Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Daemon Animosity
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The Chaos Gods are great rivals, and in the Realm of Chaos they fight against each other all the time. Even rival Daemons of the same Chaos God sometimes fight to settle their differences or just for the entertainment of their fickle master. If you wish to field Daemons of just one Chaos God then this will not present any problems. However, if you wish to field Daemons of two or more Chaos Gods in the same army then you must take into account the rivalry between them. This can mean that your troops will sometimes attack each other rather than the enemy. This is called Daemon Animosity.

If you field Daemons from different Chaos Gods in the same army then you must be careful to avoid the effects of Daemon Animosity. This is easily done by keeping the rival Daemons apart. If you have Daemons of different Chaos Gods within 12" at the start of your turn you must make a test to see what they do. Roll a D6 for each unit of Daemons or each Greater Daemon concerned.

Daemon Animosity Table

D6 Roll



The Daemons recognise their rivals and bellow with rage as they charge towards their ancient enemies, covering the distance between them with a single bound and throwing themselves into combat. Move the Daemons directly towards their closest rivals and into close combat. They do this regardless of whether they are fighting other troops at the time, or whether they can normally cover the distance between the two groups of Daemons so fast.

The rival Daemons will fight each other in the hand-to-hand combat phase, and will continue to fight each other in this way until the player rolls a 5 or 6 at the start of a subsequent turn. Daemons will not flee when fighting in this way and so no break test is necessary. When they cease fighting the two units are moved apart but may not move further that turn. If charged by enemy while fighting amongst themselves Daemons will ignore their attackers unless they are also Daemons, in which case they may fight as normal.


The Daemons see their rivals and begin to shout and scream in a threatening manner. The unit becomes rowdy and uncoordinated. The Daemons will not move or do anything else this turn, but otherwise they are unaffected.


Although they see their rivals the Daemons ignore them for the moment. The unit may continue as normal this turn.