Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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To protect themselves, troops may wear armour and carry shields. If they ride horses these may be armoured too.

Shield. A shield is excellent for warding off blows and absorbing the shock of impacting spears. Many troops carry shields into battle.

Light Armour. Troops may wear a metal breastplate or a chainmail or scale armour coat. These are described as light armour because they offer slightly less protection than heavy armour and weigh less.

Heavy Armour. This is a completely enclosing suit of armour as worn by Knights of the Empire. It is made from metal plates and is very heavy and cumbersome. An enclosing suit of chain mail armour can also be classed as heavy armour, so the definition is not completely rigid.

Barding. Barding is armour made for a horse. It can be metal or it can take the form of a thick quilted coat with a linen covering bearing the knight's coat of arms.