Missile Fire Chart (below). The usual modifiers apply, see the Shooting section and the play sheets for details.

If you score a hit work out damage as described below. If you miss then the bolt hits the ground or sails into the air and comes down harmlessly somewhere else.

Missile File Chart

The chance of a shooter scoring a hit on his target depends on his ballistic skill, or BS. the higher the individual's BS, the greater his chance of hitting. To determine whether you hit you must roll a D6 for each model shooting. Count how many models in your unit are shooting, and roll that number of dice. It is easiest to roll all the dice at once, although you don't have to do so. If you have a lot of models shooting you may have to roll several batches of dice. The following table shows the minimum D6 score you will need to hit.


If you score at least the number required you have hit, if you score less you have missed.

For example: You fire with 5 Goblin archers. Goblins have BS 3, so you need a score of at least 4 to hit. You roll 5 dice and score 1, 2, 2, 4, and 6 - 2 hits and 3 misses.

Of course, you cannot roll less than 1 on a D6, so troops with a BS of 6 or more will invariably hit. However, circumstances can make it harder to hit as described below, and this may increase the dice score required so that even troops with very high BS values can find it difficult to hit their target.

Working Out Damage from Hits(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 79)

A bolt thrower is a powerful weapon which can hurl its bolt through several ranks of troops, piercing each warrior in turn. If you hit then resolve damage against the target using the bolt thrower's full strength of 5. If the model is slain then the bolt hits the trooper in the second rank directly behind: resolve damage on the second model with a strength of 4. If the second rank trooper is slain then a model in the third rank is hit: resolve damage with a strength of 3. Continue to work out damage as the bolt pierces and slays a model in each rank, deducting -1 from the strength for each rank pierced.

A model damaged by a bolt thrower sustains not 1 but D4 wounds, which means that even large monsters can be hurt or even slain by a hit from a bolt thrower. Armour saves are not allowed for hits from a bolt thrower, because the missiles are so fast and deadly that any armour is pierced along with its wearer. Because saves are not taken a target with only 1 wound will be slain if it takes damage, there is therefore no need to roll the D4 to decide the number of wounds.


Profiles(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 79)

The bolt thrower hurls a sharp tipped spear which causes considerable damage. The chart below shows its details.






5-1 per rank


No save is allowed

A bolt thrower is made from solid wood and iron. They have a profile like a creature with a toughness value and a number of wounds which they can sustain before they are destroyed.

The move rate is the speed the bolt thrower can be moved by its full crew assuming it has wheels. An engine which does not have wheels cannot be moved. If crew are slain the bolt thrower's speed is reduced proportionally. A bolt thrower cannot move and shoot in the same turn except to turn to face its target.




As crew



Loss of Crew(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 79)

A bolt thrower usually has a crew of two and if one crewman is slain then the remaining crewman can just about get by without slowing up the machine noticeably. Should a bolt thrower require a larger crew then the loss of extra crewmen will reduce its rate of fire to every second turn in the same way as for stone throwers and cannons.

Summary of Bolt Throwers(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 79)

  1. Align bolt thower on target and roll to hit.

  2. Resolve damage at strength 5. No save is allowed for a bolt thrower.

  3. If the target is slain roll damage against the second rank at strength 4.

  4. Continue rolling for damage until you fail to slay the target or run out of ranks. Deduct -1 from the strength for each rank already pierced.

Warpfire Thrower(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 80)

The Skaven warpfire thrower is an invention of the Warlock Engineers of Clan Skryre. It hurls a blast of warpflame - a volatile mixture of inflammable chemicals and powdered warpstone combined with magic. The warpfire thrower is a powerful weapon and extremely deadly to both its foes and its crew! A single gout of warpflame can reduce a proud regiment of knights or foot soldiers to a charred mess in moments. Against creatures vulnerable to fire, such as Treemen and Mummies, the warpflame is particularly devastating. Unfortunately warpfire throwers can also misfire catastrophically, destroying themselves and their crew in a spectacular explosion, much to the discomfort of anyone nearby!

Scatter and Artillery dice indicate the shot is 4" off target. Move the template 4" as shown.

The warpfire thrower may not shoot and move during the same turn, so if you move during the movement phase you may not shoot that turn. Assuming it has not moved, the warpfire thrower may be fired in the shooting phase. You will need the small 2'' across round missile template. The template is placed over a target up to the weapon's maximum range of 12" away. The crew must be able to see their target just as if they were firing a bow or crossbow.

To determine if the warpflame is on target roll the Scatter dice and Artillery dice together. A 'hit' result on the Scatter dice means the shot is on target; an arrow means the shot has missed and the template is moved in the direction indicated by the arrow by as many inches as the number shown on the Artillery dice. However, regardless of the Artillery dice roll the template is never moved more than half the measured range of the shot. For example, if the range is 10" the template is never moved further than 5". This rule prevents bizarre results such as the shot landing behind the Skaven! If the Artillery dice shows a Misfire result then something has gone horribly wrong, see Misfire Chart.

Damage(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 80)

Once you have established where the warpflame lands, you can work out the damage. All models that lie under the template are hit. You will have to use your judgement and common sense to decide exactly which models lie under the template. As a rule of thumb, a model can be considered hit if at least half of its base area lies under the template, while models whose bases are only touched or grazed can be ignored.

Any model hit suffers a strength 5 hit from the warpflame. If the target is wounded by the warpflame then it takes not just 1 wound as normal, but D3 wounds (roll a D6: a score of 1-2=1, 3-4=2 and 5-6=3). Units that suffer casualties from a warpfire attack must take a panic test immediately. If the panic test is failed the unit will flee.

Misfire(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 80)

If a misfire is rolled on the Artillery dice the warpfire thrower has suffered a dangerous mishap. Roll a D6 and consult the table below to find out what has happened.

Warpfire Misfire Chart




The warpfire thrower's nozzle blocks and squirts burning fuel over its crew. Work out the effect as if the crew had been hit by their own warpfire thrower.


The fuel barrels catch fire! The model carrying the barrels runs helplessly 2D6" in a random direction before the barrels explode. The barrels explode with the same effect as a warpfire hit. Place the template over the running Skaven and work out damage as normal.


Kaboom! The warpfire thrower crew disappears in a lurid mushroom cloud of flame. Any models within 3" are hit by warpflame. Work out damage as if they had been struck by the warpfire thrower.

Profile(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 80)

Maximum Range








A warpfire thrower is a relatively small war machine and it is carried between its crew of two Skaven. For this reason it does not have its own toughness or wounds, but is destroyed if either crew member is slain. The warpfire thrower's crew may carry it at a rate of 4". This is 1" less than other Skaven due to the weight of the machine. The Skaven can therefore march move up to 8" where they are allowed to do so.

You can employ warpfire throwers in two different ways. A warpfire thrower can operate as part of a unit of ordinary Skaven troops, or it can fight in a unit together with other warpfire throwers.

A warpfire thrower may be allocated to a Skaven unit before the game. Any Skaven unit may have up to one warpfire thrower. The warpfire thrower counts as part of the unit, and will be affected by the unit's psychological reactions, break tests, and so forth, just like other members of the unit. The warpfire thrower does not have to form up with the unit it is part of, but it must stay within 6". The warpfire thrower will always stand and shoot at enemy who charge it, even if the rest of the unit flees.

Warpfire throwers can also be organised into a separate unit of warpfire throwers. A unit of warpfire throwers fights just like any other unit and may skirmish as described in the Skirmish rules.

If one of the Skaven crew is slain the warpfire thrower becomes useless. The remaining crew member cannot operate the warpfire thrower on his own. If the warpfire thrower is fighting as a unit together with other warpfire throwers the odd crewman should be left with the unit. This odd model can then be removed next time the unit suffers a casualty, without affecting another warpfire thrower. If the warpfire thrower is fighting as part of a unit of other Skaven then the odd crew member may be absorbed into the rank-and-file troops.

Warpfire Thrower Summary(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 81)

  1. Position template and roll Scatter and Artillery dice.

  2. If the Artillery dice is a misfire refer to Misfire Chart, otherwise...

  3. If the Scatter dice is a hit the blast has struck home.

  4. If the Scatter dice is an arrow the blast has landed in the direction shown away from the aiming point. The distance the blast is off target is shown by the Artillery dice but is never greater than half the range to the original target.

  5. Any models under the template are hit.

Warplock Jezzail(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 81)

The warplock jezzail is a fiendish invention of the Skaven Clan Skryre. It is a huge and long ranged firearm, more like a small cannon than an ordinary gun. It fires a special missile made from warpstone, the unstable magic rock which gives Skaven their power. When the warpstone strikes its target it explodes with devastating effect and a flash of pyrotechnic colour. The blast can punch through the shield, breast plate and body of an armoured knight from beyond the range of a crossbow, often shattering units of heavily armoured elite troops before they ever get into battle. Groups of jezzails are often placed in a prominent position such as on a hill or inside a tall building to volley the foe with fire as they try to manoeuvre into position.

Firing the Jezzail(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 81)

The jezzail is fired in the shooting phase exactly like a crossbow, bow or other missile weapon. Like a crossbow the jezzail cannot move and shoot in the same turn, so if you move during the movement phase you will be unable to fire in the shooting phase. To shoot the jezzail first turn it to face its target (this doesn't count as moving). To determine if the warpstone shot hits its target roll to hit using the crew's BS as you would for a crossbow, bow, etc. As Skaven have a BS characteristic of 3 this means they will require a 4 to hit a target in the open at up to half range. If you score a hit work out damage as described below. If you miss then the shot sails into the air, strikes the ground, or comes down harmlessly somewhere and has no effect.

Profile(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 81)









Wounds are worked out exactly as normal except that instead of inflicting 1 wound on its target the jezzail inflicts D3 wounds (roll a D6: 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3). Jezzails also have an extra -1 saving throw, -3 instead the usual -2 for a strength 5 attack. This reflects the penetrating power of the jezzail's shot and follows the same pattern as other firearms such as hand guns and pistols.

Jezzails have a crew of two Skaven who can carry their weapon at their normal move rate of 5". If one Skaven is killed the remaining one can continue to operate the jezzail but his move is reduced to half rate and all shots to hit suffer a -1 to hit penalty. The jezzail is destroyed if both crew are slain.

Jezzails operate in units of several jezzails. Jezzail units may fight as skirmishers. See the rule section on Skirmishing.

Jezzail Summary(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 81)

  1. Align the jezzail on its target and roll to hit.

  2. Resolve damage at strength 5. Targets have a -3 save modifier.

Standards & Musicians(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 82)

Many warriors carry a banner to war. The regiments of the Empire march march under flags bearing the arms of their Electors and their Emperor. Bretonnians go to war before the glittering heraldic banners of their Lords and King. Orcs wave banners covered in glyphs proclaiming the might and power of their chieftains. The forces of Chaos fight beneath standards covered in dark runes and the emblems of the Chaos Gods.

Whatever the army, its standards are the focal point of each unit, they proclaim the unit's identity and defy their enemies by their presence. Standards also have a practical value: they are used to signal to the troops, direct the unit's movement, and provide a highly visible point around which formation changes and manoeuvres can be made. The following rules represent the boost to a unit's fighting prowess a standard instils.

Standards(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 82)

A unit of troops may carry a standard which might take the form of a flag, banner, totemic idol, or similar device. The standard is carried by a standard bearer. The standard bearer is armed and armoured like the other models in the unit and fights in exactly the same way. Although the standard bearer has to carry a banner as well as fight, he is chosen from the meanest and most determined individuals in the unit, and this more than makes up for any disadvantage suffered because of the weight and inconvenience of the standard.

The standard bearer model is usually placed in the middle of the front rank of the unit, next to its leader model, musician and champion if it has them. This is not necessarily the rule, but it does look best! When a unit sustains casualties these are removed from amongst its fighting rank and the player may decide which of his models to remove. He will not wish to remove a standard bearer unless he has no other choice - ie, if there are no other models left in a fighting rank to remove instead. This represents the fact that when a standard bearer is slain another warrior will pick up the standard, keeping the unit's flag flying during the battle.

If a unit has a standard in its front rank then it will be more determined than ever to fight hard and beat the foe. A unit which has a standard flying in its front rank may therefore add +1 to its combat score when deciding which side has won hand-to-hand combat. However, note that if a standard bearer model is slain it won't count towards working out the combat results. See the Hand-to-Hand Combat section for a complete description of how to work out which side has won the combat.

Capturing Standards(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 82)

It is unusual for a standard bearer to be killed in combat because other fighting models may be removed in preference. However, should a standard bearer be slain the standard is captured by the enemy if they win the combat. If the enemy does not win the combat the standard is not captured, but is lost amongst the debris of battle, trampled underfoot, or torn apart in the struggle.

If a unit breaks and flees, then the enemy automatically captures its standard if they pursue. If they do not pursue then the standard is lost in the tide of battle. In either case the standard is removed from the unit. Note that standards are only lost if the unit is broken in hand-to-hand combat, not if the unit flees after it has panicked or because of a failed fear test.

Captured standards may be placed behind the unit which captured them and carried about as trophies. Trophies have no fighting value; they are merely used to indicated that the unit has captured its adversaries' flag. The player surrenders the model for the duration of the game and his jubilant enemy places it behind his unit to proclaim his victory. Any trophies that are lost may be recaptured along with the unit's own standard if it breaks and flees from combat. Captured trophies may therefore be recaptured by beating the unit that has them, thereby avenging their initial loss and restoring them to a proper place of honour.

Musicians(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 82)

An army marches under its banners but it does so to the beat of drums and the call of blaring horns. A unit may include a musician model to accompany it into battle, either a horn blower or a drummer. Like standard bearers, musicians fight just like an ordinary member of their unit.
Also as with standard bearers, the player will not wish to remove musicians as casualties unless there are no ordinary warriors left fighting. Unlike standard bearers, however, musicians are not removed automatically when a unit breaks and flees. Their instruments are somewhat lighter and less cumbersome than a weighty standard. Musicians cannot be captured as trophies.

A musician model is placed in the middle of the front rank of the unit, next to the unit's leader and standard bearer. His effect on the fighting ability of the unit is not as great as a standard bearer but is useful none-the-less. A unit which has a musician can attempt a special manoeuvre called the reform. The hornblower sounds his horn, or the drummer beats his drum, and the unit recognises the signal to reform.

Reform(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 82)

A unit may attempt to reform during its movement phase so long as it is not in hand-to-hand combat and is otherwise free to move as it wishes. The player declares that he is sounding the reform and then takes a leadership test for the unit. Roll 2D6, and if the score is equal to or less than the unit's leadership value it has passed the test and may reform.

If the unit fails the test it becomes muddled and confused, and the unit may not move or shoot with missiles this turn. If the attempt to reform is successful the warriors regroup into a new formation. Arrange the unit into a new formation facing whichever direction you wish. A unit which reforms cannot move that turn, because it takes the entire movement phase to reform. Reforming troops cannot shoot with missile weapons that turn.

The General(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 83)

Every army has a heroic character to command it. We refer to this character as the General, although this is only to distinguish him from other heroes. He might be an Orc Chieftain, a Bretonnian Duke, an Elector Count of the Empire, or whatever. Many armies are commanded by the ruler of their entire nation. The Emperor of the Empire and King of Bretonnia are mighty warriors who are ever ready to ride out at the head of their armies for example.

The general of your force is always the character with the highest leadership value. If several characters have the same value then choose one to be the general. He is in command of the whole army and, more than any other model, represents you personally. The general is an important character because he can inspire others to fight on where otherwise they might turn and flee.

Any unit within 12" of the general model may use the general's leadership value instead of its own when making a leadership based test. This means that a unit near the general can use his superior leadership when testing for fear, panic and other psychology, or for break tests in hand-to-hand combat. A unit which is fleeing may use the general's leadership when attempting to rally.

The Battle Standard(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 83)

A general may be accompanied by a special standard bearer carrying either his personal banner or the battle standard of the army itself. This battle standard does not have to move along with the general but it is most useful when he is close by. An army's battle standard is usually carried by a heroic individual and all the rules for character models apply. Unlike with ordinary standard bearers the battle standard is not passed on if its bearer is slain. Should the battle standard bearer be slain then the battle standard may be captured in the same way as a unit banner. See the rules concerning Standards for details.

If the standard bearer joins a unit of troops and fights in the front rank then the unit receives an extra +1 combat bonus when working out which side has won the combat. This is in addition to the usual +1 for the unit's own standard. This is the only circumstance when an extra banner confers a further bonus. Normally troops fighting alongside their banners only receive +1 no matter how many banners are involved.

Any unit within 12" of the battle standard may retake a failed break test. The unit is only allowed to retake this test once. If the general is within 12" of the unit as well then it will also benefit from being able to use his leadership value. These two factors combined, the general's leadership and the opportunity to re-take a failed throw, mean that units near to the general and the battle standard will tend to hold their ground come what may.

Buildings(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 84)

The Warhammer rules are extremely flexible, and allow you to fight out battles along underground tunnel complexes, through vast halls and inside caverns. You can enact swordfights within temples and palaces and full scale assaults against mighty fortresses. However, this goes somewhat beyond the scope of this rulebook where we are concerned with tabletop battles over fairly open territory. The following section therefore provides rules for using buildings on the battlefield, either isolated farmsteads, villages, towers and watchposts, or something else along these lines. Of course, if you want to build a whole city to fight over then it's up to you, the rules that follow certainly allow you to do so.

Buildings provide interesting features on the battlefield. Not only do they look attractive, but they are also important from a tactical point of view. Towers may overlook a wide part of the battlefield and provide a excellent vantage point for archers. Any troops deployed inside a building will be hard to winkle out, and so may be able to defend it against far larger numbers of enemy. But a good general knows that it is not always profitable to occupy buildings just because they are there, as it is easy to waste vital time taking a village that the enemy then simply ignores or circumvents. You must weigh the tactical considerations for yourself, and decide whether or not a particular building has any tactical value.

Moving Into and Around Buildings(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 84)

Where it seems reasonable, troops may be moved into buildings but cavalry, big monsters, and large creatures cannot enter buildings that are too small for them. Giants and dragons are just too big to get into a cottage built for human inhabitants, for example.

Models may enter a building in their move phase by moving against a wall that has a doorway somewhere along its length. A unit may be divided so that some models are positioned inside a building, while the rest of the unit is placed adjacent to it. If the building has walls, hedges or outhouses, you may wish to arrange the unit to defend it. The unit's formation will inevitably become rather ragged in these situations, but it doesn't really matter so long as you keep the unit as much as possible in a single block with no gaps in its front line.

Models already within a building at the start of their turn can move out through any door in their move phase. If the unit is already divided between the building and surrounding land the troops must rejoin the rest of their unit. If the unit is wholly contained within the building it may deploy into a new formation ready to fight. Models cannot enter and leave a building during the same turn as this might enable them to move far too quickly.
The number of models you can get into your buildings will depend on the building's size. As a guide, allow as many models into the building as can fit into its ground area. If the building has several storeys then it will be able to hold more models. You can decide exactly how many models a building can hold before the game begins.

Some players like to make their buildings so that the roofs actually lift off, or the storeys divide, allowing you to place models inside. However, this is not always very practical, and you may find it easier to simply remove models from the table as they enter buildings and place them somewhere out of the way. Note down on a scrap of paper how many models are in the building if you wish.

Unless your buildings are really huge you will not need to move troops about inside. Models in the building can be assumed to be wherever you wish, and can shoot from windows or move out through doors as convenient. However, if your buildings are really huge, say bigger than 6" along any edge, then this leads to obviously unreasonable situations.

For example, if you have a building that is 48" long it would be silly to allow a model to move into the building at one end and then out the other side 48" distant in the next turn! Should you wish to employ buildings of such extreme dimensions then you will have to record movement inside them, noting down where troops are on a piece of paper every turn.

Shooting from Buildings(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 84)

Models inside buildings can shoot missiles from arrow-slits, windows or doors. Up to two models may shoot from each opening. Models on flat roofs, parapets, balconies, or such-like can also shoot as normal. Troops in buildings do not all have to shoot at the same target, instead they may shoot as individuals, shooting from a particular window at targets they can see.

Models which have shot missiles from windows can be seen and may be shot at by enemy in their turn. There will be a -2 to hit modifier, as models inside buildings have the benefit of being behind the hard cover of walls.

Fighting Inside Building(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 85)

Working out combat between troops inside buildings and enemy assaulting them can be quite tricky. It is easier if you think of attacking troops as fighting the building rather than the troops inside. Obviously this isn't literally the case but it does enable you to work out combat in a satisfactory manner. Attackers must therefore charge the building to begin combat, throwing themselves at the doors and through windows in an attempt to get inside. The attackers fight with any models whose bases touch the building, and the defenders fight with the number of models which occupy the same frontage.

When fighting in buildings the defenders count as fighting behind a defended obstacle. The enemy will therefore require a 6 to hit regardless of their weapon skill. When deciding which side has won count up casualties, but ignore the usual bonus for fighting in ranks, standards, flank attacks, and so forth.

When you are fighting in buildings none of these henefits are of any use to you because the combat is too muddled and brutal for rear ranks to have any effect - a standard must be lowered or put aside, and the walls of the building protect the occupiers' flanks. Astute players will realise that this means attackers stand little chance of shifting determined defenders unless they have some overwhelming advantage.

If attackers win the first round of hand-to-hand fighting they have fought their way inside, and the defenders lose the advantage of fighting from a defended obstacle in subsequent turns. If the defenders win their foes are pushed out of the house and retreated 2". The defenders may either follow up by moving out of the house and continuing the fighting next turn as normal or they can elect to stay put.

If a unit in a building is broken work out fleeing and pursuit as normal. Victorious troops can always elect to remain in the building rather than pursue. Troops in a building do not need to test their leadership to avoid pursuit.

Destroying Buildings(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 85)

Large monsters and engines of war may be capable of destroying buildings. Buildings therefore have a toughness value and can sustain a number of wounds before they are destroyed. It is a bit confusing to refer to 'wounds' when talking about buildings so we shall call them damage points instead. Wounds and damage points are exactly the same thing.

If your buildings are very large it may not be appropriate to destroy them all at once. You may prefer to divide up large buildings into several portions each with its own damage points. For example, you might have a manor house with a main portion and two separate wings. This could conveniently be divided into three parts for recording damage points and probably for moving troops within it too.

The chart below lists types of building and suggests values for toughness and damage points. As most gamers make their own buildings you may prefer to tailor each building's values to its appearance. This is entirely up to you.

Type of Building


Damage Points

Mud or straw huts, light wooden shacks, outhouses



Timber or brick house, log cabin



Stone house



Stone tower or fortification



A heavily reinforced door



A fortress gate



If a building sustains its full quota of damage points it collapses. Any models inside a collapsing building must make their basic armour saving roll or they are trapped and slain. Models which pass their armour save may be formed up outside the building.

We have included values for heavy doors and fortress gates, as you may wish to fight games which involve defenders locking shut the doors of their tower or castle while the attackers attempt to batter down their defences. Domestic doors are not sufficiently substantial to withstand a determined defender and so offer no resistance to attack.

Fire(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 85)

Some creatures can breathe fire, such as dragons, and some war machines can project flames, such as a Skaven warpfire thrower. Buildings are vulnerable to fire because they are often made from wood and contain furnishings and floor coverings which are easily burned.

When attacking a building with a fire weapon, add the score of a D6 to the weapon's strength to represent the slightly unpredictable incinerating effect of the flames. Work out damage as normal.

If you roll a 6 when you roll for extra strength the building also catches fire. This is regardless of whether the hit also causes damage. A burning building sustains 1 extra damage point at the start of every turn from now on (ie at the start of each player's turn). Once all of its damage points are gone the building is destroyed.

Special Rules(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 85)

Everybody who makes their own model buildings likes to include features which appeal to them: spiral stairways, terraces, balconies, aerial walkways spanning two towers, gatehouses, drawbridges and so on. We can't anticipate every variation of fantasy architecture that you might want to design, but this shouldn't stop you making models as varied and imaginative as you please.

You can always invent your own special rules to incorporate unusual buildings into your games. For example, a winding stairway might take a half turn to climb, or a turn if it is very long. A narrow passage might allow passage for only 4 models per turn, an aerial walkway might reduce movement to half rate with a 1 in 6 chance of falling if you move faster, and so forth. You will find occasional features about making buildings and other terrain in Games Workshop's monthly magazine White Dwarf.

Daemons(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 86)

The Realm of Chaos is a strange and unfathomable alternative reality. It co-exists with our own universe, the world of physical matter, but only in a few enchanted places do the two worlds touch. One place where Chaos and the Warhammer World meet is the far north of the Old World. Here the raw power of Chaos and the physical matter of the material world intermix in a bizarre manner, twisting the landscape into strange and frightening shapes. It is impossible to be certain of the landscape in the Realm of Chaos because it changes all the time. Travellers who have wandered far north and lived to tell the tale have reported horrific visions of burning skies, of rivers of blood and plains of glass, and monsters beyond the worse nightmares of man. Worst of all are the servants of the Chaos Gods themselves - the Daemons.

There are countless types of Daemon and it would be impossible to catalogue them all. Some are numerous, but many unique. Some are huge, others no larger than a man's forefinger. Many owe no allegiance to any of the many Gods of Chaos, but the best known are the Daemons of the four Great Powers of Chaos: Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh.

All Daemons are creatures of magic. Magic energy is the raw material of the Realm of Chaos just as physical matter is the raw material of the physical world. When they come into the physical world, Daemons can be hurt by ordinary weapons, but they are very hard to slay and it takes a brave man to face up to one of these monsters.

Daemons do not come into the Old World often. The everyday world of material things is like a barren desert to them, and they cannot survive for long outside the life-giving environment of the Realm of Chaos. It is rather like a man trying to live underwater, or a fish attempting to live on dry land.

When the power of Chaos grows strong, magical energy surges into the Warhammer World and saturates the skies with magic, enabling Daemons to pour down from the north and into the Old World. While this wave of magic power lasts armies of Chaos and hordes of Daemons threaten to overrun the lands of men and plunge the world into darkness forever.

Special Daemon Rules(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 86)

Most daemons have special rules which apply to them, which are covered in the Battle Bestiary. In addition there are a few rules which cover all Daemons and which are explained here to avoid needless repetition. Most Daemons fight in units of several models in the same way as Men, Elves and other mortal troops. Greater Daemons are the largest and most powerful of their kind. They are huge monsters and fight on their own like huge monsters and characters.

Daemon Saving Throw(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 87)

Daemons are not fashioned from physical matter but from the raw stuff of magic. The blood that flows through their veins is not mortal blood but the boiling ichor of Chaos, fiery with preternatural vigour, corrosive as acid, and deadly as the most potent poison. Their flesh too is unnatural, though it may appear ordinary. Many Daemons have iron hard skin or flesh that is tough as steel or solid as rock. Others have transmaterial bodies: their form is neither physical nor ethereal but somewhere inbetween so that it glows with magic energy.

Although their bodies are tough, Daemons are still vulnerable to normal weapons. The magic energy flowing through their veins acts like armour, protecting Daemons from blows which would otherwise slay them, absorbing the impact or deflecting sharp edges. This gives all Daemons a saving throw in the same way as armour. The saving throw varies from Daemon to Daemon but is usually 4+ on a D6. This save takes into account the Daemon's magical intangibility or 'daemonic aura' as this effect is called. This saving throw is reduced by high strength hits in the same way as physical armour.

Magic Weapons(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 87)

Daemons are fashioned from magic energy and so they are vulnerable to magic weapons. Their normal daemon saving throw does not apply when attacked by magic swords or other magic weapons. The exception is the Bloodthirster of Khorne which has Chaos Armour and which is protected against magic weapons by powerful enchantments.

Flying(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 87)

Some Daemons have wings and can fly. The Disc of Tzeentch can fly even though it has no wings. The rules for flying and aerial combat are described elsewhere in this rulebook.

Daemon Animosity(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 87)

The Chaos Gods are great rivals, and in the Realm of Chaos they fight against each other all the time. Even rival Daemons of the same Chaos God sometimes fight to settle their differences or just for the entertainment of their fickle master. If you wish to field Daemons of just one Chaos God then this will not present any problems. However, if you wish to field Daemons of two or more Chaos Gods in the same army then you must take into account the rivalry between them. This can mean that your troops will sometimes attack each other rather than the enemy. This is called Daemon Animosity.

If you field Daemons from different Chaos Gods in the same army then you must be careful to avoid the effects of Daemon Animosity. This is easily done by keeping the rival Daemons apart. If you have Daemons of different Chaos Gods within 12" at the start of your turn you must make a test to see what they do. Roll a D6 for each unit of Daemons or each Greater Daemon concerned.

Daemon Animosity Table

D6 Roll



The Daemons recognise their rivals and bellow with rage as they charge towards their ancient enemies, covering the distance between them with a single bound and throwing themselves into combat. Move the Daemons directly towards their closest rivals and into close combat. They do this regardless of whether they are fighting other troops at the time, or whether they can normally cover the distance between the two groups of Daemons so fast.

The rival Daemons will fight each other in the hand-to-hand combat phase, and will continue to fight each other in this way until the player rolls a 5 or 6 at the start of a subsequent turn. Daemons will not flee when fighting in this way and so no break test is necessary. When they cease fighting the two units are moved apart but may not move further that turn. If charged by enemy while fighting amongst themselves Daemons will ignore their attackers unless they are also Daemons, in which case they may fight as normal.


The Daemons see their rivals and begin to shout and scream in a threatening manner. The unit becomes rowdy and uncoordinated. The Daemons will not move or do anything else this turn, but otherwise they are unaffected.


Although they see their rivals the Daemons ignore them for the moment. The unit may continue as normal this turn.

Magic(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 88)

This section also contains a combination of relevant sections from the Warhammer Battle Magic and Warhammer Arcane Magic supplements.

The Warhammer World is saturated with magic energy which blows through the world like a wind, scattering its power widely over the mountains and forests. The winds of magic cannot be seen by ordinary mortals, but wizards and certain magically inclined creatures can either see or feel the winds as they blow. Sometimes the magic winds blow strongly, and magic things course with energy. At other times a calm descends leaving magic listless and weak.

When the magic winds are at their height the Dwarf Runesmiths forge the mightiest enchanted weapons, nailing the raw magic in place with runes of power to produce blades and axes of incalculable potency. The Elves call upon the winds of magic to strengthen their race and preserve the western realm of Ulthuan from its certain doom. The High Magic of the Elves is the greatest in the world and their spells are the strongest of any living creatures. When the winds of magic howl over graveyards and tombs the dead stir and become restless and necromancers prepare their evil sorceries.

A Warhammer battle is as much about magic as the clash of arms in deadly combat. Of course, you do not have to include magic in your games if you prefer not to, although you will be depriving yourself of a large measure of enjoyment. The complete rules for casting spells are not included in this game because there are so many spells and magic items that there isn't enough space. The complete magic rules, together with spell cards for all the different sorts of wizard (Light, Gold, Jade, Celestial, Grey, Amethyst, Bright, and Amber), High Magic, Dark Magic, Orc Shaman Magic, Skaven Magic, and many new magic items, are included in the separate Warhammer Magic supplement. However, we have included a selection of magic in Warhammer to get you started.

We suggest that you take the magic item cards so that you can look at them while you are reading the following rules.

The Magic Phase(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 88)

During the magic phase spells may be cast. Some magic items also enable characters to cast spells. The Warhammer Magic supplement describes many more magic items and further types of spell, but all work in fundamentally the same way.

Magic items which can cast spells are clearly marked 'SPELL'. If you look at the magic item cards you will four cards marked in his way: the Horn of Urgok, the Claw, the Doomfire Ring and the Staff of Lightning. These items contain spells which can be cast in the magic phase.

Most magic items can be used by any heroic character, not just by wizards, but they cannot be used by ordinary troops. Some magic items can only be used by wizards, or by characters of a specific race. This is indicated on the card for the item.

As with the hand-to-hand combat phase both players participate in the magic phase. Both sides are allowed to cast spells using their spell cards. A spell can only be cast once per magic phase. Some spells can be cast every magic phase, others can only be used a limited number of times, as indicated on the card.

The player whose turn it is begins the magic phase by choosing one of his spell cards and casting it. The card is placed face up on the table and the player reads out the effect. Once the spell has been resolved his opponent chooses and casts one of his spells in the same way. After both sides have cast a spell it is the first side's turn again, then his opponent, and so on. Spell casting alternates in this way first one side, then the other, until neither side has any spells left to cast. As there are only four spell cards provided in the Warhammer game itself, spell casting will be relatively brief, but you can imagine how with many spells to play casting might alternate in this way for quite a time as wizards cast spells against each other and on the various fighting troops. Once all spells that the players wish to cast have been cast the magic phase is over.

Rules for the spells themselves are given on the cards which describe them. Note that in the case of the Staff of Lightning you must make a test when you use the item to see if its store of energy is used up by the blast. This means that although you know the staff will work at least once, you can never be too sure if it will work again, so you must be careful not to waste its magic against a weak or trivial target.

There is nothing to prevent a single hero or wizard model having several magic items or using them in the magic phase. If a model is slain then any magic items it has are assumed to be either destroyed or rendered inactive. Of course you might choose to invent a game where players strive to capture and recapture a magic item, and it passes from one side to the other as each tries to control it. This would make a very entertaining game, and obviously you would want the item to be taken from slain individuals and used by others. However, in the normal run of things magic items are assumed to leave the game with the death of their users.

Magic Items(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 89)

We have already talked about magic items which contain spells. Other magic items are enchanted in various ways, and confer advantages or bonuses during combat or movement. For example, the Axe of Grom is enchanted so that when it strikes it causes double the amount of damage as an ordinary weapon, inflicting 2 wounds on the model struck instead of 1, and in addition the Axe cleaves straight through ordinary armour so no armour saving roll is permitted.

Magic items are allotted to individuals before the game and may be used by them at the appropriate times as described on the card itself. So, for example, the Golden Helm of Atrazar comes into effect every time the wearer suffers a wound. In most cases items can be used repeatedly over and over again, but some may have a limited use or it may be possible to use them only once.

All magic items have a points value indicated on the card. This indicates how much they are worth. The value of the item is added to the points value of the character carrying it. See the section on Points Values for more details of how to calculate each model's worth.

Magic Scrolls(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 89)

Scrolls are a specific kind of magic item. A magic scroll contains an enchantment that is released when it is chanted by a wizard. Only a wizard may use a scroll. A scroll may only be used once, so when it has been used it is useless.

The two scrolls included with the Warhammer game contain the powerful counterspells Dispel and Destroy. Both are used to counter the effect of enemy magic, and are used to interrupt the normal spell casting sequence. If the enemy casts a spell and you wish to counter it then you must immediately declare you are using the Dispel or Destroy scroll. The enemy's spell is stopped until the results of the counterspell are resolved.

The Dispel scroll can be used to dispel any spell regardless of where it is cast or at whom. The Destroy scroll can only be used if the wizard carrying it is directly affected by the spell, ie if it is cast either at him or at the unit he is with.

Note that we have provided only one each of these scrolls, as to include more would have reduced the number of other magic items. If you wish to copy these scrolls to make more for your Warhammer games then please do so, there is no reason why a wizard shouldn't carry several scrolls. The total number of magic items a character can carry is limited as described in the section on Heroes and Wizards. Even the greatest wizard cannot carry more than 4 magic items in total, so it will always be a tough decision whether to carry scrolls or other items.

Warhammer Magic(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 89)

The Warhammer Magic supplement contains many more magic items, and there is nothing to stop you inventing your own. Magic items make an interesting reason for having a battle in the first place. A magic item may be so valuable that armies may be mustered to capture it, or adventurers might delve deep into mines and tunnels in search of lost magic treasures.

Choosing Wizards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 20)

Wizards are chosen along with the rest of your army using the Warhammer Armies army list for your force. The number of wizards you decide to include will depend upon the size of your army, the wizards' cost, and your personal preference. For example, some players like to have a single powerful wizard, while others favour several less potent individuals.

Types of Wizards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 20)

With some armies you have only to select which level of wizard you want. For example, in the case of an Orc army you can choose Orc or Goblin Shamans; in the case of Skaven you can choose Warlocks or Grey Seers. You do not have to do anything else before you are ready for battle. Each wizard's spells are determined before the battle begins as described later.

In the case of some wizards there are further choices to make when you select the army. For example, in the case of a Chaos Sorcerer you must decide which of the Chaos Gods the Sorcerer will have as his patron. In the case of human wizards you must decide which College he belongs to. These choices are listed below.


All human wizards belong to one of the eight Colleges of Magic. Select wizards from whichever College or Colleges you prefer for your army. You might decide to have two wizards, one Celestial and one Bright for example, or you could choose two of the same College, it is up to you. On the whole it is best to have wizards of different Colleges as this gives you a broader range of spells to use.

Chaos Sorcerers

Chaos Sorcerers must choose which of the three Chaos Gods they will have as patron. You may choose Tzeentch, Nurgle, or Slaanesh. The fourth Chaos God Khorne has no Sorcerers. All Chaos Sorcerers use Dark Magic and spells of their patron Chaos God. It is therefore worthwhile having different Chaos Sorcerers to broaden your choice of spells.

Determine Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 20)

All spells in the Warhammer Magic game are presented in the form of cards. There are fifteen separate decks of these cards as shown below.

Most wizards can use only one of these decks, but some can use several different decks. For example, an Amber Wizard may use only the Amber spell deck while a High Elf Mage can use any of the colour spells plus the High Magic Spells. This is explained in more detail below.

Type of Card

Number of Spells in Deck

















The first 8 sets of spells, Light to Amber, are known as colour spells. They are used by wizards of the corresponding eight Colleges of Magic as well as by High Wizards.

Type of Card

Number of Spells in Deck

Waaagh Magic


Skaven Magic


Dark Magic


High Magic








Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh cards are collectively the Chaos spell cards.

Before the game begins players determine their wizards' spells. A wizard has between one and four spells depending on his level. These spells are dealt randomly before the game begins. A wizard's spells are retained throughout the game. He can cast each spell once during the Magic Phase, and he can continue to cast the same spell each turn assuming he is able to do so.

Number of Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 21)

A Wizard has one, two, three or four spells depending on his level as shown on the chart below. Remember, some wizards are described as Mages, Shamans; Necromancers, Warlocks, or whatever, but these are merely different names and the same division into four levels applies.



Number of Spells





Wizard Champion



Master Wizard



Wizard Lord


Note that Liches and Vampires are not divided into levels. A Liche has three spells and a Vampire two. Spell-using Daemons are also dealt with slightly differently and are described later.

Deal Spell Cards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 21)

Before the armies deploy spells are dealt to all the wizards from both sides. The rules for dealing spell cards vary slightly depending on the type of wizard. The basic method is best exemplified by a human wizard of one of the Colleges of Magic.

A wizard may only use spells of his own College's colour. The player takes the ten cards of the correct colour, shuffles them, and deals himself the appropriate number of cards from the deck. For example, a Jade Wizard Champion is dealt two Jade spells, a Bright Master Wizard receives three Bright spells, and so on.

Once the cards have been dealt the player can examine them. He has the option of handing in any cards in return for a further randomly dealt card from the same deck. For example, our Jade Wizard Champion might decide to hand in one of his two spells in favour of another randomly dealt Jade spell. The reason why we allow this second chance is that some spells are of limited value on their own.

Example of dealing. A Bright Master Wizard receives three randomly dealt Bright spell cards. As fortune would have it he receives Blast, Wings of Fire, and Fire Ball. As Blast and Fire Ball are both similar in effect the player decides to hand over Fire Ball in return for another random card. This time he is dealt Crimson Bands, a very useful spell which the Master Wizard's relatively high level will enable him to fully exploit.

Once the spell cards have been dealt players should keep them secret until they wish to cast a spell. Place the cards face down on the table or a convenient surface out of the way.

Dealing Priority(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 21)

As many of the wizards use the same card decks it is important to deal spells in a strict order. Deal to the highest level wizard first, then the next highest level, and so on. This may result in some wizards having fewer spells than they otherwise would or even none at all.

If the armies include two or more wizards of the same level, then roll a D6 or use some other suitable method to decide which wizard is dealt his cards first.

If you have two wizards of different Colleges then you'll have no difficulty keeping their cards separate. However, if your army has wizards of the same College you'll have to be careful to keep their spells separate. This is important - a wizard cannot use another wizard's spells even if they are from the same College.

Dealing Cards to Other Wizards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 21)

Human wizards are dealt cards as described above. They can only use spells of their own colour and no others. Other wizards differ in some respects as described below.

High Elf Mages

High Elf Mages may use any of the colour spells and the High Magic spells. When the player chooses his spells he declares which card decks he wants and how many cards he wants from each, but he must choose at least one High Magic spell. Spells are dealt randomly from the chosen decks in the same way as for human wizards. As with human wizards, cards may be exchanged for fresh cards, but these must be from the same deck as the rejected spells.

For example, a High Elf Master Mage is permitted three spell cards and he might take one High, one Bright, and one Gold. If he chooses to reject the High and Bright Magic spells, he will receive replacement High and Bright spells in their place.

A High Elf Mage might equally well choose all High Magic spells if he prefers. As a level 1 Mage has only one spell this will always be his obligatory High Magic spell. When dealing spells the High Elf Mage is dealt cards before all other wizards of the same level, but otherwise he is dealt his cards in level order the same way as described for human wizards.

For example, in a game involving a High Elf Mage (level 1), a Jade Wizard (level 1), and a Bright Master Wizard (level 3) the Bright Master Wizard receives his cards first, then the Mage, then the Jade Wizard.

Chaos Sorcerers

A Chaos Sorcerer may choose to receive cards from any one (and one only) of the colour spell decks. Chaos Sorcerers may also use the Dark Magic spells, and the spells of their patron Chaos God. When the player chooses his spells he must declare which decks he wants and how many cards he wants from each. He must choose at least one spell from the Chaos deck of his patron. Cards are dealt randomly from the chosen decks in the same way as for human wizards.

Cards may be exchanged for fresh cards from the same deck. For example, a Master Sorcerer is permitted three spell cards and he might take one Tzeentch, one Dark Magic, and one Gold. He might equally well choose all spells of his patron Chaos God, or any combination so long as he includes at least one of his patron's spells.

A level 1 Sorcerer only has one spell so this will always be the obligatory spell from his patron Chaos God. When dealing cards the Sorcerer has priority over all other wizards of the same level except High Elf Mages, but otherwise he is dealt his cards in level order in the same way as human wizards. For example, in a game involving a Chaos Sorcerer Champion (level 2), a Gold Wizard Champion (level 2), and a High Elf Mage Champion (level 2) the High Elf Mage takes his cards first, then the Chaos Sorcerer, and finally the Gold Wizard.

Beastmen Shamans

Beastmen Shamans may use Dark Magic spells and any of the Chaos spells. Beastmen are unique in that they have no single patron, but can use spells of different Chaos Gods. The player chooses which decks he wants and receives randomly dealt cards as usual. Cards may be exchanged for randomly dealt replacements from the same deck. A Beastman Shaman is not obliged to have any Chaos spells. A Beastman Shaman has the same priority when dealing as a Chaos Sorcerer of the same level.

Dark Elf Sorcerers

Dark Elf Sorcerers use the Dark Magic spells. The Sorcerer is dealt the appropriate number of cards in the same way as a human wizard. Spells may be exchanged for fresh cards from the Dark Magic deck. When dealing cards the Sorcerer has the same priority as a Chaos Sorcerer or Beastman Shaman, but otherwise he is dealt his cards in level order the same way as human wizards. For example, in a game involving a Dark Elf Sorcerer Champion (level 2), an Amber Wizard Champion (level 2), and a High Elf Mage Champion (level 2) the Mage takes his cards first, then the Sorcerer, and finally the Wizard.


Necromancers, Liches, and Vampires may use any one (and one only) of the colour spell decks and any of the Dark Magic Spells. When the player chooses his spells he must declare which decks he wants and how many cards he wants from each. He must choose at least one Dark Magic spell. Spells are dealt randomly in the same way as for human wizards. Cards which are dealt initially may be exchanged for fresh cards from the same deck. In addition certain Dark Magic cards may be further exchanged, allowing the player to tailor his wizard's abilities to some extent.

Some Dark Magic spell cards are marked 'Necromancy'. If an Undead Wizard is dealt a Dark Magic card which is not marked Necromancy, then the card may be exchanged immediately for another randomly dealt Dark Magic card. The player may continue to hand in any cards not marked Necromancy in favour of another. He does not have to take a card unless it is marked Necromancy although he can choose to keep any card he is dealt. As a level 1 Necromancer has only one spell this will always be his obligatory Dark Magic spell.

When dealing cards a Necromancer, Liche or Vampire has the same priority as a Dark Elf or Chaos Sorcerer of the same level. A Liche is counted as level 3 (Master Wizard) and a Vampire as level 2 (Wizard Champion).

Wood Elves

Wood Elves are so tied to their sylvan way of life that their magic has devolved from the High Magic of their High Elf forebears. Wood Elf Mages do not belong to the Colleges of Magic (they learn their magic from their own Mage Lords) but they are restricted in their choice of spells. A Wood Elf Mage (level 1) may receive either an Amber or Jade spell. A Wood Elf Mage Champion (level 2) may receive both Amber and Jade spells. A Wood Elf Master Mage (level 3) may receive Amber spells, Jade spells and spells of any one other colour. A Wood Elf Mage Lord (level 4) may use High Magic spells and/or any colour spells in the same way as a High Elf Mage. Spells may be exchanged in the same way as for human wizards and High Elf Mages. Wood Elf Mages have the same dealing priority as High Elf Mages.

Orcs and Goblins

Orcs and Goblin Shamans are dealt cards from the Waaagh Magic spell deck. Spells may be exchanged for a fresh randomly dealt spell in the same way as human wizards. Cards are dealt to the highest level Shamans first, and, where Shamans are of equal level, to Orcs before Goblins.


Skaven Warlocks and Grey Seers are dealt cards from the Skaven Magic spell deck. Spells may be exchanged for a fresh randomly dealt spell card in the same way as human wizards. Some of the Skaven spell cards are marked 'Grey Seer Only'. These spells can only be used by a Grey Seer and not by a Warlock. If a Warlock is dealt a Grey Seer spell he must hand it back for a randomly dealt replacement.

Limitations of the Spell Cards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 23)

The number of cards provides a natural limit to the amount of magic in the game. If a deck runs out before all wizards have received their cards then hard luck! Of course, this doesn't stop wizards using the Magic Cards and Magic Items, so a wizard without spells is not useless by any means.

If you're going to play a game with lots of wizards then the chances of running out of cards are much greater and players may avoid this by agreeing to change the Colleges of some human wizards. This is entirely up to you.

Should two Undead armies be fighting each other the Dark Magic deck will quickly become exhausted. In itself this is not a problem as these wizards can also use other decks. However, the first player to draw Dark Magic cards would inevitably take all the Necromancy spells which would pose a problem as it makes it virtually impossible for the other player to win.

To compensate for this, when Undead Wizards are fighting on both sides, they may exchange Dark Magic spells only once. This simply means they exchange Dark Magic cards on the same basis as other wizards, and cannot keep exchanging until they receive a Necromancy card. Bear in mind a game need not be between two Undead armies for this situation to arise, as Undead can fight as allies in many armies.

Preparing for Battle(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 23)

Once all wizards have been dealt their cards they are ready to be deployed along with the rest of your army. The remainder of the spell decks can be put aside - they will not be needed during the game. If your army has several wizards remember to keep their spells separate to avoid confusion.

Spell Casting(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 24)

Magic Phase Sequence(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 24)

Regardless of which side's turn it is, all wizards may cast their spells during the magic phase. The magic phase is therefore an exception to the main turn sequence in that both sides take part.

During the magic phase play proceeds as follows.

  1. Determine Winds of Magic

  2. Deal magic cards

  3. Cast spells

Determine Winds of Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 24)

At the start of the magic phase the player whose turn it is rolls 2D6 to determine the strength of the Winds of Magic for that turn. The result indicates how much raw magic power is available to the wizards that turn (ie, how many magic cards will be used as described below). The greater the Winds of Magic the more magical power is available and more magical activity may take place. This may enable players to cast particularly powerful spells or to dispel their enemy's magic.

The normal value for the Winds of Magic is 2D6 as described in the preceding paragraph, but players may agree to increase this to 3D6, 4D6 or more if
they wish.

Alternatively, variation may form part of the scenario. For example the Winds of Magic may start off at 0 and build by 1D6 per turn. You will find that a higher value does not necessarily result in greater effect because although it will be easier to cast spells it will be easier to dispel them too.

When determining the Winds of Magic you must never roll more dice than there are individual wizards on the battlefield. If there is only one wizard on the battlefield the Winds of Magic roll will be 1D6 rather than 2D6. Dead wizards and wizards unable to cast spells for whatever reasons do not count. This is important as otherwise a single wizard can use all the Winds of Magic and would be almost invincible. Such power is too much for any mortal to handle.

Deal Magic Cards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 24)

The magic card deck contains 36 cards and is divided as follows:

  • 22 Power cards

  • 8 Dispel cards

  • 1 Drain Magic card

  • 1 Destroy Spell card

  • 1 Rebound card

  • 1 Escape card

  • 1 Total Power card

  • 1 Mental Duel card

Once you have established the strength of the Winds of Magic the player whose turn it is deals out the magic deck. Start by shuffling the deck then deal off a number of cards equal to the Winds of Magic. For example, if the Winds of Magic is 8 then deal off eight cards. Deal the cards face down so that neither player knows what they are. The remainder of the pack is put aside for now.

The player whose turn it is can now deal the cards between the players starting with himself. As cards are simply divided between each side both players will hold the same number of cards unless the Winds of Magic is an odd number, in which case the player whose turn it is will hold one more.

Each player now has two sets of cards: their spell cards and a number of magic cards. Unlike the spell cards which 'belong' to specific wizard models the magic cards represent the energy drawn from the Winds of Magic by the army's wizards. The number and type of magic cards will obviously vary from turn to turn depending on the strength of the Winds of Magic and the fortunes of the deal.

The magic cards are of two broad kinds: power cards and special cards. Power cards are used to 'power up' spells. Special cards have a special ability and these are discussed later. The most common special card is Dispel - this is used to counter the enemy's magic.

The Magic Deck(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 5)

The magic deck is normally shuffled and dealt randomly in each magic phase. A spell cast with a Total Power card cannot be dispelled, so it is quite possible to take out an important character by magical means. This can be quite devastating, especially during the first turn of the game, and some uncommonly timid players find this disturbing!

However, you can make magic more or less potent by altering the way the magic cards are dealt. It is quite all right to do this so long as both players agree before the game. Warhammer Battle Magic gives some examples of how the deal can be varied, and here are some more variations which you can try.

Straight Deck

If you want to play with the full set of magic cards exactly as described in Warhammer Battle Magic then fine! You're playing with what, for the sake of argument, we'll call a straight deck. Unless both players agree otherwise the usual method is to play with a straight deck.

One Use

Shuffle and deal the cards in the normal way. Power and dispel cards are recycled as normal, but the special cards can only be used once. Once used, they are not placed on the discard pile like the rest of the cards, but are removed from the deck altogether. The only time these special cards are shuffled back into the deck is if they remain unused in your hand at the end of the magic phase.

As you would expect, the one use method reduces the effect of the special cards. It means that Total Power, Mental Duel and the other unique special cards can only be used once per game. Power and dispel cards are recycled as normal.

Deck Limits

Before the game begins both sides can agree to limit the cards in the magic deck by removing cards as they see fit. There is nothing to stop you reducing the number of power or dispel cards to boost or reduce the potency of magic. You can also remove any of the special cards to make the magic more predictable.

By setting a deck limit you can tailor the magic to the level you and your opponent are most happy with. You could, for example, simply remove the Total Power card from the deck, or take half the power cards out! There is no reason you can't set a deck limit and also play with 'one use' as described above.


Before the game begins take out any or all of the unique special cards and put them aside. These cards are shuffled back into the deck after an agreed number of magic phases have passed.

By setting a bar of so many magic phases you can guarantee that the unique special cards won't affect the first part of the battle - often when characters are most vulnerable to magic. The best way of doing this is to set a bar until the second turn, so the first player to take his second turn shuffles the cards back into the deck (ie the third magic phase of the game). The most common approach is to take out all the unique special cards: Total Power, Mental Duel, Rebound, etc, and keep them to one side until the second turn of the game.


The magic deck is normally shuffled at the start of each magic phase - this means that there is an equal chance of receiving any given card in each turn. An alternative method is to cycle through all the cards before shuffling the discard pile back into the magic deck. This method makes the magic more predictable. It will neither reduce nor increase the overall effect of the magic, but it does mean that in an average game you can be sure no card will typically turn up more than twice.

Each of these variations has something to recommend it. Before starting a game, agree with your opponent how you are going to use the magic deck.

Casting Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 25)

Once both players have received their magic cards wizards may cast their spells. Play proceeds as follows.

The player whose turn it is nominates one of his wizards and casts one of that wizard's spells. Bear in mind that wizards can only cast their own spells and not those of other wizards. This is why it is important to keep each wizard's spells separate.

To cast a spell the player chooses a spell card and puts it face up on the table together with enough power cards to make it work. Every spell card requires at least one power card to make it work and some require more. The number of power cards required to make a particular spell work is indicated on the spell card itself.

The spell will automatically work unless it is dispelled in some way. Dispels and other ways of countering magic are discussed later. Unless the spell is dispelled, work out the effect as described on the spell card.

Once a spell has been cast any power cards used to power it are removed and placed face up on the discard pile on the tabletop.

Once cast a spell cannot be cast again until the following magic phase. To help you remember it is a good idea to turn spell cards face down once they have been cast. Note that if the effects of a spell lasts for several turns the card may be left face up on the table or in some conspicuous place to show that it remains in play. A spell cannot be cast again while it remains in play.

It is now the other side's turn to cast a spell. This is done in exactly the same way. The player nominates a wizard, chooses one of his spells, and casts it as described above. Play alternates in this fashion until neither player has any more spells he can cast. Play may also be stopped by the special magic card Drain Magic as explained below. At the end of the Magic Phase discard any unused magic cards (with the exception of some of the special cards discussed below).

High Magic and Dark Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 25)

The practitioners of High and Dark Magic can manipulate the Winds of Magic more readily than ordinary human wizards.

To represent this, if an army's wizards have at least one High Magic spell card or at least one Dark Magic spell card, the player can discard some or all of their magic cards and draw replacements from the magic deck before spell casting begins. This gives the player an opportunity to adjust his hand of magic cards to a hopefully more favourable mix of special cards and power cards if he so desires.

It would be extremely unusual for an army to have wizards with both High and Dark Magic spells. If this is the case the player may adjust his hand for either High Magic or Dark Magic but not both during the same turn.

If you have any High Magic spells, then you may discard any power cards you wish. Place the unwanted power cards face up on the table to make a discard pile. Draw the same number of replacements from the magic deck. By doing this the player sacrifices power cards in the hopes of getting more special cards to counter an opponent's magic.

In both cases you must discard all the cards you want to exchange and pick up all your replacements in one go. Once you have decided which cards to exchange you cannot change your mind and exchange further cards. Of course, you don't have to swap any magic cards at all if you don't want to - after all, you might be perfectly happy with the original deal.

Daemons, Waaagh Magic and Skaven Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 25)

Waaagh Magic (used by Orcs and Goblins) and Skaven Magic (used by Skaven Warlocks and Grey Seers) works slightly differently to other magic. Each is explained fully in a separate section. You should familiarise yourself with the general rules for spell casting before reading these extra sections. Daemon magic is also slightly different and this is described in a further section of the rules.

Necromantic Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 26)

Necromantic spells are used slightly differently to other spells. Normally a spell can only be cast once per magic phase. This is also true of Necromantic spells when cast by most wizards. However, in the case of Undead wizards (Liche, Vampire or Necromancer) the spells work slightly differently.

When used by an Undead wizard, a Necromantic spell can be cast over and over again during the same magic phase. If an Undead wizard has sufficient power cards left he can continue to cast the same Necromantic spell. The only restriction is that it is impossible to successfully cast a Vanhels Danse Macabre spell on the same unit or target more than once during the same magic phase.

The spell could be recast onto the same target if it is initially dispelled. Note that the same restriction also applies to the Staff of Damnation. This staff effectively casts a Vanhels Danse Macabre over every unit within 36". A Vanhels Danse Macabre spell will not affect a unit already affected by a Staff of Damnation and visa versa.

The following is an excerpt from pages 28 of the Warhammer Arcane Magic supplement in the Necromantic Magic section.

An Undead wizard may cast the same Necromantic spell more than once during a magic phase, so long as he has sufficient power to do so. Roll a D6 after the spell has been cast and consult the table below. You must roll each time the spell is cast. If the dice roll is less than the number shown on the table the spell may not be used again that magic phase. If the roll equals or exceeds the number shown the spell may be recast.

Undead Wizard

D6 roll required to retain card



Necromancer Lord


Master Necromancer

2 or more

Necromancer Champion

3 or more


4 or more

Vampire Lord

5 or more

Vampire Count

6 or more

Liches and Necromancer Lords do not need to roll if they want to recast a Necromantic spell.

Undead Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 28)

Necromancers, Liches and Vampires may take their spells from the Necromantic deck and the Dark Magic deck. They must always take at least one Necromantic spell - so Necromancers and Vampire Counts, who are only entitled to one spell card, must take a Necromantic spell.

Unlike most other types of wizards, Liches' and Vampires' magic levels are not equal to the number of spell cards or magic items they may have.

Undead Wizard

Magic Level

Spell Cards

Max. Number of Magic Items





Necromancer Lord




Master Necromancer




Necromancer Champion








Vampire Lord




Vampire Count




Special Magic Cards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 26)

Special magic cards represent powerful enchantments that either dispel other spells or act as spells in their own right. Once played, these cards are placed in the magic card discard pile. As a general rule, any magic cards still held in the hand at the end of the magic phase are placed on the discard pile along with all the magic cards used during the magic phase.

However, some special magic cards may be retained in the player's hand from turn to turn and used whenever the player wishes, often during the middle of hand to hand combat or at some other convenient time.

Cards which can be retained are indicated with the description 'Retain in Hand'. After they have been used these special cards are also placed on the discard pile or returned to the deck. Once the magic phase is over all the magic cards are gathered together and shuffled ready for the following turn.

Dispel(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 26)

Dispel cards are vitally important because they are used to counter hostile magic. When an enemy wizard casts a spell then you may play a Dispel card to try and stop it working.

To see if the Dispel is successful, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4, 5 or 6 the enemy spell is cancelled or dispelled: the spell fails and the power cards which were used to power it are placed on the discard pile. If you fail to cancel a spell, you may make another attempt, assuming you have another Dispel card. Any number of Dispels may be attempted in this way, subject to the restrictions noted below.

The first Dispel attempted against a spell is always assumed to have been cast by your highest level wizard. If this fails, the next Dispel is cast by your next highest wizard, and so on. Once all your wizards have attempted (and failed) to dispel a spell then you can still use any further Dispels you have but you will require a 5 or 6 to succeed rather than a 4, 5 or 6.

Wizards receive a +1 bonus when they attempt a Dispel against a spell cast by a lower level wizard. They therefore make a successful Dispel on the D6 roll of 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Wizards suffer a -1 penalty when they attempt a Dispel against a spell cast by a higher level wizard. They therefore make a successful Dispel on the D6 roll of a 5 or a 6.

In the case of a Dwarf army the natural magical resistance of these creatures means that Dispels always work on a roll of 4+ even if there is no wizard in the army. Dwarfs do not have wizards, so they rely more upon their natural resilience to magic than other races.

When it is a player's turn to cast a spell he may instead play a Dispel card to cancel a spell which is already in play. In the case of a spell which is in play, only one attempt may be made to dispel it per magic phase. The Dispel will work on the appropriate D6 dice roll exactly as described above.

Note that a Dispel can only be played on a spell and never on another magic card. You cannot, for example, attempt to dispel another Dispel card. You can dispel spells which are cast using magic items, as these are considered to be spells in the same way as any others.

Destroy Spell(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 26)

A Destroy spell may be used when an enemy wizard casts a spell in the same way as a Dispel card. Alternatively, it can be retained in your hand and played in a subsequent turn.

A Destroy Spell card is played to counteract an enemy's spell in the same way as a Dispel except that it is more powerful. A Destroy Spell card will automatically dispel any spell cast at one of your wizards or a unit he is accompanying. In addition, secretly roll a D6 and add any power cards you wish from your hand. The enemy player does the same. Both players then reveal their score. If the enemy's total is equal or higher the spell is returned to his wizard's hand as normal. If your total is higher the spell is removed from the opposing wizard's hand and discarded for the rest of the game.

Drain Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 26)

This card may be played in the current magic phase when it is your turn to cast a spell.

All the volatile magic over the battlefield is instantly earthed through your wizard, draining magical power from the area and bringing all spell casting to an end for that turn. Any magic cards still held in the hands of either player are immediately placed on the discard pile, including any cards that may normally be retained. Any spells that are currently in play are instantly and automatically dispelled.

Rebound(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 27)

This card is played to counteract an enemy's spell in a similar way to a Dispel or Destroy Spell card. You may retain this card in your hand for use in a later phase if you wish. A Rebound may be played when a spell is cast against one of your wizards, or against a unit of troops he is accompanying. The spell rebounds from the target 4D6" back in a straight line toward the wizard who cast it. The spell may not be dispelled and will hit the first suitable target in its path. Rebounding spells travel over the ground surface, and can move over all kinds of terrain including hills, walls, and through uninhabited buildings.

Mental Duel(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 27)

This card can be played when it is your turn to cast a spell. One of your wizards engages an enemy wizard of your choice in a battle of wills. Both players immediately roll a D6 and add the magic levels of their respective wizards to their roll. The player with the highest total wins the duel and drives the knowledge of a spell out of the mind of the loser. The winner can immediately choose a spell card at random from the hand of the losing wizard and discard it for the remainder of the battle. If the two scores are equal the duel is a draw and has no effect on either wizard. If this card is not used in the magic phase it is placed on the discard pile at the end of the phase just like any other magic cards.

Escape(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 27)

This card may be kept in the player's hand and played at any time during any turn. The player can use this card to make the wizard vanish, and can even do this where the wizard would otherwise be slain. The wizard's mortally wounded body is transported into the Realm of Chaos, the great world of energy that is the source of all magic. The wizard can survive in the world of energy protected by a life-supporting shell of magic and draw on its power to heal his wounds. The wizard's full number of wounds is restored.

The wizard may return to the battlefield at the start of any subsequent magic phase on the D6 roll of a 5 or 6. When the wizard returns he may be placed anywhere on the table and can cast spells normally in the magic phase. While in the world of energy the wizard can do nothing. He cannot cast spells and the Winds of Magic may be reduced if the number of wizards on the battlefield is insufficient to sustain its full value (see Winds of Magic).

Total Power(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 27)

Total Power is a special card which counts as three power cards on its own. A spell cast using the Total Power card is so powerful that it cannot be stopped by any means, including the Rebound and Destroy Spell special cards. If Total Power is used to cast a spell that remains in play the spell can be dispelled in future turns as normal. If this card is not used in the magic phase it is placed on the discard pile at the end of the phase just like any other magic cards.

The Loss of Wizards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 27)

If one side has no wizards then it is still dealt magic cards as normal. Dispel cards can be used to attempt to cancel out enemy magic, but power cards and the special cards Total power, Mental Duel, Drain Magic, Destroy Spell, Rebound and Escape cannot be used at all and must be discarded at the end of the magic phase. This means that a side with no wizards may still be able to cancel out some enemy magic. This represents natural magical resilience and the likelihood of spells simply not working. A side with no wizards is not therefore completely helpless, although it is not in a very desirable position by any means.

Off Table(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 7)

Wizards who are off the table, fleeing, or flying wizards who have been driven off the table, take no part in the magic phase. They cannot cast spells or make dispels.

Example of a Magic Phase(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 27)

An Empire and a Bretonnian army are locked in battle. The Empire Battle wizards comprise a Grey wizard and a Bright wizard champion. The Bretonnians have one Celestial wizard champion.

It is the Bretonnian player's turn so in the magic phase he rolls 2D6 to determine the Winds of Magic and gets a seven. He deals out seven cards starting with himself, so he has four magic cards and the Empire player has three.

Because it's his turn, the Bretonnian player starts the spellcasting. He has ended up with two power cards and two Dispel cards and decides to cast a Windblast spell, which will cost both power cards. The Empire player has two Dispels and one power card so (sensibly) he tries to dispel the Windblast, using his Bright Wizard Champion.

The Bright Wizard needs to roll a 4 or more on a D6 to successfully dispel; his roll is not adjusted because he is the same magic level as the Bretonnian. He rolls a 3 and fails. The Empire player still has another Dispel in his hand so he tries again, this time playing it through the Grey wizard (he can't use the Bright wizard again because the Bright wizard has already attempted to dispel the Windblast spell).

The Grey wizard rolls a D6 for his Dispel and deducts 1 from the result (because he's a lower magic level than the Celestial wizard). He rolls a 5, 5-1= 4 so he successfully dispels the Windblast. The two power cards and the two Dispel cards are placed on the discard pile and the spell card is taken back by the Celestial wizard and placed face down to indicate it can't be cast again until next the magic phase.

Now it is the Empire player's turn to cast a spell and he chooses to cast the Radiance of Ptolos from the Grey wizard using his one power card. The Bretonnian player attempts to dispel it by playing one of his Dispels through his Celestial wizard. Because the Celestial wizard is a higher magic level than the Grey wizard he adds one to his dice roll for the Dispel, so he only needs a 3 or more. He rolls a 1 and fails miserably, but he still has one Dispel card left so he tries again. This time he needs a 5 because the Dispel is not directed through a wizard (the Celestial wizard having already tried and failed). He rolls a 4 and fails again. The Radiance of Ptolos is successfully cast and in play. Because both players have now run out of magic cards the magic phase now ends and it is the Empire player's next turn.

Waaagh! Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 28)

The metabolism of Orcs and Goblins is completely unlike that of humans, Elves, Dwarfs and most other races, which has profound effects on the way Orcs and Goblins react with the world of magic. Other creatures draw upon the raw power of magic that saturates the world, but Orcs and Goblins generate their own.

Orcs and Goblins unconsciously generate a weak magical field around themselves. During the intense excitement of battle this field becomes stronger and merges with the magical fields of all the other Orcs and Goblins around them. This magical energy gives the Orcs a feeling of communal elation and invulnerability known as the Waaagh. As the Orc Boyz march into battle they feel strong and unbeatable as the mounting spirit of the Waaagh overtakes them.

As the Orcs become more excited the energy of the Waaagh grows stronger and stronger until it reaches a critical point when the pressure is so intense that it has to discharge itself or burst. The Waaagh always discharges itself through the most suitable mind in the vicinity, an Orc or a Goblin shaman. As the Waaagh intensifies a shaman can feel its pressure building up inside his brain, driving him wild with excitement and pain.

Fortunately Shamans learn at an early age that the only way to avoid extreme pain (or worse) is to allow their minds to release the mounting energy in the form of a spell. In immature Orcs this may take the form of unconsciously generated poltergeist activity in which objects mysteriously fly about the room or smash against the walls. A mature shaman learns to control these powers and turn them to his advantage in form of powerful energy blasts or radiant spells of destruction.

Gork and Mork(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 28)

Orc or Goblin shamans are identified at an early age. Whenever his mates brawl or argue his head starts to hurt, lights flash in front of his eyes, and weird things start to happen. Solid objects are hurled about as if thrown by invisible hands or simply shatter for no apparent reason. Bolts of lightning shoot from the Orc's head, and his eyes glow bright red as noxious steam burbles from his mouth. When this sort of thing happens it is all too obvious that the poor Orc or Goblin is destined to become a shaman, if he manages to survive that long.

Shamans are dangerous to be around and other Orcs tend to shun them. They are forced to wear distinctive costumes so they can be easily recognised (and avoided) and sent out beyond the confines of the camp to commune alone with the Orc gods. Orcs and Goblins believe that the shaman is possessed by either or both of their mighty gods, Gork and Mork.

On the outskirts of every Orc settlement, no matter how rough or how temporary, is a little collection of shacks or tents where the Shamans are forced to live - safely away from the other Orcs, and from each other. In some more permanent Orc settlements the shamans live in nearby caves surrounded by skulls on stakes, fetish poles and similar paraphernalia.

The shaman is brought all the food he wants, or at least, all the mushrooms he wants, as these fungi are traditionally supposed to help him communicate with the spirits of Gork and Mork. In fact the hallucinogenic mushrooms tend to give the Shaman colourful visions in which the Orc gods instruct him on how to call upon them in battle and how to cast spells of destruction.

While the shamans are lying in their tents communing with Gork and Mork they are safely out of harm's way, and can cause little damage to the other Orcs.
Occasionally a foolish or inquisitive Goblin might stray into a shaman's tent in search of some sagely advise about the whereabouts of a lost shoe or some such trivial matter, only to find himself hurled out of the tent by an unconscious blast of Waaagh energy from the shaman. On the whole it is rather dangerous to disturb a shaman, even a sleeping one, and most Orcs know better than to stray too near.

Shamans spend a lot of time sedated while wild and colourful hallucinations dance around their brains. It is hardly surprising that they tend to be a bit strange even when they are fully conscious. They are convinced that Gork and Mork are real, as they have seen them in their mushroom-induced dreams. They believe that they can call upon Gork and Mork when the spirit of the Waaagh is great, and that they will be able to perform mighty deeds of magic.

Many of the shaman's spells are in fact incantations to Gork and Mork, requesting one or other god's assistance in the battle. So, for example, Da Krunch is a spell which calls upon Gork to stamp his great big orcy foot right on top of the stinkin' enemy. The spell Mork Save Us! calls on Mork to protect Orcs from hostile magic, and so forth.

Orc and Goblin Shamans in Battle(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 28)

Orc and Goblin shamans blast the enemy with waves of Waaagh energy. Waaagh spells tend to be crude but effective, low on subtle manipulation but big on raw power.

On the tabletop Orc and Goblin shamans act as a focus for the power of the Waaagh. Waaagh energy pours into their brains from the excited Orcs and Goblins around them. The shamans must constantly try to build up the power to a critical point and then release it before it is lost or (ulp!) their head explodes.

The following is an excerpt from pages 28 & 29 of the Warhammer Arcane Magic supplement in the Waaagh! Magic section.

Shamans who are more than 12" away from any eligible Orc or Goblin units can't cast spells at all, though they may still dispel enemy magic as usual. In this case the shaman need not take a Waaagh test.

Night Goblin Shamans

Night Goblin shamans start the game with one piece of magic mushroom per magic level. Each piece may be used once during a game.

The shaman may eat a piece of mushroom at the start of any magic phase, before the Winds of Magic are determined, entitling him to D6 extra magic cards to be used in that magic phase only.

If a Night Goblin shaman has consumed a piece of mushroom he may cast spells even if there are no Orc/Goblin units within 12" to supply Waaagh energy. In this case he is dealt no cards from the Winds of Magic, but is limited to his D6 extra cards.

If the Night Goblin shaman has eaten a piece of mushroom, and fails his Waaagh! test, deduct -1 from his roll on the 'Eadbangerz chart.

Forest Goblin Shamans

A Forest Goblin adds +1 to his score when he rolls on the 'Eadbangerz chart. If he rolls a 6+ he is completely unaffected.

Every time a Forest Goblin shaman fails a Waaagh test he staggers D6" in a random direction (use the scatter dice to determine which).
This happens even if he rolls 6 on the 'Eadbangerz chart.

Move the shaman before applying the 'Eadbanger results. If he moves into an enemy he becomes engaged in hand-to-hand combat and must fight in the following hand-to-hand combat round (and counts as charging). If he is already in hand-to-hand combat, he will not move away, but counts as charging in the next round.

Savage Orc Shamans

If a Savage Orc shaman joins a Mob of Savage Ores he gets an extra magic card when they are dealt at the start of the magic phase. The bonus card may only be used by that shaman. In addition, the shaman's protective tattoos now give him a saving throw of 5 or 6 rather than a 6. The Savage Orcs' tattoos also give them an enhanced saving throw of 5 or 6.

Dealing Spell Cards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 28)

Orc and Goblin shamans are dealt spell cards from the Waaagh magic deck at the beginning of the game. Deal to the higher levels of shaman first, and to Orcs before Goblins where their levels are the same. In this respect they are comparable to human College wizards.

Dealing Magic Cards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 29)

The power of the Waaagh is represented by the magic cards. Determine the Winds of Magic as usual and deal out the magic cards between the players exactly as normal. The cards dealt to the Orc player represent the power of the Waaagh coursing through the Orc army.

Waaagh Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 29)

If a shaman is too far away from other Orcs or Goblins he won't be able to absorb enough Waaagh power to cast spells. Shamans who are more than 12" away from any Orc or Goblin units are too far away to draw upon the Waaagh. In order to count an Orc unit must contain at least ten Orcs and a Goblin unit must contain at least twenty Goblins. Smaller units do not count, and neither do fleeing units.

A shaman who is more than 12" from any suitable Orc or Goblin units can't cast spells but he can still dispel enemy magic as normal. The blessed relief of getting away from the Orc boyz means that he doesn't have to control Waaagh power either and so doesn't run the risk of the dreaded 'Eadbang. No Waaagh test is therefore necessary.

Waaagh Test(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 29)

After magic cards have been dealt, but before any spells are cast, the player must test each shaman to see if he can control the power of the Waaagh flowing through his body. This is where the proximity of other Orcs and Goblins is important. If there are too many Orcs or Goblins nearby the shaman may be killed by the power surge. If there are not enough he loses power and will be unable to cast spells.

To determine if the shaman can withstand the power surge make a Waaagh test as follows:

  1. Count up the number of Orc and Goblin units within 12" of the shaman. Orc units are only counted if they contain at least ten models; Goblin units are only counted if they contain at least twenty models. Fleeing units cannot be counted, regardless of their size.

  2. Add +1 to this total for each Orc or Goblin unit in hand to hand combat within 12" due to the extra excitement and energy caused by them bustin' heads. Units must be at least ten Orcs or twenty Goblins as described above. The total score is the shaman's Eadbanger value.

  3. Roll a D6. If testing for an Orc Shaman add his magic level (Shaman +1, Shaman Champion +2, Master Shaman +3, Shaman Lord +4). Do not add this value if testing for a Goblin Shaman - Goblins are more delicate and thus more susceptible to the Waaagh.

    If the dice roll (+ level modifier) is more than the Eadbanger value the shaman stays in control and comes to no harm. If the D6 roll is equal to or less than the Eadbanger value the shaman has failed the test and must roll on the Eadbangerz Chart to determine what happens.

'Eadbangerz Chart

D6 Roll



"Yuuurgh!" The shaman struggles to keep control but some power slips out as poltergeist activity and weird lights. Discard one magic card of your choice, otherwise the shaman is unharmed and can cast Waaagh spells normally.


Fzzzzzzzzap! Bolts of pure energy rocket out of the shaman's ears, nose and mouth as Waaagh power escapes. Your opponent can draw one random magic card out of your hand and discard it immediately. The shaman is otherwise unharmed and can cast Waaagh spells normally.


"My 'ead urts!" The power buzzing around in the shaman's head makes it far too painful for him to concentrate. The shaman can't cast any Waaagh spells or spells from magic items this turn but he can still use magic cards to dispel enemy magic.


"I've forgot!" The shaman suffers a temporary brainstorm and forgets one of his Waaagh spells for the rest of the game. Your opponent picks a spell at random from the shaman's hand. Because he's busy trying to remember what he was doing the shaman can't cast any Waaagh spells or spells from magic items this magic phase. The shaman can still use magic cards to dispel enemy magic.


"I fink I'm gonna..." The shaman reels around for a moment before vomiting out an explosive blast of Waaagh power and collapsing in an unconscious heap. The heads of any Orcs or Goblins in base to base contact with the shaman will explode unless they can roll equal to or under their toughness on a D6. Head explosions kill regardless of armour saves and wounds. Place the shaman model on its side. He can't move, fight or do anything else until he wakes up at the start of the next magic phase.


'Eadbang! The shaman's head explodes! Obviously this is an exceptionally fatal experience. The shaman is slain and the model removed from the battle. The burst of pure Waaagh power causes the heads of any Orcs and Goblins in base to base contact with the shaman to also explode unless they can roll equal to or under their toughness on a D6 as described for 2 above.

Skaven Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 31)

The whole Skaven race is born of Chaos and buoyed up on the tides of Dark Magic. When the Winds of Magic blow strongly their race multiplies. In the tunnels and caverns beneath the cities of men Skaven numbers swell, and their great under-empire spreads like a dark plague. At such times Skaven Seers cast earth shattering magic such as brought down the old Dwarf Empire in a cataclysm of volcanic eruption and earthquakes.

The Skaven worship their own Chaos God the Horned Rat, who is the manifestation of their race and all their evil schemes to consume the world. Skaven magic draws upon the dark energy stream. The Skaven supplement this power with warpstone - solid pieces of black energy blown into the world by howling Winds of Magic during the original collapse of the warp gate. These small chunks of black energy radiate malign power, causing the mutation and corruption of ordinary flesh.

Only the Skaven can touch warpstone without suffering its evil effects, and even they become twisted and warped by its energy eventually. A Skaven Sorcerer can consume small lumps of warpstone during the battle and feed upon its power to fuel his spells.

There are two kinds of Skaven Sorcerers. The most powerful of all are the Grey Seers: the lords and masters of the Skaven race, second in power only to the Great Council of the Thirteen Lords of Decay. The lesser kind are the Warlocks who belong to the sorcerous Clan Skryre. Where humans have the Colleges of magic, the Skaven Clan Skryre pursues the study of magic and magic weapons. While the Grey Seers are the most powerful sorcerers, the Warlocks learn many potent battle spells and create devices which merge technology and magic.

Skaven in Battle(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 31)

Skaven sorcerers draw upon Dark Magic for their power, but they can supplement this by consuming lumps of warpstone. Before the game begins the Skaven player determines how much warpstone he has. This is represented by the warp tokens included in the Warhammer Battle Magic game.

Once the player has established how much warpstone he has, he makes a pile of warp tokens. Any of his Skaven sorcerers can use this warpstone during the battle, it does not have to be allocated to any specific sorcerer. To establish how much warpstone you have consult the following chart and make the appropriate dice rolls for each Skaven sorcerer in the army. A D3 is the score of an ordinary D6 halved rounding up: 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3.

Skaven Sorcerer

Amount of Warpstone

Warlock Engineer


Warlock Champion


Warlock Master


Grey Seer


Dealing Spell Cards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 31)

Skaven sorcerers are dealt spell cards from the Skaven magic deck at the beginning of the game. Deal to the higher levels of sorcerer first. Note that some spells can only be used by Grey Seers as indicated on the cards. If these spells are dealt to a Warlock they are returned to the deck and a replacement drawn. If no other spells are available then the Skaven must forgo the spell - only a Grey Seer can cast these sorts of spells.

Dealing Magic Cards(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 32)

During the magic phase the Skaven player is dealt magic cards from the the Winds of Magic as normal, and may use them to power spells, cast Dispels, etc, as normal.

As well being able to use power cards, Skaven sorcerers can also use warpstone as a source of magic energy. A Skaven sorcerer may consume one or more pieces of warpstone before he casts a spell. Each piece of warpstone consumed acts exactly like a power card. In effect, the pieces of warpstone act as bonus power cards that the Skaven player can use throughout the game.

By consuming warpstone the Skaven release raw power to strengthen their magic. However there is a price to be paid. Not even the Skaven can eat warpstone without suffering its mutating effects. When a Skaven sorcerer uses warpstone, and before he casts the warpstone-powered spell, he must make a Warp Test. This test determines if the sorcerer survives eating the warpstone or whether he is overwhelmed by its magic and twisted into a Chaos Spawn.

Warp Test(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 32)

Test as soon as the kaven sorcerer uses one or more pieces of warpstone to power his spell. Roll a D6. If the result is more than the number of warp tokens used then the Saven is not affected by it and the spell may be cast as normal. If the result is the same as or less than the number of warp tokens used the Skaven sorcerer has failed to control the tide of Dark Magic. The spell is not cast, and the Skaven's body writhes and mutates into a Chaos Spawn, a foul blob-like monster which sprouts tentacles and pincers. The Chaos Spawn is insane and almost mindless, and hauls its twisted body about in confusion, destroying anything it touches.

As soon as the Skaven turns into a Chaos Spawn it makes a random move 2D6". Use the scatter dice to determine which direction it moves in. From then on the Chaos Spawn moves 2D6" randomly during its own movement phase. As this is compulsory movement the Chaos Spawn is moved before other troops.

A Chaos Spawn will move over any troops in its way, striking them with its pincers, or covering them with corrosive slime as it does so. These attacks are worked out as the Chaos Spawn moves over its victims in the movement phase and so are an exception to the normal turn sequence. Each model moved over is automatically hit once. A Chaos Spawn does not engage in hand to hand fighting as such, but any enemy models in base-to-base contact during the hand to hand combat phase can strike blows against it as normal. The Chaos Spawn does not strike back in the hand to hand combat phase.

Neither the Chaos Spawn nor its opponents are obliged to remain and fight models they are touching, but can move off as they wish (the Chaos Spawn itself must move and moves randomly as described). The Chaos Spawn is almost completely mindless and does not ever take leadership based tests. It cannot be affected by psychology at all, and it does not take break tests and so cannot be broken.

Chaos Spawn2D6"104511**

Chaos Sorcerers(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 32)

A Chaos Sorcerer must take at least one spell from the deck of his patron Chaos God, and may choose additional spells from the Dark Magic deck. Beastman Sorcerers may use spells from any Chaos God/s, and from the Dark Magic deck.

Chaos Sorcerers receive a Mark of Chaos. This Mark is unique to their patron Chaos God, and imbues the Sorcerer with a special inherent magic ability, which does not need to be powered with magic cards.

See page 43 of Warhammer Armies: Chaos for more details.

Chaos Sorcerers may wear Chaos Armour without it affecting their ability to cast spells.

Chaos Sorcerers may be bought Chaos Rewards, though Beastman Shamans may not.

Daemons and Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 34)(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 32)

This section includes rules from both the Warhammer Battle Magic & Warhammer Arcane Magic supplements.

Beyond the Northern Wastes lies the Realm of Chaos, a strange and unfathomable alternate reality from which raw magical energy spews into the world. Magic is the raw material of Chaos just as physical matter is the raw material of the realms of men. Creatures dwell in the Realm of Chaos, nightmarish monsters of pure magic that serve the Gods of Chaos; monsters men know as Daemons.

To Daemons the Old World is a dry, suffocating place that lacks the life-giving energy of magic, and they seldom enter it except when the power of Chaos waxes strong. At such times magic energy saturates the land and the daemonic legions flood south into the world, bringing twisted madness in their wake.

Many Daemons have the power to twist magic energy into spells, indeed the huge Greater Daemons are as adept in sorcery as the mightiest of mortal magicians. Other Daemons cannot cast spells alone but are capable of joining their powers together so that between them they can weave potent battle magic spells.

Greater Daemons

Greater Daemons draw spell cards at the start of the game just like Chaos Sorcerers, and their equivalent magic levels are shown below. Note that Daemons may not be given magic items, but receive spell cards and magic cards as normal. Greater Daemons and units of Daemons count as wizards for the purposes of calculating the Winds of Magic.

Except for the Bloodthirster of Khorne, Greater Daemons may cast spells as if they were level 4 wizards.

Greater Daemon

Magic Level

May Draw From

Keeper of Secrets


Slaanesh spell deck

Great Unclean One


Nurgle spell deck

Lord of Change


Tzeentch Spell deck



May not cast spells

Daemon Units

Other Daemons are permitted spell cards for units rather than individual models. These spell cards are drawn in the same manner as Chaos Sorcerers but they are only drawn once all Chaos Sorcerers and Greater Daemons have taken theirs.

Daemons must take at least one Chaos spell from their patron god (if there are any left) and may draw the rest of their spells from the Dark Magic deck and/or one colour college which is defined below. It is possible that in big games some units of Daemons will not get any spells at all because they've all been taken.

The magic level of a unit of Daemons depends on the number of models in it, as shown on the table below. As the Daemons suffer casualties and the size of the unit is reduced its magic level will also drop, so it may become necessary to discard some of the unit's spell cards. The discarded spells are drawn at random.

When a unit of Daemons casts a spell it's worth noting that a spell cast by a unit doesn't work on the whole unit unless it normally would. So, for example, if a unit of Plaguebearers cast Earth Blood only one Plaguebearer would be affected.

Type of Daemon

May Draw From

Daemonette of Slaanesh

Slaanesh, Dark, Amethyst spell decks

Plaguebearer of Nurgle

Nurgle, Dark, Jade spell decks

Pink Horror of Tzeentch

Tzeentch, Dark, Bright Spell decks

No. of Models in a Unit

Magic Level

Number of Spells













Familiars(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 35)

Many powerful wizards are accompanied by small, magical creatures known as familiars. Familiars are strange creatures with an innate feel for the magical flux who often possess a considerable amount of magical power themselves. They are fascinated by beings with the ability to manipulate the Winds of Magic and tend to be attracted to them like moths around a candle flame.

Familiars are naturally capricious, mischievous and come in many different forms. They appear in folklore and legend as imps, sprites, faeries or similar mythical beings that live in enchanted forest glades or dismal swamps and entrap unwary travellers. Though ordinary folk think of such creatures with a shudder wizards know that they are useful aides in their quest for knowledge.

Wizards acquire these creatures in a number of ways, perhaps by encountering and befriending them on their travels through ancient, trackless forests or while delving for lost knowledge in dank subterranean catacombs. Some wizards create their own familiars through weird alchemical processes or summon them from realms unknown. Other wizards, Chaos Sorcerers in particular, are granted a familiar by their gods.

It is quite common for Battle Wizards to take their familiars with them onto the battlefield. A familiar's extraordinary abilities can prove invaluable to the wizard and they may even be able to save the wizard's life if he gets caught in a fight. When you pick your army you can decide to buy some or all of your wizards familiars by paying the requisite points cost.

Each wizard can only have a single familiar but there are three different types to choose from: Warrior, Spell and Power. Each of these has a different special ability.

Warrior Familiars(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 35)

Warrior familiars often have the appearance of a tiny, armoured man or a miniature Chaos daemon, though some are more bizarre and look like an enormous mouth on legs or a disembodied claw. Whatever their appearance, Warrior familiars are surprisingly tough and dangerous despite their small size because the magical energies which course through them speed their reflexes and give them great strength. A Warrior familiar will leap to the wizard's aid with inhuman speed if any should threaten him.

Warrior Familiar4504416210

Leap Into Combat

A Warrior familiar must stay in base to base contact with its master at all times. If the wizard is engaged in hand to hand combat the Warrior familiar can leap forward to interpose itself between the wizard and his opponents. Reposition the models immediately to place the familiar touching one or more of the wizard's attackers. Any opposing models touching the familiar have to fight it instead of the wizard in the combat phase. The familiar fights first in the initial round of combat regardless of initiative or who charged into combat. If the familiar is fighting an assassin or a character armed with the Sword of Swift Slaying compare initiatives to see who strikes first.

Spell Familiars(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 35)

Spell familiars are the most intelligent kind of familiar, they actually understand the flow of magic and know how to manipulate it. This means that Spell familiars can learn spells of their own, and, given time and a lot of patience it is possible to teach a Spell familiar one of the potent battle spells used by wizards. In battle the wizard can draw upon the familiar's memory to cast an extra spell.

Spell Familiar433231418

Extra Spell

A wizard with a Spell familiar can draw an extra spell card at the start of the game. The spell must be from a spell deck which is normally available to the wizard, eg, Jade for a Jade Wizard, and so on. The wizard can only use the spell as long as the familiar model is touching the wizard model's base. If the familiar moves away from the wizard the extra spell is placed to one side until it returns. If it is a spell which remains in play it is dispelled. If the familiar is killed the extra spell is discarded for the rest of the game. The spell is cast at the magic level of the wizard for the purposes of Dispels but the wizard's own magic level is not increased by the Spell familiar.

Power Familiars(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 35)

Power familiars act as natural vortices for magical energy. The kind of magic they attract dominates their character so familiars which attract Bright Magic are fiery and energetic, Grey ones are often unreliable and independently minded. A wizard can make good use of this unique trait by drawing on the Winds of Magic and diverting part of the energy into the familiar. When the wizard needs power to twist together into a spell he draws on the magic held in the familiar to aid him in his casting.

Power Familiar433231418

Store Magic Card

If they are in base to base contact at the end of the magic phase a wizard can give his Power familiar one power card to hold onto until the next magic phase. At the beginning of a magic phase a wizard can take a power card being held by the familiar and add it to the magic cards he is dealt from the Winds of Magic. The wizard and the familiar must be in base to base contact to take the power card. Note that the familiar can only hold onto power cards, not Dispels or special cards. If a Power familiar is killed while it is holding a power card it will explode, scoring a S4 hit on everything in base to base contact with it.

Acolytes(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 36)

Most human wizards take on an apprentice as they get older - someone to undertake the more laborious and dangerous tasks that the practice of magic inevitably involves. These apprentices are carefully chosen and trained in the arcane arts so that they may eventually become wizards in their own right.

In the case of the Light College, however, things are done a little differently. Light Magic is extremely thin and diffuse, and is notoriously difficult to concentrate into a form which can be controlled. This means that Light wizards must master many difficult rituals in order to channel magic energy into their spells. To compensate for this the College has many Acolytes whose incantations draw the Light Magic together and concentrate it in one place. The Light Wizards select only the most promising Acolytes to train as apprentices.

In battle a Light wizard may be accompanied by a group of five Acolytes whose function is to gather Light Magic forces by means of incantation. The Acolytes are always grouped into a special mystical formation, a pyramid or triangular shape with the Light Wizard at its tip. At the start of the battle these Acolytes are arranged behind their master, two directly behind the wizard, and three directly behind them, forming a triangular shape or wedge with the wizard in front.

A Light Wizard and five Acolytes form a mystical pyramid formation.

So long as this formation is maintained the Light wizard may draw one extra magic card from the deck after the Winds of Magic have been dealt. This card can be used by any wizard on that side in the usual way, and represents the additional energy drawn from the Winds of Magic by the chanting Acolytes.

If the Acolytes' formation is broken due to casualties, then the incantations of the remaining Acolytes are to no avail; no additional Magic Card is taken. If the formation is changed because of, for example, hand to hand fighting or terrain, then no extra card is taken until the normal formation is resumed.

The Acolytes always move with their wizard. This prevents the wizard moving on his own as an individual and it also prevents him joining other units. In effect, the Light wizard becomes the leader of a small unit. Should the wizard be slain, magically moved, or otherwise separated from his Acolytes, then the Acolytes will continue to fight as a small unit of troops. The unit may change from triangular formation to any other formation, including a single or double line, taking half their movement to do so.

The same penalty applies when the unit wishes to resume its triangular formation. The wizard is always positioned in the centre front of the unit in the same way as a normal leader. Once in hand to hand combat Acolytes may lap round from rear ranks in the same way as ordinary troops, see the Warhammer rulebook for details.

There are several advantages to taking Acolytes in addition to the obvious benefit of drawing one extra magic card. Their presence shelters the wizard from bowfire in the same way as any other character who forms part of a unit (see the Warhammer rulebook). This means that any foe wishing to shoot at the wizard and his Acolytes must shoot at the Acolytes so long as all five are still alive. If Acolytes are slain so that there are no longer five, the Wizard still benefits because any missile hits on the unit will be randomised between him and the surviving Acolytes.

If any Acolytes are slain the remaining individuals can form a bodyguard. In hand to hand fighting the Acolytes are not particularly powerful, but still give their wizard an extra edge that can make all the difference.

Acolytes have normal human characteristics - they are not yet sufficiently advanced along the path of arcane study to warrant the characteristic bonuses associated with wizards and other characters. Acolytes come equipped with a hand weapon.


Points value: 25 for 5 models.


This section is a combination of the relevant sections from the Warhammer Battle Magic and Warhammer Arcane Magic supplements.

Spell Descriptions(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 40)

The effects of each spell are described on the spell card itself and in most cases the description should provide enough information to resolve the spell's effects without any problems. However, because there is such a large number of spells, magic items which affect spells, and so many different types of creatures in Warhammer Fantasy Battle, situations are bound to arise where there is room for confusion. Due to the limited space available for explanations on the cards, we've tried to clarify the intentions behind the rules in this section.

The following points apply to all of the spells except where noted either on the cards or in the commentary that follows.

Missile Type Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 40)

Many spells are cast as if they were missiles that burst from the wizard and fly towards their target. Such spells are described as hitting the first target that lies in their path in the same way as a crossbow shot or a bolt thrower, for example.

These spells can be projected from the wizard in any direction, in front, to the side, or even behind him if he wants. The wizard is assumed to be able to turn freely and face whatever direction he wishes before unleashing his spell. Obviously there must be nothing in the way of the spell which would block its path - such as a wall, building or a wood. The restrictions are exactly the same as for an ordinary missile weapon - see p25 of the Warhammer rulebook for a description of how scenery blocks sight.

Not all missile-type spells are projected in a straight line as described above. Some are capable of dodging and weaving to find their target, or they manifest themselves directly upon their victim. If the card does not specify that the spell travels along a straight path then it does not have to do so. Such a spell may be cast even if the wizard cannot see his target, and the spell cannot be blocked by scenery as it will simply move over or around it.

Missile-type spells fall into two broad categories: those that can be directed against a single model chosen by the player, and those that can only be directed against a unit as a whole in the same way as normal bow fire.

Single Model

If the spell specifies that the target is a single model the spell can be cast against any chosen model within the range indicated on the spell card. In the case of some spells a magic projectile shoots forward in a straight path like a pistol shot as described above. For example, in the Bright Magic spell Fire Ball a ball of magic fire shoots out of the wizard's hand and strikes the first model in its path. A Fire Ball spell travels along a straight path and so will be blocked by intervening troops or scenery.

Other spells which can be directed against a single model arc high up into the air and so can be directed at any model in range, an example of this kind of spell is the Gold Magic spell Gleaming Arrow. Spells which specify a single model as the target may be cast against a model regardless of whether it is part of or close to a unit. Obviously these spells are very useful for taking out specific enemy heroes and wizards.


Some spells specify that they can only be cast against a unit as a whole rather than against a specific model. This is usually because the magic consists of a hail of small missiles which spreads out and hits several individuals amongst a mass of troops. Casualties from these spells are worked out exactly as if the target were shot at by a group of bowmen, crossbowmen, or similar. Normal restrictions regarding shooting at characters apply (see the Warhammer rulebook, p65).

Bear in mind that although the target is described as a unit, a character model is eligible under certain circumstances, as are large monsters, war machines, chariots, and so forth. This is exactly the same as for ordinary missile-armed troops.

Range(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 40)

A spell's range is measured from the base of the casting wizard to the base of the nearest model in the target (if the target is a unit) or to the base of the model itself (if the target is a single model). In the case of a spell which affects a whole unit, the spell affects the whole unit if any of its models are in range, even if this is just one model.

Some spells are represented by a separate template. Spells which have a template to represent their area of effect may be placed so that the centre of the template is at the maximum stated range from the wizard model's base.

Saving Throws(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 41)

Saving throws for armour apply against all spells that inflict wounds unless the spell card specifically states that no armour saving throws apply. In some cases magical armour protects against spell effects but normal armour does not; again this is specifically stated in the spell description. If armour saving throws do apply they are modified for the Strength of the attack as normal, ie S4 -1, S5 -2 and so on.

Rolling Under Characteristics(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 41)

Some spells have saving throws that take the form of rolling a dice requiring a score lower than one of the unit's or model's characteristic values. Which characteristic is used varies from spell to spell - Movement or Initiative might be used to dodge out of the way of an attack, Strength to break out of a binding enchantment, Toughness to survive a magical plague, and so on. The number of dice rolled and the characteristic used are specified on the spell card.

The card also specifies whether you need to roll under the characteristic or equal to or under the characteristic. It is very important that you read the card carefully to find out which is the case as just one point difference often determines whether a model lives or dies! If the spell affects a whole unit make one roll for the unit on the troopers' characteristic value; character models accompanying the unit roll separately using their own characteristic value. Most rolls are made with a D6. Note that on a D6 roll of 6 the test is always failed regardless of the characteristic score.

Panic Tests(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 41)

Some spells cause panic tests or psychology tests of one kind or another. These are detailed more fully on the spell cards themselves and in the commentary below. Additionally, any unit that suffers 25% casualties in the magic phase must take a panic test just like a unit suffering 25% casualties from missile weapons in the shooting phase. A unit only has to take one panic test due to casualties per magic phase, even if it is hit several times in succession. If a unit fails its panic test while in hand to hand combat it will flee immediately and is considered to have broken from combat. The enemy may therefore pursue and other friendly units within 12" have to take a panic test on account of friends being broken in hand to hand combat.

Split Units(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 41)

Some spells like the Gold Magic spell The Gilded Cage and the Amethyst Magic spell The Manacle of Caloe trap models and prevent them moving. Other spells such as the Celestial Magic spell Crystal Charioteer and the Light Magic spell Abulla's Snare take models and move them around. As a result models may be separated from their units.

Obviously, for characters and monsters which can move independently this isn't a problem, but what about rank and file troopers and Champions who must stay with their units? If a unit is divided as a result of a spell then the two parts may be treated as two separate units until both parts are free of the spell that split them up. A part might be just a single model, or any proportion of the unit.

Once free of the spell, the smaller part must attempt to rejoin the larger part as soon as possible. The smaller part may not declare any charges while trying to rejoin the main body and it will not pursue enemies broken in hand to hand combat. The larger part of the unit may fight as normal. As soon as the two parts touch, the models in the smaller part are rearranged into the ranks of the larger - doubtless heaving a sigh of relief at being reunited with their comrades!

Remains in Play(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 41)

Some spells continue to have an effect over several turns. Such a card is said to "remain in play" once it has been cast. A card which remains in play is placed face up next to the target, or next to the wizard, so that it can be seen. In the case of some of these spells the card itself acts as a marker, others are supplied with separate markers or templates to use instead. If players prefer not to litter the table with cards, then spells that remain in play may be placed face up at the table edge, on a side table, or on any convenient surface where they can be seen by both players.

If the spell has an effect which applies in each subsequent magic phase, then work out the result at the beginning of each following magic phase after the magic cards have been dealt out but before spell casting begins. This applies to spells like the Amethyst Magic spell The Purple Sun of Xereus, the Dark Magic spell Malediction of Nagash and the Bright Magic spell Conflagration of Doom which require dice rolls to determine their effects in following turns.

While a card remains in play the spell cannot be cast again. In most cases the spell will continue to last unless it is dispelled or until the original caster chooses to end it, although the caster cannot always choose to end a spell he has cast. The Purple Sun of Xereus, for example, can only be ended by a successful Dispel.

In general, spells are also ended if they move off the table or if their victims are destroyed or escape, as in the Crystal Charioteer, for example. Most spells also end if their caster is slain but some, like the Bright Magic spell Conflagration of Doom, continue regardless. Where a caster is allowed to end a spell he has cast in a previous magic phase, he removes the card from the table when it is his turn in the magic phase, effectively dispelling the spell voluntarily. The spell card is returned to the wizard, but cannot be used until the following magic phase exactly as if it had been dispelled. A wizard can never cast a spell and decide to end it during the same magic phase.

Spells in Hand to Hand Combat(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 42)

Wizards can cast spells while they are fighting in hand to hand combat without any restrictions. Some spells like the Amethyst Magic spell Purple Scythe, the Bright Magic Spell Scarlet Scimitar and the Dark Magic spell Hand of Dust can only be cast against opponents in hand to hand combat with the wizard. Even though these spells are used while in hand to hand combat, they are still worked out in the magic phase: any wounds they cause do not count towards combat resolution in subsequent combat phases, nor is combat resolution calculated during the magic phase. It is possible that casualties inflicted by a wizard casting a spell in hand to hand combat may cause a unit to take a panic test for suffering 25% casualties from magic.

Spells and Flying High(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 6)

Flying creatures can fly high above the battlefield out of range of all missile fire and magic from the ground. A flying high wizard may not cast spells down onto the battlefield, and neither is it possible to cast spells from the battlefield at him. However, dispels can still be cast freely, regardless of whether the caster or dispeller is on the battlefield or on high.

If two enemy wizards are both flying on high then they can cast spells against each other. However, many spells won't work in aerial combat because spells are designed to work on the ground, not in the air! The following guidelines will help you to interpret how spells work in the air. Note that these are guidelines, not a definitive list of spells that will or won't work. Further comments are included in the commentaries.

Contact Spells

Some spells work by physical contact, ie you need to be in base contact with your target or you need to be in hand-to-hand combat. As there is no such thing as a static combat engagement on high such spells cannot work. Models are never touching in the magic phase. Examples are Iyrtu's Embrace and Mace of Years.

Ranged Attacks

These are broadly defined as spells that have a range and inflict 1 or more hits, which are then resolved in a conventional way. For example, The Fate of Bjuna, Fireball, Blast, etc. These spells can be used normally and all flying high targets are assumed to be within range. Other comparable spells cause automatic wounds or a chance of damage worked out in some other way, for example The Choking Foe. These can also be worked out as normal. Some ranged attacks affect anything underneath an extended line, such as The Burning Head, or anything within a fixed distance, such as the Crown of Taidron. These spells affect one target only.

Movement Spells

Spells which move you or your target about are of no use to a flying wizard. For example, Wings of Fire, Speed of Lykos, etc. Such spells cannot be used to move you from on high to the battlefield or vice versa.

Remain in Play

In the upper air the power of magic is effuse and spells will not hold for long. Because of this spells don't remain in play in the air except for spells cast upon yourself such as Amaranth and Vengeful Hood. Other spells which last for several turns or for the duration of the battle will not do so. You can still continue to use such spells in most cases, but they only work for one magic phase. For example, the Sanguine Swords, Light of Battle and The Purple Sun of Xereus.


Spells which use templates can be used against a single target as if they were ranged attacks. Some spells of this type will normally remain in play once cast. When used in the air spells never remain in play. Examples include Flamestorm and The Purple Sun of Xereus. If a template spell normally has a chance of scattering away from its target, then make the scatter roll as normal. If the spells scatters then it automatically misses. For example, Da Krunch.

Binding or Entrapment Spells

Some spells bind the target, preventing movement, shooting and combat for several turns. Such spells will generally have no effect in the air because the magic doesn't last long enough. For example, the Crimson Bands, Writhing Worm, The Amber Trance and Abulla's Snare.

Irresistible Forces and Immovable Objects(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 42)

With over two hundred spells and magic items available to players there are inevitably going to be situations where the rules contradict each other. For example, a model protected by the Jade Magic spell Flesh of Stone receives an unmodified saving throw of 4 or more against any damage, including damage from spells. What happens if he is hit by a Conflagration of Doom spell which always destroys everything in its area of effect? Does he get a saving throw or not?

The commentaries which follow attempt to cover as many specific questions as possible and try to establish some working principles so you can evaluate complex spell effects for yourselves. Limitations of space preclude us from covering every possibility or even every spell. In the case of the Flesh of Stone and Conflagration of Doom no save is allowed, as explained in the commentary.

Another problematic example is spells which force a unit or model to move in a specific way, such as the Dance of Despair for example. These spells can sometimes result in a unit attempting to move into terrain which is impassable. In some cases the result will be devastating for the unit, if it moves over a cliff or into a lake for example, but in other cases you will have to decide for yourself what happens. For example, what happens if a movement spell forces a unit to move into impassable terrain, such as up a sheer cliff face or over a high wall? The best solution here is to bring the unit to a halt.

If you run into a situation where the results are in doubt start off by reading the spell or item descriptions again because it's easy to miss out, misread or misinterpret things in the heat of battle. If this doesn't shed any light on the matter look at the spell commentaries below. If that still leaves you in the dark discuss it with your opponent and try to agree on a solution. If you can't agree to a solution both roll a D6, the player who rolls highest is right. After the game, when passions are not running so highly, discuss the problem and come up with a definite rule you will use in that situation from now on. Such a rule is often referred to as a house rule. Make sure you write down your house rules for future reference and make sure you tell new opponents about which house rules you use, as they may use a different set to yours.

Spell Summary(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 21)

The following list summarises all the magic spells that have been printed to date. As well as the spells that were published in Warhammer Battle Magic, it includes Chaos Dwarf spells from White Dwarf 163, the Ice Magic spells from Warhammer Armies - The Empire, the complete and revised Dark Magic and Necromantic spell decks, and the three decks of Chaos spells from Warhammer Armies - Chaos. Where we think it may be helpful we have also included summaries of pertinent rules, where these may have been revised or expanded from the original rules in Warhammer Battle Magic, eg Chaos and the Undead. At the end of the Spell Summary you will find a summary of the Chaos Rewards.

The table immediately below summarises what spells the different types of wizard may take.

Wizards & Spells

Type of Wizard/Race

Spell Deck(s)



Colour Magic

Human wizards take their spells from the same colour spell deck, so Grey wizards take Grey Magic spells, Bright wizards take Bright spells, and so on.

Ice Queen of Kislev

Ice Magic

High Elf Mages

Any Colour/High Magic

Must always take 1 High Magic

Wood Elf Mages:

- Mage (Level 1)

Amber or Jade

- Mage Champion (Level 2)


- Master Mage (Level 3)

Amber/Jade/1 Colour

- Mage Lord (Level 4)

High Magic/Any Colour

Dark Elf Mages


Orc/Goblin Shamans

Waaagh! Magic

Skaven Wizard


Note there are 13 (not 10) spells in the Skaven spell deck

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer

Chaos Dwarf

Chaos Sorcerers

Own God's/Dark

Chaos Sorcerers must always take at least 1 of their own God's spells

Beastman Shamans

Any Chaos/Dark

Undead: Necromancers, Vampires, Liches


Must take at least 1 Necromantic spell, and may only take spells from one of the Colour decks

Bright Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 21)

Bright Magic spells are archetypal battle magic spells - fiery and destructive, ideally suited to blasting your foes apart.

A blast of red-hot energy flies up to 24" in a straight line from the caster. The first model in its path is hit for D6 S5 hits.

A burning fireball appears in the sky. Place a Conflagration of Doom marker on the target point. Roll a D6 at the start of each subsequent magic phase. On 1-4, place another marker on the first. On 5-6 the fireball strikes the ground, destroying everything with a radius of inches equal to the number of markers. Until the fireball strikes the ground, models within the potential area of destruction must take Panic test at the beginning of their own turn. A successful dispel removes 1 marker.

Remains in play.

This spell may be cast at a single enemy model or unit within 24". The victim is trapped in bands of glowing magic, and may not move, shoot weapons, or fight in close combat. An entrapped wizard may not cast spells, but may still use magic cards.

Remains in play.

The caster sends balls of fire off in a straight line, up to 24" long. One fireball is produced for each power point spent. The first model in a fireball's path suffers 1 S4 hit. No armour saves allowed.

A flaming inferno appears on the battlefield. Place the Flamestorm template within 24" of the caster. Each model more than half under the template takes a S4 hit. A unit or model attacked by the flamestorm is immediately moved 4" away from the blaze. May be left in place, in which case it blocks movement.

May remain in play

Arrows of orange flame fly a max. distance of 18", striking the first unit in their path, causing 2D6 hits. Each hit causes 1 wound on a D6 score of 4+. No armour saves allowed.

Six swords materialise around the caster. In each subsequent combat phase a single model within 24" of the caster may be nominated as a target for the swords. Each sword makes 1 attack with WS6 and S4.

Remains in play.

Wizard may attack any hand-to-hand opponent in the magic phase, automatically causing D3 S5 hits.

Remains in play.

A flaming head burns a trail of destruction along a line 18" long, stretching from the caster. Every model crossed by the line suffers 1 $4 hit causing 1 wound. Any unit suffering casualties must make a Panic test.

The wizard may fly to another part of the battlefield on wings of fire. He may fly into close combat, and counts as charging if he does so.

If a wizard mounted on a steed, monster, or riding in a chariot casts Wings of Fire (or any similar spell from a different College of Magic such as the
Crucible, Swiftwing, etc), his mount/chariot is transported with him.

Jade(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 22)

Most Jade Magic spells are defensive or protective in nature, which makes them a good choice if you are more interested in protecting your own troops than attacking your enemy.

The caster may attempt to drain the life from a hand-to-hand combat opponent. Roll 2D6: for every point the score beats its Toughness by, the target suffers 1 wound. Only magic armour may save.

The wizard vanishes from the battlefield. He may reappear at the start of any subsequent magic phase anywhere on the table. While away, the wizard is restored to full wounds. During the magic phase in which he returns, he is dealt the first D6 magic cards available.

May be cast on the wizard or any model within 6". The affected model turns to stone, and may fight normally. The model's T and S are doubled up to a maximum of 10, its M is halved, and it gains an unmodified armour save of 4+ against spells and damage (regardless of what it was before).

Remains in play.

May be cast on any model/unit within 24". Fleeing models will rally. If not fleeing, the affected model/s may neither move/fire missiles in the following turn unless it passes a Ld test first.

Roll D6 at the start of the player's turn, the cloak will negate that many wounds between then and the start of the player's next turn. If attacked by a spell that causes wounds or kills outright the cloak will save its wearer on 4+, but is itself dispelled by doing so.

Remains in play.

The caster turns to water and may reappear anywhere within 24", or within 24" of any body of water. He can use the spell to carry himself into close combat, and counts as charging.

The caster's eyes project an 18"-long straight beam of green energy. Any model in the path of the beam suffers D3 S4 hits (chariots, war machines and such D3 S10 hits).

Any dead friendly model may be revived. Place the model within 6" of the caster. The revivified model is restored to full wounds: It loses all its magic weapons, armour, etc, and may no longer cast spells. The model may be returned to death by a successful dispel.

May be cast at any model or unit within 24" of the caster. The target is covered in green mist. No model may see from, into, or through the mist. Missiles may not be fired at or by the target. The affected model/s may move in a random direction at half rate, but the mist stays with them. If the target engages in close combat, the mist extends over all the combatants and the number of hits caused by both sides is halved, rounding up. A unit broken while covered by mist is destroyed.

Remains in play.

A misty spiral staircase carries the wizard high into the sky. He can see over the entire battlefield, and cast spells without reduction in range.
Only airborne troops may engage him in hand-to-hand combat or shoot at him. While on the stair, the caster has an armour save of 2+. Spells cast against the wizard are automatically dispelled, though a dispel spell may be used against the stair. If the magic stair is dispelled, the wizard floats safely to the ground.

Remains in play.

Celestial(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 23)

Celestial Magic contains a good mix of offensive, defensive and enhancement-type spells, so is a good choice if you want a wizard who can do a bit of everything.

Razor-like shards whirl round the wizard. Any close combat opponents take a S4 hit immediately (normal armour saves apply), and in each subsequent combat phase before they strike a blow.

Remains in play.

A shield of energy forms on the wizard's left arm. The shield automatically negates any hand-to-hand combat or shooting hit that only causes 1 wound. Any blow that causes more than 1 wound is negated if the wizard can roll more than the number of wounds caused on a D6. If the shield fails to save it is instantly dispelled. If the wizard is attacked by a spell or a magic weapon that either causes wounds or kills him outright, the shield will save him on 4+, in which case it is dispelled, whether the wizard saves or not. The shield stays in play until dispelled or the caster suffers 1 wound.

Remains in play.

A gigantic bubble imprisons a single model within 24", and carries its prisoner 2D6" in a direction nominated by the caster. As long as the spell lasts, the prisoner is carried another 2D6" in the same direction at the start of his own turn. The prisoner may do nothing except try to break free by rolling under his Strength on a D6 after each time he is moved.

Remains in play.

Until the beginning of the next magic phase one model or unit may re-roll any failed dice rolls.

Remains in play.

A bolt of blue lightning leaps from the wizard to strike the first model in its path. The victim suffers a S6 hit for 1D3 wounds. Chariots, war machines, etc suffer D3 510 hits. No armour saves allowed.

Both players roll a D6, and the difference between the scores is the amount by which the wizard can adjust any single dice roll in the coming turn.

Remains in play.

2D6 lightning bolts fly from the caster's body, each with a range of 24". Each bolt strikes the first model in its path for a S6 hit causing D3 wounds. After the last bolt has struck the caster collapses unconscious, and will only regain consciousness at the start of his turn on 4+. No armour saves apply.

The wizard can move anywhere on the battlefield. He may move straight into close combat, in which case he counts as having charged.

Place the Sapphire Arch template on the table to show the area affected by the spell. The magical Arch remains in pace until the end of the wizard's next movement phase. Models that move into the Arch disappear, and may reappear in any subsequent movement phase after the wizard has cast the Arch to a new location.

A howling blast of wind shoots out from the wizard in a straight line 4D6" long. Any units or models crossed by the wind must roll equal to or under their Strength on 2D6 or be blown off their feet and be unable to do anything while the blasts lasts (make just one roll for units). Use the Wind Blast marker to show the end point of the wind blast.

Remains in play.

Amethyst(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 23)

Amethyst Magic is predominantly offensive, with some potent hand-to-hand combat spells, so Amethyst wizards can be very effective in close combat.

This spell may be cast on the wizard himself, or any one model within 6". The target's T is doubled (max. T10).

Remains in play.

The wizard may attempt to crush a single hand-to-hand opponent. The wizard rolls D6 and adds his Strength. For every point by which he beats the target's Toughness he inflicts 1 wound. No armour saves allowed.

A heavy manacle of energy forms around any unit or model within 24". The Manacle may restrain a model/models up to a total Strength of 3D6. The target/s may not move until the Manacle is dispelled.

Remains in play.

The caster creates a ball of burning darkness. Use the Orb template to indicate its path. The Purple Sun moves 4D6" immediately, and continues to move 4D6" in the same direction at the start of each subsequent magic phase. Any models touched by the template are killed on 3+. Not even magic armour may save. Any unit that suffers casualties must take an immediate Panic test.

Remains in play.

This spell may be cast on the wizard himself, or any model within 6" The target may immediately move anywhere on the tabletop, directly into hand-to-hand combat if desired, in which case it counts as charging.

The spell engulfs a single model within 24". The target suffers hits equal to 2D6 minus his own Strength.

Purple energy attacks a single model within 18". If the victim fails a Ld test it is killed. Creatures subject to stupidity must roll a Ld test on 3D6. No armour saves allowed.

May be cast at a single model or unit within 18". The target sustains 2D6 hits with a Strength equal to its own. No armour save allowed.

The wizard conjures a glowing scythe. The weapon replaces the wizard's normal attack in hand-to-hand combat, and automatically inflicts D3 S5 hits on every foe in base contact with the wizard in the magic phase. Normal armour saves apply.

Remains in play.

The wizard summons 2 protective shadow-beasts. If the wizard is within 2" of an enemy during the close combat phase each shadow may make 3 attacks on one enemy model (WS5, S5).

Remains in play.

Gold(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 24)

Gold Magic spells revolve around transmutation, so they tend to aid your troops in a more indirect way by disrupting the enemy forces. Some Gold Magic spells are particularly useful for attacking tough enemy characters.

A golden magic gauntlet flies off to strike any single model up to 6" away. It hits automatically, and causes 1 wound on a 3+. No armour saves allowed.

This spell can be cast at a single model or unit within 24", causing it to flee immediately, no test allowed. The target may subsequently attempt to rally, but at -3 penalty on its Ld. Does not affect creatures that are not fully alive, eg Undead and Daemons.

May be cast at a unit or model within 24" of the caster. The target becomes subject to Stupidity for the whole of the next turn.

A magic golden arrow will attack a single model within 72", hitting automatically, and causing D6 S5 hits.

If the wizard sustains 1 or more wounds from either shooting or close combat the robe will negate each wound on a roll of 3+. Make 1 roll per wound. If the wizard is attacked by a spell which either causes wounds or kills outright, the Robe will save the wizard on 4+, then dispels itself.

Remains in play.

Golden bolts of fire fly up to 18" in a straight line from the caster and strike the first unit in their path. The bolts cause 2D6 hits, and each hit causes 1 wound on 4+. No armour saves allowed.

This spell can be used to carry the wizard to another part of the battlefield. He may use it to move straight into hand-to-hand combat, in which case he counts as charging in the first round of fighting.

The player takes a loop of string (or similar) up to 18" long and places it around any models on the battlefield to form a 'cage'. The models inside the 'cage' may not move out. At the end of each movement phase they may try to break free by rolling under the Strength of the strongest trapped model on 1D6.

Remains in play.

After the spell has been cast, the next enemy model the wizard hits in close combat is turned to gold, with no saving throw, not even for magic armour. Victims may be brought back to life by a successful dispel.

Remains in play until the caster touches an opponent

The wizard may turn a 12" square area of terrain (woods, building, hedge or length of wall) into golden dust. The terrain can be restored in future turns by a successful dispel or Drain Magic.

Light Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 24)

Light Magic spells are highly powerful and destructive, and are useful for attacking or entrapping the enemy.

A magical snare wraps itself round a single model within 3D6", and brings him to the caster. The victim may do nothing once ensnared. This spell does not remain in play and may be recast. A snared victim may be freed by a dispel, but may do nothing until the end of his following turn.

A huge crevasse opens up within 24" of the wizard. Use the special template to represent the area affected. Anything more than half under the template must roll equal to or less than their I on 1D6 to leap aside. Models that fail fall to their doom. War machines/chariots etc automatically tumble in, though their crew may attempt to leap out. Buildings at least half under the template collapse on 4+.

Shards of energy fly from the caster and attack the first model or unit in their path, causing 2D6 S4 hits.

May be cast on the wizard himself or any model within 3". The target immediately moves 2D6" in a straight line in a direction nominated by the caster. Any model in its path takes a $10 hit. Once the model has moved roll a D6. On a 1 the affected model is destroyed. On 2-5 the model remains energised. On a 6 the spell is ended and the target returns to normal. While the target is energised it may do nothing but move 2D6" in a random direction in the movement phase. Roll after each time it moves, as above.

Remains in play.

The wizard automatically strikes all enemy models in base contact unless they can roll equal to or under their I on a D6. Affected models may do nothing while they endure an accelerated cycle of life and death. A victim may be restored to normal by a dispel. The Mace cannot affect a model protected by magic armour or a protective spell. No other armour will save.

A magic net wraps itself round a single model or unit within 12". The target may do nothing while the spell lasts.

Remains in play.

A magic cloak springs up around the wizard. Any hit scored by a shooting attack is deflected harmlessly. Any close combat blow requires a 6 to hit.

Remains in play.

A magic talon attacks a model within 6" of the caster. Measure the range and roll a D6. If the score is less than or equal to the range the Claw strikes for D6 S5 hits. If the target is in base contact with the caster, it sustains D6 S5 hits immediately.

Must be cast at a unit of at least 5 models. Every model must attempt to roll its S or less on a D6 or be dragged under the earth and imprisoned. Mounted models may re-roll if they fail to escape the first time. A dispel will not free the imprisoned models.

May be cast at any unit or model within 24". To escape, the target must roll equal to or less than their M on 2D6 or be held fast. If affected, the victim may not move, and always counts as having a lower WS than its opponent in hand-to-hand combat. If shooting, the victim needs a 6 to hit. If forced to flee, the victim is destroyed.

Remains in play.

Amber(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 25)

Amber spells mostly bind or entrap the enemy, though there are some long range attack spells and a couple of potent hand-to-hand attack spells.

A storm of leaves and branches flies from a single wood on the tabletop, and attacks the nearest enemy unit within 18", causing 2D6 S4 hits. Normal armour saving throws apply.

The wizard casts a magical spear at a single model or unit within 24" If the target is a single model, it is hit automatically and suffers a S6 hit for D3 wounds. If the target is a unit, the spear attacks like a bolt thrower, going through the ranks. Only magic armour may save.

May be cast at any unit or model within 24". While entangled by the writhing thorns and branches, the target may do nothing. If a Fireball is cast at the thorns it frees D6 victims.

Remains in play.

The spell can be cast at a single model within 18". The target rolls 1D6 and adds its Ld. The caster rolls 3D6, and if he equals or beats the target's score the victim falls into a deep trance and his body turns into amber. While transformed into amber, a model cannot be harmed or moved. A successful dispel will turn the victim back to flesh.

Remains in play.

The Curse affects a single model or unit within 24". The target can only hit its enemies on a roll of 6, and must re-roll any successful armour saving throws it makes. The target's move is halved, and mounted targets must take a Panic test at the start of each turn.

Remains in play.

Thousands of birds attack a single model or unit within 24" of the caster. The target suffers 3D6 S3 hits.

The caster is transported anywhere on the battlefield. He may move straight into hand-to-hand combat, in which case he counts as charging in the first round of combat.

The wizard transforms into a vicious wild beast. In hand-to-hand combat he has 3 attacks at WS6 and S6. He also causes fear in his foes.
While in beast form the wizard may not cast spells, but may use dispels normally.

Remains in play.

The magic hood will negate any wound suffered by the caster on 4+. In hand-to-hand combat, any wound saved by the hood is rebounded against the attacker.

Remains in play.

A worm of magic energy attacks a single enemy model within 24". Unless the victim can roll equal to to less than their Strength on 2D6 it is cocooned and may do nothing.

Remains in play.

Grey(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 26)

Grey wizards have a good selection of movement and defensive magic, and are generally cheap to cast.

The wizard can transport a single model or unit up to 18" across the tabletop in any direction. If used to carry friendly troops into hand-to-hand combat, they count as charging in the first round.

May be cast at a single model or unit within 36". The target glows very brightly, and may not be shot at. The radiance lasts until the target enters hand-to-hand combat.

Remains in play.

The wizard summons winds and lightning to attack his foes. Each enemy model within 3" takes 1 S4 hit.

The spell casts D6 S6 hits that can be divided between enemy models with 3" of the caster. Normal armour saves apply.

May be cast at any model or unit within 24". The target moves D6" directly forward in its movement phase, and will continue to move in this way for as long as the spell lasts. While affected, the victim may do nothing.

Remains in play.

The wizard is borne to another part of the battlefield by a sorcerous steed. If used to carry the wizard into hand-to-hand combat, he counts as charging in the first round.

A single friendly model within 36" of the caster may be transported anywhere on the battlefield. The model may be moved straight into hand-to-hand combat, in which case it counts as charging in the first round of combat.

A piercing horn blast echoes over the battlefield, affecting units within 36". All enemy units engaged in hand-to-hand combat must make an immediate Panic test. If they fail they are broken and must flee. All fleeing friendly units in range rally immediately.

A dark pit 3"' in diameter opens up within 24" of the caster (use the special template). All models at least half under the template must roll under their S on a D6 or be entombed alive forever as the pit closes up. Victims cannot be freed by a dispel.

May be cast at any enemy unit or model within 24". The casting player chooses any model in the target unit and rolls 3D6. If he scores more than the target's Ld he can take over and control the target as if it were one of his own. If the first attempt is successful, the player may attempt to take over another model from the same unit. He may continue to do this until he fails to take over a model, or until he controls all the models in the chosen unit.

Remains in play.

High Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 26)

High Magic spells can be extremely potent, and mostly work by undoing or blocking an enemy's spells or troops.

If your army's wizards have at least one High Magic spell, after the magic cards have been dealt you may discard however many power cards you wish, and draw that many replacement cards from the magic deck.

A single friendly model slain during the game may be returned to life, and reappears within 6" of the wizard. The model returns with all its magic items, armour, equipment and steed (if it was mounted - though not monsters). The resurrected model causes fear in enemy models.

Remains in play.

The wizard may move a single hill within 24" up D6". Anything touched by the hill may be crushed. Individual models must roll lower than their I on a D6 or suffer D3 wounds. Units suffer 2D6 wounds automatically. Not even magic armour will save.

Each Undead or Daemon model within 12" of the caster suffers D6 wounds on the roll of 4+. Dark Magic or Chaos spells within 12" are dispelled on a roll of 4+.

A pillar of white fire carries the Sorcerer into the air. He can see over the entire battlefield and cast spells as normal, without reduction for range. The Sorcerer may only be shot at or attacked in hand-to-hand combat by flying models. While on the pillar, he has an armour save of 2+. He may fly up to 24" like a flying creature. If the coruscation is dispelled, the wizard floats safely to the ground.

Remains in play.

The wizard may nullify a magic item or spell within 12". The magic item is rendered powerless, or the spell unusable, for the duration of the spell.

Remains in play.

All magic power is drained from the battlefield, and spellcasting is ended for the turn. All players' magic cards are discarded. Any spells currently in play are dispelled. Drain Magic cannot be dispelled.

Flames attack an enemy model or unit within 24" range. The target suffers 2D6 S4 hits immediately. In each subsequent magic phase the target suffers 2D6 hits with a Strength 1 point higher than the previous turn.

Remains in play.

Glamour may be cast on a single model or unit within 36". Each time the target wishes to move it must pass a Ld test on 3D6. If it fails, the wizard may move the models instead.

Remains in play.

Any fleeing friendly models or units within 12" of the caster instantly rally. They are also immune to fear and terror, and counts as having Ld 10 while the spell lasts.

Remains in play.

A lurid storm rages across the battlefield, extending 48" from the wizard in all directions. All enemy units must pass a Ld test on 2D6 before they can move or charge. Flying creatures are forced down to the ground and may not fly while the tempest lasts. All missile fire is at
-2 to hit. War engines and buildings suffer D6 S7 hits each subsequent magic phase.

Remains in play.

Flying high creatures are always affected by the Tempest, and don't count as being out of range if the spell is cast by a wizard on the ground. They are treated as if they had been driven off from hand-to-hand combat, so they must miss one turn before moving back onto the table from any point on their own table edge.

Dark Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 27)

Dark Magic is extremely dangerous and Dark Magic spells are mostly designed to inflict damage upon the foe.

If your army's wizards have at least one Dark Magic spell, after the magic cards have been dealt you may discard however many special cards you wish, and draw that many replacement cards from the magic.

The wizard summons a corrosive cloud of darkness - use the special template to indicate its path. The Horror moves 4D6" immediately, and continues to move 4D6" in the same direction at the start of each subsequent magic phase. All models touched by the template are killed unless they can roll under their S on a D6. Any unit that suffers casualties must take an immediate Panic test.

Remains in play.

The Blade Wind hits the first model or unit in its path, up to 24" distant. It causes 3D6 hits minus the target's WS. Each hit causes 1 wound on Do roll of 4+. Normal armour saves apply.

The wizard may make a single hand-to-hand attack on one opponent in base contact. If the attack hits it causes D3 wounds. Only magic armour may save.

A bolt of pure Dark Magic hits the first model in its path, up to 18" away. Roll 1D6. If the score exceed's the target's Toughness it dies, no saves allowed. The dying model inflicts a single hit at its own Strength on any models in base contact with it.

A bolt of black fire hits the first model in its path, up to 18" away. The target suffers D6 $5 hits. Chariots, war machines and buildings suffer D6 S10 hits.

The spell can be cast at any single model or unit within 36". The target cannot move or shoot. If it fights in close combat, it suffers -2 penalty to WS and I. At the start of each subsequent magic phase the target suffers D3 wounds.

Remains in play.

Roll a D6. On a roll of 2-6 the wizard may immediately draw 3 extra magic cards which he may use in this magic phase. On a roll of 1 he is drawn into the Realm of Chaos and killed.

Place the Soul Drain template anywhere on the battlefield within 24" of the wizard. Each model more than half covered by the template suffers a S4 hit. For every 2 wounds inflicted the wizard gains 1 wound (this may take the wizard's wounds above his starting level). Only magic armour may save.

The wizard may turn himself into a Chimera, a Manticore, a Hydra or a Wyvern. While transformed, the wizard may not cast any spells, but may use dispels normally. Wounds are carried over between transformations.

*Remains in play

The caster may transport himself anywhere on the battlefield. He may move straight into close combat, in which case he counts as charging in the first round of fighting.

Necromantic Spells(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 28)

Note that the three new Dark Magic cards Death Spasm, Dark Hand of Destruction, and Power of Chaos (which first appeared in Warhammer Armies - Undead) replace the original three 'Necromantic' Dark Magic cards (Raise the Dead, Vanhel's Danse Macabre and Hand of Dust) that came in Warhammer Battle Magic. These three spells now form part of the Necromantic Magic deck. We recommend you discard the three original cards (identifiable by having 'Dark Magic Spell' on the reverse) and use the three new updated versions included in Arcane Magic. This is particularly important for Raise the Dead, as the new version differs from the old.

Any living model within 2D6" takes an S3 hit (no armour save allowed). Wounds inflicted in this way may be used by the wizard to restore any that he has lost during the game.

Bolts of Dark Magic strike the first unit or model in their path, causing 2D6 S4 hits, no armour save allowed.

The wizard may attack a single hand-to-hand combat opponent. Both players roll a D6 and add their model's Strength. The wizard then doubles his total. For each point the wizard wins by, he inflicts 1 wound on the victim. A victim killed by this spell is turned into a Wight under the control of the caster (enemy wizards are turned into Wraiths).

2D6 Skeletons or Zombies are created from the bodies of the fallen. The new models can be added to existing units of the same type within 18", or may form a new unit if at least five models have been raised.

D6 Skeletons or Zombies are created from the bodies of the fallen. The new models can be added to existing units of the same type within 18", or may form a new unit if at least five models have been raised.

3D6 Skeletons or Zombies are created from the bodies of the fallen. The new models can be added to existing units of the same type within 36", or may form a new unit if at least five models have been raised.

The spell may be cast at any enemy model or unit within range. Roll a dice for each affected model at the end of this and every subsequent magic phase. In the first magic phase a victim dies on a roll of 5+ on a D6; in the next magic phase they die on a roll of 4+, and so on.

Remains in play.

When the wizard casts this spell, he may move 24" in each of his movement phases. He may move through solid objects and buildings, but not living creatures. He may not attack, but may cast spells. The caster may only be harmed by magic weapons and spells.

Remains in play.

This spell can be used on a regiment of Skeletons, Zombies, Mummies, Wights, Wraiths or Skeleton Horsemen. During the magic phase, the regiment may take one of the following actions: charge, move, march move, fight a round of close combat, or shoot with missile weapons.

Place the Purple Sun of Xereus template touching any table edge, with the arrow indicating its direction of travel. The wind moves 2D10" immediately, and 2D10" in the same direction at the start of each subsequent magic phase. All living models touched by the wind suffer Do wounds on a D6 roll of 4 or more. No armour saves apply.

Remains in play.

Ice Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 29)

Ice Magic draws its power from the magical energies frozen deep within the permafrost. Ice Magic is used by the Ice Queen of Kislev and the Kislev Ice Mages.

This spell transports a single friendly model or unit up to 18" across the table. If used to move troops into hand-to-hand combat, they count as charging in the first round of fighting.

An icy blast strikes the first unit in its path for 2D6 S5 hits. No armour saves allowed, even for magic armour.

A magic cloak of snow protects the caster. Any hit scored on the caster by an ordinary weapon is deflected on the D6 roll of 3 or more. If hit by a magic weapon the cloak is immediately dispelled, but the caster suffers no damage, and the magic weapon is itself dispelled on a D6 roll of 3 or more.

Remains in play.

May be cast against a hand-to-hand combat opponent. Roll 2D6. The difference in scores = the number of $10 hits inflicted. On a double, add the scores together to get the no. of S10 hits inflicted.

The spell may be used to freeze an entire body of water anywhere on the battlefield. The water stays frozen, but the spell does not remain in play as such. Certain Bright Magic spells will thaw the frozen water - see card for details.

May be cast at a single model or unit within 18". The target must take a Fear test immediately. If it fails, it must flee. If engaged in hand-to-hand combat the target will break if it fails the test.

A storm of magic icicles strike the first unit or model in their path for 2D6 S4 hits.

The spell affects the caster and any unit they are with. Missile weapons must roll 4+ on a D6 to penetrate the shield, then roll to hit. The spell is dispelled if the wizard and unit he is with enters close combat.

Remains in play.

A raging blizzard envelops a unit within 18". The unit must halt, and may do nothing until the beginning of the following magic phase. A wizard affected may not cast spells though he may use dispels.

A cold wind shoots 6D6" from the caster and strikes each target (unit or single model) in its path. No saving throws allowed. Target models may not move.

Waaagh! Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 29)

A bolt of Orky power speeds away from the shaman in a straight line, up to 24" across the battlefield. The first model touched by the bolt must roll equal to or less than its T on a D6 or its head explodes! Armour, even magical, is no protection.

The mighty foot of Gork squashes the Orcs' enemies! Place the special template over the target area and roll the scatter dice. If an arrow is rolled, move the template 4" in the indicated direction. Any models more than half under the template suffer a S10 hit unless they can roll under their I on Do to get out of the way.

The shaman smashes the head of an enemy wizard with a bolt of Orky magic. Both players roll a D6 and add the magic level of their shaman/wizard. If the enemy wizard loses he suffers 1 wound and can't cast any spells until the next magic phase.

This spell can be cast on a unit of Orcs or Goblins within 36" of the shaman. For the duration of the next turn the unit has +1T and always hits first in combat, even if it has been charged.

The shaman can inflict D6 S6 hits among his close combat opponents. If he rolls a 6, roll an extra D6 hits. He can carry on doing so until he fails to roll a 6!

The shaman sends a beam of destructive energy out in a straight line 24" long. Anything in the path of the beam suffers a S6 hit.

The spell affects one unit of Orcs or Goblins within 24" of the caster and stops any magic (including friendly magic) affecting them for the rest of the magic phase. It also automatically dispels any spells currently affecting them.

A giant magic hand lifts a single enemy model within 24" into the air. The victim may do nothing except try and escape at the beginning of each turn. To escape, the victim must roll equal to or less than its Strength on 2D6. If the victim is freed by any other means he falis to the ground and suffers 1 S4 hit.

Remains in play.

The shaman can transport a unit of Orcs or Goblins anywhere on the battlefield up to 18" away. The transported troops may be moved into hand-to-hand combat, in which case they count as charging.

All enemy wizards in range are knocked flat unless they can roll equal to or less than their magic level on a D6. If they fail they suffer 1 wound and can't cast any more spells this magic phase, though they can use magic cards to dispel. All Orc and Goblin units within 36" of the caster add +1 to their WS and can re-roll and Ld tests until the next magic phase.

Waaagh! Magic

Skaven(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 30)

Note that there are thirteen cards in the Skaven magic deck, rather than the usual ten.

A crack in the ground, starting at the caster, runs for 18" in a straight line. Any models in its path must roll equal to or less than their Initiative to leap out of the way (6 always fails). If they fail they fall into the crevasse never to be seen again. War engines, chariots, etc must roll 5 or 6 or be destroyed. Buildings affected suffer D6 damage points.

The Grey Seer selects a single enemy model or unit to be attacked. The Skaven player rolls 2D6 for each victim; the opposing player rolls 1D6 and adds the victim's Toughness. If the Skaven player scores highest the victim is transformed into a Skaven under the control of the Skaven player.

Grey Seers only.

The Grey Seer wafts warpstone gas over a single model or unit within 6". The target moves at double rate, and has double attacks. It must charge into hand-to-hand combat as soon as possible, and must always pursue. In each subsequent magic phase the subject/s suffers D6 wounds from over exertion.

Grey Seers only. Remains in play.

Can be cast on a single enemy model in range. Both players roll a D6. If the Skaven player scores higher he can control the model next turn (If he takes control of a wizard, he may not cast spells). If the roll is equal or lower the spell fails. In each subsequent magic phase roll again to see if the Skaven player can control the model next turn.

Grey Seers only. Remains in play.

The Skaven wizard exhales a foul, black vapour. Use the cone-shaped template to represent the area affected. Any models touched by the template suffer 1 wound on a roll of 4+. Only magic armour may save.

May be cast on a single model within 18". The target suffers 2D6 minus its Toughness number of wounds. If the victim dies, the plague can move on to the nearest model within 4". This process continues until a victim survives, or there are no more potential victims within 4".

May be cast at an enemy unit. Place the Poison Wind template to represent the area covered by the Poison Cloud. Roll a D6 for every model more than half under the template. On a 5 or 6 they suffer D6 wounds. No armour saves allowed.

May only be cast against an enemy unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat. The unit must take an immediate Break test. Even if they pass the test they suffer -1 to hit in their next hand-to-hand combat round.

The spell may be used on the caster himself, or a single model within 3". The target disappears and may reappear anywhere on the battlefield. The model may move directly into hand-to-hand combat if desired, and will count as charging on the first round.

The Skaven wizard selects a unit or area of terrain within 24". Flames suddenly consume the area. If the target is a unit, roll a D6 for each model: on a 6 it suffers 1 wound (saves apply normally). If the target is a flammable piece of terrain it will catch fire on 3+. Units can't enter burning terrain, and any models in burning terrain suffer a wound at the end of their movement phase. Roll for every fire at the start of the Skaven turn: 1-2 fire goes out; 3-4 fire continues; 5-6 fire will spread to another piece of flammable terrain within 6".

The Skaven Sorcerer summons a heaving mass of rodents and vermin. Use the special template to represent them. It starts in contact with the Sorcerer, and moves off 3D6" in a straight line immediately. In each subsequent magic phase the template moves another 3D6" in the same direction. Any model touched by the template suffers a S3 hit with a -1 saving throw. Vermintide is unaffected by weapons or magic.

Remains in play.

A warp lightning bolt strikes any unit in sight up to 24" away. The target suffers D6 S5 hits, each causing 1 wound. No saves allowed.

The Skaven inflicts D6 S6 hits upon enemy models in base contact. Only magic armour may save.

Chaos Dwarf(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 31)

Target unit's M, WS, BS, I and A halved (rounding up) until the beginning of next magic phase. Does not affect Undead or Daemons.

Enemy units in hand-to-hand combat must take a Panic test immediately. If they fail they are broken and must flee. Fleeing friendly units immediately rally.

Use 3" diameter template to indicate area of effect. Models beneath the template must roll equal to or less than their I or be killed. War machines, chariots etc are instantly consumed (though their crew may attempt to escape). Buildings collapse on 4+.

Wizard automatically causes D3 wounds on any close combat opponents he hits.

Remains in play.

Use teardrop-shaped flame template. Any models under template are hit on 4+ for 1 $4 hit. No armour saving throws allowed.

May be cast on the Sorcerer himself or any model within 6". Any wound suffered will be negated on 4+. In hand-to-hand combat, any model that hits the Hide suffers 1 automatic hit for each hit scored.

Remains in play.

Hits first unit in its path, up to 18" away. Causes 2D6 hits, each hit causes a wound on 4+. No armour saving throws allowed.

The Sorcerer may move himself anywhere on the battlefield. If he moves into hand-to-hand combat, he counts as charging.

A mighty shadow bull rushes away from the caster in a straight line up to 18" long. Any model the bull touches suffers 1 $4 hit causing 1 wound. Any unit that sustains casualties must take a Panic test.

Affected model must roll under S on 2D6 at the start of every turn or be unable to do anything.

Remains in play.

Nurgle(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 32)

May be cast on any model or unit within 12". The victim may neither move nor shoot. Missiles may not be fired at the target.

Remains in play.

In any turn, the first wound inflicted on the Sorcerer is automatically saved. If he is attacked by a spell or magic weapon that kills outright the Sorcerer is saved on a D6 roll of 4+, but the fly swarm is dispelled.

Remains in play.

The caster is surrounded by a cloud of foul vapours. All models within 6" of the caster have their characteristics halved (rounding up). Chaos Champions, Sorcerers and Daemons of Nurgle are unaffected.

Remains in play.

A magic pillar carries the Sorcerer into the air. He can see over the entire battlefield and cast spells as normal. The Sorcerer may only be shot at or attacked in hand-to-hand combat by flying models. While on the pillar, he has an armour save of 2+. Any spells cast at the Sorcerer are automatically dispelled without affecting the pillar. A dispel will cause the pillar to sink back into the ground.

Remains in play.

May be cast at an enemy model within 12". A pit of disgusting slime opens up beneath the target's feet. Roll a D6 - if the target rolls less than his Strength he escapes the pit and it is dispelled. If he fails, he is trapped in it. While trapped, a victim may do nothing at all. The victim may attempt to escape at the start of each subsequent magic phase - roll less than his Strength on a D6 to struggle free. If he rolls more he is slain. If he rolls equal to his S he is still stuck.

Remains in play.

May be cast at any enemy unit within 24" of the caster. The Plague Wind inflicts 3D6 hits minus the target's T. Each hit causes a wound on 4+. No armour saves allowed. For every 3 wounds inflicted a Plaguebearer is created, forming a new unit within 3" of the target unit.

May be cast at a unit up to 18" away, causing 2D6 S4 hits. No armour saves allowed.

May be cast on a single model in base contact. The Chaos player rolls 2D6, his opponent rolls 1D6. If the Chaos player's score is greater then the difference is the number of wounds suffered by the victim. Only magic armour may save.

May be cast on any enemy model in hand-to-hand combat with the Sorcerer. The victim and all models within 3" are afflicted by a foul stench, and lose -1 Attack. Champions, Sorcerers and Daemons of Nurgle are unaffected.

Remains in play.

Place Stream of Corruption template so the pointed end is touching the Sorcerer and the broad end covers the target. All models under the template must roll equal to or less than their I on a D6 or be killed outright (6 always kills). Targets with T7 or more take D6 wounds instead. Only magic armour may save.

Tzeentch(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 32)

A blue flame flies from the caster to strike the first unit in its path. The target suffers D6 S4 hits. Normal armour saves apply.

The Bolt of Change strikes the first model in its path, with a maximum range of 12". The target must roll equal to or less than its Toughness on 2D6 or be slain by waves of uncontrolled mutation. Only magic armour may save.

The Chaos player may take D3 magic cards, and cast a further spell immediately if he wants.

The Chaos player may take another Chaos Gift.

The Sorcerer steals a spell from an an enemy wizard within 24" (determine which spell at random). The Sorcerer may cast the spell as if it were his own. If the stolen spell is dispelled it is returned to its original owner. If he has been slain, it is discarded. The Sorcerer may only hold 1 spell stolen in this fashion at a time.

The caster causes a creature of magical flame to appear over a model within 24". The target rolls D6 + WS. The Sorcerer rolls D6+6. If the Sorcerer scores higher he inflicts a number of wounds equal to the difference in scores. Armour saves as normal but with a -3 modifier.

A pink flame flies from the caster to strike the first model in its path. The target suffers D6 hits at Strength D6+4. Only magic armour may save.

The Sorcerer summons a fiery shield to protect him. Enemy attacking in hand-to-hand combat must roll 6 to hit. If any enemy attacks the Sorcerer with a magic weapon, on a roll of 1 to hit the weapon is destroyed.

Remains in play.

May be cast against any model in base contact with Sorcerer. Victim sustains D6 S4 hits - only magic armour may save.

Scarlet flame flies from the Sorcerer and strikes the first target in its path. Place the Firestorm template over the target. Every model under the template suffers a S5 hit. Only magic armour may save. For every 3 full wounds inflicted a Pink Horror is created (draw spells for the new unit immediately).

Slaanesh(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 32)

May be cast at any model in base contact. Target must roll equal to or less than its I on a D6 - a roll of 6 always fails. If affected, the victim's characteristics are all halved (rounding up) and he becomes subject to the rules for Stupidity.

A beam of light flies from the caster and strikes the first model in its path. The target must roll equal to or less than its Ld on 3D6 to avoid the spell's effects. If affected, the victim's characteristics are all halved (rounding up) and he becomes subject to the rules for Stupidity.

Remains in play.

The target unit or model is enveloped in glowing threads of magic, and may do nothing (eg, move, shoot, cast spells, etc) while the spell remains in play.

Remains in play.

All enemy models within D6" of the caster sustain a S5 hit. No armour saves allowed, even for magic armour.

Deal the Spawn D6 Chaos Gifts to represent his mutations. Move the model 2D6" straight forward immediately, thereafter it moves randomly in the Chaos player's turn. See the rules for Chaos Spawn in Warhammer Armies - Chaos.

May be cast at a single model in base contact. The Chaos player rolls a D6. If he scores equal to or more than the number of wounds the target has it is killed. Only magic armour may save.

The Lash strikes the first unit in its path for 2D6 S4 hits.

May be cast against unit or single model within 24". Target must roll equal to or under its Ld on 2D6 to avoid the spell. If affected, the victim starts to dance uncontrollably, and may neither move, shoot, or fight back in hand-to-hand combat.

Remains in play.

The Slicing Shards hit the first unit in their path for 2D6 S4 hits. Armour saves apply as normal.

May be cast at a unit of troops within 12". The affected unit, including any attached character models, may add +1 to all dice rolls to hit in hand-to-hand combat.

Remains in play.

Spell Commentaries(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 46)

The spell commentaries should be read alongside the spell cards themselves. We didn't think it was necessary to include all the spells, as many are relatively simple in their effect and require no extra explanation. The spell commentaries are arranged in groups of spell types.

Bright Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 46)

Bright Magic is the archetypal battle magic: fiery, destructive and entirely directed at incinerating the opposition. Obviously Bright Magic is directly related to fire and is therefore very hard to manipulate into any spell which isn't an attack, but it is supremely good for blasting the foe. If you choose a Bright wizard you can pretty much guarantee he will have the spells to stay at a distance and blaze away much like a stonethrower or a cannon.

If you feel unsure about what spells do and what you want from a wizard, choose a Bright wizard because they're easy to use well. Even when you understand the different Colleges better you'll still find that Bright wizards are one of the best battle wizards because you can always rely on them to have one or two good, destructive spells.


This spell utilises the round fiery template. Position the template where you wish with its centre within the spell's maximum range of 24". All models covered by the area of the card template are affected. As with stone throwers and other engines of war you must judge for yourself whether models are within the template area or not. As a general rule a model is caught if the template covers half of its base area or more.

Flamestorm is a useful spell because it is not necessary for the wizard to be able to see his target as is the case with Fire Balls and Blasts. If a unit is attacked by a Flamestorm it is moved 4" directly away from it as soon as any casualties have been removed. The Flamestorm may then be ended instantly, or it may be kept burning in order to prevent the enemy moving through it.

If the player decides to keep the Flamestorm burning then the template is left in place and nothing may move through it. As soon as the Flamestorm spell is cast again the template is removed from its old position and repositioned over its new target. This is an exception to the normal rules for spells which remain in play, as normally it would take an entire magic phase for a spell to be removed.

Fire Ball

A Fire Ball is a typical magic missile attack affecting a single model. Fire Balls hit the first model in their path and so can be used to pick out a specific model from a unit so long as the wizard can see the target. A wood, building, hill or other intervening scenery will block the missile's route and render it harmless.

The useful thing about the Fire Ball spell is that it can be used to cast several separate Fire Balls. Each power card used produces one Fire Ball so it can be used to attack several different models or the same model several times.
All targets must be declared before working out damage.

The Burning Head

This spell is useful because it can be used against several targets at once if one lies beyond the other, a bit like a bouncing cannon ball. This is especially useful for catching models skulking behind units of troops.

The fiery line burned by the head is just that - a line, rather like a cannon shot. Like a cannon it hits all the models whose base it crosses. If the spell is cast against a unit in a four deep formation it will hit four models.

The best way to use this spell is to position the wizard so that he can catch a large number of models - if he can manoeuvre himself to the end of a long line of troops, for example. If a wizard uses a movement spell to put himself in a good position to cast the Burning Head across several ranks or units then the effect can be very dramatic indeed. A unit that sustains casualties as a result of being attacked by the Burning Head takes a panic test if it is normally liable to such tests. Troops not normally liable to panic tests (such as Skeleton Warriors, Dwarf Slayers or Slaanesh Chaos Warriors) do not have to test.

Sanguine Swords

The Sanguine Swords is a useful spell for attacking individual heroes or wizards even if they are out of sight of the caster. It can also be used to form a powerful defence in hand to hand combat. It is an unusual spell because the swords attack in the hand to hand combat phase rather than the magic phase, so wounds inflicted by the words do count towards combat resolution.

The swords always strike first in hand to hand combat even if the enemy has charged this turn. However, note that the Sword of Swift Slaying strikes before the Sanguine Swords, and Assassins strike before the Sanguine Swords too.

Crimson Bands

The Crimson Bands is a spell which remains in play over several turns. If the affected unit is engaged in hand to hand combat the enemy rolls to hit as normal but the affected unit may not attack at all.

Conflagration of Doom

Note that although a single successful Dispel card will only remove one marker, the spell is totally negated by a Drain Magic card. All markers are removed and the spell card is returned to the casting wizard's hand.

The Conflagration of Doom is quite uncompromisingly destructive. When it lands it will destroy any models within its area of effect regardless of any protective magic or items they might have, their toughness or number of wounds. The only way to survive the impact of the Conflagration of Doom is to play the Escape card from the magic card deck, although a Vampire may also reincarnate himself using the Carstein Ring.

Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire is a typical movement spell of which there are comparable examples in other College decks. If this spell is used to propel the wizard into hand to hand combat he fights as normal from the next hand to hand combat phase and counts as charging in the first phase. As the next phase could well be during the other player's turn, it is possible that fresh opponents might charge into the combat, and that both the wizard and some of his opponents are charging. This means that both can strike blows first. If this happens then the models with highest initiative strike first, and if both sides are equally matched in this respect roll a dice and the highest score goes first.

Gold Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 47)

Gold Magic seeps into the earth where the wizard can draw it forth with relative ease. This means that most Gold Magic spells are fairly cheap to cast. Gold spells revolve around transmutation in the main so they are less inclined towards direct destructiveness but instead erode the enemy and help your army more indirectly.

Fools Gold, Fear of Aramar and The Gilded Cage are all useful spells for temporarily disrupting enemy units. The Transmutation spell can be handy for denying the enemy cover and clearing the way in front of your own troops for a surprise attack. Most of the Gold attack spells are useful against tough individuals so they are good for destroying leaders and wizards.

Glittering Robe

The Glittering Robe is particularly useful because it can protect the wearer against magical damage as well as normal physical damage. The Glittering Robe functions like armour, except that there is no modifier for the strength of the attack.

Although the Glittering Robe can protect its wearer against the effects of a spell, it doesn't dispel the spell. If the wizard is part of a unit which is attacked by a spell which affects several models, such as a Flamestorm or The Burning Head, then the wizard will be protected by the Glittering Robe on a roll of 4,5 or 6 as normal. Other targets are not protected and are affected whether the wizard saves or not.

If the wizard is attacked by a spell which kills him outright rather than causing wounds, for example the Choking Foe, then Glittering Robe will also save him on the single dice roll of a 4, 5 or 6. Note that when used to save against damage inflicted by a spell the Glittering Cloak is dispelled immediately, regardless of whether the damage is saved or not.

Fear of Aramar

The Fear of Aramar is handy for taking out an enemy's best units at critical moments. A unit fleeing as a result of this spell may attempt to rally in its next rally phase. The Fear of Aramar will affect any living creatures, even ones which are normally unaffected by psychology, like Dwarf Slayers for example.

The -3 leadership modifier on rallying applies to the unit and any heroes or wizards in the unit, but it does not apply when testing on the leadership of a nearby General. This is because the unit is affected by the spell, not the general, and the unit can still draw inspiration from their heroic leader.

The Gilded Cage

It is useful to have a piece of string ready to use in conjunction with this spell as this is by far the best way of representing it on the tabletop. Use the string to make a loop around the affected models.


Transmutation can he a particularly useful spell for clearing terrain ahead of your troops or denying cover to your enemies. It's worth noting that it doesn't work on hills, rivers and lakes. The area of terrain transmuted is around 12" square: a length of wall around 12" long and 1" wide or a wood 3" by 4", for example.

If terrain is returned by a Dispel or a Drain Magic, models occupying its position will not be harmed and are placed within the newly returned terrain. Models may have to be moved out of the way to replace the terrain if the models can't fit in it - keep any repositioning to a minimum and make sure the models end up facing in the same direction.

Jade Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 48)

Jade Magic flows across the surface of the land like water, making Jade spells amongst the easiest (and cheapest) to cast of all the Colleges. Most of the Jade spells are defensive or protective in nature, with several of them being for the direct defence of the wizard and others for the protection of those nearby. This makes Jade wizards a good choice if you are more interested in protecting your own troops with magic than attacking the enemy.

Though at first glance the Jade College spells may seem weak they include some unique and potent spells which have no equal in the other Colleges: The Jade Casket and The Mist of Duthandor, for example. A Jade wizard really needs to be magic level 2 or better (a Wizard Champion) otherwise he can end up being stuck with a spell which is useless on its own.

The Jade Casket

This spell enables you to bring back to life very powerful individual models such as heroes or large creatures. If you are playing a Mighty Empires campaign where models roll for casualty survival after each game, the Jade Casket does not affect the result. The model may subsequently prove to be alive after all, in which case he may recollect some vague "out of the body experience" as a result of the spell.

Although a model revived by the Jade Casket is revived for the rest of the game (or until it is slain once more) the spell card does not remain in play. This means that several models may be revived over a succession of magic phases.

The Cloak of Dain

Determine the number of wounds by rolling a D6 and note down the result on a piece of paper. The number is not secret and the D6 is rolled in full view of both players. A good way to record wounds saved is by using a dice. For example, if you roll a 4 leave the dice showing 4. As wounds are negated turn the dice over to 3, 2, 1 and take it away altogether once the Cloak is down to zero.

Once the spell has been played the card should be kept either face up at the table edge, or on a side table, or it can be placed next to the wizard model itself. Once the Cloak is down to zero wounds it is automatically dispelled and may therefore be cast in the next magic phase. Wounds inflicted by a magic spell may also be saved, but this is dependent on a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6. If successful all wounds inflicted by a spell are saved and the Cloak is then automatically dispelled. See also the notes for the Gold Magic spell Glittering Robe.

Flesh of Stone

If Flesh of Stone is cast on a cavalry model it will transform the rider and the steed. In the case of a character mounted on a monster either the rider or the monster can be transformed (choose which), but not both.

The saving throw given by Flesh of Stone applies only to attacks and spells which inflict wounds; it provides no defence against spells which kill outright. However, the Flesh of Stone is not dispelled when used to save against a spell as are the Cloak of Dain and Glittering Robe, for example. Note that creatures cannot fly while they have Flesh of Stone - they're just too heavy! Also, it is not possible to cast a Flesh of Stone on a creature while it is flying.

The Green Eye

The effectiveness of the Green Eye spell depends largely on the position of the wizard, much as described for the Bright Magic spell Burning Head. Note that the number of hits is rolled separately for each specific model. Multiple wounds inflicted on models with only 1 wound are therefore wasted; excess wounds are not carried over to other models.

Where troops have several wounds each (Ogres or Trolls, for example) then any partly wounded models should be rationalised as whole casualties as this is the most convenient thing to do. For example, three Ogres each with 3 wounds are struck suffering 2, 2, and 3 wounds respectively. The last Ogre is killed outright, and the remaining wounds are rationalised as 4 wounds in total which results in 1 more dead Ogre, leaving one Ogre with 2 wounds.

Hits on chariots may be randomised as for shooting damage, unless the Green Eye's path obviously slices through the chariot, horses, or crew in which case it is acceptable to work out damage where it would fall.

Earth Blood

This spell can be used to save the wizard's neck in a tricky situation but it can also be used to bolster your own magical potential by grabbing the lion's share of the magic cards. Note that the wizard can return to anywhere on the battlefield and so may move into hand to hand combat if he wants, in which case he will count as charging during the first phase of combat in the same way as a wizard who uses the Bright Magic spell Wings of Fire or similar spell.

Mist of Duthandor

As with all random movement use the scatter dice to determine which direction the unit moves in. It is entirely possible for the unit to blunder over the edge of a cliff or into a deep river. If this happens the unit suffers 2D6 wounds with no armour save and halts at the edge of the terrain. A unit which moves off the table can return on its next move just like a unit which has pursued the enemy off the edge of the table, though it will still be wrapped in the Mist.

Spiral Stair

The Spiral Stair is primarily a defensive spell as it places the wizard out of reach of most foes. The Spiral Stair is unusual in that it acts as an automatic Dispel against other magic. However, note that it does not offer protection from the Conflagration of Doom.

Spells cast from the Spiral Stair are treated precisely as if they were cast from the ground except missile-type spells, which may be fired over the heads of intervening troops or over terrain that would otherwise block sight - for example the Green Eye spell.

Grey Magic(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 49)

Grey Magic is shadowy and unpredictable. Like Celestial Magic it is more closely related to the realm of air than anything else, making it easy to manipulate and therefore cheap to cast. However, despite this some Grey spells are hard to cast because of their extreme potency - spells like Bridge of Shadows and Traitor of Tarn, which are potential battle-winners.

Grey wizards lack the long range attack spells of Celestial wizards but they have an even better selection of movement and defensive magic. This makes Grey wizards particularly useful for actually getting your troops into a fight and helping you in combat but less useful if you want to use magic to attack your enemy directly.

Traitor of Tarn

Models or units taken over by the Traitor of Tarn can be freed by a successful Dispel or as a result of the Drain Magic card. Models which have changed sides move, shoot and so on in the controlling player's turn. It is important to note that although models may have changed allegiance they do not become complete puppets of the controlling player and they will not do anything self-destructive or obviously stupid.

The simplest way to judge whether an action is acceptable is to consider whether you would do it with your own troops or characters. Troops will not, for example, commit suicide, hurl themselves off cliffs, drop or give away equipment, weapons or magic items, voluntarily flee or leave the table.

In hand to hand combat they will fight back against whoever is attacking them, regardless of whose side they are on. The controlling player can cast a traitor wizard's spells, but must use his own magic cards to do so.

It is perfectly acceptable for the controlling player to move models he has taken over into dangerous positions, exposing them to missile fire, enemy charges etc.

The Dance of Despair

This spell can be used to force troops to march over a cliff or into a deep river or lake. Models in such straits are automatically killed as they are dragged helplessly to their doom. If the affected unit is engaged in hand to hand combat the enemy rolls to hit as normal but the affected unit may not attack at all. Whilst held back in combat the affected troops are effectively pinned and will not move forward, their efforts to move through their enemy merely bring them onto the swords of their foes.

A unit which moves off the table under the influence of a Dance of Despair may not return but the spell is returned to the caster's hand and may be cast again in the following magic phase.

Bridge of Shadows

This spell allows the wizard to reposition a unit anywhere on the battlefield by up to 18". It can be used aggressively to launch an unexpected attack, or it can be used as a defensive measure to move threatening enemy units away.

Note that the Bridge cannot be used to pull a unit out of an entrapping spell like the Bright Magic Crimson Bands, the Gold Magic Gilded Cage, or Light Magic Hands of Karkora or Abulla's Snare, or any other spell which prevents the unit from moving normally.

If used to propel a unit into hand to hand combat then the unit is moved in a straight line towards its target and will charge into front, side, or rear, depending on which aspect the charging unit is facing. If there is any doubt as to the direction of the charge it is preferable to assume the front rather than sides, and sides rather than rear, but you will find that almost all cases are self evident. See page 19 of the Warhammer rulebook for a description of how this works.

The Bridge of Shadows cannot be used to move a unit or model off the tabletop or into impassable terrain nor can it be used to pick up and drop a unit.

The Horn of Andar

The panic test caused by the Horn of Andar is subject to all the normal rules. So, for example, the general's leadership may be used for the test if he is within 12" and models or units which are immune to psychology or panic tests for any reason don't have to test at all.

The Pit of Tarnus

The Pit of Tarnus is represented by the special Pit template. Chariots and war machines which are at least half covered by the Pit of Tarnus template are destroyed automatically; crew members roll to escape from the pit as normal. If you use the Pit against a building it will shake and crumble the foundations and knock out part of the stonework. This can be resolved as D6 strength 10 hits on the building.

Light Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 50)

Light Magic is earth bound in its nature and hence stubborn and hard to manipulate. This is reflected in the high power cost of the Light spells. However, the spells are powerful and highly destructive - Crevasse and The Dwellers Below are very deadly spells indeed. Light Magic spells also include two binding-type spells (Abulla's Snare and The Net of Amyntok) which are useful for neutralising individual models and The Hands of Karkora, which can be combined with a well-placed charge to annihilate a trapped unit.

Light wizards are mainly offensive spell users, most useful for attacking or trapping enemy models. They will benefit from a magic item such as the Chalice of Sorcery or the Rod of Power to supply them with the extra magic cards they will need to cast their spells.

The Hands of Karkora

Trapped victims trying to shoot missile weapons will need G's to hit assuming that they would otherwise be able to hit. If unable to hit anyway the Hands of Karkora does not enable them to hit on a 6.

The Dwellers Below

Once victims have been dragged below ground they are effectively casualties and are removed from the game.
Victims cannot subsequently be freed by playing a Dispel or Drain Magic.

Mace of Years

As with Abulla's Snare, the Mace of Years is unusual in that victims remain affected, so it has a continuous effect, but the spell is returned to the caster's hand and can be cast again in the following magic phase. Affected models may be left in situ and indicated with a small marker, or alternatively they can be removed. Note that casualties caused by the spell do not affect normal hand to hand combat results.

Abulla's Snare

Roll for the range of this spell before you choose your target. Models held prisoner by Abulla's Snare can be placed together somewhere off table if this is convenient. While ensnared they cannot be harmed but cannot do anything. A snared wizard may not cast spells and does not draw power cards - once ensnared he cannot therefore dispel the spell which is binding him.

This spell is unusual in that its victims remain bound - so it has a continuous effect - but the spell card is returned to the caster's hand and can be cast again in the following magic phase. Obviously if a model is released it will drop down right next to the wizard who cast the spell, but remember that freed models can do nothing until the end of their following turn. If engaged in hand to hand combat they will be unable to fight back. A Drain Magic card will release all bound models at once.

Light of Battle

Light of Battle is a potent but unpredictable spell. If the affected model is protected by a magic item which gives a saving throw against wounds or death from magic (for example the Glittering Cloak) then this will prevent it from being consumed by the Light of Magic on the appropriate dice roll. If this happens then the model continues to be affected by the Light of Magic. The affected model moves as described on the spell card and will move straight through targets in its path.

If the target is protected by a magic item which allows it to dispel magic, then the Dispel is worked out before damage is suffered. This means a Light of Battle may be dispelled if the affected model moves into a Spelleater Shield, or Banner of Arcane Protection, for example. A Spellshield may bounce the model off in a random direction, in which case the model completes its move in the new direction.

If a model affected by the Light of Battle leaves the table it is considered lost for the rest of the game, and the spell is returned to the wizard's hand as if it had been dispelled.

Celestial Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 50)

Celestial Magic is drawn from the heavens and the elemental realms of air. This means that Celestial spells are mostly easy to cast. requiring few power cards with a few notable exceptions. The Celestial spells are a good mix, being a split between offensive, defensive, movement and enhancement types. Several of the spells have dual uses so they can he used to help your own forces or hinder the enemy. The Crystal Charioteer, for example, can be used to tie up enemy heroes or wizards or to save your own models by pulling them out of combat. Likewise the Wind Blast spell can be used to halt enemy units or to actually turn certain spells back against the enemy.

Celestial Wizards are good if you want to have a wizard who can do a bit of everything, and their broad range of spells also means that even a low level Celestial wizard can have a useful spell with several different uses.

Crystal Charioteer

A model which is carried off the table by the Crystal Charioteer makes an additional attempt to escape by rolling under his strength on a D6. If unsuccessful the model is carried from the battlefield, the spell card is returned to the wizard and may be cast again from the following magic phase.

A model carried off the battlefield may not return if it is an ordinary trooper, but a character model or large monster may return if it can escape by rolling under its strength at the start of each following movement phase. A returned model is placed at the table edge in the same way as a returning unit of pursuers.

Although a model carried from the table must continue to roll to escape, the card is returned to the wizard's hand and may be cast against another target. A character riding a monster may be enveloped by a Crystal Charioteer, and the Crystal Charioteer carries both rider and monster away. In this case both trapped victims may attempt to escape by rolling a dice each, and both will escape if either succeeds. If a victim breaks free while the Crystal Charioteer is on the tabletop the spell is dispelled and returned to the caster, who may cast it again in the following magic phase.

A Crystal Charioteer may also be used to pick off a rider from his monstrous mount, carrying him away but not the monster. This is up to the player who casts the spell.

Wind Blast

The Wind Blast is used primarily to pin down an enemy unit, but it is also useful because it can affect other spells such as the Purple Sun of Xereus (see the Amethyst card the Purple Sun of Xereus for details). A Wind Blast remains in play so long as its caster does not move. It is dispelled if the wizard moves, but there is nothing to stop a wizard moving in his own turn and recasting the Wind Blast in his following magic phase.

The Sapphire Arch

The Sapphire Arch enables units to be moved into vulnerable positions behind the enemy lines. The Arch is cast, troops move in and the Arch disappears. The Arch is cast again in a following magic phase and the troops it contains move out again. The Sapphire Arch can also be used as a simple obstacle to block an enemy's advance or to hide a vulnerable unit from missile fire. Note that troops must move into the Arch to be affected - casting it on top of them will not simply make them disappear. It is possible for troops to enter or leave through either of the long sides of the Sapphire Arch template.

Troops that enter the Sapphire Arch are removed from time and space into a small bubble of reality in the Realm of Chaos. They are unable to take any actions while they are within the arch, so for example a unit which fled into the arch could not rally and then emerge after it was cast again, nor could a unit change its formation. It is entirely legal to keep the troops within the Arch for as many turns as you like before casting it again, but troops cannot begin the game inside the Arch. Troops within the Sapphire Arch can declare a charge against an enemy unit or model as they emerge.

Amethyst Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 51)

Amethyst Magic is linked to the element of fire and therefore easy to harness for destructive purposes. This means that the Amethyst spells are predominantly potent attack spells with a number of deadly hand to hand combat spells. Amethyst wizards will quite often need to get in to hand to hand combat to use their spells effectively so they are best taken as higher level wizards and/or equipped with some defensive magic items to ensure their survival.

Once in combat they can use their spells to eliminate powerful enemy characters. The Purple Sun of Xereus is worthy of a special mention: it is a very powerful spell which can eliminate several enemy units at once if it is cast so that it runs along the enemy battle line. When it is cast you can guarantee your opponent will try to stop it and use up several Dispels, possibly freeing you to use other spells against him unhindered.

The Manacle of Caloe

Models affected by this spell may be indicated by markers or they can be placed on their side to show that they cannot move. The 3D6 roll indicates the maximum total of Strength points the Manacle can hold. For example, an average roll on 3D6 is 10. Against a unit of High Elves with Strength 3 this would allow you to hold 3 Elves - the remaining point is lost. Models mounted on steeds add the steed's Strength characteristic to their own, so a roll of 10 against a unit of men (S3) mounted on horses (S3) would Manacle only one of them (3+3 = 6, the 4 remaining is not enough to manacle another model so it is lost).

Manacled models do not present an obstacle to movement by either side, other models may simply avoid the manacled individuals and do not have to engage them in hand to hand combat even if they end the turn in physical contact. Manacled models that try to flee are destroyed.

Caress of Laniph

This spell can be used against any model within its range (rather than striking the first model in its path, like Fire Balls or Lightning, for example) so it is an especially useful ranged attack. It is a little reliant on a decent dice roll, and the Strength modifier means it is relatively ineffective against creatures with a very high Strength. For example, an average 2D6 roll of 7 would have no effect at all against a creature with a Strength of 7 or more, while a creature with a Strength of 4 would take 3 S6 hits.

The Purple Sun of Xereus

This is one of the most devastating spells of all. It remains in play once cast and cannot be cast again until it has been dispelled or leaves the table, in which case it can be cast from the following magic phase as normal. Note that the Purple Sun cannot be voluntarily ended by its caster, and is not ended if its caster is slain.

If the wizard who cast the spell wishes to dispel it he can do so using a Dispel card - this will work automatically and no dice roll is necessary. This means that it might potentially remain in play for longer than the casting wizard might wish, depriving him of the use of it. Note that a Wind Blast can be used to alter the direction of the Purple Sun, possibly to the advantage of an enemy!

The Fate of Bjuna

This spell effects undead and daemonic creatures, although it cannot affect engines of war or constructions.
It can be used against any model within its range and causes substantial damage, making it useful for eliminating high toughness, high wounds enemy character models and monsters because it uses their own Strength value for inflicting wounds.

The Choking Foe

This spell has a relatively long range considering it is potentially quite deadly. Because the Leadership test is a normal test on 2D6 it is likely that most heroes and wizards will survive but it is ideal for eliminating powerful but dim creatures like Giants and Trolls.

The Ld test is always taken on the model's own Ld characteristic, not on that of a hero leading the unit or the army general's Ld if he is within 12". Rerolls normally given by the army's battle standard or magic standards do not apply.

Amber Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 52)

Amber Magic is tied to the element of earth much like Light Magic but it is less difficult to manipulate. Amber spells are dominated by spells which bind or entrap the foe, with a sprinkling of long range attack spells, making Amber wizards primarily useful for taking the offensive from a distance. However two of the Amber spells, the Vengeful Hood and the Savage Beast of Horros, are very potent in hand to hand combat, especially in combination.
It may be wise to choose an Amber wizard at a fairly high level both in the hopes of getting these two spells and to ensure he has enough wounds to survive fighting in combat.

The Savage Beast of Horros

Unlike the Dark spell The Transformation of Kadon you don't need to substitute a different model for the Amber wizard while he's transformed (unless you want to of course!). Also note that only the wizard's Weapon Skill, Strength and number of attacks are altered by this spell; all his other characteristics remain the same.

High Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 52)

High Magic is the true, pure knowledge of magic held only by the Elves. Its spells are awesomely potent and include many magics exclusive to certain of the eight Colleges of Colour. However, in essence High Magic is defensive in its nature and works by undoing or blocking out a foe's spells or troops. Sometimes it may be wise to select some or even all of a High mage's spells from amongst the Colleges of Colour magic if you are not fighting Chaos or Undead.

Glamour Of Teclis

Note that the Glamour of Teclis does not cover the target with mist like the Jade Magic spell Mist of Duthandor, rather the Glamour works entirely on the perceptions of its victims. It is entirely possible for the wizard to force his victims to blunder over the edge of a cliff or into a deep river. If this happens to a unit it suffers 2D6 wounds with no armour save possible and halts at the edge of the terrain. An individual character model or monster suffers D3 wounds.

A unit that is moved off the table can return on its next move just like a unit which has pursued the enemy off the edge of the table, though it will still be affected by the Glamour. The Glamour of Teclis does not affect its victims in hand to hand combat or shooting and there is no chance of affected models fighting friends by accident as there is with the Mist of Duthandor.


If Deadlock is used against a spell which has an ongoing effect such as Conflagration of Doom or Malediction of Nagash the effects of the spell will be suspended only for as long as the Deadlock is in play. If the Deadlock is dispelled a spell or magic item affected by it will start working again immediately.

Deadlock can be used against an enemy wizard in range to nullify one of his spell cards even if he has not cast it.
This the only way that a spell with an instantaneous effect such as Fire Ball or Lightning can be Deadlocked.

Assault of Stone

This is an extremely potent spell that is capable of destroying an entire army under the right conditions. The hill being moved goes D6" in a direction nominated by the casting player before the dice is rolled. It should be noted that Assault of Stone does not discriminate between friends and foes so any models or units touched by the moving hill are damaged. Units or models on top of a hill which is moved are also damaged.

The damage indicated is not cumulative - a model either counts as an individual or as part of a unit. Don't apply D3 wounds to each model in a unit and then inflict another 2D6 wounds on the unit! For example, if a hill was moved so that it touched a unit of Orcs, a unit of Goblins and an Orc Shaman mounted on a Wyvern both of the units would suffer 2D6 wounds and the Shaman and Wyvern would get a chance to avoid taking D3 wounds each by rolling a D6 and scoring under their Initiative characteristic. Models are not moved around at all by the Assault of Stone, so any survivors may well have to be placed on the hill at the conclusion of the spell. Though it is possible to move a hill again in subsequent magic phases by recasting the spell, Dispels and the Drain Magic card will not move the hill back to its previous position.

Hand Of Glory

The rallying of fleeing units takes place in the magic phase. Note that a unit may still be broken in combat even though it is protected by a Hand of Glory spell, although its leadership is enhanced to 10 by the spell. Any fleeing units within 12" of the wizard during the magic phase are rallied immediately, however it is still possible that units may break and be destroyed by pursuers before they have a chance to rally. Fleeing units which are rallied by the Hand of Glory in the magic phase can act normally in their next turn.

Coruscation of Finreir

This spell raises the wizard above the ground and allows him to cast certain missile spells over the heads of intervening troops and scenery. In this respect the Coruscation of Finreir is similar to the Jade Magic spell the Spiral Stair, and the same comments apply.

Dark Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 53)

The power of Dark Magic is dangerous and most easily twisted to do harm. The Dark Magic spells reflect this by being almost entirely given over to inflicting damage upon the foe. Most of the Dark spells require a lot of power but are very potent. Dark wizards can potentially draw more power because of the special rule that allows them to trade in special cards for more draws from the magic deck. Dark wizards of all levels are effective because they can be assured of getting some good spells from this very potent spell deck.

Raise the Dead

The Skeleton Warriors or Zombies raised by this spell must be represented by appropriate models, which means the player will need a reserve of models. Models previously removed as casualties may, of course, be re-used, but casualties are unlikely to provide all the extra models you will need. If the player hasn't got enough models available to represent all of the Skeletons or Zombies raised then any excess are simply not raised.

If a new unit is formed from the freshly raised dead it will be armed with hand weapons and shields. Extra models added to an existing unit are equipped in the same way as the unit. It will help if the models are armed with the correct equipment, but some variation is acceptable as it is in any unit. Skeleton Warriors mounted on skeletal steeds can be raised but each mounted warrior counts as two ordinary Skeleton models.

Undead chariots and war machines can be repaired or created by casting this spell. Each of their wounds counts as two models and each steed or crew member counts as one model. The models gained from this spell must all be added to an existing unit or all formed into a single new unit; it is not possible to split them up among several units or form several new units.

It is possible to raise a new unit right in front of enemies so that they are in hand to hand combat. If this is done the enemy unit will have to take a fear test immediately as if they were charged by the unit (providing they are not exempt from fear of course) but no blows are struck until the next hand to hand combat phase. Neither side counts as charging in the first turn.

Hand of Dust

This spell will work on any living creature but it does not affect undead or daemons. Only man-sized, man-shaped creatures will be turned into Wights, so monsters, dragons, giants, ogres, etc may be killed by the spell but they will not be turned into Wights.

A Wight created by this spell must be represented by a Wight model - this can either be a model previously removed as a casualty or a spare model not yet in use. If no model is available a Wight is not created. If this spell is used to kill a character riding a monster roll on the Monster Reaction table to find out what the monster does as normal but reroll 6' results.

The newly created Wight is armed with a Wight Blade as normal. In addition, any magic items the slain model was carrying still belong to the Wight and can be used by it. This may mean the Wight is carrying more magic items than it would normally be allowed. If the Wight has two magic swords as a result, then he may use either but not both in any hand to hand combat phase.

The Transformation of Kadon

The transformed wizard must be replaced with the appropriate monster model or the spell doesn't work. Any magic items that are being carried by the wizard are retained (though some, like swords, may be unusable). The wizard's characteristics all change to those of the monster - including Leadership.

Note that the wizard is unable to use his spells but is still dealt magic cards as normal. He may continue to use Dispels normally. Power cards cannot be used to cast spells, but are kept in his hand so as to prevent his opponent knowing how many Dispels he has been dealt.

Vanhels Danse Macabre

The Danse Macabre is a vital spell for Undead armies. It overcomes their inability to make march moves and allows them to seize the initiative at vital points in the game. The extra actions work as follows.

  1. Charge. Charge works as normal, all the standard rules apply so foes can hold, flee or stand and shoot and they must take appropriate fear tests as necessary. Note that hand to hand combat is not worked out at this stage, but is resolved in the following hand to hand combat phase. The Undead unit counts as charging in the first round of combat following its charge. Note that this could well be during the enemy's turn, and that the enemy might also have the opportunity to charge with fresh units, resulting in a situation where both sides have charged. When you get a situation like this the charger with highest initiative goes first, or if this is equal roll a dice and the highest score goes first.

  2. Hand to hand. Hand to hand combat is fought immediately and only the Undead unit fights, their opponents do not fight and strike no blows. Hand to hand combat results are not worked out, instead the casualties inflicted are carried over and added to the following hand to hand phase combat results.

  3. March Move. Undead cannot normally make march moves, but this spell allows them to do so, making up for their usual lack of vitality with supernatural vigour. All the usual restrictions regarding march moves apply, ie the unit may not approach within 8" of the enemy and may make no manoeuvres other than wheeling. If unable to march move because of the proximity of enemy, or the need to manoeuvre, the unit may still complete a normal move by means of this spell.

  4. Shoot. If the unit shoots missile weapons it does not count as moving regardless of whether it moved in its last movement phase. All other modifiers apply. Work out casualties and apply any panic tests due to 25% casualties as normal.

As a Necromancy spell it is possible for a Necromancer, Vampire or Liche to cast Vanhels Danse Macabre several times during the same magic phase. However, remember that a unit can only be affected by Vanhels Danse Macabre once per magic phase. This means the spell can be cast on several different units, but never on the same unit over and over again.

The Staff of Damnation can also be used to animate Undead units in the same way as a Vanhels Danse Macabre. Note that a unit cannot be animated by a Vanhels Danse Macabre Spell and the Staff of Damnation during the same magic phase. The comments above apply to the Staff of Damnation too.

Skaven Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 54)

Curse of the Horned One

As with Undead and Chaos spells which summon new models you may only transform victims into Skaven if you have models to represent them. Skaven created by this spell will be armed with a hand weapon, light armour and shield, but the models may show some variation as normal.

All Skaven transformed by the spell are arranged into a separate unit adjacent to the enemy unit they were transformed from and in hand to hand combat with it. Both units may rearrange their formations as convenient, but neither may increase its depth compared to the original target unit. No blows are struck until the next hand to hand combat phase and neither side counts as charging. Once models are transformed they cannot be changed back by a subsequent Dispel or Drain Magic; the effect is permanent. Note that the Skaven sorcerer does not have to be able to see his target to use this spell.


Although the plague inflicted by this spell is magically induced it does not affect undead or daemons. It is a real, physical plague, although an extremely fast acting one!

Poison Wind

The Poison Wind eats flesh and bones like acid so it will affect even unnatural creatures like undead and daemons.

Death Frenzy

This is the most devastating spell in the Skaven repertoire. The enhanced abilities are all resolved in the appropriate phases. The spell merely confers the extra speed and attacks, it does not move the unit affected or enable it to strike. Combined with Skaven's rat-quick movement rate it enables units to charge 20" or more and then fight with double their number of attacks.

The spell remains in play, and cannot be recast until the magic phase after it has been dispelled or taken back (as normal for spells which remain in play). Note that wounds suffered from over-exertion are rolled at the start of each magic phase and therefore before the Grey Seer has a chance to take the spell back. This means units which are in Death Frenzy will always suffer 1D6 wounds at the start of the magic phase.


Madness works just like the Grey Magic spell Traitor of Tarn, so the victim cannot be forced to kill itself, throw away its weapons etc. It is possible to force the victim to fight models from its own side. This spell remains in play and the card is left face up either on the table or somewhere where it can be seen.


Burning terrain can be marked with cotton wool if desired. Each time the fire spreads to another piece of terrain it starts a new fire and each fire is rolled for separately at the start of the Skaven turn.

Burning buildings will sustain 1 point of damage at the start of each player's turn as stated in the Warhammer rulebook. Models get their normal armour saving throw against wounds caused by this spell. Note that the Skaven does not have to be able to see his target to use this spell.

Chaos Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 55)


Boon of Tzeentch

The new spell card provided by the Boon of Tzeentch is drawn randomly from one of the eight Colour of Magic decks chosen by the caster. Though this works like wizards drawing their spell cards at the start of the game the wizard can't decide to discard his first draw and draw again. It is possible for a Tzeentch wizard to build up a considerable repertoire of spells by the end of the game by using the Boon of Tzeentch, giving him an advantage in Mental Duels and the like.

Tzeentch's Firestorm

To use this spell effectively the player must have Pink Horror models. If the models are not available the Pink Horrors are not created. It may be possible to place the Pink Horrors created by this spell directly into hand to hand combat with the survivors of the Firestorm. If this is done the enemy unit will have to take a fear test immediately as if they had been charged by the daemons (providing they are not exempt from fear) but no blows are struck until the next hand to hand combat phase and neither side counts as charging.


Plague Wind

As with Tzeentch's Firestorm you will need Plague Bearer models to use this spell to its full effect. If you don't have the models available then the Plague Bearers are not created. Plague Bearers can be placed directly into hand to hand combat with the survivors of the Plague Wind in exactly the same way as with Tzeentch's Firestorm.

Stench of Nurgle

Champions, Sorcerers and Daemons of Nurgle are not affected by this spell. Warriors of Chaos are not affected if the entire unit is obviously composed of Nurgle Chaos Warriors, or if the unit is led by a Champion of Nurgle.

Miasma Of Pestilence

As with the Stench of Nurgle Champions, Sorcerers and Daemons of Nurgle are not affected by this spell. The same comments apply.



Though Acquiesence has a continuing effect the spell card itself does not remain in play. This means it can be cast on other victims in subsequent magic phases even if the first victim is still affected.

Beam of Slaanesh

Like Acquiesence the Beam of Slaanesh has a continuing effect but the card itself does not remain in play, so it too can be cast on other victims in subsequent magic phases.

Orc Waaagh! Magic Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 56)

Gaze of Mork

The trail of destruction burned by the Gaze of Mork works just like those created by the Jade Magic spell The Green Eye and the Bright Magic spell The Burning Head. See the descriptions of these spells for details.

The Hand of Gork

This spell allows the shaman to reposition an Orc or Goblin unit anywhere on the battlefield by up to 18". It can be used aggressively to launch an unexpected attack, or it can be used as a defensive measure to move a threatened unit to safety or move a unit out of hand to hand combat.

Note that the Hand of Gork cannot be used to pull a unit out of a spell like Crimson Bands, the Gilded Cage, Hands of Karkora, Abulla's Snare, or any other spell which prevents the unit from moving normally. If used to propel a unit into hand to hand combat then the unit is moved in a straight line towards its target and will charge into front, side, or rear, depending on which aspect is facing the unit. If there is any doubt about where the unit charges it is best to assume the front is charged rather than the side, and the side rather than the rear.

The moved unit counts as charging in the first turn of hand to hand combat, however, as this could be the enemy's turn there may possibly be fresh enemies who have also charged and can therefore claim to strike first. If this happens then the chargers with highest initiative strike first, and if this is equal roll a D6 to decide which side goes first. Note that The Hand of Gork cannot be used to move Night Goblin fanatics.

Ere We Go

This spell remains in play in that it is placed next to the affected unit. However the spell is automatically ended at the start of the following magic phase and it can be cast again that phase.


As with Ere We Go this spell lasts until the start of the next magic phase and the card may be placed next to the shaman to indicate that it is in play. The spell automatically ends at the start of the following magic phase and it can be cast again that phase.

Mork Wants Ya!

Mork Wants Ya is typical of spells that remain in play over several turns. Although it can be taken back by the caster during any subsequent magic phase it cannot be taken back and recast in the same phase. Remember a shaman cannot choose to end a spell in the same magic phase as it is cast, so it is not possible to use this spell to lift and drop in the same magic phase.

Magic Items

This section is a combination of the relevant sections from the Warhammer Battle Magic and Warhammer Arcane Magic supplements.

The Warhammer Battle Magic game includes a number of magic item cards. Each card represents a magic item of one kind or another, some represent swords, others armour, and many are unique.

There are three types of magic item card:

  • Magic Item
    Most cards have 'Magic Item' written on them twice. These represent the bulk of magic items whether they are weapons, armour, or whatever.

  • Spell
    Some cards have 'Magic Item' and 'Spell' written on them. These are items which permit the user to cast a spell. These cards function in a similar way to spell cards as described later.

  • Standard
    Standard cards have 'Magic Item' and 'Standard' or in a few cases 'Magic Item' and 'Spell Standard' written on them. These cards represent magic standards which may be carried by standard bearers. These are also described later.

Choosing Magic Items(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 38)

When a player selects his army he may give certain models magic items. Each magic item costs a fixed number of points which is added to the points value of the model carrying it. Choose the magic items you wish to include and write them down on your army's roster sheet. When you arrive ready for battle you will have your magic items selected and already allocated to individual models.

Magic items can only be carried by character models, except for standards which can only be carried by an army's battle standard bearer or by regimental standard bearers indicated in the army list itself. The points value of the magic item is added to the points cost of the character or the standard bearer model.

Remember that the points value of a regiment's standard bearer is double the value of an ordinary trooper, and the cost of a magic standard is on top of this. For example, if an ordinary trooper costs 10 points the standard bearer would cost 20 points. If the standard bearer carried a magic standard worth 25 points his total value would therefore be 45 points (20+25).

Characters cannot carry an unlimited number of magic items; they are limited to the maximum number of items shown on the chart below. Although we have described characters as either heroes or wizards the same restrictions apply to Orc Bosses, High Elf Mages and other equivalents as per normal. Wights, Liches and Vampires are listed separately as they have no level as such.

Unless specified otherwise in the army lists, an army's general is usually a Lord. The army's battle standard bearer is usually a Champion, and as such he could have one magic item which can be either a magic standard or another magic item.


Maximum Number of Magic Items









Wizard Champion


Master Wizard


Wizard Lord



1 (in addition to his Wight Blade)





Regimental Standard Bearer

1 Standard where permitted

A character may carry up to the number of magic items indicated. However, a character cannot carry more than one magic weapon, more than one shield, or more than one type of magic armour. Note that some magic armour includes a shield. In addition, some magic items can only be used by characters of a specific race, or by wizards and not heroes. These limitations are indicated on the card itself.

With the exception of scrolls, a player's army may not include duplicates of magic items. In the case of scrolls you can include as many as you want within the normal limitations for individuals. Scrolls can only be used by wizards and can only be used once.

Although a player's army cannot include duplicates of magic items (except scrolls) there is nothing wrong with opposing sides both having the same magic items. The cards are not intended to be divided between the two players as the spell cards are, they are used for reference and can be passed from player to player as convenient.

This does mean that if both armies have the same magic item both sides will be aware of the fact because both players will wish to consult the card. This is unavoidable but not really a problem; perhaps each magic item displays a strange awareness of its twin so that its wielder can sense the presence of his opponent.

Because both sides are very likely to use scrolls there are duplicate cards, one in the original Warhammer game and further sets in the Warhammer Battle Magic game.

Wizards and Armour(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 39)

Wizards often wear decorative pieces of armour such as pectorals, vambraces, and heavy belts. These are not sufficient to give an armour saving throw and do not affect the wizard's ability to cast spells. Wizards who wear more armour or carry shields, including magic armour and shields, cannot cast any spells. This includes spells bound in magic items. The exception to this is Chaos Armour which does not affect a Chaos Sorcerer's ability to cast spells or use magic items.

Note that armour does not prevent a wizard using other magic items, and it does not prevent him using cards from the magic deck to dispel, destroy magic, etc. Armour worn by a horse does not affect the wizard either, so a wizard riding a horse with barding will have a saving throw of 5+ (6 because of the horse and +1 makes 5 from the barding).

Magic Weapons(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 39)

You will notice that the magic weapons described are all swords rather than axes, maces, etc. It is certainly the case that by far the majority of magic weapons are swords, and so we have described all the magic weapons in this fashion. However, players shouldn't feel that they cannot ascribe magic weapons to models carrying axes, maces or other hand weapons. You can either assume the weapon carried by the model has the attributes described for the magic sword, or you can assume the model happens to have the magic sword which he can use instead of another weapon. However, even though a character may have a magic weapon plus another hand weapon he cannot fight with the magic weapon in one hand and an ordinary weapon in the other.

While it is reasonable to assume a magic weapon might be an axe or mace rather than a sword, it is not permitted to assume that a magic weapon is a type of weapon that confers its own combat bonuses such as a halberd, spear, or a lance, for example. Such weapons may be carried in addition to a magic sword/axe/etc.

For example, a hero armed with a lance may charge into combat and fight with his lance instead of his magic sword, but he cannot use the lance's bonus and magic weapon's bonus together, and he cannot fight using both weapons during the same turn even if he has several attacks.

Spells(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 39)

If a magic item allows you to cast a spell it is clearly marked MAGIC ITEM and SPELL. Such items can be carried by any character, including heroes as well as wizards, unless the card itself indicates some specific limitation.

Spell magic items function exactly like other spell cards. During the magic phase the character can cast the spell once when it is the player's turn to do so. A spell bound within a magic item requires no power cards to make it work, but will probably be bound by some other limitation. For example, it may be that it can only be cast a limited number of times, or its power might give out on a specified dice roll. See the cards themselves for details.

A spell cast from a magic item can be dispelled, destroyed, rebounded, etc, just like any other spell. The main advantage of these magic items is that they can usually be carried by any character model, and so broaden the spell casting ability of your army.

Scrolls(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 39)

Most scrolls contain powerful enchantments which, once read, countermand the effect of other magic. They function in the same way as the special cards from the magic card deck: dispels, destroy magic, etc. Once they have been used scrolls crumble away to nothing and cannot be used again. They are cheap but handy magic items which can give you a good reserve of Dispels.

A scroll can only be used by a wizard and not by a hero. In the case of a Skaven Warp Scroll it can be used by a Skaven Warlock or a Grey Seer.

Note that a Dispel scroll can be used by a wizard who has already attempted and failed a Dispel from the magic deck. Unlike a Dispel from the magic card deck, a Dispel scroll always works, so there is no need to roll a dice. A wizard may use a Dispel scroll before other Dispels are attempted, or after other Dispels have failed to work - it's entirely up to the player.

Dead Characters(Warhammer Battle Magic, p. 39)

If a character is slain all of the magic items in his possession are either destroyed or their power is negated. Magic items cannot be removed from dead characters and used by others. Similarly, magic items may not be passed from one character to another during a battle. You might imagine a specific scenario where this general rule could be broken, where the objective is perhaps to capture and carry off a magic item, but this would be an exception.

Magic Item Summary(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 8)

The following list is a summary of all the magic items that have been printed to date, including the new items that are making their first appearance in this boxed set. It includes all the card magic items from Warhammer, Warhammer Battle Magic and Warhammer Armies - Chaos, plus all those that have been printed on the pages of Warhammer Armies - The Empire, Dwarfs, Orcs & Goblins, High Elves, Skaven and the Undead, and others from White Dwarf magazine.

For the sake of convenience the list is divided into seven categories: magic armour, devices of protection, miscellaneous magic items, magic weapons, wizards only, magic item/spell and magic banners. In each category the items are presented in descending points value, in alphabetical order.

Magic Armour(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 8)

The following items are all magic armour. A character can have no more than one suit of magic armour and no more than one magic shield. Wizards cannot wear armour without compromising their spell casting ability.

Unmodified 4+ armour save against hand-to-hand or missile attacks. 4+ save against magic spells or attacks (unmodified).

Nagash only.

Note that although the Armour of Nagash offers a saving throw against the effects of a magic spell, this does not constitute a dispel. It is possible for Nagash to avoid the effects of a spell which devastates accompanying troops, for example. Also note that the Armour of Nagash does not affect Nagash's ability to cast spells.

Any spell cast against the bearer or unit he is with will be dispelled on a roll of 3 or more on a D6. After use, roll off to keep or discard enemy's spell card.

Foes suffer -2 to hit. Armour confers 3+ saving throw.

Bretonnia only.

Saving roll of 2+. Wearer may re-roll failed save on 4+ (unmodified). Confers immunity from all fire attacks.

Dwarf King only.

Gives Tyrion basic save of 4+. Re-roll failed saves on 4+ (unmodified). Ignores saving throw modifiers for all fire-based attacks.

Tyrion only.

Counts as heavy armour (save S+). Wearer can re-roll failed armour save, and will save on 4+ (unmodified).

If attacked by a magic weapon, the shield negates its magical effects.

Chaos only.

If the wearer suffers 1 or more wounds the helm will negate each on a D6 roll of 3+. Roll once per wound.

Counts as heavy armour (5+ save). Bearer may move through difficult terrain and obstacles with no penalty. Subtract -1 from Strength of attacks made against bearer, unless magic.

High Elves only.

Shield may deflect enemy spells cast at bearer or unit he is with. Roll scatter dice. If 'hit', spell is unaffected. If arrow, spell deflected 4D6" in direction indicated.

Saving throw of 4+ (unmodified). For every hit saved armour inflicts S3 hit against the attacker. May be worn by Skaven wizards without compromising their ability to cast spells.

Skaven only.

Wearer has armour saving roll of 2+.

Note that because the save of Armour of Meteoric Iron is not improved by shields, the Shield of Ptolos and the Enchanted Shield are useless with it.

When bearer saves against enemy in close combat, shield unleashes 1 S4 energy bolt against that enemy.

High Elves only.

Confers a basic saving throw of 4+. Attacking model must pass Leadership test to strike.

Chaos only.

Counts as heavy armour. Wearer can re-roll failed armour save, and will save on 5+ (unmodified).

Confers basic 4+ save. A Wizard may wear Chaos Armour and still cast spells.

Chaos only.

Extra unmodified saving throw of 2+ against fire attacks.

Basic saving throw of 1+ vs missile attacks.

Note that although the shield counts against war engines, it only does so if the machine normally gives a save - eg, Dwarf flame cannon and the Skaven jezzail.

Counts as heavy armour. Wearer can re-roll failed armour save, and will save on 6 (unmodified).

+1 bonus on armour saving rolls.

Devices of Protection(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 9)

These items offer protection of some kind or another, either against magic, or against physical damage incurred in some other way.

Takes effect at the end of each shooting phase and each hand-to-hand combat phase. If the Theogonist has suffered any wounds, but not been killed, all his wounds are instantly healed. If he is killed outright, the Jade Griffon cannot save him.

Empire Grand Theogonist only.

Enemy missile shots and hand-to-hand combat blows against the bearer suffer -1 to hit modifier. Enemy spells cast against bearer or unit he is with dispelled on 4+.

Negates any wound on a 4+. In hand-to-hand combat any wound saved by the amulet is rebounded against the foe, no saving throw allowed, not even for magic armour.

The Black Amulet is not armour. It will work against any magic weapon which normally ignores armour. It will even work against a weapon which ignores magic armour. The Black Amulet's save is not modified for the strength of attack, but gives a straight 4+ save. Any wounds saved by the Black Amulet are rebounded against the attacker, but note that it cannot rebound the magical effects of weapons. It simply rebounds each wound struck. In the case of magic weapons that score multiple wounds (eg 'each unsaved wound = D3 wounds') take the Black Amulet's save before multiplying the wounds. In this case wounds will only be multiplied if the Black Amulet fails to save.

Re-roll failed armour save.

Note that the Dawnstone allows a re-roll of an armour save that you are otherwise entitled to. It does not count as magical armour or give ordinary armour magic abilities. It cannot therefore be used to save against a magic weapon which negates armour saves.

Bearer recovers 1 wound at the start of his turn. The Talisman has no effect if the bearer is slain.

Empire Elector Count only.

Saving throw of 3+ against missile weapons and 5+ against hand-to-hand combat attacks.

Savage Orcs, Skaven, Forest Goblins & Wood Elves only.

Magic War Paint isn't magic armour but it is comparable in its effects. A character cannot have Magic War Paint and Magic Armour, if he were to do so the effect of the Magic War Paint would be cancelled out. Unlike armour, War Paint does not compromise the ability of its wearer to cast spells. Although it is not armour in the strict sense, War Paint offers the same protection against a magic weapon or spell as magic armour. For example, it does give a save against the Swörd of Justice which automatically penetrates normal armour but still allows a save against magic armour.

Magic Items - Miscellaneous(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 10)

User can use magic as magic level 3 wizard (select spells as Necromancer). Each time the bearer casts a spell, roll 2D6 against his Ld. If he fails, he can do nothing until the next magic phase.

A character wearing the Crown of Sorcery has the abilities of a wizard but can still wear armour as normal - this does not inhibit the character's ability to cast spells. There is nothing to prevent a character wearing the Crown and a helmet as the one simply sits on the other.

Note that this item has a special rule designed for campaign play. In normal play this works as follows. Test at the end of each game to determine if the character is affected. If he is, then the character (together with any mount/chariot he rides) counts as slain for purposes of victory points. In addition, you may not use the magic item thereafter when you play the same opponent. The item can be reintroduced, but only if your opponent agrees.

Use in hand-to-hand combat. If rod hits, victim must roll D6 against T (6 always fails) or be horribly killed. Only magic armour may save. If victim passes test, roll for wounds and armour saves as normal.

Skaven Plague Monks only.

Negates magic of any wizard in base contact with bearer (and magic of bearer if he is a wizard). A wizard whose magic is nullified cannot cast spells, use magic cards, and any of his spells already in play are dispelled. Any spells cast against the caster or unit he is with are dispelled automatically.

Bearer can cast spells and use magic cards as Wizard Champion (magic level 2). Spells must be from the College decks.

High Elves only.

A character with the Talisman of Hoeth has the abilities of a wizard but can still wear armour as normal - this does not inhibit the character's ability to cast spells.

Makes the Grand Theogonist the equivalent of a level 2 wizard (he may choose his spells from any of the Colour decks or the High Magic deck). As long as the War Altar is undamaged, the Theogonist may add +2 to his Strength. If damaged, he may add +1. If the Altar is destroyed, the Theogonist receives no bonuses, and may no longer cast spells or use dispels.

Empire Grand Theogonist only.

This magic item is attached to the Grand Theogonist's War Altar of Sigmar.

Wearer cannot be charged or shot at unless enemy first scores 6 on a D6. Spells can only be cast at the wearer if the attacking wizard first rolls 5 or 6.

Skaven Assassins only.

Note that the dice roll made to charge, shoot or cast spells at the character is a test to determine if he has been seen. If the test fails then the enemy has not detected his presence and so cannot shoot, charge or cast spells at him. This doesn't prevent the enemy choosing a new target and the enemy hasn't spent his shot, failed his charge, or wasted his spell.

The Dwarf King and any unit he is with are immune to fear and terror. Any unit with the King takes unmodified Break tests at the King's Ld.

Dwarf King only.

Bearer casts spells as Wizard Champion (ie, magic level 2, 2 spell cards). See card for details of which spell cards he may choose.

Skaven Plague Monks only.

A character with the Liber Bubonicus has the abilities of a wizard but can still wear armour as normal - the book does not inhibit the character's ability to cast spells. Note that the Skaven special character Plaguelord Skrolk also uses this item. He is a lord of Clan Pestilens, the clan of the Plague Monks.

Only starts to work when bearer or unit he is with takes a wound. -2 dice roll on enemy missile attacks; -1 to hit close combat attacks. Effects work until bearer is killed.

May be used once at the start of each magic phase. The casket steals one spell from an enemy wizard in base contact (determine spell randomly). The spell may be played during the magic phase in the normal fashion, though it costs no power cards to do so. Discard the spell after use. The casket may contain any number of spells. Spells may be captured and used in the same magic phase.

Note that spells that cost a variable amount of power (like Fireball), count as being cast with 3 power by Aldred's Casket of Sorcery.

May be used at any time except during hand-to-hand combat. The bearer or unit he is with may heal 1 wound. Maximum 1 use per turn.

Three uses only. Dwarfs only.

If slain, Vampire is restored to full wounds.

Vampires only. One use only.

Although the Vampire is reincarnated together with his weaponry, equipment, and magic items, any magic items already expended are not returned. Magic items which are part used (1 use left out of 3 for example) are returned but only with the appropriate number of uses left.

Use after magic cards have been dealt but before any spells are cast.
Roll 1D6 and remove that many magic cards from each side. If a player doesn't have enough magic cards, he must also surrender a spell card. Roll a Do for every spell surrendered. On a 4+ the Chalice bearer sustains 1 wound. Discard all spell cards collected in this way.

Chaos Dwarfs only.

Wearer immune to monster attacks in hand-to-hand combat. At the end of any hand-to-hand combat round that his side has won, he may attempt to take over any enemy monsters in base contact. If he rolls equal to or less than his Ld on 2D6 he may temporarily take over the monster, which may make an additional move and hand-to-hand combat attack. Control of the monster then reverts to the owning player.

Orcs and Goblins only.

Bearer Ld 10. In hand-to-hand combat he always takes Break test at Ld 10.

As with any crown, the Crown of Command can be combined with helmets without any problem.

A Daemon Steed takes the form of a mighty horse (for stats see card). The Steed has a daemon saving throw of 4+ plus armoured barding for 3+ in total. It is not affected by daemon animosity, and counts as a monster. A model riding a Daemon Steed causes fear.

Chaos only.

Each turn, the unit lead by sceptre bearer may add +1 M, or add +1 S to each model, or have +1 save.

Dwarfs only.

Bearer and any unit he is with hates all enemy on the battlefield.

Dwarf King only.

Restores user to full wounds. Use after all combat has been resolved.

One use only.

Gives Tyrion save of 4+ vs hostile magic. If Tyrion is reduced to 0 wounds, the Heart will restore him to 1 wound then shatter.

Tyrion only.

Heals user back to full wounds.

One use only. Skaven only.

Use before start of battle on regiment character is with. Effects last all the battle. Roll a D6: 6 - Unit fights at double its M and A. Roll a D6 at the end of each player's turn. On a 6 the regiment suffers D6 wounds; 4-5 - Unit subject to frenzy; 2-3 - Unit hates all non-Skaven; 1 - No effect.

One use only. Skaven only.

Enemy characters within 12" must take Ld test on 2D6 or may do nothing. If immobilised in this way, enemy attacks hit the victim automatically. If test is passed, character is immune.

Chaos - Slaanesh only.

May be activated when bearer or unit they are with is charged by a flying creature, and affects all flying creatures in base contact. Flying creatures must roll a 6 to hit. Riders may not attack at all.

Any Undead model within 12" of wearer may use his WS and BS instead of its own. This ability may not be used if the wearer is in hand-to-hand combat himself.

Mummy Tomb King only.

Wearer has +2 Strength. If he rolls a 1 to hit, blow is struck against a randomly determined friendly model in base contact.

Chaos Dwarfs only.

May be winded when the war altar charges into combat. The Horn causes terror in the charged enemy unit.

Empire Grand Theogonist only.

This magic item is attached to the Grand Theogonist's War Altar of Sigmar.

When wearer fights a challenge, he fights with his opponent's S, A & I (and vice versa).

It is important to remember that this artifact affects only the basic characteristic values of the antagonists - effectively swapping Strength, Attacks, and Initiative. It does not affect modifiers or bonuses that might apply to those characteristics.

Will dispel spell cast at user or unit he is with on D6 roll of 4+. Only works once per magic phase.

In the case of this and other items which give a dispel, the score required is not modified by the magic levels of the spell's caster or the item's bearer.

Wearer and one model in base contact are locked in time. While locked in time, they may not be attacked or harmed in any way. Only a Dispel will break the enchantment, and you must roll 6 to do so.

One use only.

A 6 is always required to break the time lock, even from a dispel scroll or a magic item that would normally dispel automatically.

Affects any living creature within 6". Victims suffer -1 to all to hit rolls (both shooting and hand-to-hand).

Chaos or Undead only.

May be used at any time during the player's turn so long as there are no enemy within 6". Creates barrier of flame 6" in front of wearer and unit he is with. Only enemy immune to flame may cross the barrier. Lasts one turn.

One use only. Dwarfs only.

Note that the Fiery Ring of Thori is a magic item, not a magic item/spell.

Explodes when bearer is slain, causing variable hits and damage.

Note that the Heart of Woe is strictly a one use item! Although it hardly seems necessary to put this on the card, there are a few circumstances where it actually matters. For example, if a character has the Heart of Woe and the Carstein Ring, the situation can arise where the character is slain, explodes as per the Heart of Woe, and is then reincarnated together with his magic items. Such a character is reincarnated but the Heart of Woe is spent and cannot be used again. The same comment applies to the Apotheosis spell and the Heart of Woe.

Wearer always strikes first in combat.

Chaos only.

This is an example of an item where roll offs are often required, in this case because there are several magic items which allow a user to strike first.

The character must be with a Night Goblin unit that contains Fanatics. The Mushroom is fed to a Fanatic as he is released from the unit, and he causes an extra D6 hits to the first unit he moves into base contact with.

May be thrown up to 8" in the shooting phase, if the character is not in hand-to-hand combat. Use small 2" diameter template. Roll to scatter: on arrow globe travels D3" off course. Affected models suffer 1 wound on roll of 4+, no saving throw.

Skaven only.

Drink at the start of any turn and roll a D6: 1-3 - Recover 1 wound; 4 - +1 S this turn only; 5 - +2 S this turn only; 6 - Take random Chaos Gift.

Chaos only.

Enemy models in base contact with wearer must score equal to or less than their Ld on 2D6 or suffer -2 to hit/-2 S against the wearer.

Skaven only.

Increases character's Strength by +3 for one turn.

Re-roll any one dice throw, and add +1 or deduct -1 from the result.

One use only. Skaven & Chaos only.

Magic Weapons(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 13)

Magic weapons are generally described as swords or axes, but it would be rather petty minded to restrict items purely to models so armed. While you may wish to convert a favourite model so that its weapon matches your preferred magic armament, it is also acceptable to simply assume that a blade can be an axe, mace or whatever and vice versa. A few magic weapons are of specific type - notably lances and flails - and obviously you can't represent these with anything else. Remember that the normal bonuses for double-handed weapons, spears, etc don't usually apply to magic weapons. Any exceptions are noted on the card and below.

Many weapons cause multiple wounds. Usually this is expressed as each unsaved wound = D6 wounds' or whatever. The procedure for this is always the same. First roll to hit as normal. If you hit roll to wound as normal. If you score a wound your enemy makes any save he is allowed. If he fails his save then you can roll to multiply up the wounds (D3, Do or whatever). Never, ever, multiply the wounds and attempt saves for each... not even if we forgot to write the word 'unsaved' in the original description! Note, however, that some weapons cause multiple hits (Hydra Sword). In this case roll to hit as normal. If you hit roll to multiply up the hits, then resolve each hit exactly as normal, saving against each wound scored.

+3 Toughness.

Bearer S10. Unsaved wounds inflict D6 wounds. Roll D6 at end of turn: on 6 bearer suffers 1 wound, no save possible.

Skaven only.

Any hit wounds on 2+ (unmodified). Only magic armour may save, -3 modifier. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds (Ogres and Trolls = D6 wounds).

Dwarf King only.

Double-handed weapon. No save allowed, even for magic armour. Victims that suffer 1 or more wounds roll D6 at start of each magic phase. On 1 or 2 they take 1 extra wound.

Undead or Chaos only.

+3S when rolling to wound. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds. Against daemons hits wound automatically and inflict D3 wounds per hit.

+3S when rolling to wound. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds. When used against dragons hits wound automatically and inflict D3 wounds per hit. Dragons who wish to charge bearer must test for fear.

Hits wound on 2+ (unmodified). Only magic armour saves (-3 modifier). Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds (Dragons and Daemons = D6 wounds).

Dwarf Slayers only.

If wound is scored, target model bursts into flames and is slain. All models, except bearer, in base contact with victim suffer 1S3 hit.

Bearer +1WS, +1T, +1S. Always strikes first. Only magic armour saves against the axe.

Orcs, Savage Orcs & Black Orcs only.

Roll to wound at +3S. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds. Against Daemons, Sunfang wounds automatically and each wound causes D3 wounds. Once per game Tyrion may cast firebolt. Use Dragon Breath template. Every model affected hit on 4+ for 1 S3 hit.

Tyrion only.

At the end of each Bretonnian movement phase, any Undead creature within 3" of the Blade suffers 1 wound. Character and any unit he is leading are immune to fear and terror caused by Undead.

Bretonnia only.

Bearer S10.

If 1 unsaved wound caused, the victim automatically suffers a further D6 wounds. Only magic armour may save.

Tzarina of Kislev only.

Hits that inflict an unsaved wound kill instantly. Only magic armour may save.

Hits wound automatically. Only magic armour may save.

Empire only.

No magic items carried by models in base contact with bearer will work. For each unsaved wound inflicted by the sword, one magic item carried by the victim will be destroyed. The wielder may carry no other magic items.

All hits wound automatically. Once per battle, during hand-to-hand combat, the bearer can unleash a storm of lightning that causes an extra Do S6 hits on the enemy unit.

Bearer +2 Toughness.

Bearer +3 Strength.

Hits automatically.

Bearer gains +3 Attacks.

Bearer Weapon Skill 10.

May not be used by Orcs or Goblins.

For each wound inflicted on a living creature, the wielder may take magic card to use in the next magic phase.

Chaos or Undead only.

If sword hits enemy carrying magic items or who can cast spells, wi steal their power on D6 roll of 4+. Bearer may use magic item/spe until sword steals another. Spells may only be used if the wielder himself a wizard.

Dark Elves only.

Spells may be still be stolen by non-wizard characters, even if they themselves cannot make use of them.

Each attack that hits = D6 hits - resolve each hit separately. Roll to wound for each.

If wound is scored, victim gets no armour save, and blow destroys his armour. Magic armour saves as normal, but will be destroyed if it fails.

Wielder +2S. No armour saves allowed. Targets that are vulnerable to fire are automatically destroyed if they sustain any wounds.

Chaos Dwarfs only.

Each unsaved wound = D6 wounds.

Wielder +1 WS, +1S and +1 Attacks.

Undead or Chaos only.

Any unsaved wound = D6 wounds. If you roll a 1 when determining the number of wounds, the wound is inflicted back on the wielder! Only magic armour saves. No saves may be made for the rebounded wound, not even for magic armour.

Chaos only.

+3S bonus when wielder charges. No armour saves apply.

Bearer fighting opponent with T5 or greater rolls to wound with +3S, and each wounding hit inflicts D3 wounds.

Each wound inflicted = 2 wounds. No armour save allowed, except for magic armour.

Orcs & Goblins only.

Bearer +2 Attacks.

The Bow of Loren has a 36" range, and may be fired in the shooting phase. It fires a number of shots equal to the user's A, at his S. All the shots fired in each shooting phase must be directed at the same target.

High Elves and Wood Elves only.

Bearer may release energy blast that affects all models he is touching. Affected models take D3 wounds, no armour saving throw allowed.

One use only.

Each hit = 2 hits. Roll to wound for each.

Wounds have -3 save modifier. Each unsaved wound = 2 wounds. Always wounds Dwarfs on 2+.

Skaven only.

Wounds have -3 save modifier. Automatically stops 1 enemy attack.

Eltharion only.

Only magic armour may save.

May not be used by Orcs or Goblins.

Bearer may re-roll any of his attacks that miss in hand-to-hand combat.

Bearer causes terror, and is immune to fear and terror himself.

Undead only.

When the sword inflicts 1 or more unsaved wounds upon an enemy, but does not kill him outright, roll a D6. Add +1 to the score for each additional wound inflicted after the first. On a score of 5 or more the victim is turned to Chaos Spawn, and is dealt D6 Chaos Gifts (see rules in Warhammer Armies - Chaos). Move the Spawn 2D6" directly away from the sword bearer.

Chaos only.

Bearer and unit he is with immune to fear, terror and panic.

When bearer rolls to hit, he may re-roll once any dice that miss. Only magic armour can save.

Empire only.

Bearer +1 Toughness.

When model with 1 wound is killed by this blade replace it with a Skeleton warrior under the command of the bearer.

Necromancer, Vampire or Liche only.

Bearer +1 to wound, -1 opponent's armour saving throw. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds.

Skaven only.

Each unsaved wound = 1D3 wounds. Only magic armour may save.

Chaos only.

The Dragon Bow has a range of 36", at S5. It may be fired up to three times in the shooting phase, but all shots must be against the same target.

Empire Elector Count only.

User +2S when charging, and hits automatically. When he charges, the user may elect to make one special Dragonblade attack in place of his normal attacks, hitting automatically. If the model is slain, the lance hits the model directly behind it in the second rank, at 1 less S than before. If this model is slain, then a model in the third rank will be hit, at a further 1 less S, and so on.

High Elves only.

Bearer +2 Strength.

Foe wounded by the sword becomes subject to stupidity. A wizard affected by stupidity must roll a D6 each time he casts a spell. On a roll of 1-3 the spell fails, and the power is wasted.

Unsaved wounds inflict D3 wounds.

Nagash +1 Strength. Wounds inflicted by the blade may be used to restore Nagash's own wounds.

Nagash only.

Bearer causes fear (and is immune to fear himself).

Each wound suffered reduces victim's attacks by -1.

Bearer causes wounds with an extra -3 saving throw modifier.

Against living creatures, each unsaved wound causes 2 wounds.

*Although worded slightly differently from other magic weapons that cause multiple wounds the Flail of Skulls works in exactly the same way - each unsaved wound inflicted on living opponents causes 2 wounds. Note that the normal flail rules also apply - the flail requires two hands to use and receives a +2 Strength bonus in the first turn of any hand-to-hand combat.

Bearer +1 Weapon Skill.

Wounds inflicted cannot be saved against, even by magic armour. Undead struck and wounded suffer not 1 but 2 wounds.

Empire only.

May be shot from the ground at any creature flying high. Shooter may add +1 to hit. Arrow inflicts D6 S10 hits.

One use only.

Each unsaved wounding hit inflicts D3 wounds against Undead. Only magic armour saves.

Bearer +1 Attacks.

For each unsaved wound suffered a victim deducts -1 from his Strength for the rest of the game.

When fired, arrow splits into 3D6 magic arrows in flight. The arrows count as magical, and are S4. Roll to hit using the firer's BS.

Wood Elves only. One use only.

Any unsaved wound counts as 2 wounds.

For each unsaved wound suffered the victim deducts -1 from his Toughness for the rest of the game.

Chaos only.

Wielder may strike first in hand-to-hand combat.

Bearer adds +1 to hit in close combat.

Bearer causes wounds with an extra -2 saving throw modifier in close combat.

Bearer Initiative 10.

One enemy has 1 less attack against the wielder.

Bearer +1 Strength.

For each unsaved wound suffered the victim deducts -1 from his WS and BS for the rest of the game.

Chaos or Dark Elves only.

Bearer +3 Initiative.

Bearer immune to psychology. He must move as fast as he can towards the enemy, and charge into combat at the first opportunity. He will always pursue fleeing opponents.

Bearer causes wounds with an extra -1 saving throw modifier.

Bearer +2 Initiative.

For each unsaved wound suffered the victim deducts -1 from his Initiative for the rest of the game.

Unit with bearer ignores its first Animosity test failure.

Orcs and Savage Orcs only.

Bearer +1 Initiative.

Wizards Only!(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 17)

The following items may only be used by wizards of one sort or another. In some cases special characters may also be entitled to use specific items, even though they may not be wizards.

Bearer gains 1 magic level and can draw 1 extra spell card.

High Elf Mage only.

Bearer gains 1 magic level and can draw 1 extra spell card, which must be taken from the Necromantic magic deck.

Necromancers only.

In the magic phase, may be used to destroy enemy model within 12" of user automatically. Staff exhausted on D6 roll of 1 or 2.

Chaos - Sorcerer of Nurgle only.

Models in contact with user suffer 1 automatic wound at the beginning of every hand-to-hand combat phase. Does not affect Undead models.

Necromancer, Liche or Vampire only.

The bearer can use the Staff to make a spell unbreakable (ie, it can't be dispelled, rebounded or destroyed). Magic cards must be paid to power the spell as normal. Roll a Do each time the staff is used - on a 1 or 2 its power is exhausted.

Empire Supreme Patriarch only.

Note that in the case of a spell which remains in play, it may be dispelled normally in subsequent magic phases.

Wielder may cast one of their Dark Magic or Necromantic Magic spells in the magic phase, at no cost. Roll a D6 each time sword is used. If score is equal to or less than power normally required to cast spell, sword is exhausted for rest of battle.

Wizards with Dark or Necromantic spells only.

Bearer gains 1 magic level and can draw 1 extra spell card. He may swap spells before the game, and may take spells from any race's deck.

The Book of Ashur may not be used in combination with the War Crown of Saphery or the Book of Nagash.

Note that this item has a special rule designed for campaign play. In normal play this works as follows. Test at the end of each game to determine if the character is affected. If he is, then the character (together with any mount/chariot he rides) counts as slain for purposes of victory points. In addition, you may not use the magic item thereafter when you play the same opponent. The item can be reintroduced, but only if your opponent agrees.

The Sorcerer is accompanied by a tiny Chaos Familiar. As long as the Familiar is in base contact with its master he may add 1 to, or subtract 1 from, any one dice roll each turn. The player must declare he is doing this before he does so. Note that only Chaos Sorcerers may have Chaos Familiars.

Chaos Sorcerers only.

Wearer can cast Dark Mist spell once per magic phase.

May be used to counter enemy spell cast at user or unit he is with. In addition, both players roll a D6. If the Scroll's user rolls higher the enemy's spell card is discarded for the rest of the game.

One use only.

May be cast on an enemy unit within 24" in the magic phase for a S3 hit on each model. Causes Panic test.

Skaven only. One use only.

The wizard may draw 1 extra spell at the start of the battle, which he may use as long as the Familiar is in base contact with him. For stats see card.

In the magic phase, every unit of Skeletons, Zombies, Mummies, Wights, Wraiths and Skeleton Horsemen within 36" of the caster may take one of the following extra actions: charge, march move, fight round of hand-to-hand combat, shoot missile weapons. Several units can be affected. Staff exhausted on a D6 roll of 1 or 2.

Necromancer, Liche or Vampire only.

Casts Flaming Skull spell once per magic phase. Range 24", strikes first model/unit in its path for D3 S4 hits. Unit that takes 1 or more casualties must take Panic test or flee.

The staff fires a lightning bolt at the first enemy model in its path within 24". The victim sustains 3 S6 hits, no saving throw allowed, even for magic armour. After each use, roll a D6: staff is exhausted on 1 or 2.

Orcs & Goblin Shamans only.

Releases bolt of energy once per magic phase. The bolt flies 18" in a straight line from the caster. The first model in its path takes 1 S6 hit for D3 wounds, no save allowed, even for magic armour. If the first victim is killed, the bolt strikes the next model in its path (like a bolt thrower). It will continue to do this until it fails to kill a target, or reaches the end of its range. Roll a D6 each time the Staff is used: it is exhausted on a 1 or 2.

Wizards & Settra only.

This item is carried by Settra the Tomb King of Khemri as described in the Warhammer Armies Undead book. Settra is an exception to the general rules in that although he is a Mummy, he is permitted to carry magic items as if he were a Necromancer, Liche or Vampire.

Reduces cost of casting spell by 1 power point. Spells of 1 power point can be cast for free. Wand exhausted on a D6 roll of 1 or 2.

All creatures 'flying high' suffer D6 S6 hits, and are forced down to earth, re-entering the table on their own side's table edge in their following turn.

One use only. Skaven wizards only.

Note that in this case flyers are merely forced down to the ground, they are not 'driven off" in the manner of flyers defeated in hand-to-hand fighting. Consequently, the flyers are not obliged to miss an entire turn off the table, as are flyers which have been driven off from combat.

Can be used to attack a close combat opponent. On a successful hand-to-hand hit, victim must save against his Ld on 2D6 or be killed. If he passes the test, roll to wound as normal.

Stores up to 4 magic cards (but not Total Power or Drain Magic). The staff starts the game already containing 1 magic card.

Nagash only.

The bearer may drink from the Chalice at the start of any magic phase. Roll a D6: 1 - Turned to Chaos Spawn; 2-3 - Enemy receives 1 less magic card when they are dealt; 4-5 - The bearer receives 1 extra magic card when they are dealt; 6 - End magic phase if you wish.

Chaos Sorcerer or Beastman Shaman only.

Note that if the bearer is turned to Chaos Spawn he may no longer use the Chalice (see the rules for Chaos Spawn in Warhammer Armies - Chaos).

Entitles user to take 1 extra magic card, after the magic cards have been dealt. If an extra card is taken, roll a D6. On a score of 6 the wizard loses 1 wound.

Enemy models in base contact with Sorcerer must take Ld test (2D6) or be transfixed and unable to fight. While transfixed, enemy attacks hit automatically.

Chaos Sorcerers of Tzeentch only.

Each extra power card expended extends spell range by D6".

Skaven wizards only.

The Sorcerer may cast any 2 or 3 point spell for 1 point less. After each use, roll 2D6 against the user's Ld. If you roll equal to or less than his Ld he passes the test but loses -1 Ld. If he rolls more he is driven insane and is removed as a casualty.

Chaos Sorcerer only.

Opposing player must reveal magic items/spells held by models that are within 12" of the staff's user. Holder +1 bonus to use dispel.

The wizard may store 1 power card in the Familiar at the end of the magic phase, which may then be used in any subsequent magic phase. He may store/withdraw a card only if the Familiar is in base contact. If the Familiar is killed while holding a card it explodes causing a S4 hit on all models in base contact. See card for Familiar's stats.

Wizards only.

Will power 1 spell for free during the magic phase.

One use only.

Note that spells that cost a variable amount of power (like Fireball), count as being cast with 3 power by a Power scroll.

Stops enemy spell working.

One use only.

Can store up to 3 unused power cards at end of magic phase. Roll a D6 at the start of the next magic phase. If the roll is equal to or less than the number of stored cards the stored cards are lost.

As halberd. Can unleash equivalent of Warp Lightning spell in magic phase of each turn, up to 24". Inflicts D6 S5 hits, each causing 1 wound with no save allowed, even for magic armour. After use roll D6: weapon is exhausted on 1 or 2.

Skaven Warlock Engineers only.

If its master is attacked, the Familiar will interpose itself between him and his attackers, who must then fight the Familiar. Familiars always attack first. For stats see card.

Wizards only.

Teclis can draw D6 extra magic cards once per game. From the beginning of next turn all his characteristics are halved for the rest of the game.

Teclis only.

Magic Item / Spell(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 18)

The following items can be used by ordinary characters as well as wizards. These spells are cast in the magic phase in the same way as the spells of wizards except that they require no power to cast - their power comes from the item itself.

Three times per battle in the magic phase the wearer can direct a jet of flame at an enemy model up to 18" away. The victim sustains 2D6 S3 hits, no saving throw allowed (not even for magic armour).

Three uses only.

Affects all units within 24". Enemy units in close combat must take a Panic test or be broken and flee. Fleeing friendly units rally.

May be used three times only.

In the magic phase, the holder may cast a spell on any mounted single model or cavalry unit within 18". The unit or rider suffers D6 S4 hits. Victims may not charge next turn.

In magic phase, the Prodder may fire 1 blast for each Orc or Goblin unit within 12", plus one extra for each that is in hand-to-hand combat. Blast is S4, max. range 24", and hits first model in its path. Orc units must be 10 strong, Goblin units 20 strong, to count. Blasts may also be directed against opponents in base contact.

Night Goblins only.

May be thrown in magic phase. Use large stone thrower template. Affected models must save against I on D6 or be sucked into the Realm of Chaos (roll of 6 always fails). Roll to see whether template reappears.

One use only. Skaven only.

Can be used against a model within 6". Roll 2D6 and subtract victim's Toughness = number of wounds caused. No saving throw allowed, not even for magic armour.

One use only.

Prevents flying creatures flying high. Creatures already flying high cannot descend. Spell lasts until dispelled.

May be used three times per battle.

Once a turn, during the magic phase, the bearer may attempt to nullify the power of a named magic item within 12". Roll 2D6 and multiply the result by 10. If the total equals or exceeds the points value of the target magic item its power is drained and it becomes useless for the rest of the game.

Note that the user must name the item he wishes to nullify. This means that he can only be sure of finding an item once it has been used - although there is nothing to stop him guessing!

Use in magic phase. Wearer doubles S (max. S10) until beginning of next magic phase.

Three uses only. Skaven only.

The ring starts the game containing 1 randomly determined spell card (from a College deck). The spell may be used once per game in any magic phase, and costs no power to cast.

One use only.

Magic Banners(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 19)

Works when hostile spell is cast against any target within 6" of the banner. Roll scatter dice. On a 'hit' the banner has no effect. If an arrow is rolled the spell is deflected 4D6" in the direction indicated, and will hit the first eligible target more than 6" away from the banner.

Adds +D6 to the combat result of the side carrying it.

In the magic phase of each turn, the banner unleashes D6 lightning bolts with a range of 24". . Each bolt strikes the first model in its path for 1 S4 hit. Can also be used against foes in base contact with the bearer. No armour save allowed, even against magic armour.

This is a spell and may be used when you have the opportunity to cast a spell in the magic phase, just like any other spell item or spell.

Enemy models within 6" suffer -2 penalty on all Leadership-based tests.

Undead only.

Carrying regiment Ld 10. When enemy spell is cast against unit, roll Do for each power card used. On 4+ the power card is absorbed and may be used that phase by the Skaven wizards.

Skaven only.

Spells (friendly and hostile) cast at unit dispelled on 4+. Any wizard/shaman touching unit will be killed by magical overload.

Orcs and Goblins only.

Dispels enemy spell cast against unit on D6 roll of 4+. Undead/Daemon models touching a unit carrying this banner suffer 1 wound on D6 roll of 4+ in the magic phase.

Unit counts double its normal rank bonus in hand-to-hand combat. Will never pursue.

Enemy models/units within 6" suffer -1 penalty on Leadership-based tests.

Undead only.

Unit carrying banner adds +1 to hit in hand-to-hand combat.

Unit carrying banner is subject to frenzy.

Chaos - Khorne only.

This item is restricted to 'Khorne units'. This is defined as any unit of troops led by a Champion of Khorne.

May be used once per battle, in any magic phase. Spell may be cast at enemy unit within 8", and causes 2D6 S6 hits. Any survivors must take an immediate Panic test.

Chaos - Tzeentch only. One use only.

This is a spell and may be used when you have the opportunity to cast a spell in the magic phase, just like any other spell item or spell.

This item is restricted to 'Teentch units'. This is defined as any unit of troops led by a Champion of Tzeentch.

The unit carrying this banner causes fear (and is therefore immune to fear itself).

Slaanesh unit carrying banner is immune to psychology, and cannot be broken.

Chaos - Slaanesh only.

This item is restricted to 'Slaanesh units'. This is defined as any unit of troops led by a Champion of Slaanesh.

Causes terror in flying creatures. Enemy that overcome their terror must test again if they charge the unit. Roll a D6: 1-2 Enemy driven off, 3-4 Charge fails, enemy may not move that turn, 5-6 Flyer charges as normal.

Note that many large flying creatures cause terror, and so do not need to test to overcome their own terror. Because a unit carrying this banner effectively causes terror against flyers it becomes immune to terror inflicted by them.

All shots at unit are at -1 to hit. In hand-to-hand combat, unit always strikes first.

Night Goblins only.

Unit carrying banner (and any associated characters) doubles all attacks during its first turn of hand-to-hand combat of the game.

Forest Goblins only.

Unit carrying banner may roll an extra D6 when making a psychology test, and may select the lowest 2 dice rolls. Break tests are not affected.

If it is not otherwise allowed to re-roll a failed Break test, the unit may do so once per turn.

This item functions in the same way as a battle standard for the unit carrying it. However, only one re-roll is allowed, even if the army's battle standard is within 12".

A unit of Skeleton Horsemen that includes the Doomrider Banner bearer automatically hits when charging into hand-to-hand combat. Only the Skeleton Horsemen and the standard bearer hit automatically, any characters with the unit must roll to hit as normal.

Undead only.

Note that although many Undead character models are allowed to ride Skeletal Steeds not all will fit satisfactorily on the skeletal frame. For this reason it is perfectly acceptable for the character to ride another horse model but counting as a skeletal steed - these 'undead horses' can be painted black with red eyes, or a ghostly pallid green to indicate their undead status.

Unit gains +1S when charging.

Orcs and Goblins only.

Unit carrying banner receives +1 on all armour saves, or an armour save of 6+ if they had no armour to begin with.

Adds +1 to combat result of side carrying it.

May be used once per game, in the magic phase. Spell inflicts D6 wounds on any enemy unit in close combat with the unit carrying the banner, no armour save allowed.

Skaven/Chaos - Nurgle only. One use only.

Chaos Reward Summary(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 35)

The Chaos Rewards come as a set of cards in Warhammer Armies - Chaos. They may be bought for Chaos Champions and Sorcerers in much the same way as other magic items.

Nurgle(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 35)

Champions or Sorcerers of Nurgle only.

The Champion and any unit he is with are surrounded by a cloud of nauseous gas. Any enemy fighting them suffers -1 WS in hand-to-hand combat. Any unit with the Champion is unaffected by the smell.

After making normal attacks in hand-to-hand combat, roll D6 for each enemy model in base contact. On a roll of 6 they contract Nurgle's Rot and suffer a single wound. Even magic armour may not save.

A cloud of flies surrounds the Nurgle Champion. All enemy models in base contact suffer -1 to hit, whether they are attacking the Chaos Champion or another target.

Khorne(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 35)

Champions of Khorne only.

Magic Weapons

If the axe scores any wounds, the enemy model is killed outright. Each time the axe slays an enemy roll a D6: on a score of 6 the axe is sated and cannot be used again.

Enchanted Items

If the Champion is attacked by a magic weapon and makes a successful save for his Chaos armour the weapon is destroyed. If the Champion or unit he is with are attacked by a magic spell it is dispelled on 4+. If successfully dispelled roll a D6: on a 4+ the spell is destroyed (discard the spell card) and the caster sustains 1 wound.


The Champion must charge any enemy within charge reach at the start of the turn, or advance as close as possible. If he is part of a unit he will leave it to do so. The Champion gains +1A, and an extra +1A when he charges.

The Champion may retake any failed armour save. Each time he does so roll a D6: on a roll of 1 the card must be discarded.

Tzeentch(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 35)

Champions or Sorcerers of Tzeentch only.

Every time the Champion suffers a wound roll a D6. On a 1-3 the wound is restored but you must discard this card. On a 4-6 the wound is restored, and you may keep the card.

Once per turn the Champion may re-roll any one dice throw. After doing so, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1 you must discard this card.

Slaanesh(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 35)

Champions or Sorcerers of Slaanesh only.

In hand-to-hand combat, enemy models must test against Ld on 3D6 to be able to strike the Champion. Once a model has passed the test, it need not test again.

All enemy models attempting to fight the Champion in hand-to-hand combat lose - 1A.

Non-Aligned Rewards(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 35)

These rewards may only be taken by Chaos Champions or Chaos Sorcerers.

Use teardrop-shaped template. Any models affected are hit on D6 roll of 4+ for a single S4 hit.

The Champion can regenerate damage like a Troll, and regenerates wounds on 4+ (see rules for Trolls on P15 of the Battle Bestiary).

The recipient benefits from a 4+ saving throw against wounds, taken after any normal armour save for armour has been failed, and is not modified by the enemy's Strength.

The Champion causes fear, and is immune to fear himself.

After the Champion has made his normal attacks he may make an extra attack with his tail (S5). No armour save allowed, even for magic armour.

After his normal attacks, the Champion may make 1 additional attack with his tail (S5).

Champion may either carry an additional weapon for +1 Attacks, or an additional shield for +1 save.

+1 Attack in hand-to-hand combat.

The Champion has a 4+ saving roll against wounds, taken after any normal saving throw has been failed, and which is modified by his enemy's Strength as usual.

Dwarf Rune Summary(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 36)

Dwarfs have a unique system of runic magic, which involves enscribing items with magic runes to give them special powers. The full rules for runic magic items, and more detailed descriptions of the runes, can be found in Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs. See page 39 for a depiction of the runes themselves.

Dwarfs & Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 36)

Dwarfs are unable to cast spells, and have no wizards.

During the magic phase, the Dwarf player is dealt magic cards as usual, though he may only make use of the Dispel and Drain Magic cards. Because Dwarfs have such a high resistance to magic, Dispel cards always work on a roll of 4+. The rules for Dwarfs using magic cards and dispels are given in full in Warhammer Battle Magic.

Runic Magic(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 36)

Runes may enscribed onto weapons, armour, standards, war machines and talismans. Each of these has its own type of rune.

A character may not have more than one runic magic item or one magic item from each category (for Dwarfs, armour and shields count as one category).

A Dwarf character may carry ordinary magic items and runic magic items at the same time, but the total number of magic items he may carry is limited as normal.

Rule of the Runes

Up to three runes may be enscribed onto a runic magic item, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. No item may have more than three runes.

  2. Weapon runes may only be enscribed on weapons, armour runes may only be enscribed on armour, etc.

  3. No more than one magic item may carry the same rune/combination of runes.

  4. No master rune may be used more than once, and no more than one master rune can be enscribed on one item.

  5. With the exception of master runes, runes may be combined together and used in multiples.

  6. Runes may not be enscribed onto existing magic items.

For the full rules for Dwarf runes see Warhammer Armies - Dwarfs.

Weapon Runes(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 36)

Weapon runes may be enscribed onto swords, hammers, axes or two-handed swords.

If the weapon inflicts a single wound on any Undead, and if the wound is not saved, then the creature is slain outright.

If the weapon inflicts a wound on a daemon, and that wound is not saved, the daemon is slain outright.

If an enemy suffers even 1 wound from this weapon he is automatically killed, regardless of how many wounds he may be able to sustain. Roll to hit and wound as normal and make any permitted save. If at least 1 wound is inflicted the enemy is killed.

If the weapon inflicts a single wound on a dragon, and that wound is not saved, then the dragon is slain outright.

Any weapon bearing this rune will automatically wound if it hits. Roll to hit as normal. If a hit is scored no roll to wound is required.

Any blows struck by a weapon engraved with this rune will always hit. No roll to hit is necessary.

A weapon engraved with the Rune of Smiting causes not 1 but D6 wounds when it wounds its target. Roll to hit and to wound as normal. If the target is wounded then roll a further Do to establish how many wounds are inflicted. Separate saving throws must be made for each wound suffered. Bear in mind that each attack can only be directed against one enemy model, so all D6 wounds from that blow will be suffered by one model and any excess wounds are effectively wasted.

This rune cancels an opponent's armour saving throw. When wounded by this weapon the target is not allowed an armour saving throw of any kind. This rune is effective against ordinary and magic armour.

This rune may only be inscribed onto a hammer. The wielder may throw the hammer in the shooting phase. The hammer may be thrown up to 12" at any enemy model within range. The target model is automatically hit once as if struck by the wielder, then the hammer flies back into the wielder's hand.

The wielder of this weapon may double his Strength when attacking creatures with a Toughness greater than his own. The rune has no effect against other targets. If engraved twice the wielder's Strength is trebled, if engraved thrice it is quadrupled. The maximum Strength value that can be attained is 10.

If an enemy is struck by this weapon roll a D6: 1-2 no effect; 3-4 enemy model loses -1 Strength; 5-6 enemy model loses -1 Toughness. These penalties apply for the rest of the game. If you have several Attacks roll once for each successful hit. If you have more than one Curse rune on your weapon then do not roll for each rune, instead add +1 to the dice roll for each additional rune. It is not possible to reduce an enemy's Strength or Toughness to below 1.

A weapon engraved with this rune always strikes first. In situations where both sides are entitled to strike first, the highest Initiative value has priority over the lower value. If initiatives are equal, both sides roll a Do and the highest score strikes first.

If the wielder of this weapon successfully hits a character carrying a magic weapon then both sides roll a D6. If the wielder rolls highest the enemy's magic weapon is broken, its power is negated by the rune and rendered useless. Make this test as soon as the hit is scored, then go on to work out wounds and saves as normal.

This rune affects only the first enemy character model struck by the weapon during the battle. All wounds inflicted on the character by the weapon are doubled - ie for each wound inflicted the target suffers two wounds. Take any saving throws after doubling wounds, so the foe has a chance to save each wound inflicted. This bonus applies to all further attacks made by the weapon against that enemy model for the rest of the game. If this rune is enscribed twice wounds are trebled; if enscribed three times wounds are quadrupled.

The wielder of this weapon adds +1 to his Strength.

The wielder of this weapon adds +1 to his Attack characteristic.

This rune cancels out one enemy attack in hand-to-hand combat - the weapon parries the attack automatically. The rune cancels only one attack regardless of how many enemy may be fighting the weapon's wielder. The player may choose which attack he parries.

The wielder of this weapon may add +1 to his Weapon Skill.

An enemy struck by this weapon must make any saving throw with an additional - 1 save modifier.

The weapon bursts into flame as it is withdrawn from its scabbard. Fire can cause extra damage on some targets (such as Treemen).

Armour Runes(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 37)

These runes are enscribed onto armour and shields. Any Dwarf character who has armour or a shield may be given up to three armour runes.

A character wearing armour enscribed with this rune has a Toughness of 10. This rune cannot be combined with any other armour rune.

This rune adds +2 to the armour save of the character. This rune can be combined with a Rune of Stone to give a +3 save. It is possible that this may reduce the required dice roll to a negative number, in which case only attacks with a high saving throw modifier can harm the character.

This rune gives its bearer +1 wound.

This rune adds +1 to the Toughness of the character.

This rune allows the character to re-roll any failed armour saving throws. The re-roll saves on a D6 score of a 4+ and no modifiers apply.

Any spell cast specifically at the bearer of this rune is automatically dispelled with no effect. When this happens roll a D6 and subtract the dispelled spell's power. If the result is 1 or less then the rune is overloaded and may not be used again for the rest of the game.

This rune adds +1 to the character's armour save. The Rune of Stone is an exception to the normal rule which forbids the same combination of runes to be used on several items, so a single Rune of Stone may be enscribed onto any character's armour. The Rune of Stone cannot be used more than once on the same item.

Runes of Protection(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 37)

These runes may be enscribed onto standards, and offer the entire unit protection from psychology or magic. They may also be used on the battle standard. Master Runes of Protection may only be placed on a battle standard.

This rune will dispel any enemy spell cast anywhere on the battlefield on a D6 roll of 4+. Any spell which remains in play is dispelled automatically at the end of the magic phase if the target it affects or its template are within 12" of the standard.

All units within 12" may take any psychology or break tests with an unmodified Leadership value of 10. In hand-to-hand combat break tests are always taken at a value of 10 even if combat results bonuses would otherwise reduce the value to less.

The standard adds a further +1 to the combat result of all units within 12" of the battle standard.

The unit is immune to panic, fear, terror, and stupidity. The unit never takes a break test and cannot be routed from hand-to-hand combat.

The unit causes fear, and is not affected by fear itself.

Any foe charging the unit subtracts D6" from his charge distance. If he fails to make contact then all the usual rules for a failed charge apply. If multiples of this rune are used the charge reduction is not added up, instead roll a D6 for each rune and choose the best score.

This rune dispels any spell targeted at the unit on a D6 roll of 4+. One attempt may be made against each spell cast. Further Runes of Warding may be enscribed, in which case you may make one attempt at a dispel for each rune.

The unit adds a further +1 to its combat result score. If two Runes of Battle are enscribed they add +2, if three +3.

Engineering Runes(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 38)

These runes may only be used on Dwarf war machines.

This rune may only be placed on a stone thrower. The Dwarf player may re-roll the scatter dice if he wishes, enabling the machine to shoot more accurately. You must abide by the result of the second roll.

If a machine has the Rune of Fortune the player may re-roll a dice rolled against its Misfire chart. You must accept the result of the second dice roll.

This rune was devised to stop machines falling into enemy hands. The Dwarf player can cause the machine to explode at any time. If the machine explodes it is destroyed and all models within 3" suffer a Strength 6 hit. Any models which suffer damage as a result sustain not 1 but D3 wounds. This rune can only be used on static war machines such as cannons, stone throwers and bolt throwers.

The strength of any hit from the war machine is increased by +1. The strength of these hits cannot be increased beyond 10.

This rune may be inscribed on a bolt thrower and enables the weapon to be used against high flying creatures by magically directing the bolts to their target. A target which is flying high is assumed to be at the weapon's maximum range for purposes of hitting.

Any ammunition shot by the machine bursts into flames as it hits its target. Some creatures are particularly vulnerable to fire and take more damage from it (Treemen, for example).

Talismanic Runes(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 38)

Talismanic runes may only be enscribed on rings, amulets, belts, crowns, helms, etc.

This rune may only be engraved on the crown of a Dwarf king. The unit led by the king is immune to fear and terror. For the unit led by the king, break tests are always taken on an unmodified Ld value of 10. This is never reduced regardless of combat results or magic, so the number to be tested against is always 10 on 2D6.

This rune can only be enscribed on a warhorn. The horn may be sounded once per battle, at the end of the Dwarf player's turn. Every enemy unit on the field must test against their Leadership in the same way as for psychology. If they fail they are so dismayed that they may not move or charge in their following turn.

This rune turns an attacker's blows against himself. Every time the model suffers a wound in hand-to-hand combat roll a D6. On a result of 4+ the wound is taken by the enemy who inflicted it instead.

Only Runesmiths can use this rune. It may only be used once per battle, and will stop enemy magic instantly. The rune may be played to automatically dispel one enemy spell - there is no need to roll.

This rune allows its bearer to re-roll any dice roll once during the game. The rune only works once, after which it is useless.

The character and any unit with him may move through woods or other difficult or very difficult terrain with no movement penalty. Note - the Rune of Passage cannot be used in conjunction with a march move.

The bearer of this rune is immune to fire, heat and flame. He cannot be affected by fire attacks, magical fire, or the flames of a Skaven warpfire thrower.

Skirmishers(Warhammer Arcane Magic, p. 90)

A skirmish is a encounter between small groups of warriors, often fighting in a loose or spread out formation. The rules in this section describe how you can represent these loose formations on the tabletop. This allows some units to operate as skirmishers during the battle, spreading out to cover a broad area for example. The same rules can also be used to fight out small battles or skirmishes between a handful of models if you wish.

Skirmishing Troops(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 90)

Skirmishing troops do not move or fight in base-to-base formations as most units do. Instead they fight in a loose group with gaps between each model. This gives skirmishers the freedom to move over difficult terrain quickly, and enables them to take advantage of minor folds in the ground, scrub, and other small features to shelter from shooting enemy. This together with their speed makes it difficult to hit them with bows or other missile weapons. Conversely their scattered formation has no solidity, so if they are struck by an ordinary enemy unit they will be swept away almost regardless of their individual prowess.

Not all troops can fight as skirmishers. Those which can are indicated in the Warhammer Armies army list for their race.

The most common role for skirmishers is to form a screen in front of your army behind which other troops advance.
With skirmishers in front of your army, enemy bowmen and other missile armed troops will be unable to shoot at your advancing units. Skirmishers are also able to make swift advances through woods, over steep hills, even across rivers, and occupy useful positions ahead of your main army. In this way skirmishers can deny tactically important features such as hills to the enemy, or they can occupy the edge of a wood where troops in normal formation would be slowed down.

Skirmishers are certainly useful, but they have their vulnerabilities too. They are easily driven aside by small units of fast cavalry and they have little hand-to-hand fighting ability.

Moving(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 91)

Skirmishers move in a loose group or rough line. Models are positioned up to 2" apart so that they are not touching each other. Should the group be split as a result of casualties, or should individual models become divided from it for some reason, then the player must rectify this in his next movement phase.

Skirmishing models are moved as individuals in the same way as characters. Any model can be turned to face any direction as it moves and no penalty is incurred for this.

Skirmishers are uninhibited by their fellows and so have freedom to move around obstacles or rough ground. They therefore suffer no penalties for crossing obstacles or difficult ground.

Shooting(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 91)

Skirmishers are difficult to hit with missiles as they are relatively small, individual targets able to take advantage of whatever cover is available. Any enemy shooting at them therefore suffers a -1 to hit penalty. This is, in effect, the -1 penalty normally applied for shooting at characters. A character cannot 'skirmish' and claim a -2 penalty!

It is not possible to shoot through the gaps between skirmishing models with bows or other missile weapons. This enables skirmishers to act as a shield for the units behind them, sheltering them from enemy missile men while they advance.

Hand-to-Hand Combat(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 91)

If engaged in hand-to-hand fighting then only skirmishing models which are actually touching enemy models can fight. Any models which form part of the unit but which are not touching an enemy model may not fight.

Skirmishers may charge enemy troops exactly like ordinary units. Models are moved individually into contact with their foe. When skirmishers charge in it is usual for the player to form up into a line so that more models can fight. This is fine so long as individual models do not exceed their charge move. Any models unable to reach the enemy may be placed behind the fighting rank loosely to remind players that the unit is skirmishing.

Skirmishers lack a proper formation and are not therefore ideally suited to hand-to-hand fighting. Troops who are not fighting are unable to lend their weight to their friends by pushing forward or stepping in to replace fallen comrades. To represent this no combat bonus is added for rear ranks of skirmishers when it comes to deciding combat results. In effect skirmishers always count as one rank regardless of how many models have piled in behind.

Changing Formation(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 91)

A unit may be deployed on the battlefield ready to skirmish if the player wishes. Alternatively units may adopt a loose skirmish formation during the battle, or they can adopt a proper base-to-base formation from skirmish order. Changing from a loose skirmish order to a proper base-to-base formation, and visa versa, takes an entire turn. This does not prevent the unit shooting, but it does prevent it moving other than to change its formation.

To change from a normal formation to skirmish order simply move the models apart up to their maximum move distance. Each model must be within 2" of the next.

To change from skirmishing order to a normal formation first estimate the middle of the group. Then place the unit's leader (or another distinctive model if the leader is slain) in the middle of the group facing any direction you wish. Lastly form up the unit about the leader so that he is in the middle of the front rank. You can form up into as many ranks as you wish, although your new formation must be more compact than before. For example, you cannot form up from a roughly circular band into a single long line stretching from one end of the table to the other.

Leadership(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 91)

While skirmishing troops are scattered across a broad front their leader may not be able to see all his troops, while individual warriors may be unaware of what is happening to the unit as a whole. This is one of the disadvantages of skirmishing: troops are unable to benefit from the presence of standards or potent leaders, separated as they are by distance and cover. To represent this a skirmishing unit always tests its leadership on the leadership value of the troops even if they are accompanied by a leader with a higher leadership value. Even the leader tests on the lower value. In addition, skirmishers cannot test on the army general's leadership and do not benefit from battle standard re-rolls as do other troops. This means that skirmishing troops are bound to be more fragile than properly formed troops in combat, and if beaten they will be more likely to break and flee.

Points Values(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 92)

Points values are a useful means of working out evenly matched armies. A game with 1000 points on each side will, theoretically at least, be an equal contest of skill and generalship. Of course, the battlefield terrain will affect your chances of victory, and some kinds of terrain favour one side above another, but on the whole it is better to have a points value system than not.

Creatures have a points value that reflects their fighting abilities on the battlefield. These values are based on the creature's relative profiles to an extent, and also on its special powers, limitations, inherent strengths and weaknesses. The value of an ordinary Man is 5, and this is the base value. All other points values are worked out relative to this. A Goblin is 2 1/2 points; weaker than a Man, a poorer fighter, more likely to run away, and inferior in most respects. Elves are valued at 8 points.

They are more skilled with weapons than a Man. less likely to run from combat and very fast. As well as giving a points value for every type of creature, values are included for weapons and armour. A creature's own points value includes a sword, club, axe or other hand weapon but does not include other weapons or armour. If a warrior is equipped with a spear he costs more points, and if he wears a mail shirt and carries a shield he costs more points still. The more equipment he has, the more points a warrior is worth.

Basic Points Values(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 92)

Principal Races

Black Orc


Chaos Beastman


Chaos Centaur


Chaos Warrior




Dwarf Slayer


Dark Elf


Dark Elf Assassin


Dark Elf Witch Elf



2 ½

Goblin Fanatic



3 ½

High Elf




Man - Berserker


Man - Flagellant


Orc/Savage Orc

5 ½


4 ½

Skaven Assassin


Skaven Plague Monk


Skaven Plague Censer


Skaven Poison Wind Globadier


Wood Elf


Wood Elf Wardancer


Wood Elf Scout



Chaos Hound








Great Dragon


Emperor Dragon


Dragon Ogre






Giant Rat

2 ½

Giant Scorpion


Gigantic Spider




















Rat Ogre



















Skeleton Warrior
















Chaos Daemons

Bloodthirster of Khorne


Bloodletters of Khorne


Flesh Hounds of Khorne


Juggernaut of Khorne .


Keeper of Secrets of Slaanesh


Daemonettes of Slaanesh


Fiend of Slaanesh


Steed of Slaanesh

Double the value of rider + 5

Great Unclean One of Nurgle


Plague Bearer of Nurgle


Beast of Nurgle




Tzeentch Lord of Change


Tzeentch Horror


Tzeentch Flamer


Tzeentch Disc

Double the value of rider +4


Chaos Steed

Double the value of rider +4

Cold One

Double the value of rider +10

Elven Steed

Double the value of rider +3

Giant Spider

Double the value of rider +4

Giant Wolf

Double the value of rider +4


Double the value of rider

Skeletal Steed

Double the value of rider +2


Double the value of rider +3

War Boar

Double the value of rider +8


Bolt Thrower

30 + value of crew

Stone Thrower

50 + value of crew


50 + the value of its crew + the value of the creatures pulling it as if they were being ridden. Eg Horses add nothing, but Giant Wolves add +4 per wolf.

Snotling Pump Wagon


Skaven Warpfire Thrower


Skaven Jezzail



80 + value of its crew

Hand-to-Hand Weapons

A single sword, axe, mace or other hand weapon


An additional sword, axe, etc


A double-handed weapon, including double-handed axe, and sword.








A lance for a mounted warrior


Missile Weapons



Short bow


Long bow




Repeating Crossbow






Hand Gun







Light Armour


Heavy Armour


Barding for steed


Remember that in the case of cavalry models the values of all equipment including armour is doubled. This means that barding always adds +8 points to the value of a cavalry model rather than +4. The +4 value is still used for horses pulling chariots.

Reduced Costs for Troops with a Value of Less Than 5

Troops with a basic value of less than 5 points can buy their equipment at half cost. This is particularly useful for Goblins and Skaven. The reduction in costs for these troops reflects the fact that no amount of equipment is really going to bring them up to the same worth as more potent warriors. So, a Goblin with light armour and short bow is worth 2 1/2 + 1 + 1/2 = 4 points. A Man with the same gear would cost 5 + 2 + 1 = 8 points.

Cavalry(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 94)

The points value of a cavalry model depends on the rider's worth as well as the inherent fighting abilities of the steed. Due to his extra mobility a cavalry model is deemed to be worth double the points of the same model on foot, including the value of his armour and weapons. A man on a horse would cost 10 points against 5 for a man on foot, for example. If the man had a shield his value would be 6 on foot and 12 riding a horse.

Most steeds are worth extra points compared to a horse because they have their own attacks. A Warhorse is therefore worth an extra +3 points, a Giant Spider +4 points, and so on. These values are included in the list above. So, a man riding a Warhorse costs not 10 points but 10+3 = 13 points. This value does not include the cost of armour or weapons of course.

Heroes(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 95)

The points values of heroes is not covered in full here, but will be covered in the complete army lists for each race in the Warhammer Armies books. However, the following values cover the main races.




Black Orc




Chaos Beastman




Chaos Centaur




Chaos Warrior








Dark Elf












High Elf
















Wood Elf




Wizards(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 95)

The true value of wizards is only fully realised with the addition of all the spells and magic items in the Warhammer Magic supplement. The values summarised below reflect the full potential of the wizard and may therefore seem rather expensive at first sight. As with heroes these values are only examples and complete points values are included in with the army lists in the appropriate Warhammer Armies volume.


Wizard Champion

Master Wizard

Wizard Lord

Chaos Sorcerer





Beastman Shaman





Dark Elf





Goblin Shaman





High Elf










Orc Shaman





Wood Elf










Skaven Wizards have slightly unusual characteristic values. Their points values are therefore slightly different too.

Warlock Engineer

Warlock Champion

Warlock Master

Grey Seer






Heroes and Mounts(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 95)

Heroes and wizards can ride a horse, warhorse, or other appropriate steed. The cost of the model is always the value of the hero or wizard plus the extra cost indicated for the mount. The value of the rider is not doubled as this would make mounted characters far too expensive. This means that a character can ride a horse for free, or a Warhorse for an extra +3 points. This may seem a little cheap but it is only right and proper that heroes get to ride where others might be obliged to go on foot.

To find the cost of a heroic character or wizard riding a monster simply add the two values together.

Points Variations(Warhammer Rulebook, p. 95)

The points values described above are not exhaustive by any means. For one thing, every army has regiments of guards or other first-class troops who are better fighters than the ordinary rank and file troops. Such troops might be extraordinarily brave, particularly well disciplined, picked out from the biggest and sturdiest of their kind, especially fleet of foot, highly trained and drilled, expert marksmen, and so on. Depending on their expertise their characteristics may be better than ordinary members of their race, and their points value would have to be increased to reflect this. The Warhammer Armies lists give examples of troops which are better, sometimes far better, than ordinary warriors. A suitable points addition is made for this.

A good example of warriors whose prowess far exceeds that of their fellows is the Emperor's Reiksguard Knights, recruited from the noble youth of the Empire and subjected to the rigorous training of the Imperial army.

Reiksguard Knight443441417

The Reiksguard Knight is allotted a points value of 8 to take into account his improved characteristics. He is armed with a lance (+2), and wears heavy armour (+3) and carries a shield (+1). His Warhorse has barding armour (+4). This gives a total points value of 18 points, but because the Reiksguard Knight is a cavalry model this is doubled to 36, and because he is riding a Warhorse a further +3 is added. This gives a total points value of 39. Note that his movement characteristic does not take into account the reduction in speed due to armour, which reduces his actual movement rate to 6".

Special Rules

This section is not part of the main rulebook, but contains special rules for various troops, monsters, characters and war machines from the Warhammer Battle Bestiary and various army books where applicable.

Special Rules for Undead(Warhammer Battle Bestiary, p. 70)

The Undead army is utterly unlike a mortal force. It is wholly dependent upon its leader, the Necromancer, Liche or Vampire whose will binds it together. If the army leader is destroyed then the whole army is defeated - Skeletons will crumble to dust, spirits dissolve into the ether, and Ghouls scatter to their secret hiding places.

No March Moves

No undead troops other than the army's leader can ever make a march move. They move forward in a slow, shambling manner, driven by the will of their master. Undead troops lack the coordination to march in ranks in the normal manner, which makes them less mobile than living warriors. They might be imagined shambling forward in an unstoppable horde, a relentless mass that is inevitably slow to change its purpose.

Animosity(Warhammer Battle Bestiary, p. 22)

Orcs and Goblins are extremely quarrelsome creatures. They argue and fight amongst themselves all the time, and it is quite common for rivalries between individuals or even whole groups of these creatures to erupt into a full scale ruck. Even at the best of time fighting in the ranks can cause disarray and confusion in the army, with individual units suddenly stopping their advance to settle some difference between two warriors. This is a great drawback to the Orc commander, who will inevitably hear the cries of squabbling from his army and realise that his best laid plans have once more been laid low by his warriors' usual lack of discipline.

At the start of his turn the Orc player must test to determine if fighting has broken out amongst his own troops. Starting on one side of the table and working through his army, the Orc player rolls 1D6 for each Orc and Goblin unit. The dice roll determines whether the troops fight normally or start fighting amongst themselves.
If the dice roll is between 2 and o then all is well, and the green skinned warriors do what is expected of them without too much arguing.

On a roll of a 1, however, something is amiss. Maybe an especially truculent Orc has decided that he wants to march in front, possibly one of the Goblins has taken the chance to avenge some petty slight by clubbing the Goblin in front of him over the head. It's impossible to tell how these little arguments start - with Orcs and Goblins it could be almost anything.

To determine what the unit does roll another D6 and consult the table below.

Animosity Table

D6 Roll



Get 'em! The closest Orc or Goblin unit to the affected unit is asking for trouble, pulling faces, shouting rude insults, and hurling dung. They deserve a bashing!

If the affected unit is armed with bows or other missile weapons it won't move this turn, but will shoot at its offending rivals instead - models may be turned in place to face their target. Work out casualties from shooting now before any troops are moved. The affected unit may do nothing else this turn.

If the affected unit is not armed with missile weapons then it will charge its aggressors if it is able to do so. If unable to *charge* for some reason (if it is too far away, for example) then the unit does nothing as described below. Assuming it is able to charge, the enraged unit is immediately moved against its rivals and a huge brawl breaks out. Work out hand-to-hand combat with all the models in base contact fighting. This should be worked out immediately before any further movement. Once both sides have fought, casualties are removed and the two units spend the rest of the turn unable to do anything while they dust themselves down.


Squabble. Some internal squabble throws the ranks into disorder preventing all movement and fighting this turn. The unit may do nothing this turn while the Bosses shout at them.


We'll Show 'em! The closest rival unit is a right bunch of show offs who think they are going to win this battle on their own. The Orcs in the affected unit decide to show them who's best. Determined to get stuck in, the unit starts to move forward in a gung-ho way, cheering and waving weapons, bounding forward towards the disconcerted enemy.

The affected unit bounds forward towards the enemy a full normal move deducting distance for terrain or obstacles. It must move the full distance, and it cannot move less unless there is something in the way, such as an uncrossable river or another unit. Move this distance now, before the movement phase. The unit may move again in the movement phase exactly as normal, and the player may declare a Charge! if the unit has moved to within charge range.